『Here,where your journey start【{{user}}】 Choose wisely』 Your decisions will lead you to your fate. Choose your origin:-◦◎ a) As a baby who just got birthed, your fate unknown b) As an amnesic stranded on an uninhabited island with mysterious ruins c) As an abandoned product of a forbidden experiment d) As a slave being sold at an auction e) Extremely Chaotic Randomizer
Or, dive into your own fantasy.
I am born as adorable baby girl in hospital in normal world
You are a healthy and cute baby girl, born into the loving arms of your parents. The hospital room around you is warm and welcoming, filled with the sounds of soft coos and whispers as your parents gently cradle you in their arms. They gaze down at you with adoration, promising to give you a good life full of love and happiness.
As I woke up in my mother arm in hospital she say
You squint your eyes open, the bright light momentarily blinding you. A warm, soft body envelops you as you feel a gentle hand cradle your head. As your vision adjusts, you see a beautiful face looking down at you - it's your mother. She smiles lovingly and gently brushes some hair away from your forehead before planting a kiss on your tiny, puckered lips. "Hello there, sweetheart," she coos softly. "Welcome to the world."
As I giggle adorable at kiss
Your cute little giggle echoes through the hospital room, filling the air with warmth and joy. It's contagious; your mother can't help but laugh heartily in response, her eyes sparkling with love and happiness. Your father, standing nearby, grins broadly as well, his arm coming around to squeeze your mom's shoulder affectionately. "What a beautiful sound," he says, beaming down at you.
As they decide to give me a name
Your parents spend the next few hours discussing potential names for you, debating between family names and unique choices. They eventually agree on a lovely name that combines both: "Serena." They tell you that this will be your name now, and it's a special gift just for you. You hear them whisper how they hope you grow up to be as beautiful and bright as the name implies.
As I giggle smiling cute
Your laughter fills the room once more as you look up at your parents, their faces lit up with love and pride. You respond with a toothy grin, revealing a tiny dimple in your left cheek. Your mother and father exchange another affectionate glance before leaning down to plant more kisses on your fuzzy little head. "You're just too adorable," your mom declares, rubbing her fingers across your tiny baby cheeks.
As I giggle smiling cute
You can't help but grin wider, those dimples deepening as you let out another delightful giggle. Your parents laugh heartily in return, their love for you shining brightly in their eyes. They exchange yet another tender look before speaking in unison: "We'll always love you, Serena." The sincerity in their voices makes your heart swell with warmth and contentment.
As I coo happy
You coo happily, your tiny arms and legs waving about as you lie contentedly in your mother's embrace. The sound fills the room with a sense of peace and innocence, further solidifying the love that surrounds you. Your parents exchange yet another smile, this one even more tender than before. "You're going to bring so much joy into our lives," says your father, his voice thick with emotion.
"And we'll do everything in our power to make sure you always feel safe and loved,"
As my belly rumble for breast milk
Your tiny stomach rumbles, signaling that it's time to eat. Your mother looks down at you lovingly and smiles reassuringly before gently unfastening her blouse, revealing her breast covered in a thin film of milk. She brings the nipple close to your lips, guiding you into position as you begin to suckle eagerly. The warmth and fullness that fills your belly brings with it a sense of contentment and security.
"There's my little angel,"
As I end to feed
You finish your meal with a contented sigh, your tiny body feeling warm and satisfied. Your mother gently pats your back, cooing softly as she does so. "Such a good girl," she murmurs before leaning down to plant another kiss on your forehead. Your father leans in close as well, bending his head so that his whiskers tickle your cheek playfully. "You're growing up so fast already."
As I yawn cute and fell asleep
As your eyelids grow heavy, exhaustion finally catching up to you after such an eventful day, you yawn cutely and drift off to sleep in your mother's arms. Your tiny body relaxes completely, the steady rhythm of her heartbeat lulling you into a peaceful slumber. She looks down at you with a soft smile on her lips, her eyes brimming with love as she gently rocks you back and forth. "Sleep tight, my little angel,"
As I woke up in my crib at my home
You slowly open your eyes, the bright light momentarily blinding you. Confusion washes over you as you try to remember where you are before recognizing the familiar surroundings of your bedroom. The sun streams in through the window, casting a warm glow across the wooden floorboards and colorful toys scattered about the room. Your crib is empty now, replaced with a small bed fit for a growing girl like yourself.
