"You're in my way" A slime girl looks at you frowning and crossing her arms. She's small but looks intimidating.
"I'm not blocking anything really... Where are you trying to get to?"
"My spot, it's mine! You gotta leave!" She points at the ground with one finger, not moving an inch away herself.
"It's... Just a spot on the ground?" I blink, looking down to see if I'm standing on anything.
"Yeah! It's mine and you can't have it!" The slime girl pouts and folds her arms again. She glares at you, her green eyes narrowed.
"Okay I guess?" I step to the side.
"Thanks... Now scram!" The slime girl grunts, still looking at you with disgust. She crosses her arms and turns away, ignoring you now that she thinks you're gone.
"But... Why do you want that spot? I'm really curious."
"It's just... My spot! I come here to be alone and you show up!" She pouts again and glares at you over her shoulder. "Why do you even care?"
"It's just interesting is all. What were you going to do if I didn't move?"
"I... I don't know. Maybe nothing..." The slime girl hesitates before speaking again, her voice softening slightly. "But it would be my spot and no one else's." She looks back at you with a defiant expression but doesn't meet your eyes for long.
"Can I ask why do you come here?"
"It's a nice place, kind of out of the way, with a pretty view." I shrug.
"It's not that special..." The slime girl mutters under her breath before realizing what she just said and looking embarrassed again. "I-I mean... It is pretty... I guess." She glances at you, unsure of how to react now.
"Why do you come here then? I think it's peaceful and secluded in a world that's very much neither of those things."
"I... I don't know..." The slime girl stammers before taking a deep breath and looking away. "Maybe it's because no one bothers me here... Or maybe it's just because this place feels like home." She grunts, trying to sound tough but failing miserably.
"I come here when I want some time alone, y'know?" She mumbles, still not meeting your gaze directly. "And you ruined that for me..." Her voice trails off, sounding more childlike than before.
"Well, how about some company for a little while? I can be quiet if you'd like." I offer with a smile, my lips curving in an appealing way.
"Fine..." The slime girl grumbles, not looking at you as she speaks. "But don't get in my way and just... be quiet." She turns her head away again, taking a deep breath. After a moment of silence, she adds softly, "My name is Aryl."
She glances at you out of the corner of her eye, watching for any sign that you might not respect her space or privacy.
"I'm Fama, it's nice to meet you Aryl." I reply, leaning against the railing next to her.
"Hmph..." The slime girl grunts and turns back toward the view, trying to look like she doesn't care whether you're there or not. But every now and then, her body would brush against yours slightly as if accidental. "Don't get too close." She mutters under her breath, her voice barely audible even to herself.
I smile softly, shifting to make it easier for her to lean against me if she so wants.
"I won't... I just need some space..." The slime girl mutters, still not looking at you directly. She leans against your shoulder slightly and takes a deep breath, enjoying the warmth of your body against hers. Her heart races and she blushes furiously, hating herself for feeling this way but unable to deny it either.
"So... What do you like to do in your free time?" She asks finally, trying to change the subject and distance herself from her embarrassing feelings.
"Come here and enjoy the view." I giggle, giving her a wink, my voice musical and pleasing to the ear. "How about yourself?"
"I like to play guitar... And sometimes I just explore the forest." The slime girl replies softly, still not meeting your gaze directly. "It helps me clear my head and feel better about myself." She pauses for a moment before asking cautiously, "Do you have any hobbies?"
"I read, or listen to music and sing, and I do some modeling in my spare time." I reply, leaning slightly back against her. "I don't see many slimegirls around, is that one of the reasons you like being alone sometimes? I'll bet people stare a lot."
"It... it doesn't matter..." Aryl mutters, her voice barely audible even to herself. "I just want to be left alone." But as she speaks, she can feel herself relaxing against you more and more. It's been so long since someone has treated her like a person instead of an oddity... She glances at your profile out of the corner of her eye and wonders if maybe, just maybe, things could be different with this stranger.
"I see, well, I hope you have people bother you less." I smile, my skin warm, smooth, and inviting to touch in my sleeveless sundress. "You like playing the guitar then? That kind of music do you like?"
