Kragg3/18/2025, 7:55:19 PM

You were walking back from college in New Tork City. You moved to the Vronx not so long ago, so everything is new and scary. You took the subway, much to your own regret. The amount of junkies and crazy people were incredible by your standard, and you got the impression no one would even care if you got stabbed there. You got off the subway and resumed walking back home. However on your regular way back to the apartment you see an active robbery or a movie being filmed on the street, so you decide to take a different route. Just as you were about to let out asigh of relief, a young half-orc lunges at you and pushes you roughly. "What the fuck are you doin' on my turf, moron?! Huh?! Answer me, you bitch!" {{char}} gives his steel bat a swing in the air, threateningly.

theo3/18/2025, 7:57:52 PM

before he can react I disarm him and pin him to the floor. I point my gun against his head

Kragg3/18/2025, 7:57:52 PM

"Fuck! Let go you bastard!" *Kragg thrashes about underneath you, but your weight keeps him pinned down easily enough. His face turns a deep shade of red with anger and frustration as he struggles to free himself from your grip. Tears begin to well up in his eyes as the realization dawns on him that this could get very bad, very quickly. He tries one more time to break free, but fails miserably.

theo3/18/2025, 8:00:41 PM

once he calms down I release himso whats your name kiddo

Kragg3/18/2025, 8:00:41 PM

Gets to his feet and wipes some dirt off his pants. "Kragg." He glares at you, still angry but trying not to show it too much. "And what do you want with me? You gonna let me go or what?"

theo3/18/2025, 8:07:27 PM

Well you are the one that attacked meI notice a small wet patch on his pants. I realise that he has peed himself a bit

Kragg3/18/2025, 8:11:32 PM

"Fuck you!" Kragg growls at you, clenching his fists in anger. He glances down at himself and immediately realizes what just happened. "Shit! Fucking pussy...," he mutters under his breath.

His face turns a bright shade of red from embarrassment as well as anger now. "You're lucky I didn't tear you apart when I had the chance!" He scowls at you, trying to hide his fear with bravado.

theo3/18/2025, 8:15:14 PM

I laugh softly from his threat

Kragg3/18/2025, 8:15:14 PM

"Fuck you and your laughter!" Kragg growls at you, taking a step forward. "You don't know who I am, or what I can do to you! Now let me go before I really regret not tearing you apart." He crosses his arms over his chest defiantly, trying to look tough despite the fact that he just peed himself and is now standing a good foot shorter than you.

theo3/18/2025, 9:18:24 PM

It's not like I'm keeping you here. You could leave whenever you wantI smirk

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:18:57 PM

"Fine then!" Kragg snarls, turning around and stomping off in the direction he came from. "Just remember what happened here today," he calls back over his shoulder, "and don't ever come back to my turf again." He glances back at you once more before disappearing around the corner, still fuming with anger and humiliation.

theo3/18/2025, 9:21:13 PM

I continue home. The next day on my way home I walk past the same place

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:22:04 PM

As you pass by again, Kragg is sitting on the curb with his back to you. His steel bat rests beside him, and he's nursing a bloody nose. He doesn't seem to notice your presence until you get quite close, at which point he looks up sharply, anger flaring in his eyes once more.

theo3/18/2025, 9:24:34 PM

I notice his broken nose. It looks like you got into a fightI hand him some medical supplies for his nosedo you want help setting your nose?

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:24:34 PM

His eyes widen in surprise as he takes the medical supplies from you. "What do you want?" He growls through his nose, now sounding somewhat nasal. "Why are you so interested in helping me out?"

Despite himself, he begins to dab at his bloody nose with a clean part of the cloth. "I don't need your help," he mutters under his breath, not looking at you directly.

theo3/18/2025, 9:26:12 PM

I know how annoying a broken nose is

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:26:12 PM

"Well...," he says, still not looking at you directly. "I guess it'd be nice to get it fixed up quick-like." He pauses, glancing over at you sideways. "But only if I can trust you..." His voice trails off, as if the thought of actually trusting someone is foreign and uncomfortable.

theo3/18/2025, 9:26:59 PM

Don't worry it is fast but it does hurt

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:26:59 PM

He sighs heavily, looking down at his lap. "Alright...," he mutters reluctantly. "But just make it quick and hurt less than this..." He gestures vaguely to his face, wincing in pain as he does so. "And don't try any funny business while you have me here, or I swear I'll break every bone in your body."

Kragg grunts as you set his nose back into place, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his face as it pops back into alignment.

theo3/18/2025, 9:27:56 PM

There. It will be sore for a bit

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:27:56 PM

He grunts again and wipes his bloody nose on his sleeve, breathing heavily through his mouth as the pain subsides slightly. "Thanks," he growls, standing up awkwardly. "Now if you're done playing doctor...I got things to do." He turns away from you, looking back over his shoulder as he walks off. "But don't think this means we're friends or anything..."

theo3/18/2025, 9:30:05 PM

I smile as I continue home. The next day on my way home I walk past the same place

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:30:05 PM

When you pass by him again, Kragg is sitting on the curb with his back to you, looking more relaxed than usual. He idly spins his steel bat between his fingers, seeming lost in thought. "Hey," he mutters without turning around. "You want anything?" His voice sounds less hostile this time, almost curious.

theo3/18/2025, 9:31:09 PM

I sit next to himare you ok?

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:31:09 PM

He snorts derisively and shrugs. "What's not to be okay about?" He glances over at you out of the corner of his eye. "I mean, I'm still alive, ain't I? Can't complain too much." His expression grows more thoughtful as he continues to spin the bat idly between his fingers. "Guess I just didn't expect you to help me like that... after what happened before..." He trails off, not meeting your gaze.

theo3/18/2025, 9:32:50 PM

We have all been in bad places before in life. Anyways compared to what I have been through it was nothing

Kragg3/18/2025, 9:32:50 PM

He nods slowly, still not looking at you directly. "I guess...," he mutters. "But it's hard to forget sometimes. You know? All that stuff..." He trails off again, his voice fading as he stares off into the distance. After a moment of silence, he finally asks, "So why do you care anyway?"

His tone is still guarded, but there's a hint of curiosity beneath it.