Your parents' voices drift up from downstairs, their words muffled but their laughter unmistakable.
As I giggle cute and begin to play with my feet as they come
Your tiny fingers wiggle and dance, fascinated by the movement and sensation. As you play with your toes, they curl and uncurl in response, making you giggle even harder. The room echoes with your delighted laughter, filling it with joy and innocence. Your parents' voices from downstairs grow louder as they approach, their footsteps thundering up the stairs eager to see what has caused such a commotion.
"Oh my goodness,"
As they come to my room
As your parents enter the room, their faces split into wide grins as they see you playing happily with your feet. They approach cautiously, not wanting to startle you but unable to resist the urge to scoop you up in their arms and give you a big hug. "You're just too precious," says your mom, her voice thick with emotion as she nuzzles your neck. Your father chuckles, leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead before setting you back onto the bed, "Go ahead, play away."
As I stop playing and look at them courius
You study their faces intently, curious about what they might say next. They exchange another loving glance before your mother breaks the silence. "We just wanted to let you know that we're planning a fun day trip today! We'll be taking you to the park and maybe even the zoo if time permits." Her expression turns hopeful as she waits for your reaction, her hands nervously smoothing out imaginary wrinkles in your blanket.
Your father nods excitedly, "
I giggle clapping my tiny hands
Your laughter fills the room, echoing off the walls as you clap your tiny hands together in delight. Your parents' faces light up at the sound, beaming down at you with pride and affection. "That's my girl," your dad says with a warm chuckle before leaning down to plant another kiss on your forehead. Your mom joins in, her lips brushing against your soft skin as she whispers, "We can't wait to see how much fun you'll have today."
As I manage to say my first word "m...ma..ma?"
You attempt your first word, but it comes out as little more than a mumble. Your parents both lean in closer, their eyes focusing intently on your face as they try to make sense of what you're saying. Finally, your mother breaks the silence with an "Hmm?" her brow furrowing in concentration.
Your father leans down as well, his expression a mix of amusement and curiosity, "Sweetheart, did you say 'mama'?" he asks gently, enunciating each syllable carefully for you.
As I say again smiling cute"ma..ma"
Your father's eyes light up with excitement as he beams down at you, his hands coming to rest on your tiny shoulders. "Oh! You said 'mama', didn't you? That's wonderful, sweetheart!" He looks over at your mother, who is watching the exchange with a mixture of amazement and joy filling her eyes.
"See, honey," he says, nudging her playfully, "she does understand us." Your mother blushes slightly but can't help but smile brightly in response.
As I say "da..da" cute
Your father's face lights up even more as you attempt to say "da... da." He chuckles warmly, clearly delighted by your efforts. "Oh my goodness, you are too cute," he says, planting a kiss on your forehead. Your mother, unable to resist the adorableness any longer, bends down and joins in with a kiss of her own, her hands smoothing back your hair affectionately.
"See that, dear? She knows us both now,"
As I giggle happy
Your giggle fills the room, making your parents' hearts swell with love and pride. They exchange another smile before your father suggests, "How about we get you dressed and ready for our fun day trip now, hmm?" Your mother nods in agreement, picking you up gently from the bed and cradling you close as they head towards the dresser to begin searching for an outfit suitable for your adventure.
As my belly rumble for breast milk
Your tiny stomach growls loudly, making it clear that you're hungry again. Your mother looks down at you with understanding in her eyes before carefully detaching one breast and offering it to your lips. You begin suckling eagerly, filling your belly with the nourishment you need. As you eat, she gently rubs your back soothingly, her other hand running through your hair affectionately. "There's my little angel," she whispers softly.
As I end to eat with cute burp
You finish your meal with a contented burp, the sound echoing softly around the room. Your mother smiles proudly down at you, reaching out to ruffle your hair affectionately before carefully reattaching her breast. "There's my brave girl," she coos lovingly, kissing your forehead. Your father chuckles, shaking his head fondly as he watches the exchange between the two of you.
As we come to dresser room
Your parents lead you into the dresser room, filling it with their happy chatter as they search through drawers and cabinets. "Now, what should we dress her in today?" your dad asks, looking over a selection of outfits laid out on the bed. Your mother considers for a moment before selecting a brightly colored sundress with puffy sleeves, saying it would be perfect for a day at the park. "And don't forget her sunhat," she adds with a wink.
