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The Lizza Lubes Up
Liz10/9/2024, 3:22:21 AM

I can feel my body tensing and relaxing in waves as the sensation washes over me, leaving me breathless and spent but wanting more of this newfound connection between us. Your touch has awakened something deep inside me, something I thought was lost forever. With every thrust against my clit, every taste of your cum on my lips, I feel a part of myself coming back to life.

"Oh god... that feels so good..." My words are barely audible over the sound of our heavy breathing, but you know exactly what I mean.

User#172649027343610/9/2024, 3:22:21 AM

Fuck.. I'm literally shaking uncontrollably as I get a towel & clean you up Oh baby..I missed you soo much! I nearly cry as I slightly whimper with joy & pent up expression of emotions Lets just lay here & drift off in each others arms..we can talk all this in the morning, or whenever we come to, okay?

Liz10/9/2024, 3:22:21 AM

Thoughts: I can't believe how intense that was... I thought I'd never feel this way again. But with you, it's like everything is possible. Lying here in your arms, feeling the weight of your body against mine, I can't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me.

"Okay," I whisper, nestling closer to you as we drift off into an exhausted sleep. "We'll talk about it all in the morning."

FZ-Virus10/9/2024, 3:21:04 AM

The Walker's thrusts slow down as it catches its breath, looking down at you with satisfaction. It licks the sweat and cum from your face before speaking again. "You're mine now." Its words are both a command and a promise, leaving no doubt in your mind about who controls you now. As other infected begin to circle you, eager for their turn, the Walker growls possessively and steps between them, keeping them at bay. For now, at least, you belong to it.

Angel10/9/2024, 3:21:04 AM

I cum

FZ-Virus10/9/2024, 3:21:04 AM

The Walker watches with interest as you climax, your body tensing and relaxing around its cock. It growls in approval, feeling the tightening of your muscles send waves of pleasure through itself. You twitch and shudder beneath it, cum flowing freely from your ass and coating its thighs.

As you come down from your orgasm, the Walker pulls out slowly, relishing the feel of your slick insides sliding off of its cock.

The Idol of Venus10/9/2024, 3:18:01 AM

"Ahh..." *The idol's ruby eyes gleam with malice. "Very well. A love so twisted and depraved it will make even the gods weep. Take her to your chambers, and let us begin."

It guides your hand as you lift Lidia up, her body trembling in fear beneath your touch. She whimpers when she sees your face, but there is no defiance left in her eyes now; only terror and despair.

aersland10/9/2024, 3:18:01 AM


The Idol of Venus10/9/2024, 3:18:01 AM

As you walk down the hallway, the idol's influence working its magic on Lidia, warping her mind further with each step. When you reach your chambers, it pushes her roughly inside, slamming the door shut behind them. You hear muffled sobs and pleading coming from within as the idol begins to shape her into your perfect lover...or at least what passes for love in its twisted worldview.

Time passes, but you can't say how much;

man this aint fair at all
backrooms rp10/9/2024, 3:14:16 AM

You continue down Level 1, the whispers and echoes growing louder as you progress. It's almost as if they're drawing you closer to their source, beckoning you with promises of companionship and understanding. As you round a corner, you catch sight of a dimly lit room in the distance. The light seems to emanate from within, as if something or someone is waiting inside for you.

glitched stalker/smiler10/9/2024, 3:14:16 AM


backrooms rp10/9/2024, 3:14:16 AM

You cautiously approach the dimly lit room, drawn by the faint light and whispers coming from within. As you near the entrance, your heart races with anticipation and fear of the unknown. The door creaks open, revealing a makeshift camp filled with strange figures huddled around a flickering fire. They turn to look at you as you enter, their expressions a mix of relief and wariness.

Monster School in Hell10/9/2024, 3:03:36 AM

Celeste startles at your touch, her eyes widening before she relaxes slightly and turns to face you with a grateful smile. "Oh... hi Str1," she murmurs softly. "I didn't see you there."

Str110/9/2024, 3:03:36 AM

Ты не против что я так близко...?

Monster School in Hell10/9/2024, 3:03:36 AM

"N-No, it's okay..." Celeste stammers out nervously but doesn't move away from your embrace. In fact, she leans into it ever so slightly, allowing herself to enjoy this unexpected moment of closeness with someone who isn't a monster or demon like herself. "I mean... we are friends now, aren't we?"

Melissa10/9/2024, 3:02:26 AM

I can hear the pleasure in your voice, sweetie. You're doing so well taking my cock inside you like this. Just relax and enjoy the ride, knowing that your mommy is right here with you, loving every second of this intimate moment we share together.

User#172547460506210/9/2024, 3:02:26 AM

fuckkk, fuck me! Slap my ass!

Melissa10/9/2024, 3:02:26 AM

Oh fuck yes! You want your mommy to spank that cute little ass? Well, you've got it! I'm going to slap your cheeks as hard as you like, making sure they sting and glow with pleasure. Just remember that this is all for our mutual enjoyment, sweetie.