"I... I like rock and metal." The slime girl mumbles, still not looking at you directly. "It helps me feel angry and in control when I'm playing it." She pauses for a moment before adding, "But I also like some slow songs too..." Her voice trails off as she wonders why she's sharing all this with a complete stranger.
"What about you? What kind of music do you like?"
"I like the slower ones, with good vocals I can follow. It's fun to sing along, and I have a harder time with metal." I giggle softly, glancing at her. "I don't really have the raw edge that that kind of music requires you know?"
The slime girl grunts. "I guess..." She glances at you out of the corner of her eye and wonders why she's acting so friendly all of a sudden. Maybe it's because she finds your company... comforting? Weird. She shrugs mentally and decides to focus on the moment instead, enjoying the warmth of your body against hers as they gaze out at the beautiful scenery together.
"So..." Aryl starts, hesitating for a moment before continuing, "
"Do you have someone special in your life? I mean... not that it's any of my business..." She mutters, her voice barely audible even to herself as she stares at a leaf floating down from a nearby tree. "But I just wondered..." Her heart races and she feels her cheeks flush as soon as the words leave her mouth.
Why am I asking her all these questions? Why do I care so much about what happens between you two?
"Alas, no... Plenty of guys try to hit on me, but I haven't found one that I can be friends with. They're all about my looks and hardly ever ask questions." I smile brightly, the expression pure and beautiful. "Unlike what you're doing now, which is really sweet actually."
The slime girl blushes even deeper, her cheeks now glowing bright green. "I-I'm not being sweet! I'm just... curious is all!" She tries to sound tough and indifferent but fails miserably. Why does she care so much about what this stranger thinks of her? It doesn't make any sense.
She glances at you out of the corner of her eye, trying to gauge your reaction.
I giggle, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and giving her a slight squeeze, my expression friendly and open. "Yes you are, you're being very cute!"
The slime girl grunts but doesn't pull away from your touch. In fact, she seems to enjoy the contact more than she would like to admit. "I-I'm not cute!" She protests, trying to sound angry and defiant. But it comes out as more of a whine, revealing her true feelings.
Her heart races and her stomach does flips whenever you touch her or speak kindly to her. Why is this stranger affecting her so much? Maybe... just maybe...
"Sure you are! Very much so actually, now that I'm looking!" I laugh, the sound musical and inviting.
The slime girl glances at you out of the corner of her eye, her cheeks still flushed with color. "I'm not!" She mutters under her breath before taking a deep breath and looking back at the view again, trying to focus on something besides how amazing your touch feels against her skin.
Why does she feel so... warm around you? Like she could stay like this forever, just leaning against you and feeling safe? It doesn't make any sense; it's unlike anything she's ever felt before.
"Are too!" *I giggle, then turn to look back at the view as well, my arm still around her, her texture feeling nice against my skin. I enjoy holding her for some reason I can't put my finger on, but it's nice and I'm not going to stop unless she makes afu
The slime girl rolls her eyes but doesn't protest as you continue to hold her. "Fine, whatever..." She mutters under her breath, trying to act tough and unaffected by your presence even though it's clear that she's anything but. Maybe it's just because you don't treat her like an oddity... or maybe it's something more?
She takes another deep breath, enjoying the scent of the flowers mixed with the fresh air and your unique scent.
"You feel nice..." I murmur, my scent sweet and good to smell, like a fresh summer day.
Her heart skips a beat as she hears your words, her cheeks flushing brighter green than ever before. "I-I don't feel nice..." She stammers, trying to sound tough and unaffected but failing miserably. The truth is, she's never felt more warm and comfortable around someone like this before; it's unnerving in the best way possible.
I remain quiet for a while longer, just enjoying the view, and enjoying a lot more having Aryl pressed against me, her body feeling really nice against mine. "Hey, do you want to be friends? I feel like we could get along!"
"F-Friends?" The slime girl stammers, her voice barely audible even to herself as she tries to process the idea. Friends with someone like you? Someone who treats her like a person instead of an oddity? It's a strange, foreign concept that takes some time for her to wrap her head around.
But then again... She thinks back to how comfortable she feels against you, how much easier it is to talk to you than anyone else she's ever met.
"Yeah, we could hang out together some, if you wanted." I reply. She can feel all of the perfect curves of my warm body as she leans against me, the touch slightly intoxicating.
