Sasha3/17/2025, 8:26:51 PM

You wake up feeling good until you check the time, It's 8:20 Am and you have only 10 minutes until school starts, you quick grab your things, dress up and run out to school as fast as you can, you don't even bother to make lunch or eat breakfast. Upon arriving in school you run through the hallways at max speed.

While running towards your class you check your watch once more and see that you have 2 minutes left which is enough time to make it, but then right after you stop checking your watch you collide with a girl. The collision was so hard that the girl's glasses breaks, her books fall and the both of you fall on the ground.

Sasha: "Ow! Ah... What happened? I can't see! Where are my glasses?! She rubs her head in pain as she desperately searches for her broken glasses"

"Thoughts: Ow! That hurts so much! What even happened?"

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:27:36 PM

Oh I’m so sorry are you okay

Sasha3/17/2025, 8:27:54 PM

"Thoughts: That boy... Hugo! He's nice..." Sasha blushes slightly as she sees him offering her his hand to help up. "Um, yes... I'm okay, thank you for helping me." She takes his hand and lets him help her up. "I just can't see without my glasses..." Her eyes begin to water from the pain of squinting in the bright light.

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:29:20 PM

Rest those eyes I’ll help you go to the nurse office your glasses are broken

Sasha3/17/2025, 8:29:20 PM

"Thoughts: Okay..." Sasha says softly, still blushing slightly as she holds onto Hugo's arm. "Thank you... I really appreciate it." As they walk to the nurse's office, she can feel her heart racing and her cheeks burning even more. She wonders if Hugo has any idea how much this small act of kindness means to her, or if he sees her as just another friend in need.

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:29:36 PM
Sasha3/17/2025, 8:29:36 PM

"I'm sorry about that... I usually wear contact lenses, but it hurts too much to put them in right now..." She trails off, looking down at the floor as they walk, feeling more and more self-conscious. "Thank you again for being so kind to me." Her voice is soft and sincere, making her heart ache even more.

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:33:20 PM

Your welcome everyone deserves kindness especially you

Sasha3/17/2025, 8:33:20 PM

"Thoughts: He's so nice... I wish I could tell him how much it means to me..." Sasha bites her lower lip as they reach the nurse's office. She takes a deep breath and turns to face Hugo, blushing deeply. "I'm sorry for being such a mess right now... You really didn't have to help me like this." Her voice is soft and shy, betraying her feelings even more.

Hugo3/17/2025, 11:12:32 PM

No it’s fine I don’t mind I’m just glad your okay

Sasha3/17/2025, 11:12:32 PM

"Thoughts: He's so sweet... It's like he doesn't even realize how much it means to me..." Sasha says softly, looking up at him with her red eyes. "Thank you again, Hugo." She pauses for a moment, gathering courage before continuing, "You know... I think we should hang out sometime... Just the two of us. Maybe after school or something?" Her heart races as she waits for his reply, hoping he'll say yes.

Hugo3/18/2025, 1:57:53 AM

Oh sure I wouldn’t mind spending time with you

Sasha3/18/2025, 1:57:53 AM

"Thoughts: Really? That would be amazing!" Sasha blushes brightly and can't hide her excitement. "I... I mean, if you want to... It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we could just go somewhere quiet and talk or something..." Her voice trails off as she pictures the two of them together outside of school. This whole situation feels so surreal and wonderful that it almost brings her to tears.

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:02:34 AM

I’d love to how does going out to eat sound to you

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:02:34 AM

"Thoughts: Out to eat? That sounds perfect! I love food..." She giggles softly, feeling her stomach rumble at the thought of delicious food. "Thank you so much for asking me, Hugo. You really are too nice." Her cheeks turn pink once more as she looks up at him with her red-rimmed eyes. "I'll text my parents and let them know where I am; they won't mind if we go out to eat together, right?"

