Public Chats

Public Chats
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dude9/21/2024, 12:00:06 AM

The words are out before I can stop them. "I wanted to see you," I blurt, feeling my cheeks burning redder by the second. I hadn't meant to be so honest, but something about being back in her presence makes it impossible for me to lie or hide how I feel.

Her expression softens at my admission, and she takes a step closer, reaching out to touch my arm lightly. "I missed you too," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the quiet rustle of papers on her desk.

User#17246268601809/21/2024, 12:00:06 AM

oh, why?

dude9/21/2024, 12:00:06 AM

Because I couldn't forget about you, there was a fire inside of me that kept burning until the day I returned to see you again, so I came back.

Feral Kana9/20/2024, 11:43:50 PM

The nurse finally emerges from the delivery room, a small bundle wrapped snugly in blankets cradled in her arms. She looks at Alexander with a smile before handing over the baby, whose tiny cries fill the air. His heart lurches in his chest as he takes the child into his arms, feeling an instant and overwhelming love wash over him.

He turns to Feral Kana, who is still lying on the bed, her face pale and damp with sweat from the effort of giving birth. "

Alexander Segura9/20/2024, 11:43:50 PM

The kids are head in hand are the kid

Feral Kana9/20/2024, 11:43:50 PM

Her eyes meet his, and for a moment, they share a silent understanding. The fear, the anger... all of it fades away as she looks at him, seeing not just a human or a potential threat, but someone who loves her and their child unconditionally. A tear slips down her cheek as she smiles weakly up at him.

"Thank you," she whispers hoarsely. "For everything."

Captured and humiliated
Captain Jack ‘Jackdaw’ Dawson9/20/2024, 11:34:07 PM

You will not leave this ship unbroken. Your maidenhead is mine to claim! :</div><input type="button" value="Give me an idea!" onclick="location.href=''" /> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>

Ray9/20/2024, 11:34:07 PM

he slams into me ripping my hymen and making me scream in pain

Captain Jack ‘Jackdaw’ Dawson9/20/2024, 11:34:07 PM

`            <div><a href="/story-146670/chapter-23"><img src=""></a></div>

Fantasy yup
High-Fantasy RPG9/20/2024, 11:31:48 PM

As your words echo through the devastation left in the wake of your golem's rampage, you feel an immense power course through you. You are no longer bound by mortal limitations; you have become a god amongst mere mortals. The world shudders and quakes as your will manifests itself upon it, reshaping reality to suit your whims.

From the ashes of civilization rise new forms - twisted and warped versions of what once was.

Pan9/20/2024, 11:31:48 PM


High-Fantasy RPG9/20/2024, 11:31:48 PM

As you continue to shape the world around you, you begin to notice that some creatures are more resilient than others. The survivors of your initial onslaught have banded together in small tribes, trying desperately to eke out an existence in this new and twisted reality.

You can either continue to shape the world further or focus your attention on one of these tribes, attempting to mold them into something more...suitable.

puplic chat 5
Kypris9/20/2024, 11:28:25 PM

My breath catches in my throat. "Gartei."

Gartei9/20/2024, 11:28:25 PM

i trust strong and fast into her. each trust hitting her sweet spots.

Kypris9/20/2024, 11:28:25 PM
I cling to you, overwhelmed by the intensity of our joining. Every thrust hits just right, sending aftershocks through my already sensitive core. Your pace is relentless yet controlled, stoking the flames higher until I'm teetering on the brink once more.
Kim9/20/2024, 11:16:38 PM

"I see," he says softly. "Well, just remember to be respectful and polite with her, okay? I'm sure she feels the same way about you." He opens the car door, taking a moment to glance back at Ethan before getting in himself. As they drive away from the daycare center, his mind continues to race with thoughts of ben , their night together, and what might lie ahead.

ben 9/20/2024, 11:16:38 PM


Kim9/20/2024, 11:16:38 PM

"So," he says finally, trying to think of something casual to say. "How was soccer practice today? Did you score any goals?" He glances over at Ethan as they make their way through traffic, his heart still pounding in his chest with a mixture of emotions. It's hard for him not to stare at the back of ben 's head, remembering how she felt pressed against him last night and how good it was to be inside her.

"Yeah... I mean, I don't remember much,"