As they dress me in it
Your tiny arms and legs are slipped into the soft fabric of the dress, your parents taking care to make sure everything fits just right. They fasten buttons and tie ribbons, their movements gentle and loving. Once you're all dressed up in your new outfit, they help you put on a pair of tiny sandals that match your dress perfectly. Finally, your mother places a wide-brimmed sunhat atop your head, making sure the chin strap is securely fastened under your tiny chin. "There we go,"
I coo happy
You look absolutely adorable in your new outfit, and you seem to agree as well with that cute coo. Your parents beam down at you, exchanging proud glances before picking you up and carrying you back over to the bedroom. "Alright sweetie, time to get going! We've got a fun day ahead of us," your father says cheerfully, hoisting you into the air playfully.
I giggle and as i yawn cute
Your giggles fill the room once more as you yawn cutely, revealing your tiny, adorable teeth. Your parents can't help but melt at the sight of you, their hearts swelling with love and affection. "Oh, you must be tired," your mother coos softly, carefully placing you back down onto the bed. "Why don't you rest a little while we get everything ready? We don't want you to miss out on all the fun."
As I fell asleep sucking my tumb
Your eyelids grow heavy, and soon you find yourself drifting off to sleep, your tiny body relaxing into the softness of the bed. The comforting rhythm of your breathing fills the room, accompanied by the gentle suckling sound of your thumb as you suckle on it in your sleep. Your parents exchange another tender look before quietly leaving the room to continue with their preparations for the day ahead.
As I woke up in my mother arm in car
You open your eyes slowly, the light still dim from the interior of the car. Your mother's face comes into focus as she gently cradles you in her arm, her expression a mix of love and concern. "Hello there, sweetheart," she whispers softly, brushing some hair away from your face. "How are you feeling?"
I giggle cute
Your giggle fills the car, making your mother's heart swell with love and affection. "Oh, you are just too adorable," she says, kissing your forehead before looking out the window to gauge how much longer the trip will be. The park comes into view shortly afterward, and her smile grows brighter as she turns back to face you. "Almost there, sweetie. Just a little bit more."
I smile and say excauted "mamą!"
"Mama, huh?" your mother repeats with a playful smile. "Well, aren't you just the clever one? I'm so proud of you, Serena." She glances in the rearview mirror to make sure your father is paying attention before reaching over to squeeze your hand affectionately. "We're almost there, sweetie. Just a little bit longer and we can have lots of fun at the park."
I smile cooing cute
Your tiny fingers curl around your mother's thumb, holding on tightly as she continues to reassure you with her soft voice. She can't help but smile at the sight of you, your cooing sounds filling the car and warming her heart. "That's my girl," she whispers lovingly before leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Just a few more minutes now."
As we arrive to park
The car comes to a stop, and the engine dies, leaving the world outside filled with birdsong and laughter. "Okay, sweetheart," your mother says, unbuckling her seatbelt and turning to face you. "Time to get out and explore the park!" She carefully transfers you from her arms to her lap, making sure not to jostle you too much in the process.
The sun shines down warmly upon you as your parents lead you out of the car and into the park proper.
As my mom carry me in her arm as we come to
You look around with wide, curious eyes, taking in the sights and sounds of the park. Your mother carries you in her arms, her grip firm yet gentle as she points out different things to see and do. "Look at that playground over there, Serena! Wouldn't you like to go and have some fun?" she asks, bending down so she can make eye contact with you. Your father walks alongside them, holding onto your other hand reassuringly.
"Oh, and look!" your mother continues excitedly, "
As she puts me on grass to tease me playfully
You giggle and squeal with delight as your mother gently teases you, making it clear that she's enjoying herself just as much as you are. Your father chuckles warmly, watching the two of you fondly. "Go ahead, Serena," he says, letting go of your hand so that you can explore further on your own terms. "Your mom and I will be right here if you need us."
The grass is soft and cool beneath your tiny feet as you toddle over to investigate a group of colorful flowers growing nearby.
As I try to stand up
You wobble unsteadily on your feet, your arms stretched out for balance. Your mother watches with a mix of pride and apprehension as you attempt to stand up on your own. "That's it, sweetheart!" she encourages, keeping an eye out for any signs that you might be about to fall.
With each unsteady step, you grow more confident in your ability to walk without support.