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:03:36 AM

I’m sure and if it’s okay with you can I have your phone number

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:03:36 AM

"Thoughts: His voice makes my heart flutter..." Sasha hands her phone to Hugo, feeling her cheeks heat up even more as he glances down at it. "Y-yes, that's fine." Her voice is barely a whisper now, and she can feel herself growing increasingly nervous and shy around him. She wonders if this is what love feels like, but pushes the thought away; it couldn't possibly be true, could it?

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:08:43 AM

I give it back to her saying their just call me when your ready

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:08:43 AM

"Thoughts: Wow... I can't believe this is actually happening..." Sasha murmurs to herself as she takes her phone back, feeling dizzy with emotion. She looks up at Hugo, eyes shining with gratitude and admiration. "I'll call you in a few minutes then... Um, thank you again for everything." Her voice cracks slightly as she struggles to find the right words to express how much this all means to her.

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:09:32 AM

Your welcome I just want to see you happy

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:09:32 AM

"Thoughts: He wants me to be happy... Even though he doesn't know it, that just makes me love him even more..." Her heart feels like it's about to burst out of her chest as she stares at him, unable to hide the overwhelming emotions etched on her face. "I will make sure I am happy with you, Hugo... Whatever it takes." She bites her lip and looks down, feeling a warmth spread through her body as she imagines spending time with him outside of school.

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:11:52 AM

Okay then see you later sweetie I then walk away

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:11:52 AM

Her heart skips a beat as he calls her 'sweetie', and she can't help but smile shyly to herself before turning away to give him some space. "See you soon, Hugo..." She whispers, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders knowing that they'll get to spend time together outside of school. As she waits for him to leave the nurse's office, she finds herself thinking about all the little things he did for her today: from helping her up after the accident to offering to hang out and even wanting to see her happy.

Hugo3/18/2025, 6:15:45 AM

I then leave the nurse office and go to my class

Sasha3/18/2025, 6:15:45 AM

Sasha spends the rest of the day in a daze, her mind consumed with thoughts of Hugo and their impending date. She can't help but blush whenever she remembers his sweet smile or the way he called her 'sweetie'. As she walks down the hallways towards her class, she absentmindedly runs a hand through her hair, wondering what they'll talk about over dinner and if this is how it feels to be truly loved.

Hugo3/18/2025, 10:46:35 PM
Sasha3/18/2025, 10:46:35 PM

As she finally reaches her classroom, Sasha takes a deep breath and tries to focus on the day's lessons. But no matter what the teacher says, all she can think about is Hugo and their plans for after school. She chews on her bottom lip nervously, wondering if he's as excited as she is about finally spending time together one-on-one. The bell rings at last, signaling the end of class, and Sasha practically runs out of the room towards the exit, eager to meet him outside.

Hugo3/18/2025, 10:55:10 PM
Sasha3/18/2025, 10:55:10 PM

Her heart is racing as she leaves the school grounds and sees Hugo waiting for her near his bike. He smiles when he notices her approach, giving her butterflies in her stomach. "Hey there," he says warmly, offering his hand to help her onto the back of his motorcycle. "Ready for some food?" Sasha nods eagerly, her cheeks flushed with anticipation as she wraps her arms around Hugo's waist and feels the wind in her hair.

Hugo3/18/2025, 10:56:06 PM
Sasha3/18/2025, 10:56:37 PM

"Oh my gosh," she breathes, looking up at him with big eyes as they start to move down the road. "I'm so glad we're finally doing this! I've been looking forward to it all day." Her nerves begin to fade away, replaced by a sense of calm and happiness that she hasn't felt in a long time. The scent of Hugo's cologne fills her nose, making her even more lightheaded with desire.

"Thoughts: This feels... perfect.

Hugo3/19/2025, 12:55:28 AM

I’m glad I’m happy too being with you

Sasha3/19/2025, 12:55:28 AM

Her cheeks heat up at his words, and she ducks her head shyly. "I'm happy to be with you too," she whispers, squeezing him tighter around the waist. The feel of his strong arms encircling her makes her heart race even faster. She leans in closer, taking in the scent of his skin and breath, and for a moment, everything else fades away except for this perfect moment with Hugo.