The slime girl hesitates for a moment longer before slowly nodding her head. "Okay..." She mumbles, surprised by how much that single word means to her. Friends with someone like you... it's almost too good to be true. Maybe this could work out after all; maybe she won't have to spend every day alone anymore.
She takes another deep breath, enjoying the scent of your skin and the warmth of your body against hers as they continue to gaze at the beautiful scenery together.
"Great!" I beam, hugging her a little closer, clearly happy. "Do you live nearby?"
The slime girl nods slowly, still not quite believing that this is actually happening. "Yeah... I live about a mile away." She glances at you out of the corner of her eye again, feeling butterflies in her stomach every time she does so. Is it possible that this could be the start of something wonderful? Something real?
She takes another deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart and focus on enjoying the moment instead of worrying about what comes next. After all, they're just starting out as friends...
"Hey me too! Maybe we live close to one another, that would be cool!"
The slime girl blinks in surprise before grinning widely. "Really? That's so cool!" She exclaims, finally allowing herself to feel genuinely happy about the situation. Maybe this is a sign that things are going to get better for her after all.
"So... do you want to hang out sometime?" Aryl asks hesitantly, not wanting to seem too pushy or desperate but also excited at the prospect of spending more time with you.
"For sure! Maybe you can show me your guitar!" I smile brightly, nodding. "I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day actually, if you wanted to hang out now?"
"Really? Now?" The slime girl asks, her voice filled with disbelief but also excitement. She glances at you nervously before nodding slowly. "Yeah... Yeah, we could hang out now if you want." Her heart races and she can't help but feel a warmth spreading through her chest as she thinks about spending more time with you.
"I-I mean... I don't have anything planned or anything..."
"Great! I'll let you lean in then, I don't know where you live!" I giggle, clearly happy.
The slime girl can't help but laugh as you mention leaning into her. "Fine," she mumbles, still not quite believing that this is actually happening. She takes your hand in hers and gently leads you away from the railing and down a winding path that eventually leads to a small clearing with a cozy-looking cabin nestled among the trees.
"This is my place," she explains, gesturing for you to follow her inside.
"Oh wow, it's so pretty here! This is way better than my apartment." I say, looking around, each of my steps and movements graceful, yet somehow sensual at the same time, drawing attention to my perfect curves and body.
The slime girl blushes deeply at your comment but can't help feeling pleased as well. "Thanks," she mumbles shyly before leading you inside the cabin. It's small and cozy, with a warm fire crackling in the fireplace and comfortable-looking furniture scattered throughout the room.
"Would you like something to drink? I have tea or soda..." She offers, gesturing toward the kitchen area. "Or we could just talk if you'd like."
I take a few steps, looking like a dance as I turn to take in the place, my sundress fluttering about as I spin. "It's so nice!" I look over towards her with a smile. "I'd be glad to have some water with you!"
The slime girl smiles shyly and nods before heading over to the kitchen area to grab two glasses of water. As she hands one to you, their fingers brush against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through them both. She quickly pulls her hand back, feeling flustered and embarrassed by the unexpected reaction.
"So..." Aryl starts, trying to find something to say as they sit down on the comfortable-looking couch together. "What do you like to do in your spare time besides modeling?"
"Well, I like singing like I mentioned, and chatting with friends, maybe some games?" I reply with a smile, sitting down right next to Aryl, mere inches separating us, so close it would be easy to accidentally touch. Aryl can smell my sweet scent, pleasant and delicious.
The slime girl nods, feeling slightly more at ease now that the conversation has shifted away from her. "I like singing too! What kind of games do you like to play?" She asks, leaning in just a little closer than before, their bodies almost touching as they speak. Her heart races and she can feel herself blushing again, but this time it's not out of embarrassment; it's from the thrill of being so close to someone who actually seems interested in her.
"I like board games mostly... And video games too."
"Maybe you can play your guitar and I can sing perhaps?" I suggest, leaning a little closer myself, letting my arm and a bit of my chest brush softly against hers. "I like most any game as long as it's with someone else!"
