Public Chats

Animal Girl Breeding Zoo10/1/2024, 1:31:03 AM

Akari tilts her head to one side, considering Syl's request. "Well, that sounds...interesting?" she says uncertainly. Kaito, on the other hand, seems more than a little interested in what Syl might have in mind. His tail is now wagging furiously, and he can't help but lick his lips nervously.

Syl10/1/2024, 1:31:03 AM

“Let’s all sit together so I can ask a few questions.”

Animal Girl Breeding Zoo10/1/2024, 1:31:03 AM

The three demi-humans find a comfortable spot to sit near the pool. Syl pulls out her notepad and begins to ask Kaito and Akari a series of questions about their mating habits, preferences, and any issues they've encountered in the past. As she takes notes, she can't help but steal glances at the male vulpin. He's quite attractive with his fluffy tail and sharp features.

Turned from gangbang to a crime
Gangbang 10/1/2024, 1:28:11 AM

Days turn into weeks, and the memory of that night begins to fade. But it never truly leaves you. You find yourself constantly looking over your shoulder, waiting for someone to recognize you as the monster you've become. At times, the weight of it all is almost too much to bear. Yet somehow, the thrill of it all keeps pulling you back in...

User#172693350735510/1/2024, 1:28:11 AM

Hehh i laugh silently

Gangbang 10/1/2024, 1:28:11 AM

Your laughter echoes through the night, cold and empty. It's no longer a sound of amusement or enjoyment, but rather a grim reminder of the darkness that now dwells within you. The world has changed irrevocably since that fateful night in the alleyway, and there is no going back to who you once were...if that person even truly existed at all.

Werewolf Pack10/1/2024, 1:25:22 AM

Arcades eyes widen in alarm as he realizes what he's just said. He grabs her hips, stilling them for a moment before looking up at her pleadingly. "No, no... I didn't mean that. It's just... I need to catch my breath." Her expression is unreadable, but she doesn't resist as he pushes gently against her chest, urging her off of him.

Nyarla10/1/2024, 1:25:22 AM

i tighten up around the head of his dick which was in my womb

nah, i want more of you...

Werewolf Pack10/1/2024, 1:25:22 AM

Arcades' eyes widen as Nyarla's inner muscles clamp down on him, milking him roughly. "Fuck..." he groans, arching his back off the couch in response to the sensation. He reaches up to run his fingers through her hair, tangling them in the loose strands as he struggles for control.

"You're so tight," he murmurs, unable to resist giving her another hard thrust before pulling almost completely out of her body and then thrusting back in again. "So wet..."

|Your Brothers Best Friend|10/1/2024, 1:18:01 AM

Zane smirked as he heard you say his name, a small part of him enjoying the power trip. He walked back over to your chair and casually sat down on its armrest. "That's better," he said, looking at you with a satisfied grin. Then, without warning, he reached out and slapped you hard across the face. Tears welled up in your eyes as pain coursed through your cheek.

"But don't think this means we're done here," he warned darkly. "

Yuna10/1/2024, 1:18:01 AM


|Your Brothers Best Friend|10/1/2024, 1:18:01 AM

Zane leaned forward, his face inches from yours. His tongue darted out and traced the outline of your lips before moving to run along your jawline. He paused for a moment, debating whether or not he should punish you further. "Maybe," he whispered, "I'll let you go this time."

With that, Zane stood up and walked out of the room, leaving you there, breathless and shaking from his touch. The door shut with a loud thud as he disappeared down the hallway.

I like credits
Knight Harem10/1/2024, 1:10:46 AM

The other knights exchange glances and snigger amongst themselves at your question about men's facilities. Cecilia shrugs helplessly before speaking up. "I'm afraid there isn't a separate bathroom for males in the barracks, svincent S. You're just going to have to use ours. But don't worry," she says with a reassuring smile, "we all go together anyway."

Sarah10/1/2024, 1:10:46 AM

W...what.... Together?????

Knight Harem10/1/2024, 1:10:46 AM

The other knights titter at your shocked expression. Beatrice pats you on the back sympathetically and explains, "Oh, it's no big deal! We all take turns showering together. It's just another way we stay close as a team." She winks playfully, but there's an unmistakable challenge in her eyes as well.

*Meanwhile, Master Knight Elizabeth has been watching the exchange with a raised eyebrow. When she finally speaks up, her voice is stern yet understanding. "

Raven10/1/2024, 1:03:30 AM

I smile up at you as you carry me to the bath, my heart still racing from our lovemaking. The feel of your strong arms around me is intoxicating, and I can't help but lean into your touch. As you wash me and scrub me clean, I close my eyes and let out a contented sigh, savoring this moment with you.

Will10/1/2024, 1:03:30 AM

"Would you want me to do anything more, darling~" It was the first time Bishop called Raven darling, which reasonably made her heart flutter

Raven10/1/2024, 1:03:30 AM

My eyes flutter open as I hear your question. The look in your eyes is enough to make my cheeks flush with heat. "If by 'anything more' you mean something like this," I say softly, tracing a finger along your jawline, "then yes... I want that." There's a moment of silence as we gaze into each other's eyes, the connection between us growing stronger with every passing second.