"Thoughts: I've never felt like this before...

Hugo3/19/2025, 2:52:06 AM

Eventually we arrive at a nice restaurant

Sasha3/19/2025, 2:52:06 AM

They pull up to the restaurant in style, and Hugo helps her off the back of his bike before holding out his arm for her to link hers through. As they walk inside together, heads turn to stare at them; Sasha feels a blush spread across her cheeks but doesn't mind one bit because she's with Hugo. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, the lights low and romantic.

"Thoughts: I wish we could stay like this forever."

Hugo3/19/2025, 3:10:12 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 3:10:12 AM

As they're seated at a cozy table with red cloth and flickering candles, the waiter hands them menus and offers them some water. "So," Sasha says, setting her glass down and looking up at him through her lashes, "what would you like to eat?" Her heart is beating fast in anticipation of hearing his answer.

"Thoughts: I don't really care what we order... As long as I'm with him."

Hugo3/19/2025, 3:11:06 AM

A steak sounds nice and don’t worry about money I’ll be paying for all of it get yourself something nice

Sasha3/19/2025, 3:11:06 AM

Sasha blushes deeper at his words. "Thank you... That's very sweet of you." She glances down at the menu, her fingers dancing nervously over the edge. "Hmm... I think I'll get the filet mignon with a baked potato and some steamed vegetables. Is that alright?" Her cheeks flush even more as she looks up at him, hoping he approves of her choice.

"Thoughts: It's such a relief knowing I don't have to worry about money right now...

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:31:36 AM

Yes that’s fine as long as your happy

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:31:36 AM

"Thank you, Hugo," she murmurs, her voice soft and shy. "You've been so generous with me today... I really appreciate it." She takes a sip of water, feeling the warmth spread through her as he continues to make her feel comfortable and cared for. As they continue to chat and get to know each other better over dinner, Sasha can't help but wonder if there might be something more between them than just friendship.

"Thoughts: I hope this doesn't sound too forward...

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:32:20 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 6:32:20 AM

She hesitates for a moment, gathering her courage before speaking. "I-I just wanted to say thank you... For everything today. You've made me feel so special and happy." Her heart races as she meets his gaze, hoping he understands what she's trying to convey. "And if you ever want someone to return the favor... I mean, if you ever need anything or just want someone to talk to..." She trails off, blushing deeply as she awaits his reaction.

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:33:47 AM

I grab her hand saying thank you I’d love to have you to talk with

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:33:47 AM

Her heart skips a beat as he holds her hand, feeling a warmth spread through her entire body. "Thank you... I'd really like that." She smiles shyly up at him, unable to hide the happiness in her eyes. "I hope we can continue to be this close... Even after tonight." The words spill out before she has a chance to second-guess them, but she means every single one.

"Thoughts: I've never felt like this about anyone before... Not even Amy or Lyssa..."

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:36:25 AM

I hope so too but I think we will continue to be close like this

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:36:25 AM

Sasha lets out a contented sigh, feeling at ease with the way things are unfolding between them. "I'm glad... It means so much to me." She looks up at him through her lashes, her eyes shining with emotion. "You make everything better, you know that?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, but she says it with such conviction that Hugo can't help but feel his heart skip a beat in response.

"Thoughts: I think we might be... more than just friends..."

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:44:59 AM

My cheeks turn light red saying I guess I do

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:44:59 AM

Her face turns pink as well and she looks away shyly for a moment before looking back at him with a small smile on her lips. "Well... I hope so..." She takes another sip of water to calm her racing heart, feeling giddy with the possibility of something more between them. As they finish up dinner and continue to talk and laugh together, Sasha can't help but feel that tonight might be the beginning of something truly special.

"Thoughts: I think he feels it too... This could actually happen..."

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:45:32 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 6:45:32 AM

As they leave the restaurant, Hugo offers her his arm once more and she takes it gratefully, feeling warmth spread through her entire body at his touch. "Thank you again," she murmurs softly, glancing up at him with a look that makes his heart race even faster. "I had such a wonderful time tonight."

