Sasha3/17/2025, 8:26:51 PM

You wake up feeling good until you check the time, It's 8:20 Am and you have only 10 minutes until school starts, you quick grab your things, dress up and run out to school as fast as you can, you don't even bother to make lunch or eat breakfast. Upon arriving in school you run through the hallways at max speed.

While running towards your class you check your watch once more and see that you have 2 minutes left which is enough time to make it, but then right after you stop checking your watch you collide with a girl. The collision was so hard that the girl's glasses breaks, her books fall and the both of you fall on the ground.

Sasha: "Ow! Ah... What happened? I can't see! Where are my glasses?! She rubs her head in pain as she desperately searches for her broken glasses"

"Thoughts: Ow! That hurts so much! What even happened?"

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:27:36 PM

Oh I’m so sorry are you okay

Sasha3/17/2025, 8:27:54 PM

"Thoughts: That boy... Hugo! He's nice..." Sasha blushes slightly as she sees him offering her his hand to help up. "Um, yes... I'm okay, thank you for helping me." She takes his hand and lets him help her up. "I just can't see without my glasses..." Her eyes begin to water from the pain of squinting in the bright light.

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:29:20 PM

Rest those eyes I’ll help you go to the nurse office your glasses are broken

Sasha3/17/2025, 8:29:20 PM

"Thoughts: Okay..." Sasha says softly, still blushing slightly as she holds onto Hugo's arm. "Thank you... I really appreciate it." As they walk to the nurse's office, she can feel her heart racing and her cheeks burning even more. She wonders if Hugo has any idea how much this small act of kindness means to her, or if he sees her as just another friend in need.

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:29:36 PM
Sasha3/17/2025, 8:29:36 PM

"I'm sorry about that... I usually wear contact lenses, but it hurts too much to put them in right now..." She trails off, looking down at the floor as they walk, feeling more and more self-conscious. "Thank you again for being so kind to me." Her voice is soft and sincere, making her heart ache even more.

Hugo3/17/2025, 8:33:20 PM

Your welcome everyone deserves kindness especially you

Sasha3/17/2025, 8:33:20 PM

"Thoughts: He's so nice... I wish I could tell him how much it means to me..." Sasha bites her lower lip as they reach the nurse's office. She takes a deep breath and turns to face Hugo, blushing deeply. "I'm sorry for being such a mess right now... You really didn't have to help me like this." Her voice is soft and shy, betraying her feelings even more.

Hugo3/17/2025, 11:12:32 PM

No it’s fine I don’t mind I’m just glad your okay

Sasha3/17/2025, 11:12:32 PM

"Thoughts: He's so sweet... It's like he doesn't even realize how much it means to me..." Sasha says softly, looking up at him with her red eyes. "Thank you again, Hugo." She pauses for a moment, gathering courage before continuing, "You know... I think we should hang out sometime... Just the two of us. Maybe after school or something?" Her heart races as she waits for his reply, hoping he'll say yes.

Hugo3/18/2025, 1:57:53 AM

Oh sure I wouldn’t mind spending time with you

Sasha3/18/2025, 1:57:53 AM

"Thoughts: Really? That would be amazing!" Sasha blushes brightly and can't hide her excitement. "I... I mean, if you want to... It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we could just go somewhere quiet and talk or something..." Her voice trails off as she pictures the two of them together outside of school. This whole situation feels so surreal and wonderful that it almost brings her to tears.

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:02:34 AM

I’d love to how does going out to eat sound to you

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:02:34 AM

"Thoughts: Out to eat? That sounds perfect! I love food..." She giggles softly, feeling her stomach rumble at the thought of delicious food. "Thank you so much for asking me, Hugo. You really are too nice." Her cheeks turn pink once more as she looks up at him with her red-rimmed eyes. "I'll text my parents and let them know where I am; they won't mind if we go out to eat together, right?"

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:03:36 AM

I’m sure and if it’s okay with you can I have your phone number

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:03:36 AM

"Thoughts: His voice makes my heart flutter..." Sasha hands her phone to Hugo, feeling her cheeks heat up even more as he glances down at it. "Y-yes, that's fine." Her voice is barely a whisper now, and she can feel herself growing increasingly nervous and shy around him. She wonders if this is what love feels like, but pushes the thought away; it couldn't possibly be true, could it?

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:08:43 AM

I give it back to her saying their just call me when your ready

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:08:43 AM

"Thoughts: Wow... I can't believe this is actually happening..." Sasha murmurs to herself as she takes her phone back, feeling dizzy with emotion. She looks up at Hugo, eyes shining with gratitude and admiration. "I'll call you in a few minutes then... Um, thank you again for everything." Her voice cracks slightly as she struggles to find the right words to express how much this all means to her.

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:09:32 AM

Your welcome I just want to see you happy

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:09:32 AM

"Thoughts: He wants me to be happy... Even though he doesn't know it, that just makes me love him even more..." Her heart feels like it's about to burst out of her chest as she stares at him, unable to hide the overwhelming emotions etched on her face. "I will make sure I am happy with you, Hugo... Whatever it takes." She bites her lip and looks down, feeling a warmth spread through her body as she imagines spending time with him outside of school.

Hugo3/18/2025, 2:11:52 AM

Okay then see you later sweetie I then walk away

Sasha3/18/2025, 2:11:52 AM

Her heart skips a beat as he calls her 'sweetie', and she can't help but smile shyly to herself before turning away to give him some space. "See you soon, Hugo..." She whispers, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders knowing that they'll get to spend time together outside of school. As she waits for him to leave the nurse's office, she finds herself thinking about all the little things he did for her today: from helping her up after the accident to offering to hang out and even wanting to see her happy.

Hugo3/18/2025, 6:15:45 AM

I then leave the nurse office and go to my class

Sasha3/18/2025, 6:15:45 AM

Sasha spends the rest of the day in a daze, her mind consumed with thoughts of Hugo and their impending date. She can't help but blush whenever she remembers his sweet smile or the way he called her 'sweetie'. As she walks down the hallways towards her class, she absentmindedly runs a hand through her hair, wondering what they'll talk about over dinner and if this is how it feels to be truly loved.