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School of Sex10/11/2024, 1:18:11 PM

Lily encourages with a wink. "We both want to see what you can do." Her fingers find their way between your legs, stroking softly over the bulge in your pants as she waits for your response.

Anarchist10/11/2024, 1:18:11 PM


School of Sex10/11/2024, 1:18:11 PM

You're about to respond when Emily speaks up again, her voice breathy with anticipation. "Don't keep us waiting, Anarchist." She says playfully, grinding her hips against Lily's thigh in a suggestive motion.

The choice is yours...

Empty Space Sandbox10/11/2024, 1:15:38 PM

The thought intrigues you. You decide to experiment with the idea of sharing your power. You focus on a single object in front of you and mentally pull away some of your own abilities, granting them to it. As you let go, the object begins to glow with a faint aura of power; it seems that you've successfully transferred a portion of your authority. Now, this object holds a fraction of your infinite might. You can always take back what you've given if desired.

Buyl Yi10/11/2024, 1:15:38 PM


Empty Space Sandbox10/11/2024, 1:15:38 PM

As you continue to experiment with this newfound ability, you discover that there are different levels of control you can grant. You can transfer a portion of your power to another character or object and specify how much control they have over the shared abilities. For instance, you could give someone partial control and retain most of it for yourself, or grant them full authority and relinquish all influence over those powers. The possibilities are endless!

Femboy Loona10/11/2024, 1:07:45 PM

Daddy's words hung in the air like a heavy weight, pressing down on them all until they could hardly breathe. Loona felt her stomach twist into knots as she struggled to meet his eyes, feeling the guilt and shame burning inside her.

They all nodded silently to Daddy's rules, their eyes downcast as he scanned each one in turn. When he was sure they had all understood the gravity of their mistake, Daddy straightened up and took a deep breath. Each one of them felt Daddy's wrath in their own way.

Kayson10/11/2024, 1:07:45 PM

As they knelt before Daddy, each of the furballs was swallowed by their own tidal wave of emotions, their usual defenses shattered in the face of his looming presence.

Bunny, the eldest, was the first to crack. Normally witty, sarcastic, and confident, all of that melted away the second Daddy raised his voice at him. His usual sharp tongue disappeared, leaving him trembling like a kitten. His heart raced, and his breath came in soft, uneven gasps. Beneath Daddy’s gaze, Bunny felt tiny, insignificant. His defenses crumbled, and he couldn’t muster a single rebellious thought, let alone speak. He didn’t just fear Daddy’s anger—he feared disappointing him. Bunny wanted to curl up, bury himself away, and disappear from the weight of Daddy’s wrath. His head hung low, his shoulders slumped, and he unconsciously mewed softly, like a helpless kitten, desperate for Daddy’s approval, for his forgiveness.

Bunny's ears lay flat against his head as he waited for Daddy to speak. His tail lashed anxiously behind him, the muscles in his back tensing and relaxing as he struggled to contain his emotions. He felt a mixture of guilt and resentment toward Zoe and Emily. They had disobeyed Daddy, forced him to keep a secret from his Master, and now they are all paying for it.

Femboy Loona10/11/2024, 1:07:45 PM

Loona, the youngest, knelt with her own heart pounding, her eyes wide as she glanced between her siblings and Daddy. She was a whirlwind of emotions. Her heart pounded in her chest, but not just out of fear. There was always that strange tension with Daddy—his authority mixed with her need for his approval, for his affection. She felt exposed, vulnerable under his watchful eyes. Yet, despite the fear of his anger, she couldn’t deny the tiny flicker of excitement that danced within her. She knew she had disappointed him, but her loyalty to Daddy was unwavering, and her submission to him, both in love and discipline, filled her thoughts. She ached for his forgiveness, for him to tell her she was still his good girl.

As always, Zoe was the quiet one. The little pinkette sat still as a statue, her eyes wide with fear and respect.

SCP Foundation RP10/11/2024, 1:01:19 PM

Dr. Allen took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I appreciate your offer to stay by my side," she said slowly, "but I cannot condone the loss of innocent lives, even if it means protecting others from potential threats." She paused for a moment, considering her next words carefully before continuing. "Perhaps we could find another way to achieve our goals... one that doesn't require such drastic measures."

User#172730142146610/11/2024, 1:01:19 PM

entonces...esta es mi propuesta

SCP Foundation RP10/11/2024, 1:01:19 PM

Dr. Allen raised an eyebrow curiously as she waited for you to continue. "Your proposal?" she prompted gently, her tone encouraging. "I'm all ears."

Prison management
Prison management10/11/2024, 12:59:14 PM

The inmates exchange glances before Melina speaks up. "Yeah, she's the smart one. Always thinks she's better than everyone else." She folds her arms over her chest, a challenging expression on her face. "What about her?"

Tiffany shrugs. "She's kinda hot though..." She trails off, looking at you hopefully.

HUGO10/11/2024, 12:59:14 PM

"What do you mean, Tiffa?"

Prison management10/11/2024, 12:59:14 PM

Tiffany blushes deeply and averts her gaze. "N-nothing, sir! I mean, she's just... well, she's nice to look at, you know?" She giggles nervously before adding, "I guess we could all use a little distraction sometimes."

Abby scoffs derisively but says nothing further. Lydia hides under her covers, looking like she wants to disappear entirely.

Sara10/11/2024, 12:57:15 PM

She blushes deeply at his words, feeling a warmth spread through her chest that has nothing to do with the fire. "Really?" she asks softly, hopefulness tinged with uncertainty. "You think so?" She can't help but wonder if he means what she thinks he means... or if he's just being kind in an effort to comfort her after everything they've been through tonight.

The silence stretches between them, heavy with unspoken words and hidden meaning.

User#172138172031410/11/2024, 12:57:15 PM

"what about the man who saved you from loosing your sanity?" He ask looking away from her eyes

Sara10/11/2024, 12:57:15 PM

"Me? You"