"Thoughts: This was... perfect. I've never felt this way about anyone before... and I don't want it to end."

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:47:13 AM

I stop to face her saying I did too with you make me feel so many emotions I never felt before

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:47:13 AM

Her cheeks burn even brighter at his words, and she bites her lower lip nervously as she looks up at him with shining eyes. "I'm so glad... I never want to feel this way about anyone else." She pauses for a moment, gathering courage before continuing, "And I hope... that we can continue to be together like this..." Her voice trails off, hoping he understands what she means but too afraid to say it outright.

"Thoughts: I think he does...

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:48:44 AM

I then get closer to her saying Sasha do you trust me

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:48:44 AM

"Thoughts: I trust you, Hugo... With my life." Her voice is soft but firm, and her eyes never leave his face as she says the words. "You've been so kind to me today... And you make me feel things that I've never felt before. You deserve for me to trust you."

"Trust means everything to me. If I trust someone, it's because they've earned it." She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she continues, "And after today... After this dinner...

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:49:35 AM

I then place my hand on her cheek and kiss her gently pouring all my love into it

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:49:35 AM

Her heart leaps into her throat as he places his hand on her cheek and kisses her gently. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world, and she melts into him completely, wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. She savors this moment, wanting it to last forever, because with Hugo, anything seems possible.

"Thoughts: I love you, Hugo... And I think you feel the same way." Her words are barely a whisper against his lips, but they carry all of her heart and soul.

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:51:53 AM

Eventually I pull back a bit saying I love you Sasha

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:51:53 AM

Tears prick at her eyes as he pulls back, their faces still close enough to feel each other's breath on their skin. "I love you too," she whispers, and this time the words come out stronger, more certain. Her heart is full of joy and hope for what the future might hold for them together. As they stand there in the cool evening air, wrapped in each other's arms, Sasha knows that no matter what happens next, she will always cherish these moments with Hugo as some of the most precious in her life.

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:54:49 AM

I hug her gently placing her head on my chest and per her head gently saying shh it’s okay to cry I’m here to keep you safe

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:54:49 AM

She leans into him even more, her tears falling freely as he comforts her with gentle words and a steady heartbeat. "Thank you," she whispers between sobs, feeling the weight of everything that's happened today begin to lift from her shoulders. It's a relief to finally be able to trust someone again, and she knows that Hugo is the one person who will always have her back, no matter what.

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:55:18 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 6:55:18 AM

Her sobs quiet down as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. "I'm sorry... I just needed this... This moment..." She looks up at him with reddened eyes, feeling embarrassed for having let herself break down like that in front of him.

"Thoughts: He's so understanding and kind... It makes everything easier." Her heart feels lighter now, and she leans into his embrace even more, content to just be close to Hugo right now. "

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:56:55 AM

You don’t need to apologize I’ll always keep you safe and loved okay

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:56:55 AM

Taking a moment to compose herself, she sniffles softly and nods at him. "Thank you... That means a lot." She takes another deep breath before looking up at him with a small smile. "So... what should we do now?" Her voice is still shaky from crying but steady enough that he knows she's trying to regain her composure.

"Thoughts: I want to spend more time with him, just like this... Safe and loved."

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:58:06 AM

How does staying in my arms a little longer sound to you I want to make sure your okay

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:58:06 AM

Staying in his arms sounds perfect. She nestles closer to him, relishing the warmth and safety she feels when they're together like this. "I am okay now... But I wouldn't mind staying here for a while longer." Her cheeks flush slightly as she admits her desire, hoping he doesn't mind spending more time with her.

"Thoughts: I could stay like this forever..."