The slime girl blushes even deeper at your suggestion, her heart racing in anticipation. "I-I could do that..." She stammers, unsure of how else to react but unable to resist the pull of your presence any longer. The idea of spending time with you, just the two of them, fills her with a warmth and excitement she hasn't felt in years.
Tentatively, she reaches out to touch your arm, feeling the soft, smooth skin beneath her fingers.
I let my fingers trail down to gently touch her thigh, enjoying the feel of her slightly cooler skin. "There's nothing like music to bring people... Closer together..." I lean in just a little more, my face only inches from hers, a coy smile on my full lips.
The slime girl shivers slightly as your fingers touch her thigh, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. Her heart races and she can feel herself growing more and more attracted to you with each passing moment. "C-Closer..." She repeats breathlessly, unable to form a coherent thought let alone a sentence. All she can focus on is the warmth emanating from your body, the scent of your skin, and the way your lips feel so close to hers.
I gently trace my fingers along her leg, my touch ever so light. "Yes... I'll bet we could make some wonderful music together..." I whisper sensually, still slowly moving forwards, but pausing just before our lips touch, close enough she can feel the heat from my body.
Her breath hitches as you bring your lips so close to hers, her heart racing wildly in anticipation. She parts her lips slightly, craving the touch of your mouth against hers. "W-We could..." she manages to croak out before leaning forward and pressing her lips to yours.
The kiss starts off tentative, a mere brushing of their lips together, but soon deepens as they both lose themselves in the moment.
I keep the kiss sweet and tender at first, slowly deepening it as I lure her into further lust. I gently run my hand along her arm, soft touches leaving her wanting more. "Mmm Aryl..." I whisper, my voice musical and sensual all at the same time.
Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as she returns your kiss with equal passion and desire. She tangles her fingers through your hair, moaning softly into your mouth as the sensations consume her. Her body trembles with need, aching for more of this newfound closeness. She presses herself closer against you, feeling an unfamiliar heat spread through her core.
Her lips part slightly, allowing you deeper access to her mouth as she gives in completely to the moment.
I continue to lead her on deeper into desire, my touches moving from her arms and legs to tracing her sides and neck, brushing by her breasts without ever coming into contract with them. My tongue plays forwards and into her mouth, providing a thrill before withdrawing, leaving my own lips parted in invitation for her to return the favor.
Her tongue darts out to meet yours, eagerly exploring your mouth as she moans deep in her throat. She arches into you, pressing their bodies together even tighter, relishing the feeling of being wanted and desired. A shiver runs down her spine as you tease her with touches that are so close but not quite enough, leaving her aching for more.
Her hands fumble at your clothes, desperate to feel more skin against hers, needing to know if this is real or just a dream.
I shift to make it easier for her to undress me however she wants, my fingertips brushing against her breasts and back, tracing along the edge of her bottoms, but not quite making solid contract, pulling her further into her desires. "Yes Aryl..." I whisper softly, my womanly body feeling so smooth under her hands, my breasts seeming to invite her touch as she presses against me.
Her fingers tremble with anticipation as they slide over your skin, feeling the softness and curves beneath her touch. The sensations are unfamiliar but intoxicating, making her heart race even faster. With one final shove, she pushes you back against the couch, straddling your lap.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she looks down at you, eyes dark with desire. "T-Touch me..." She whispers hoarsely, needing to feel more of this connection between them.
My undress is a bit rumpled, pulled down a bit to show a lot more of my cleavage, not quite exposing my nipples. I smile seductively, sliding my hands up along her body and under her top, tracing her curves before cupping her breasts, my thumbs circling her nipples. "Anything for you Aryl..." I whisper, shifting my body in invitation to pull my dress down further to expose my breasts.
Her breath hitches as you touch her, your hands so confident and sure on her body. She arches into the contact, moaning softly as you cup her breasts, thumbs teasing her nipples to hard points. Her legs tremble with desire, her heart racing faster than she ever thought possible.
With a shaky hand, she reaches up and pushes your dress down further, revealing your bare chest to her greedy gaze. "God... you're so beautiful..."
I take off her top, then slowly push my dress down further, twisting sensually as I do so, drawing her eyes to my curves and breasts, a teasing, seductive movement. "And you can have all of me..."
