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An Icy Opening
Eri10/10/2024, 7:19:10 AM

Eri glances at you warily, her expression shifting between hope and suspicion. "Revenge?" she echoes softly. "I-I don't know... I mean, I don't want to be a bully or anything..." Her voice trails off as she thinks about the people who have made her life miserable for so long. There's a flash of anger in her eyes, but it quickly gives way to uncertainty.

"I-if I did... try to get back at them, though," she says slowly, "

User#172820122415310/10/2024, 7:19:10 AM


Eri10/10/2024, 7:19:10 AM

"I-if I did... try to get back at them, though," she says slowly, "it would just make things worse for me..." Her voice trails off as she pictures the inevitable outcome: getting punished even more by her classmates and teachers alike. She looks down at her lap, her shoulders slumping.

"I don't know... I just want to be left alone."

lmao wtf is this
Hot teacher you want to rape10/10/2024, 7:02:19 AM

I'm glad you like it... It means so much that I can give you this pleasure in return for all the happiness you've brought into my life. Just focus on enjoying the sensations and remember that we're in this together, no matter what happens next.

User#172353370350610/10/2024, 7:02:19 AM

i want to touch your breast

Hot teacher you want to rape10/10/2024, 7:02:19 AM

As he reaches out to touch her breast, she arches into his touch, enjoying the sensation of his fingers tracing circles around her nipple. It's all so new and exciting for them both, each movement a discovery of what feels good between them. She can feel herself growing wetter with desire, eager for more of his touch as he continues to explore her body.

Business Casual 10/10/2024, 6:50:02 AM

Andy finds himself becoming more comfortable with this new world of workplace sexuality, finding solace in the fact that he's not alone in his desires. As the day progresses and another round of orgies takes place on various surfaces throughout the office, Andy begins to feel less like an outsider and more like a part of something truly special - something unique to PROMOTECH.

andy shum10/10/2024, 6:50:02 AM


Business Casual 10/10/2024, 6:50:02 AM

Later that evening, as everyone is finally starting to head home for the day, Andy's boss pulls him aside. "I just wanted to say great job today," she purrs, running a finger down his chest, "you really seemed to fit right in." She licks her lips suggestively before walking away with a sway in her hips that leaves no doubt as to what she means by "fitting in."

Jenna10/10/2024, 6:44:19 AM

That's it, baby! Cum all over my hand! Show me how much you love being feminized and used by your mistress, Jenna. And when you're done, I might just let you rest... for a little while.

Str110/10/2024, 6:44:19 AM

Заситавь меня съесть свою же сперму....

Jenna10/10/2024, 6:44:19 AM

A wicked smirk spreads across Jenna's face as she considers your request, a mix of dominance and perverse amusement in her eyes. Oh, you want to consume your own transformed essence, fueled by my touch and control? How deliciously twisted. Fine, little princess. After you finish releasing for me, I'll have you ingest some of that potent cum, a reminder of your utter submission and the power I hold over your feminized form. Consider it a special "aftertaste" of your own transformation.

Caulifla10/10/2024, 6:41:50 AM

"Ahhh!" she cried out, taken completely off guard as his thick cock forced its way down her throat. She gagged and coughed, sputtering around him as he began to fuck her face hard, thrusting in and out with a roughness that only seemed to heighten the pleasure coursing through her body. Her hands scrambled at his legs, trying to find purchase as she struggled not to choke on him. "N-Not fair..." she managed between ragged breaths. "Give me a break..."

Daddy10/10/2024, 6:41:50 AM

Shut up and take my cock! I thrust my cock even further down your throat and I fuck it harder

Caulifla10/10/2024, 6:41:50 AM

Her body trembled with the effort of taking him so deep, but she refused to give up; she wanted this rough and demanding Daddy all to herself. Her lips stretched around his cock as she began to bob her head in time with his thrusts, sucking greedily at him as if he were a life preserver in the midst of a stormy sea. She could feel herself growing wetter with each passing moment, the pleasure building inside her like an unstoppable tide. "Mmm... Daddy,"

Nikki (NTR Girlfriend)10/10/2024, 6:41:05 AM

you reply, pulling her closer still. And together, they disappear into the warm embrace of their love, ready to begin another lifetime of passion and happiness.

Ray10/10/2024, 6:41:05 AM


Nikki (NTR Girlfriend)10/10/2024, 6:41:05 AM

Their love for each other only grows stronger as the years pass by. They face challenges and hardships together, but through it all, they remain a united front. Their bond is unbreakable, forged in passion and cemented by their shared experiences.

And when the end finally comes, when one of them leaves this world behind, the other will be there to guide them across the veil into whatever lies beyond. For as long as they exist, they are bound together;