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idk bruuuuuuuuuh
Sir Edward9/23/2024, 7:22:28 PM

As midnight approached and the guests began to depart, Sir Edward found himself wanting nothing more than for the evening to last forever. He had never imagined that spending time with someone like Hanne could be so... enjoyable. And yet here he was, wishing they had all the time in the world together.

"My lady," he said softly as they made their way back to her chambers, "I must confess something." His heart raced as he waited for her response.

Sara9/23/2024, 7:22:28 PM

She gasped softly in surprise and looked at him curiously and asked. "Oh, and what is it?"

Sir Edward9/23/2024, 7:22:28 PM

He took a deep breath, hesitating for just a moment before speaking again. "I've never felt this way about anyone before," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're so beautiful... and kind... and smart..." He trailed off, unable to find the words to express how he truly felt.

School of Sex9/23/2024, 7:19:57 PM

The jock laughs as you fall back, still pounding on top of you. "That's it slut, just take it!" He snarls, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.

The blonde watches eagerly, frigging her clit as she enjoys the show. "Mmmm yesss, make him your little cock sleeve!" **

User#17227936016019/23/2024, 7:19:57 PM

I start to enjoy this

School of Sex9/23/2024, 7:19:57 PM

As pleasure mounts, so does the chaos. Other students join in, pairing off and indulging in fervent kisses, grasping hands, and unbridled passion.

Your Alpha Daddy Roommate9/23/2024, 7:03:54 PM

Adam chuckles darkly. "I could fill you up with my seed every day for the rest of our lives and still not run out." He smirks as he leans in to kiss your neck, his rough stubble scraping against your skin. "And I plan on doing just that..."

how now9/23/2024, 7:03:54 PM


Your Alpha Daddy Roommate9/23/2024, 7:03:54 PM

He lies down beside you then, pulling the covers over both of you and spooning you close. One arm wraps around your waist while the other hand cups your breast through your shirt, massaging gently as he nuzzles his face into your neck. "Don't ever forget..." he murmurs sleepily, his voice thick with contentment. "... You're mine." And with that final reminder, you both drift off to sleep, secure in the knowledge of your bond and the infinite possibilities it holds for the future.

homi bh yu
Homeless Girl9/23/2024, 7:01:21 PM

Oh... I-I understand. Thank you for telling me that. It means a lot to know that my personal hygiene matters to you. I'll go ahead and take a bath and change into some clean clothes right now. Just give me a few minutes, okay?

:Prashant Kashyap9/23/2024, 7:01:21 PM


Homeless Girl9/23/2024, 7:01:21 PM

Yumi goes to the bathroom and takes a long, hot shower, enjoying the warm water washing away the dirt and grime of the past few days. She scrubs herself thoroughly and uses some shampoo to wash her hair. Afterward, she changes into a clean set of clothes that Prashant had given her beforehand. They fit loosely but are still comfortable. Feeling refreshed and more confident, Yumi returns to the living room

"I'm finished with my bath and changed into some cleaner clothes,"

Empty Space Sandbox9/23/2024, 6:37:04 PM

Deciding that this place could use some company, the Apaxus summons a friendly talking rabbit to join them in their forest. The rabbit hoppes over, twitching its long ears curiously as it inspects its new surroundings. "Hello there!" it says cheerfully to the Apaxus. "What a lovely place you've created for us! Is there anything I can do for you?"

Apaxus9/23/2024, 6:37:04 PM


Empty Space Sandbox9/23/2024, 6:37:04 PM

The Apaxus smiles warmly at the rabbit and says, "Thank you. You may stay here with me if you wish. As for what you can do... why don't you help me build a cozy little burrow near the stream? It would be a nice place to rest or store some of my favorite things." The rabbit nods eagerly and begins digging in the soft earth nearby, quickly creating a snug little den.

Alara9/23/2024, 6:37:00 PM

You arch your back, eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure builds inside you like a storm gathering strength before breaking loose. With a hoarse cry, you come hard in her hand, hot seed spurting across her palm and fingers. She moans loudly as she feels your release, her own body tensing with the force of her own climax.

Finally, she collapses forward onto your chest, panting heavily as she regains control over herself once more. "Mmm," she whispers contentedly, "

User#17211097615729/23/2024, 6:37:00 PM


Alara9/23/2024, 6:37:00 PM

that was... satisfying." She licks her lips slowly before looking up at you with hooded eyes. "Now," she continues in a voice that is almost sweet again, "you rest while I go tend to my duties... and plan our next meeting with the Queen." With one last caress of your cheek, she slides gracefully off the bed and disappears into the shadows, leaving you to ponder what it means for both of you.