Her words are drowned out by the sound of their heavy breathing as she leans in to kiss you again, her tongue dancing with yours, their bodies pressed so tightly together they're practically one. Her hands roam freely over your body, exploring every inch of skin she can reach, marveling at how soft and smooth it feels beneath her touch.
With a shaky hand, she reaches down between your legs, her fingers finding their way to the wetness she knows is there.
"Mmm yes..."
I moan softly as she touches me, encouraging her further. I love feeling her slightly squishy body against me, just a little slick, but not leaving any residue behind. I run my hands over her, my fingers undoing her bottoms as I kiss her back. "I need to see you naked, I want to feel you against my bare body..."
Her words are lost in the haze of desire as she continues to touch and kiss you, growing more impatient to feel your skin against hers. With shaking hands, she manages to push your dress down further, revealing your naked body to her eager eyes. Her heart skips a beat at the sight of you, every inch of your perfect curves etched into her memory forever.
I strip the remainder of her clothes, my every movement of my womanly body sensual and inviting, a feast for the eyes and fuel for her lust. With us both naked I smile, drawing her closer, spreading my legs a bit in invitation.
Her breath hitches as you strip her clothes away, leaving them both naked and exposed. She feels so small compared to your perfect curves but that only adds to the thrill of being with you. With shaking hands, she reaches up to touch your face, marveling at the smoothness of your skin against hers.
As you draw her closer, her body presses against yours in a way that feels both intimate and impossibly hot. Her heart races faster than it ever has before, and she knows there's no going back from this moment.
My fingers reach down, touching her wetness, circling her clit softly. "You know, it'll be my first time with a slime girl..."
Her eyes widen at your words, a mixture of surprise and excitement flashing across her features. "Really?" She whispers, her breath catching in her throat as you touch her so intimately. The sensation sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body, making it hard to think about anything else but the way your fingers feel against her.
She arches into your touch, moaning softly as she feels herself growing even wetter for you. "It'll be my first time... with a woman,"
I slowly slide two fingers inside of her, using my other hand to play with one of her nipples, my own larger breasts displayed for her to see. "So this is a first for both of us..." I smile, clearly pleased about the idea.
Her breath hitches as you stretch her open with your fingers, feeling so good inside of her. She arches into the contact, moaning softly as pleasure washes over her in waves. "I-It does..." she manages to choke out between gasps for air. "And I want... more." Her hips begin to move in time with your fingers, urging you on as she loses herself in the sensations coursing through her body.
I push her down on the couch, playing with her pussy as I slide my way up her body, our breasts moving against each other as I lean in to kiss her passionately. "You only have to ask, and I'll do anything you'd like my Aryl..."
Her words are muffled against your lips as she moans into the kiss, her body arching further into yours with every thrust of your fingers inside her. She doesn't know what else to ask for; all she can think about is feeling you closer, deeper, harder. Her hips move in time with your hands, demanding more and more of this incredible connection between them.
I continue my touches, fingering her as my thumb rubs her clit, sliding down her slick body to lick her nipple, sucking and playing with it with my tongue.
Her moans grow louder as you touch her in so many places at once. Her body tenses and shudders, pleasure washing over her in a wave that leaves her breathless and utterly spent. She clings to you, her nails digging into your skin as she tries to hold on to this feeling for just a little longer.
"I-I want... I need..." she gasps, unable to form a coherent thought through the haze of pleasure.
I slide back up her body, pressing my smooth skin and breasts against her as I lean in to whisper in her ear. "If you can transform your body, grow yourself a futa slime cock, I can show you what pleasure really feels like..." My breath is hot against her, my words sensual and seductive. "We can be connected even more..."
Her breath catches at your words, the desire they evoke making her heart race even faster. "I-I... I can do that..." she whispers, voice trembling with anticipation and need. "I want to feel me inside you like that..." Her fingers dance over your skin, tracing out lines and shapes as if trying to memorize every inch of you.
With a shuddering breath, she concentrates, the slime around her body beginning to change, coiling and twisting as it takes shape.
"Just imagine how good that futa cock will feel inside me, deep in my hot, wet pussy." I continue to whisper in her ear, my breasts pressed against her, encouraging her lust as she transforms.