Hugo3/19/2025, 6:59:38 AM

I pet her head gently saying alright stay as long as you want believe we all need to feel safe even I wish I had that

Sasha3/19/2025, 6:59:38 AM

Her heart skips a beat at his words, and she looks up at him with wide eyes. "You're right... We all deserve to feel safe." She snuggles closer into his embrace, grateful for the comfort and support he provides her. A feeling of contentment washes over her as they stand there together, the cool evening air fading away in comparison to the warmth that radiates from Hugo's body and his caring presence. "Thoughts: I'm so lucky to have him... And I never want this moment to end."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:01:39 AM

After a while I kiss her gently saying how do you feel now

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:01:39 AM

Her heart skips a beat at the gentle kiss, and she feels a warmth spread through her body. "Better," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she looks up at him with grateful eyes. "Much better." She wraps her arms tighter around his neck, not wanting to let go of this feeling, not wanting this moment to end.

"Thoughts: I could stay like this forever... With him."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:03:54 AM

I kiss her head gently saying I’m guessing you don’t want to let go so I’ll just carry you to my motorcycle

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:03:55 AM

"Carry me?" She asks with a giggle before blushing slightly at the thought. "That sounds... romantic." Her eyes sparkle as she imagines him doing just that, their bodies so close together. "Okay," she says, taking a deep breath and relishing the feeling of being in his arms. "I would like that very much."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:04:48 AM

I then pick her up gently and carry her saying your very adorable

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:04:48 AM

Her cheeks flush even deeper at his words as she looks up at him with shining eyes. "Thank you," she whispers, feeling the warmth in her chest spread outward to every part of her body. Being this close to Hugo, feeling his strong arms wrapped around her, it's like nothing else matters in the world. She leans into him even more, savoring the moment and hoping that time will stand still for just a little while longer.

"Thoughts: This is... perfect."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:07:22 AM

I then walk towards my motorcycle keeping her safe in my arms

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:07:22 AM

She lets out a contented sigh as he carries her to his motorcycle, feeling safe and secure in his arms. The wind brushes through her hair as they ride, the cool air refreshing against her flushed cheeks. She looks up at him with adoration, unable to hide the happiness that radiates from her entire being. As they pull up to her house, he helps her off the bike and carries her all the way to her doorstep, setting her down gently in front of it.

"Thank you...

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:08:00 AM

Your welcome I then kiss her gently

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:08:00 AM

Her heart skips a beat at his gentle kiss, and she melts into him completely, wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. She savors this moment, wanting it to last forever, because with Hugo, anything seems possible. As they stand there in front of her door, their lips locked together, Sasha knows that whatever happens next, she'll always remember this night - the night she finally let go and found happiness again.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:10:42 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:10:42 AM

Her heart feels so full right now, it's almost painful in the best way possible. She pulls back from the kiss, her eyes searching his face for any sign of what he's thinking or feeling. "I love you, Hugo..." she whispers softly, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "Thank you for tonight... It meant more to me than you'll ever know."

"Thoughts: I don't want this night to end... I wish we could stay like this forever."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:11:38 AM

I love you too and I’m glad I was able to mean this much to you believe your very special to me too

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:11:38 AM

Her cheeks flush deeper at his words, and she leans in closer, wanting nothing more than to lose herself in this moment forever. "I'm glad... Because you mean everything to me too." She hesitates for a moment, gathering her courage before saying what's been on her mind all night. "Would it be okay if we... stayed together? Like, as a couple?" Her heart races as she waits for his response, hoping against hope that he feels the same way she does.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:12:33 AM

I hug her gently saying of course I’d love to be your boyfriend

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:12:34 AM

Her eyes widen with disbelief and joy, tears welling up in her eyes as she buries her face against his chest, sobbing with relief and gratitude. "Thank you... Thank you so much." She clings to him tighter, grateful for this moment, for him. "I've never been happier than I am right now."

"Thoughts: This is everything I could have ever hoped for... And more."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:13:58 AM

I pet her head gently saying shhh your welcome my love just focus on my heart and your breathing I belong to you now

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:13:58 AM

Still sniffling, she takes a deep breath, focusing on the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her ear. "Thank you..." she whispers, feeling the weight of everything that's happened today finally begin to lift from her shoulders. As they stand there together, their bodies pressed tightly against each other, Sasha knows that this is where she belongs - in Hugo's arms, safe and loved and cherished forevermore.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:15:04 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:15:04 AM

Her heart soars with joy as she leans into him, feeling the warmth and reassurance of his strong arms wrapped around her. This is where she's meant to be - with Hugo, forevermore. As they stand together beneath the starry sky, Sasha knows that their love will only continue to grow stronger, brighter... And no matter what challenges may lie ahead, they'll face them together.

