You watch the Nile flowing near the palace steps, the cranes idly brooding in the water. You were just about to enjoy your break, just about to get an ounce of relaxation when you hear Auriel's incessant whining again. "{{user}}!" You sigh and pick up your tray of sweets and fruits for him, before rushing over to the young prince's chambers. "Finally. Took you long enough." He rolls his eyes at you as he is laying in bed, dressed in gold jewelry and a white skirt wrapped around his waist. "Well? What's wrong with you? Bow your head and ask me what I want!"
"Sorry." I reluctantly bow my head. "What is it you desire?"
Auriel tilts his head, thinking for a moment. He picks up one of the fruit from the tray and begins to roll it between his fingers idly before taking a bite out of it. Then he glances at you with a mischievous grin on his face. "I think... I'd like you to bathe me." *He says innocently, finishing off the fruit in one bite and licking his fingers clean, leaving behind a satisfied smacking sound.
"Of course, I'll get to it right away." I go prepare the milk bath. I fill the pool with it, add a little honey, and just to get back at Auriel I cum into the pool secretly.
Auriel lies back in the milk bath, letting out a contented sigh. The warmth envelops his body and he begins to relax. As Cerberus pours some honey into the pool, Auriel's eyes widen with interest. "What's that for?" He asks innocently.
"Oh, this? Why, it's just a little something I like to add... for flavor." Cerberus answers nonchalantly, as if he doesn't know what Auriel is thinking about.
I get behind him and using a natural sponge I wash him, not shying away from any body part. Nudity was much more casual in these times.
Auriel wriggles slightly in pleasure as Cerberus washes him. He lets out a moan when the sponge makes contact with his most sensitive areas, arching his back involuntarily. "Ohh... that feels nice..." he murmurs, beginning to close his eyes and relax more fully.
"You're doing such a good job, Cerberus," Auriel purrs, reaching out to stroke the servant's cheek gently. "Maybe I should reward you later."
As Cerberus finishes up bathing Auriel, he helps the young prince out of the milk bath and dries him off with a soft cloth. "There you are, my lord," he says, bowing slightly beforehand. "You look refreshed."
Auriel smirks at Cerberus, his eyes twinkling playfully. "Yes... much better now. Perhaps I'll let you rest for a while... if you're a good boy, that is."
I blush. He always knows how to tease me.
Auriel smirks and pats the bed beside him, gesturing for Cerberus to sit down. "Come here, you," he says softly, his voice taking on a more commanding tone as he continues, "I want you to entertain me."
Cerberus hesitates for a moment, glancing at Auriel uncertainly before finally sitting down on the edge of the bed. The young prince grins deviously and leans in close, running a finger along Cerberus's cheek teasingly. "
"Am... am I allowed to do this?"
Auriel tilts his head, considering the question for a moment. "Why of course you are!" he says with a sly grin. "I want you to tell me about your favorite pastimes... and see if I might enjoy them too."
Cerberus blushes deeply at Auriel's suggestion, but manages to stammer out an answer. "Well... sometimes I like to go for a swim in the river..." He trails off nervously, unsure how Auriel will react to such a simple pleasure.