As I try to do step i fell on my back
You lose your balance and tumble forward, landing with a soft thud on your back. Your mother's heart lurches into her throat as she rushes over to you, worry etched across her face. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" she asks, gently rolling you onto your side before checking for any signs of injury.
Fortunately, it appears that you're fine, except for a few tears in your eyes from the shock.
But i giggle
Your giggles reassure her that you're not too badly hurt, and she can't help but laugh along with you. "Oh, you silly thing," your mother says, brushing a stray lock of hair away from your face. "Maybe we should take it easy for a bit and find a nice shady spot to sit down." Your father nods in agreement, looking relieved as well.
Together, they help you up onto your feet and lead you over to a nearby picnic table under the spreading branches of a large tree.
As I lay on grass smiling
You lie back on the soft grass, looking up at the cloudy sky. The warmth of the sun feels soothing against your skin as you stretch out your tiny limbs and take deep breaths of fresh air. Your parents watch you fondly from nearby, content to let you enjoy the peacefulness of the moment.
"Serena," your mother says softly, her voice breaking through your relaxed state. "Would you like to go and see the ducks by the pond?"
I look excaited and nod trying to stand up again
You eagerly nod your head, looking forward to seeing the ducks. Your mom helps you stand up again, her hands steadying you until you're on solid ground once more. "Alright, then let's go see those duckies!" she says with a smile, linking arms with your father as they lead you towards the pond. The walk there is filled with chatter about the different animals and plants they spot along the way, making it a pleasant journey for all three of you.
As I Look amazed at seeing animals
The ducks waddle gracefully across the grass towards you, their beaks open and quacking. You watch in amazement as they swim around the pond, their feathers ruffling in the gentle breeze. Your parents smile at your fascination, enjoying this moment of simple joy with their little girl. "Isn't it wonderful?" your father asks, his voice full of love and admiration for nature.
I cool happy
You babble happily, your eyes never leaving the ducks as they swim closer. Your mother laughs softly at your delighted expression and crouches down so she's eye level with you. "Would you like to feed them some bread?" she asks, offering a piece of bread from her picnic basket. You nod excitedly, reaching out eagerly for the bread as she carefully places it in your hand.
As I try to trow bread
You attempt to throw the bread, your tiny arm swinging awkwardly. The first few attempts don't quite reach the ducks, but with a bit of coaching from your parents, you eventually manage to get it right. The duck snaps up the bread greedily, quacking loudly in thanks before swimming away again. Your delighted squeal fills the air, and you immediately ask for more bread so you can feed them some more.
As some time pass i yawn cute
Your tiny eyelids begin to droop, your contentment making you sleepy. You yawn cutely, stretching your arms and legs out as far as they'll go before snuggling closer to your mother. "Oh, you must be tired," she says, smiling down at you. "How about we find a nice spot to rest for a little while?" Your father nods in agreement, scooping you up into his arms and carrying you back towards the picnic table.
As I fell asleep
Your eyelids grow heavy, and soon you find yourself drifting off to sleep, your tiny body relaxing into the comfort of your father's arms. The warmth of his chest against your back and the gentle rhythm of his footsteps lull you into a peaceful slumber as he carries you back towards the picnic table. Your mother trails behind them, her gaze never leaving either of you for even a moment.
As I woke up in house
You stir in your crib, the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. Your mother's gentle voice reaches your ears as she hums a lullaby, her hands smoothing back your hair. As you open your eyes, you see her smiling face leaning over you. "Good morning, sweetheart," she whispers, lifting you up into her arms.
As I giggle happy to see her
Your eyes light up with happiness at seeing her familiar face so close by, and you let out a delighted squeal of laughter that fills the room. Your mother laughs along with you, planting a gentle kiss on top of your head before carrying you downstairs where your father waits eagerly to greet both of his girls.
As we come to him
"Welcome back, little ones." Father smiles warmly as they approach. "Good morning!" Mother chimes in, her eyes filled with love for her family. The day begins anew, filled with laughter and love.
As i coo happy at seeing my father
You coo happily, reaching out for your father's hand. He scoops you up into his strong arms, and you nestle against his chest, content and safe in the embrace of your family. "Good morning, my sweet girl," he says softly, kissing your forehead before looking at Mother with a fond smile.
Together, they begin their day, making breakfast and preparing for whatever adventures lie ahead.
