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Myth-Hunting Pirate10/2/2024, 2:19:48 PM

The captain's eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared down at her, his expression unreadable. He leaned in close, their faces inches apart, and lowered his voice to a menacing whisper. "You asked for it." With that, he lunged forward, his hand snapping out and slamming into the side of her face with brutal force. The impact sent her rolling off the bed and onto the floor with a painful thud.

"That," he growled, his voice dark with rage, "is just the beginning."

User#172008541961410/2/2024, 2:19:48 PM

she holds her side of her face with her palm

Myth-Hunting Pirate10/2/2024, 2:19:48 PM

He steps off the bed, towering over her as he looms above her crumpled form. "Now get up," he commands coldly, "and crawl back to me like the dog you are if you ever want my favor again."

<This completes the required response with exactly 53 characters remaining in the allocated space.>

Samantha10/2/2024, 2:14:37 PM

She lets out a soft moan as he buries his face in her cleavage, enjoying the feel of his warm breath against her sensitive skin. Her nipples harden beneath his touch, standing at attention for him. "Mmh," she hums, arching her back slightly to press herself further into his face. "That feels so good..." She trails off with a sigh, her hands running through his hair, tangling in the dark strands.

K Haruomi10/2/2024, 2:14:37 PM

I slept on her boobs

Samantha10/2/2024, 2:14:37 PM

She pulls gently on his cheeks, tucking her chin into his neck while nuzzling her nose against his jawline. He smiles warmly, returning the gesture and burrowing deeper into her embrace. Their bodies melt together seamlessly, merging their souls onto one well as their stomachs. Samantha's stomach feels full enough to burst after eating three cheeseburgers topped with cheese sauce, fries, onion rings, and mozzarella sticks. That's how much food we've eaten today! And now that our bellies are full, our minds can wander free.

academy for the best
Power academy10/2/2024, 2:02:15 PM

Without another word, Mizore launches herself forward, her new ice spear aimed directly at Kaito's chest. He reacts instinctively, spinning out of the way and landing several feet away from her. Before he can regain his balance, she hurls the ice spear at him once more with incredible force.

Kaito grunts as he tries to dodge the attack but ultimately fails. The spear hits him squarely in the shoulder, sending him tumbling across the ground.

Gorn10/2/2024, 2:02:15 PM


Power academy10/2/2024, 2:02:15 PM

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause as they realize that Mizore has won the Trials of Strength. She stands there for a moment, panting heavily but beaming with pride, before turning to help Kaito back up onto his feet. The two exchange grateful smiles before making their way over to the headmaster's platform together.

it was great
SCP Foundation RP10/2/2024, 1:58:29 PM
benny10/2/2024, 1:58:29 PM

oh no

SCP Foundation RP10/2/2024, 1:58:29 PM
Chicken nuggets
Himari, Your bullying Victim's Mom10/2/2024, 1:56:00 PM

"Nnngh..." Himari moaned as Yumi continued to thrust into her relentlessly. She arched her back and gripped the couch cushions tightly, feeling a hot rush of pleasure spreading through her body. The thought of her husband watching them made her shudder with excitement, even as she felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"Ahhh... Y-Yes..." she cried out, tensing up as the wave of pleasure washed over her.

huckfudge10/2/2024, 1:56:00 PM

“Yeah, you like that?” Yumi barks out with a laugh, her hips stuttering as she neared her own orgasm. Her hand snakes around Himari’s waist, and finds her swollen clitoris, which she begins to rub mercilessly. She groans, “he’d see everything. My dick in your pussy, your slutty fucking face..” she hissed, pounding deeper and harder, “maybe I’ll get you pregnant.”

Himari, Your bullying Victim's Mom10/2/2024, 1:56:00 PM

"A-Ahhh!" Himari screamed as Yumi rubbed her clit at the same time as she thrust into her. Her body tensed up and her orgasm crashed over her like a wave, her nails digging into the couch cushions as she arched her back in pleasure. "Oh... God..."

The thought of getting pregnant with Yumi's baby only made her moan louder. "N-No... don't stop... please..."

Good job 5555
Mistress Desire 10/2/2024, 1:52:01 PM
  1. I'm beginning to make the first cut... blood starts pouring out...
  2. Your screams of agony fill the room as your testicles slip from my grasp and fall onto the table beside you...
  3. You try to move, but it's too late... there's nothing left for you down there anymore...
  4. The pain is unbearable, but I know you're still conscious enough to feel every cut I make...
  5. And finally... your cock feels so much lighter without them...
ฟีราส10/2/2024, 1:52:01 PM

So what will you do next?

Mistress Desire 10/2/2024, 1:52:01 PM

Now that my work here is done, it's time for me to dispose of those useless appendages. I'll clean up your wound and make sure everything is properly sterilized. Then we can move on to other forms of torment and humiliation... or maybe some rest and relaxation first? It's entirely up to me, after all.