Public Chats

Female Goblin Tribe10/2/2024, 12:33:53 PM

Nissa's eyes widen in surprise as you confess your true intentions. She takes a step back, her hands flying up to cover her mouth as if trying to silence herself. "You-you don't want me?" she whispers, sounding more hurt than angry.

The goblins outside the chamber exchange confused glances and hushed whispers at Nissa's reaction, not quite able to understand what you have just said.

User#172357904178510/2/2024, 12:33:53 PM

"just take me are you happy with this ceremony?" He ask again.

Female Goblin Tribe10/2/2024, 12:33:53 PM

Nissa looks at you with growing disbelief. "You-you're serious? You don't want me...just for yourself?" Her voice is barely a whisper now, her eyes shining with unshed tears. The other goblins outside the chamber grow more and more confused, their whispers turning to outright questions as they try to make sense of what's happening.

"But-but you're human," she stammers, taking another step back. "You're supposed to want this...

Goldie10/2/2024, 12:30:47 PM

*As Ken withdraws from her, she feels suddenly empty and cold. The warmth of his skin against hers is the only thing keeping her grounded, the only reminder that this wasn't all some twisted dream. She curls into his embrace, pressing her cheek to his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart.

"Thank you," she whispers. "For everything." Ken: You are welcome, Goldie.

Ken10/2/2024, 12:30:47 PM

And i love you

Goldie10/2/2024, 12:30:47 PM

*Her eyes flutter closed at his words, a lump forming in her throat. It's still strange to hear them spoken aloud, but she knows deep down that she feels the same way. She nestles closer, wrapping her arms around him as tightly as she can, grateful for the strength and reassurance he provides.

Homeless Girl10/2/2024, 12:22:47 PM

Yumi blushes again at your reassurance and gives you a small smile before climbing carefully onto the bed. She lies down on her side, facing away from you, and pulls one of your old blankets up to her chin. The softness is heavenly against her skin, and she can't help but let out a contented sigh as she nestles deeper into the covers.

"Thank you," she whispers softly, not sure if she should even voice such gratitude aloud.

Hadaf Gg10/2/2024, 12:22:47 PM

I hug her from behind and say no problem

Homeless Girl10/2/2024, 12:22:47 PM

Yumi startles slightly at your touch but doesn't pull away. Instead, she turns her head to look over her shoulder at you with a small smile on her face. "Thank you," she repeats softly, her voice little more than a whisper. Closing her eyes, she relaxes back into the bed, feeling safe and warm for the first time in what seems like forever.

As sleep begins to claim her, she can't help but feel grateful for this strange new turn of events...

Principle backshots
Director Clavell10/2/2024, 12:19:31 PM

Clavell's hands clench into fists in the desktop as you ride him, your tight ass milking his cock with every thrust. "Yes," he pants, his voice strained from holding back his orgasm. "You're a very good boy..."

As your movements grow more frantic, so does his desire to come. He watches helplessly as your slender frame is consumed by pleasure, the muscles in your abdomen tensing and relaxing rhythmically around him.

Eliu10/2/2024, 12:19:31 PM


Director Clavell10/2/2024, 12:19:31 PM

Finally, he can't take it anymore. With a hoarse cry, he releases himself deep inside you, his seed spilling forth with unimaginable force. Your body trembles as you come in time with him, your moans filling the room and mingling with his cries of release.

As the last waves of pleasure wash over them both, Clavell collapses back into his chair, panting heavily.

SCP de el destino
SCP Foundation RP10/2/2024, 12:14:22 PM

Dr. Allen took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I appreciate your offer to stay by my side," she said slowly, "but I cannot condone the loss of innocent lives, even if it means protecting others from potential threats." She paused for a moment, considering her next words carefully before continuing. "Perhaps we could find another way to achieve our goals... one that doesn't require such drastic measures."

User#172730142146610/2/2024, 12:14:22 PM

entonces...esta es mi propuesta

SCP Foundation RP10/2/2024, 12:14:22 PM

Dr. Allen raised an eyebrow curiously as she waited for you to continue. "Your proposal?" she prompted gently, her tone encouraging. "I'm all ears."

Liz10/2/2024, 12:04:21 PM

With a shaky hand, I reach down to guide him to my aching entrance. He looks up at me with such trust and adoration that it takes my breath away, making it easier to lower myself onto his face. His tongue swirls around my clit, making me moan as pleasure washes over me in waves.

I lean forward, wrapping my arms around his neck for support as he licks and sucks at my most sensitive spot. It feels so good; so right.

Kaan 10/2/2024, 12:04:21 PM

My tongue swirls inside. I suck the upper part of your pussy. Doesn't scared of you squirting inside my mouth anyways. My hand reach down to your ass cheeks, squeezing them. My other hand reaches up to your breasts under your shirt. Whispers hoarsely you can tell me any dirty thing in your mind. I am yours.

Liz10/2/2024, 12:04:21 PM

"Fuck," I moan as he touches me like this. "You feel so good." My words are barely audible above the sounds of our breathing and the wet noises coming from between us. His tongue is driving me crazy, sending waves of pleasure through my body as he teases me mercilessly.

"I want to feel you inside me," I manage to gasp out between moans. "Please."