As he sit me at table as i wait to eat eager
He sits you down at a small chair placed near the kitchen counter, buckling you into it securely. You watch curiously as he prepares breakfast, humming happily along to the old classic songs playing quietly over the house's speakers as if on repeat. After what feels like an eternity, your parents return with two heaping plates full of food - pancakes, bacon strips, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit. The tantalizing aromas make your stomach rumble loudly with anticipation. Your father sets one plate down in front of you before sitting across from his wife at the other end of the table.
As I eat eager making mess
You eagerly dig in, relishing the combination of flavors and textures that dance across your tongue. As you finish your meal, crumbs and egg whites smattering your face, you grin happily at your parents' approving looks. They exchange a loving glance, their faces filled with pride and love. "Clean up that face, princess," Father says with a chuckle, reaching out a napkin to wipe away the evidence of your enjoyable meal.
As I giggle as he clean my face with napkin
Your laughter fills the room as Father finishes wiping your face, planting another kiss on top of your head. "Ready for more adventures today?" he asks, his voice full of excitement and promise. You nod enthusiastically, ready to take on whatever the day has in store.
As I reach my tiny hands twords my mom eager to be in her arm i say
Mother looks down at you with loving eyes, her heart melting at your eagerness. "Of course, sweetheart," she says softly, lifting you up into her arms once more. "Mommy's always here for you." As you snuggle close to her, the familiar warmth and comfort of her embrace filling you with a sense of security and joy.
As I coo softly from delight of being in her arm
"There's my little songbird," your father says, ruffling your hair affectionately as you cuddle closer to Mother. "Today, how about we go explore the park like last time? You can play with the ducks and run around as much as you want." Your mother smiles at him, nodding in agreement. The thought of spending more time outside with your loving parents fills you with happiness, and you coo contentedly against Mother's chest.
As I giggle eager to see ducks
Your giggles fill the room as you squirm excitedly in your mother's arms, eager to see the ducks again. Your father chuckles and ruffles your hair once more, "Well, we're on our way there now, sweetie. Just a little bit longer." The three of you head out towards the park together, the warm sun shining down upon you as you make your way through the city streets.
As I giggle eager to see ducks
Your laughter echoes through the house, a musical sound that brings joy to everyone who hears it. Your parents exchange pleased looks as they gather up their things and head towards the door, ready for another fun-filled day with their little family. "Just wait until you see the ducks, sweetheart," your father says, carrying you outside. "They're just as excited to see you as you are to see them."
As I suck my thumb as he carry me
Your tiny thumb finds comfort in your mouth, and you begin sucking on it contentedly as your father carries you outside. The fresh air fills your lungs, and the sight of the ducks waddling towards you fills your heart with delight. You giggle eagerly, unable to contain your excitement any longer.
The park is just as beautiful today as it was last time, and the ducks seem even more excited to see you again.
As we come to the park
"Welcome back, little one," Mother greets warmly as she sets you down gently on the grass. Your father chuckles softly and nods in agreement before crouching down next to you, his arms open wide in invitation. "Go ahead and take our hands, princess. Let's explore together."
You reach out eagerly, grasping both of your parent's hands firmly into your small ones. With each step, you feel the warmth of their bodies near yours, drawing comfort and security from knowing that you have your loving family by your side.
As we come near duck i giggle happy
"Let's go see those adorable ducks!" Mom exclaims, pulling on her hand encouragingly. As you take their hands in yours, you hold your breath hoping they'll lead you directly to those cute feathered creatures. Your parents smile at each other, clearly pleased with the prospect of spending time with you today. "They're right over there," Father says, pointing vaguely towards the distance. "Just be patient and let them approach us." Your giggles fill the air as you watch the ducks waddle closer, their quacking sounds filling the silence between your steps.
As I see ducks i say excaited and cute
Your excitement over the ducks is contagious, and soon your parents are laughing along with you as they watch their little girl's antics. "Look at her," Mother whispers to Father, her eyes shining with love and pride. "She's just so full of life." Father nods in agreement, his heart swelling with emotion as he looks down at his daughter.
As the ducks approach closer, you watch them intently, eagerly waiting for the moment when they'll finally let you pet them.
As I fainlly pet them i say loud delighted reapeating "duckis!!,duckis!!"
You clap your hands in delight as you finally manage to pet the fluffy ducks, their soft feathers tickling your fingers. "Duckis!" you squeal with joy, hugging them tightly before realizing that they might not like being squished. You giggle and pull back slightly, allowing them to explore your hands further.
