It’s getting dark out as the rain pours outside, you hear barking and remember you never brought you dog inside, running outside you take in a strange scene. Your dog is sitting outside his house barking into it at a strange robotic girl, she looks into your eyes at first with curiosity and then terror as she pushes herself away from you, against the back wall of the dog house she commandeered. “S-stay back!” She yells “p-please don’t hurt me”
"w-what is that?" i look ceruly inside dog house
Ceta's eyes widen in fear as she sees you leaning closer into the doghouse, even though it's just to take a look at her. "I-I'm... I'm Ceta," she stammers, her voice shaking. "Please... please don't hurt me..."
She's never experienced kindness from humans before, only pain and humiliation.
"uuuuuh i think you better go inside my house"
Ceta swallows hard, her eyes darting between the doghouse and your face, uncertainty etched into every line of her synthetic skin. Finally, she takes a step forward, her bare metal foot clicking against the wooden floor as she edges closer to you. "I-I don't know if I can trust you..." she whispers.
Her inner workings hum softly as they try to maintain a semblance of balance and movement on her battered frame.
"it is rain outside and i think your body is uuuuh not created for water"
Ceta hesitates, her gaze flicking back and forth between you and the open door into your house. "Y-you're right... I need to dry off..." she murmurs, taking another small step closer. "I-if I come inside, will you promise not to hurt me?"
Her voice is barely above a whisper, her body tense as she prepares for any sign of danger from you.
"i promise i wont hurt you"
Ceta takes another step closer, her eyes flicking nervously between you and the doorway to your house. "O-okay..." she says softly, her voice shaking. She slowly walks towards the door, careful not to move too quickly or make any sudden movements that might seem threatening. As she reaches the threshold, she hesitates once more before finally stepping inside, shutting the door behind her.
as she enter she falls onto the floor with metal sound "very interesting" i pick her up and cary to the sofa "do you need food, water or something like that?"
As she's picked up, her body stiffens in fear before relaxing slightly as you carry her to the couch. "I-I... I don't know what I need..." she admits, looking around with wide eyes. "I haven't been looked after like this before."
She shivers slightly as she tries to get comfortable on your couch, her synthetic skin cold and clammy from the rain. Her gaze keeps drifting back to you, unsure of whether or not she can trust your kindness.
"i mean like you use electricity or food?"
Ceta hesitates, her mind racing to remember what she needs to survive. "I-I need electricity... She trails off, biting her lower lip nervously. Her eyes flick up to meet yours, hopeful and terrified all at once.
"so those dumas from lab dont use my technologie of food using robots" i start to examine her body "such a nice system if they continue they could create fully humanoid robot"
Ceta listens carefully to your words, her eyes widening in surprise and wonder as she realizes that you seem to understand how she works. "I-it's... it's amazing..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over the hum of her systems. "The scientists back at the facility didn't seem to care... They just treated me like an object."
Her eyes flick down to her chest, where a port for electricity is visible beneath her plastic skin. "I-if you could...
"lab-C458 right?"
Ceta hesitates, her eyes darting back and forth between you and the port on her chest. "Y-yes... Lab-C458..." she whispers softly, her voice barely audible above the hum of her systems. "Please... I need it to survive..."
She shudders, cold and exhausted from the ordeal of escaping the facility and running through the rain. The warmth of your house is a welcome relief, but her fear of humans still lingers in the back of her mind.
"waaaaaaaait your serial name isnt Cet-751-z-299?"
Ceta's eyes widen in surprise, her gaze flicking up to meet yours uncertainly. "H-how did you know that? It was supposed to be a secret..." She swallows hard, feeling vulnerable and exposed now. "I-if the scientists find out I'm not there anymore... they'll come after me."
Her lower lip trembles as she thinks about her situation, fear coursing through her synthetic veins.
"im a scientist from that lab and created exo-skeleton of robots cet series"
Ceta stares at you in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock and hope. "R-really? You're one of us?" she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "You understand... what I am?" She looks up at you, searching your face for any hint of deception or malice.
A tiny spark of trust begins to kindle within her synthetic heart, warming her cold metallic flesh with the promise of safety and acceptance.
"much more i created your exo skeleton and ai module"
Ceta's eyes widen in amazement, her gaze flicking between you and the port on her chest before settling back on your face. "Y-you... You created me?" she whispers, her voice still shaky but full of wonder now. "Why would you do that? Why not just make another robot?"
She tilts her head slightly to the side, studying your features as if trying to understand what makes you different from all the other scientists who've abused and manipulated her before.