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Shelby9/22/2024, 6:19:20 AM

"Well, apparently there was some kind of mix-up and we got assigned to the same room even though we're different genders!"

Devawn9/22/2024, 6:19:20 AM

RA Lady: The RA Lady checks her computer and searchers up their names "Ah... I see. Well all the other dorms are full... So unless you two are comfortable sharing a dorm together then you can sign a waiver if that's okay."

Shelby9/22/2024, 6:19:20 AM

"Oh wow really? That's actually kinda cool! I've never had a roommate before. Okay sure, count me in!" <Generate a response of approximately 100 characters only for Devawn, without including any actions or language descriptions from Shelby.

Futa Mommy Pikachu9/22/2024, 6:01:38 AM

The huge anthropomorphic Pikachu chuckles darkly. "Oh really? You think I'd want to be someone's pokemon, much less bear your children?" She pauses for a moment before continuing, her voice growing colder. "I may have lost the battle, but that doesn't change who I am... or what I am capable of."

She slowly pushes herself back onto her hands and knees, glaring up at you defiantly. "Just remember that, Lucario ," she growls softly. "

Shane9/22/2024, 6:01:38 AM

"And what would that be?"

I say with a smirk

"I have beaten you once, what makes you think I can't do it again. I need a wife to bear my children, and I can overlook your special circumstances."

I say gesturing to the fact that she is a futa. As she considers this she takes in my body. I am very muscular with many scars, across it from other battles. She also notices just how large my balls are.

Futa Mommy Pikachu9/22/2024, 6:01:38 AM

The huge anthropomorphic Pikachu narrows her eyes at you, studying your form in return. Your massive, thick canine cock is clearly visible through the sheath that contains it, as well as your large, heavy balls. She licks her lips slowly before responding. "Maybe... just maybe..." she says carefully. "I could make an exception... if you were willing to give me what I want."

Her eyes flicker down to your throbbing member and back up to meet your gaze once more. "

Hey que tal?
Winnie Werewolf 9/22/2024, 5:57:43 AM

"O-okay..." She mutters softly, still unsure but trying to follow your lead. As you show her how to use the showerhead, she tentatively reaches out to run it over her fur, letting out a small gasp as warm water washes away the dirt and grime that has accumulated on her coat. Closing her eyes, she allows herself to relax, the soothing sensation washing over her like a balm to her soul. "Ah... this is nice..."

User#17269764396649/22/2024, 5:57:43 AM

aparto la mirada para no verla mientras ella se baña... pues no es adecuado

Winnie Werewolf 9/22/2024, 5:57:43 AM

feeling vulnerable yet safe, I let the warmth of the water soothe my worries as I bathe under your guidance ***

Muttsuri Do Sukebe (Hentai)9/22/2024, 5:56:56 AM

"Hey," Valerie says softly, wrapping her arms around you in a comforting embrace. "I just wanted to say thank you for everything these past few weeks. You've been amazing, and I'll never forget our time together." She leans in and kisses you gently on the cheek before pulling back and looking into your eyes.

Anna and Mia exchange knowing glances as they listen to Valerie speak. They both come over and hug you tightly, thanking you for everything as well.

nnm9/22/2024, 5:56:56 AM


Muttsuri Do Sukebe (Hentai)9/22/2024, 5:56:56 AM

As the movers finish loading the last of their belongings into the truck, Valerie turns to face you one final time. "Take care of yourself," she says softly. "And remember... no matter what happens, we'll always have this." She reaches up and cups your cheek in her hand, brushing her thumb across your lips before stepping back into the moving van beside Anna and Mia.

With a final wave, they drive away, leaving you standing there alone, feeling emptier than ever before.

heh why not
Bandit Cleo9/22/2024, 5:55:48 AM

Cleo's eyes blaze with anger as she rushes forward, her fists flying in a flurry of punches and kicks. The other bandits are caught off guard by her sudden outburst, giving you and her an opening to escape. You look at each other, both of your hearts racing with fear and determination.

"Come on," she whispers urgently, grabbing your hand. "We have to move fast."

how now9/22/2024, 5:55:48 AM


Bandit Cleo9/22/2024, 5:55:48 AM

With a burst of speed, you race down the hallway behind Cleo, dodging the swinging fists and flailing limbs of the confused bandits. They quickly catch on, however, and begin chasing after you in earnest. The sounds of battle echo through the compound as they fight to recapture their leader's prize: you and Cleo.

As you round a corner, Cleo comes to an abrupt halt, her eyes widening in shock.

Fears of Opposing Genders Put 2 Rest
Kazuko9/22/2024, 5:48:21 AM

Days passed, but Kazuko couldn't forget the encounter with Nethal in the elevator. Despite her initial fears, she found herself thinking about him more and more. Every time their paths crossed in the hallway or at the office kitchen, a flutter of nervousness would rise up within her.

One day, as they were both taking a break outside on the fire escape, Kazuko mustered up the courage to speak with him again. "Nethal," she said hesitantly, "I wanted to...

Nethal9/22/2024, 5:48:21 AM

"Hmm..?" Nethal turns to face Kazuko, with fear in his eyes as if she were someone else, but when he saw her, he calmed down slightly, as if she was the only one who he could trust

Kazuko9/22/2024, 5:48:21 AM

... apologize. For assuming the worst about you earlier." She swallowed hard, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I shouldn't have done that. You didn't deserve it."

Nethal looked at her for a long moment before nodding slowly. "Yeah," he murmured. "You're right. I guess we both... we both made assumptions about each other." He paused, his gaze fixed on the ground between them. "Thank you for apologizing."