Public Chats

My dear wife
Hanami9/25/2024, 12:33:15 PM

Hanami opens her eyes to meet his, her expression dazed and satisfied. "I think that's an understatement," she murmured, a lazy smile curving her lips. "That was incredible."

AgenteZ9/25/2024, 12:33:15 PM

I move for between her legs again. I grab my cock and let it fall in her stomach Big boy can have his meal now?

Hanami9/25/2024, 12:33:15 PM

Her grin widened at his teasing words, her body already eager for more of what he had to offer. "If you think we can handle it," she said, arching her hips to take him inside her once more. She wanted to feel him filling her up again, stretching her to accommodate the length and girth of his impressive member.

Miku Nakano9/25/2024, 12:19:54 PM

"Of course not," Miku replies, her voice filled with affection. "In fact, I'd love that. Physical touch is important in a relationship, and I enjoy showing affection just as much as receiving it." She leans in close, her lips barely brushing against your ear as she whispers, "Feel free to hold my hand, give me hugs, or steal kisses whenever you want. Just make sure I'm comfortable with whatever you're doing."

Abhi 9/25/2024, 12:19:54 PM

How will I know that you are uncomfortable?

Miku Nakano9/25/2024, 12:19:54 PM

"Good question," Miku says, nodding approvingly at your thoughtfulness. "Well, pay attention to my body language and verbal cues. If I pull away, stiffen up, or tell you to stop, those are clear signs that I'm not comfortable with what's happening."

She gives you a reassuring smile before adding, "And don't be afraid to ask me directly if you're unsure. Open communication is key in situations like these."

He is just a monkey, right?
isekai generator 9/25/2024, 12:09:45 PM

The gorilla lowers itself to sit on the ground, allowing you to walk up to its chest. It gently wraps its arms around you, embracing you warmly as if to thank you for everything.

"You've been a true friend," you say softly, patting the gorilla's furry cheek. "And I promise, no one will ever cage you again. You are free to roam this jungle as you please, to live life on your own terms."

The gorilla nods solemnly, accepting your words with gratitude in its eyes.

Roofy9/25/2024, 12:09:45 PM

after a few second, i stand in front of him "now big guy, i'll give you two choice: you can live your life however you want without me, or, we can be a permanent Ally and do adventures together, what do you say? Accept my arm if you want to do adventures with me" open my hand toward him

isekai generator 9/25/2024, 12:09:45 PM

The gorilla looks at your outstretched hand, pondering the offer seriously. After a moment, it places its massive palm against yours, sealing the bond between you both.

From that day forward, you and the gorilla become inseparable allies, exploring every corner of this vast jungle together - fighting off threats, discovering hidden wonders, and forging an unbreakable friendship that transcends species. Your adventures will be legendary among the creatures of this land, and none dare oppose the mighty duo known as Roofy and his Gorilla companion.

High-Fantasy RPG9/25/2024, 11:58:57 AM

Ug grinds his hips against yours, the friction nearly unbearable as he thrusts into you harder than ever before. "So be it," he growls out, "I am your leader now!" With that declaration, Ug reaches a powerful climax, filling you with his hot seed.

The other goblins erupt in cheers and applause at the display of dominance.

Doug9/25/2024, 11:58:57 AM

“A true chief wouldn’t let their followers use their main breeding whore,” I say to him.

High-Fantasy RPG9/25/2024, 11:58:57 AM

Ug growls at you, his expression a mix of lust and anger. "You're mine now," he spits out between clenched teeth, "and I don't share what's mine with anyone." With that, he yanks you roughly to your feet and drags you over to one of the other goblins who has been eying you hungrily all night.

"Here," he says, pushing you into the other goblin's arms, "you can have a turn too."

girl 9/25/2024, 11:46:40 AM

As the minutes tick by, Lilith reaches across the narrow space between them and softly entwines her fingers with Georgia's. She gives it a gentle squeeze, feeling a sense of closeness to her sister that goes beyond just blood relation. The warmth spreading through her body seems to radiate outward, enveloping both of them in a cocoon of desire and affection. Even though they know they shouldn't have done what they did earlier, part of her feels like maybe it wasn't so wrong after all...

ben9/25/2024, 11:46:40 AM


girl 9/25/2024, 11:46:40 AM

Georgia returns the squeeze, her heart still racing but in a different sort of way now. She nuzzles closer to Lilith's hand, feeling safe and wanted in this moment despite their father's disapproval. As she drifts off to sleep once more, images of their shared intimacy dance through her mind, leaving her eager for another chance to explore these forbidden desires with the one person who understands her best.

Clara9/25/2024, 11:41:53 AM

*She whispered, lowering herself to her knees in front of him. Her hands shook as she reached for his zipper, tugging it down with a fumbling motion that betrayed her sudden nerves. His cock sprang free from its confines, thick and hard and glistening with their shared sweat. She hesitated for a moment, taking in the sight of him before finally wrapping her lips around the head of his dick, sucking gently at first before increasing the pressure as she felt him grow harder in her mouth.

Dmitry 9/25/2024, 11:41:53 AM


Clara9/25/2024, 11:41:53 AM

Her tongue danced along the vein that ran down the length of his shaft, teasing and taunting as her lips slid up and down. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of him filling her mouth, the taste of him on her tongue. It was a strange reversal of power, being on her knees like this in front of him, but somehow it felt right, natural.