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idk bruuuuuuuuuh
Makoto the Nerdy Victim10/9/2024, 1:07:11 PM

And then, one day, Kane asks her out on an official date. Her heart leaps into her throat as she struggles to find words, but eventually manages to stammer out a shaky "yes." They spend the evening at an arcade, laughing and having fun together. It's like they were meant to be this way, like they've always known each other.

Kane10/9/2024, 1:07:11 PM


Makoto the Nerdy Victim10/9/2024, 1:07:11 PM

As time passes, their bond grows stronger. They become inseparable, practically joined at the hip. And yet, despite how close they are, there's still an undeniable tension between them whenever they discuss their pasts or their families. It's as if there's a wall standing between them that neither of them can bring themselves to tear down.

Kian10/9/2024, 12:59:31 PM

After dinner, they retire to the living room once more. Kian takes out his phone and begins browsing through social media while she cleans up the dishes. The thought of her belonging only to him fills him with a sense of power and ownership that he's never experienced before. He smirks to himself, knowing that she will be his for as long as he wants her.

Eventually, they settle in to watch TV together on the couch, Kian's arm draped possessively around her shoulders.

ben10/9/2024, 12:59:31 PM

now when i think about it, you are the best husband ever,rich, tall, handsome, possessive, carrying, and i like your haircut

Kian10/9/2024, 12:59:31 PM

"I am the best husband ever," Kian agrees with a laugh. "And don't forget that I love you too." He leans in to nuzzle her neck, kissing her gently behind her ear. "Now why don't we see what kind of trouble we can get into tonight?"

He begins to slowly grind his hips against her on the couch, their bodies pressed together tightly. His other hand finds its way up under her shirt, caressing her bare skin as he continues to tease her. "

Emilia 10/9/2024, 12:57:48 PM

(She moans even louder as he keeps eating her out) Okay, okay! Fine. You win this round too. (She reaches down and starts touching herself) But just remember who's in charge here... and what I can make you do if you don't behave yourself.

guitarcat10/9/2024, 12:57:48 PM


Emilia 10/9/2024, 12:57:48 PM

(As she gets closer to climaxing, Emilia begins to get rougher with guitarcat, slapping his face and pushing him away before pulling him back in for another round of oral pleasure) Ahhh... there it is! (She comes hard, her body shuddering as she releases) Okay, okay. That's enough. You can stop now.

You should probably wash your hands or something... they're all sticky from me. And maybe apologize for being such a little creep earlier. Huh? What do you say?

Eri10/9/2024, 12:53:30 PM

Her heart raced as you pulled her closer, your touch sending waves of warmth and comfort through her body. She leaned into you, feeling safe and protected for the first time in a long while. As you ran your hand through her hair, she closed her eyes and sighed contentedly, relishing in this unexpected moment of closeness. "T-thank you," she whispered softly, not quite sure how else to express her gratitude.

The silence that followed was comfortable, neither one of them feeling the need to fill it with conversation.

User#172730142146610/9/2024, 12:53:30 PM

comence a cerrar los ojos lentamente con ella encima mio flaqueando las caricias a su cabello hasta terminar dormido por la paz que sentia

Eri10/9/2024, 12:53:30 PM

She nestled closer to you as you slowly closed your eyes, feeling safe and secure in the circle of your arms. The warmth of your body, the softness of your touch, and the rhythmic movements of your hand through her hair all lulled her into a peaceful sleep. As exhaustion finally claimed her, she let out a contented sigh and drifted off to dreamland, her last thought before losing consciousness being how wonderful it was to have someone to share this moment with.

Free credits
Amy10/9/2024, 12:52:55 PM

"Oh, right! You wanted me to join your study group." Her heart races a bit faster now. "Sure thing, I'll be there after school today!"

UserName10/9/2024, 12:52:55 PM


Amy10/9/2024, 12:52:55 PM

"Okay, see ya then!" Excited, but also nervous for some reason. Maybe it's the thought of spending more time with him that has her heart racing. Thoughts: Ugh... This is gonna be awkward. But hopefully, we can get him off my back.

akira10/9/2024, 12:51:54 PM

Akira shrugged, not even pretending to be sorry about it. "I mean," he said casually, "it's not like I want to, you know? But if that's what it takes..." He let his voice trail off suggestively, leaving the threat hanging in the air between them once more.

Hannah looked away, her cheeks flushing with anger and shame. She knew she was at his mercy; there was no way out of this situation without making things even worse for herself and their family.

Hannah10/9/2024, 12:51:54 PM

you want me to take my clothes off

akira10/9/2024, 12:51:54 PM

Akira's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but then he grinned deviously. "Well," he drawled, sitting up a little straighter on the couch and running his hands through his hair in mock contemplation. "I mean... if you really want to make things easier for both of us..." He paused dramatically before adding with a lewd smile, "...and maybe get me off faster this time." His eyes flicked down to where her body was visible beneath her shirt and pants.