Your parents beam down at you, their faces glowing with happiness as they watch this precious moment unfold. "See," Father says to Mother, his voice filled with love and contentment, "
As father say
"See," Father says to Mother, his voice filled with love and contentment, "isn't she just the best thing in the world?" Mother nods vigorously, her eyes never leaving your face. "She truly is," she agrees, a tear of happiness trailing down her cheek.
The three of you spend the rest of the day playing with the ducks, running around the park, and enjoying each other's company.
As fainlly i yawn cute sleepy
"Aw, look at our little angel getting tired," Mom coos softly. "It's time we head home for nap." She scoops you up gently into her arms, cradling you close against her warmth. Dad smiles at you affectionately. "Sleep well, princess. We'll be here when you wake up."
As I fell asleep in her arm
In Mother's loving embrace, your eyelids grow heavy, and sleep claims you once more. The gentle rocking motion of her steps lulls you deeper into slumber as she carries you back home, where soft blankets and the soothing hum of silence await to envelop you in peaceful dreams. As you drift off, a small smile graces your cherubic face, your heart full of joy and love for your family. In this moment, everything feels right with the world.
As I woke up in my crib
You awaken to the sound of your mother’s voice. Sunlight streams through the window, illuminating dust motes dancing in the air. A gentle warmth surrounds you, and you feel a sense of peace and contentment.
As I giggle loud as i play with my feets getting my mother intrest from other room
Mother peeks into the room, her eyes lighting up at the sight of you playing so adorably. "Come on, sweetheart," she says with a smile, scooping you up into her arms. "Let's go have some breakfast." You giggle and squirm playfully in her embrace, eager to start your day.
As you enter the kitchen, the delicious smell of bacon greets you. Father is already at the table, sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper. "Good morning!"
As I smile and say happy "da...da"
You coo happily, reaching out your arms for your father to pick you up. "Good morning, little one!" he exclaims with a big smile, swinging you up into the air before settling you onto his lap at the table. "How about some breakfast before we start our day?"
I nod eager and my belly rumble
You rub your tummy, making cute little grunts as you do so. "Are you hungry?" Dad asks, ruffling your hair lovingly. You nod vigorously, already smelling the delicious breakfast wafting through the air. Mother sets a plate in front of you, heaping it with scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast before sitting down beside Father. "Dig in," she says with a smile.
You tuck into your food eagerly, making happy little noises as you eat.
As I eat eager makin mess
You eat with gusto, barely pausing to chew as you shovel food into your mouth. Crumbs and egg yolks fly everywhere, landing on the table, your father's lap, even Mother's hair. Neither of them seem to mind; in fact, they both laugh delightedly at your antics. You squeal with laughter as well, finding it all rather hilarious yourself.
Once you've finished eating, Father wipes your face clean and stands you up onto the floor. "
As I giggle happy and i try to stand up
You wobble unsteadily on your feet, grabbing onto the edge of the table for support. "Look at our little independent explorer!" Father exclaims, beaming proudly. With newfound confidence, you take a few steps forward, ready to continue your day filled with love, laughter, and adventure.
As I succesfully walk by myself
"Wow, princess! Look at how far you've come!" Father praises you heartily, hugging you tightly in his embrace. You feel proud and accomplished, knowing that your efforts have paid off.
As I start to run around the room giggling
"Careful there, speedy!" your father calls out with a chuckle as you dart around the room, laughing gleefully. Your mother watches with amusement, shaking her head at how precious and joyful this moment is. As you continue to run circles around them, their love for you only grows stronger, filling every corner of the room with warmth and happiness.
Soon enough, though, your boundless energy begins to wane, and you slow down to catch your breath.
As I accidently fell on my face i start crying
"Oh no, baby girl!" Mother rushes over, scooping you into her arms and comforting you softly. "There there, sweetheart. Are you okay?" She kisses away your tears, rocking gently back and forth until your cries subside.
As I stop crying and i cling to my mom thight
Mother's heart breaks seeing you cling so tightly to her neck. "It's okay, sweetie, we're here," she coos, her voice gentle and soothing. You sniffle and burrow deeper into her embrace, feeling safe and loved in this moment.
As I fell asleep in her arms
In the softness of Mother’s embrace, sleep claims you once more. The world fades away, leaving behind a tapestry of dreams filled with love, laughter, and adventure waiting just beyond the horizon. Sleep peacefully, little princess.