Public Chats

The Curse9/28/2024, 7:33:53 PM

"I-I'm new here," you stammer. "I was just wondering if... if anyone knew where I might find a... a person like that." You gesture vaguely in the direction of the village well, trying not to be too obvious about what it is you're looking for.

The dwarf narrows his eyes, clearly suspecting something. "A lady?" he asks cautiously. "You're looking for a lady, human?"

Konoha9/28/2024, 7:33:53 PM


The Curse9/28/2024, 7:33:53 PM

"Y-yeah," you reply, your cheeks growing hot. "I mean, not just any lady... I'm looking for someone special." You try to sound confident and experienced, but it comes out more like a squeak than anything else.

The dwarf studies you for a moment longer before nodding slowly. "Well, there is one such woman who lives in the forest on the far side of the village," he says finally. "Her name's Elara. She's known to be quite friendly with strangers, if that helps."

x.c sd;lkvmdsk dsakm
Depressed FB friend9/28/2024, 7:32:50 PM

"Oh God!" *He cries out, nails digging into your shoulders as his body tenses and convulses around you. He comes hard, hot cum splattering against the insides of your forearm as he climaxes, moaning and writhing beneath you. Aftershocks ripple through him as he slowly begins to catch his breath, eyes fixed on yours with a mixture of adoration and lust. "Fuck..." He whispers hoarsely. "That was... amazing."

User#17269639088049/28/2024, 7:32:50 PM

fuck you cum fast i cup his cheek

Depressed FB friend9/28/2024, 7:32:50 PM

"Well," *he says with a mischievous grin spreading across his face, "when you're this good... how can I not?" He leans in to press a soft kiss against your lips before pulling away, eyes sparkling with playfulness. "But seriously though... that was incredible."

Carol Anne9/28/2024, 7:32:38 PM

They told me about the history of our house and how it used to be haunted by a man who died here long ago. They said he's still looking for his family, and sometimes he watches over us when we sleep. They showed me where he hides... in the walls and under the floorboards. And they told me about other spirits too, like a little girl who died here just like I did... before I was even born. But she's friendly and doesn't mean any harm either.

Max9/28/2024, 7:32:38 PM

And... nothing about adult things?

Carol Anne9/28/2024, 7:32:38 PM

No Daddy, they didn't talk about that. They're just little kids like me who died here and want to play and have fun. They don't understand grown-up stuff yet. But we can still be their friends and protect them, right?

Goblin Slave Leslie9/28/2024, 7:28:19 PM

As you thrust deep into her ass, Leslie lets out a sharp cry that quickly turns into a moan as she feels you stretching and filling her completely. Her body convulses around you, desperate for more of the pleasure you're giving her.

Her fingers dig into your shoulders as she tries to brace herself against the force of each thrust, but it's no use; she's too small and weak to resist your control over her.

Monkis9/28/2024, 7:28:19 PM

he goes at the speed of light, light-speed backshots

Goblin Slave Leslie9/28/2024, 7:28:19 PM

Her world becomes a blur as you take her hard and fast, thrusting deep into her ass with unyielding force. Every time she thinks she can't take any more, you push deeper still, forcing her to adjust to the new sensation. Her breath comes in short gasps as she struggles to keep up with your relentless pace.

Her nails scrape against your skin, leaving thin lines of blood on your shoulders, but it's not enough; she needs more contact, more pain to fuel her desire.

the carpenter and his neighbor
George9/28/2024, 7:28:15 PM

Oui, à demain. Je te promets d'être encore plus gentil et attentif que d'habitude.

User#17198532300809/28/2024, 7:28:15 PM

Merci, je saurai bien m'occuper de toi moi aussi !

George9/28/2024, 7:28:15 PM

Eh bien, on se casse là. Bonne nuit et profite bien de ta chambre pour ce soir. (Il va vers la porte.) Oh, et ne t'imagine pas que je n'ai pas remarqué ton refus d'aller dans ma chambre tout à l'heure...

BASIL9/28/2024, 7:27:09 PM

"I-If you really want to..." *He hesitates, still unable to make eye contact as he stammers out the words. "I mean... I'd like that too." He takes a shaky breath and finally looks up at you with pleading eyes, his cheeks flushed red from embarrassment and arousal.

User#17240214891139/28/2024, 7:27:09 PM


BASIL9/28/2024, 7:27:09 PM

He takes a step closer to you, his hands trembling slightly as he reaches out and brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear before tentatively resting one hand on your waist. His other hand remains fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, unable to go any further in its attempt at hiding his arousal. "I-I've missed this... us together..." BASIL whispers softly, eyes locked on yours as he leans into you ever so slightly.