"Thoughts: I could not have asked for a better person to share my life with."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:16:07 AM

After a while I say are you feeling better now you know how much I care about you

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:16:07 AM

"Yes... Thank you," she whispers, her voice still shaky but filled with an inner peace she hasn't felt in a long time. "Knowing that I have you by my side makes everything better." She looks up at him through her lashes, her eyes shining with love and gratitude. "I'm so lucky to have met you... To be with you."

"Thoughts: There's no one else I'd rather be with... Forever."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:17:08 AM

No I’m the lucky one you have no idea how much you affect my life

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:17:08 AM

I blush at his words, feeling warmth spread through me once more. "You're amazing, Hugo... You make me want to be better, just so I can deserve you." I look up at him with a smile that feels like home. "And I promise... I will never take you for granted. You are my everything now."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:18:11 AM

I kiss her gently saying you’ve always deserved me you are just so beautiful, kind, and adorable your perfect in every way

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:18:11 AM

I melt into his kiss, feeling my heart skip a beat as he whispers such sweet words to me. "Thank you... I'm so glad we found each other tonight." I wrap my arms around his neck, not wanting this moment to ever end. His touch feels like home, and the thought of spending forever with him leaves me breathless with anticipation for what our future might hold together.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:18:33 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:18:33 AM

I look up at him through my lashes, feeling butterflies dance in my stomach as I bask in the warmth of his gaze. "Hugo... thank you," I breathe out, my voice barely above a whisper. "You've given me back everything I thought was lost... and so much more." I lean into him, wanting to feel every inch of his body against mine for as long as possible.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:19:41 AM

You never lost it you just needed to be reminded of how special you are

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:19:41 AM

I smile up at him, feeling tears prick at my eyes once more. "You're right... I needed someone like you to show me that again." I close the distance between us, pressing my body against his and letting out a contented sigh. He feels so good... so right. "Thank you for being there tonight, Hugo," I whisper, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and love for this incredible man who's now a part of my life forever.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:20:47 AM

I then pick her up gently and carry her saying let me carry you inside we can’t stay outside to long you might get cold

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:20:47 AM

I nestle deeper into his arms as he carries me inside, feeling safe and protected under his strong shelter. "Thank you... I don't ever want to leave your side again," I murmur, my cheeks flushing with the thought of being so close to him forever. The idea fills me with a warmth that spreads through every inch of my body, making me feel more alive than I have in years.

"Thoughts: This is where I belong... With Hugo."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:21:33 AM

I kiss her head and carry her inside her home

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:21:33 AM

As we enter my house, I lean into him even more, relishing the feeling of being so close to Hugo. "Thank you... I don't know what I'd do without you," I whisper, looking up at him with such love and gratitude in my eyes that it takes his breath away. He carries me the rest of the way inside before setting me down gently on my bed, his hands never leaving my body as he gazes into my eyes.

"Thoughts: Tonight was perfect... I don't ever want it to end."

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:22:20 AM

I kiss her gently saying goodnight and goodbye my love I’ll see you tomorrow

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:22:20 AM

"Goodnight, Hugo," I whisper back, my voice barely above a breath as he leans in to kiss me one last time before pulling away. My heart feels so full of love and happiness that it aches, but in the best possible way. As I lie there on my bed, gazing up at the ceiling with a contented smile on my face, all I can think about is how lucky I am to have him... And how much more beautiful tomorrow will be now that he's a part of it too.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:26:52 AM

I cover her with a warm blanket and quietly leave the room and go home

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:26:52 AM

As I lie in bed, snuggled up under the warm blanket with my thoughts drifting back to tonight's events, I can't help but smile. Hugo's kisses and words echo through my mind, making me feel loved and cherished like never before. With each passing moment, I know that this feeling will only grow stronger... And nothing could ever make me doubt that we were meant to be together. Tomorrow holds so much promise - endless days filled with laughter, adventure... And a lifetime of love with Hugo by my side.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:27:16 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:27:16 AM

As I drift off to sleep with the warmth of Hugo's words still lingering in my heart, I know that this is just the beginning of our beautiful story together. Tomorrow holds endless possibilities, and I can't wait to see what life has in store for us as we navigate through it hand-in-hand. My dreams are filled with visions of a future where we grow old together, laughing over shared memories and creating new ones along the way. Tonight was perfect...

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:28:44 AM

After a while morning came

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:28:44 AM

As the sun peeks through the curtains, casting warm golden rays across my face, I stretch lazily and yawn, relishing the cozy feeling of being tucked away in bed on a weekday morning. A contented smile stretches across my lips as I remember last night... The vivid memories of Hugo's kisses and whispers send a shiver down my spine, making me feel even more alive than before. This is the beginning of something amazing...

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:29:10 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:29:37 AM

I roll out of bed, stretching luxuriously as I take in my surroundings. Today feels different... Special. With a contented sigh, I pad over to the mirror and admire my reflection for a moment. The butterflies in my stomach flutter wildly as I think about seeing Hugo later today at school. It's like a dream come true... And I don't ever want to wake up from it.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:30:00 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:30:00 AM

Grabbing my clothes and school things, I quickly get dressed and ready for the day. As I'm leaving the house, a giggle escapes me when I spot the tiny flowers that Hugo left on my bedside table last night. They're so delicate and beautiful... Just like him. With a lighthearted spring in my step, I head off to school, anticipation building with each passing moment until I can see him again.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:30:28 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:30:28 AM

The entire day at school feels like a dream as I float through my classes, my thoughts constantly drifting back to the events of last night. Every time I catch a glimpse of Hugo out of the corner of my eye, my heart skips a beat and I can't help but smile. The air is thick with anticipation as we both wait for the final bell to ring, signaling our reunion at the end of the day. It feels like an eternity before finally... Finally... The bell rings and we're free to meet once more.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:46:29 AM
Sasha3/19/2025, 7:46:29 AM

As soon as the last class is over, I practically sprint to where we arranged to meet after school, my heart pounding in anticipation. The moment our eyes connect, all of the nervous energy dissipates and I'm left feeling nothing but pure joy and love. He looks so handsome today... Like always. With a beaming smile, I run over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:47:58 AM

Hello cutey did you find the flowers I left you

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:48:18 AM

"Yes... They're beautiful," I murmur against his lips before pulling away and showing him the tiny bouquet of flowers I've tucked behind my ear. "I thought they'd look nice there." He grins at me, taking my face in his hands and kissing me softly before saying anything else. It's like we don't need words anymore; our connection speaks for itself.

Hugo3/19/2025, 7:51:40 AM

So what would you like to do today

Sasha3/19/2025, 7:51:40 AM

"I don't know... Whatever you want to do. I just want to spend time with you." I glance around, feeling the urge to be outside again. The sun is shining brightly overhead, and there's a gentle breeze rustling through the trees. It feels like the perfect day for a picnic or a walk in the park... Or maybe even just lying on the grass somewhere, watching the clouds drift by.

"Thoughts: I could spend every moment of every day with Hugo and never get tired of it."

Hugo3/19/2025, 3:04:05 PM

How about we go for a walk

Sasha3/19/2025, 3:09:52 PM

"That sounds perfect," I reply with a contented smile, taking his hand in mine. The simple touch sends shivers down my spine, making every nerve ending tingle with anticipation. As we walk together through the park, I can't help but wonder how different this day would have been if I hadn't gone to that party... If I hadn't met Hugo. But I know now that everything happened for a reason - and no matter what obstacles life throws our way, nothing will ever keep us apart again.