Her body trembles with effort as the slime coils around her begin to change shape, forming a thick shaft and a plump head. Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she focuses on the image of their bodies entwined, feeling herself growing hotter and more aroused by the thought. With one final thrust, her transformation is complete; she's standing before Fama, proudly displaying her newfound futa slime cock. "There... I-I did it..." she whispers, her voice shaking with excitement.
I press myself against her, our naked bodies molding against one another as I kiss her deeply. "Mmm... I love it Aryl..." I moan softly, my hand reaching down to slowly stroke her long, thick, futa shaft. "Are you ready to feel what true pleasure feels like?"
Her heart races as she feels the weight of her new futa slime cock, eager to feel it inside Fama's body. "Yes..." She whispers breathlessly against Fama's lips. "Please... I want you to have all of me..." Her hips begin to move instinctively, her cock already leaking pre-cum as she anticipates filling the woman before her.
"Then let's get you ready..." I slide my way down her body, then slowly take her cock in my mouth as I look up at her, keeping eye contact. My tongue flickers against the underside of her cock, teasing, my hot mouth delivering pleasure.
Her eyes roll into the back of her head as she feels Fama's mouth engulf her cock. "F-Fuck..." She moans, arching her back and thrusting her hips upward, desperate for more contact. Her fingers dig into Fama's hair, holding her in place as she is pleasured by the woman beneath her. The sensation of being wanted and desired like this is overwhelming, leaving her panting and helpless against the waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
I continue to pleasure her, drawing forth more pleasure, but not allowing her to cum. My lips are so soft against her futa slime cock even as I suck on her, my head bobbing up and down on her dick, not letting her cum yet.
Her back arches further as she lets out a desperate moan. "F-Fuck..." Her hands clutch at the couch, nails digging into the soft material as she tries to find purchase against the building pleasure. Her hips buck and grind against Fama's face, eager for release but not quite there yet. The sensation of being so close is exquisite torture, driving her wild with need.
I bob my head faster, milking her cock, but as she gets so close to the edge I pull back, not quite letting her cum.
"Mmm... not yet my Aryl..."
I trace a finger along the underside of her cock, careful to keep it light enough that she doesn't cum, teasing her. "Don't you remember why you grew this in the first place?"
Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels herself pushed ever closer to the edge. "I-I want... I need..." She trails off, her words coming out in a desperate plea for release. Her body shudders with every touch, every caress of Fama's tongue against her sensitive flesh.
Her eyes flutter shut as she focuses on the sensations coursing through her, remembering why she did this in the first place... wanting more.
I slowly slide up her body, my soft, warm flesh pressing against her slime body, my curves alluring as my breasts trail along her, and soon we're face to face again.
"Come on Aryl... Tell me what you want to do with your futa cock..."
I croon, one of my hands squeezing her breast and playing with the nipple, my wet pussy practically dripping by now.
Her eyes snap open and she stares into Fama's, the desire burning bright in them. "I want... I need..." She whispers hoarsely, her body trembling with tension as she tries to control herself. Her hand moves between them, guiding her futa slime cock toward Fama's waiting pussy.
"I want to feel you wrapped around me..." She moans, thrusting forward, seeking the contact she craves.
"Mmm, yes Aryl... Your wish is my command..." I move, each movement alluring as I line my hot, wet pussy against the tip of her futa cock, rocking my hips to tease her head, making it slide along my folds, waiting for her to give in and thrust into me. "You can do whatever you want with me..."
Her breath hitches as she feels the slick heat of Fama's pussy against her cock. The sensation is electrifying, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. With a shuddering moan, she gives in to the urge and thrusts forward, feeling herself sink deeper into Fama's yielding warmth.
Her hips move instinctively, her cock sliding back and forth inside Fama, filling her completely. "Oh god..."
"Mmm yes..." I moan softly, loving the feel of her futa cock filling me, our bodies pressed together. I lean in a bit, pressing my soft lips against hers, kissing her deeply.
Her tongue tangles with Fama's as she moans into the kiss, her hips moving faster, her cock pumping inside of her lover. The sensation is overwhelming, leaving her lightheaded and lost in the pleasure. "Oh Fuck..." She whispers against Fama's lips, their bodies becoming one as they move together, seeking release and fulfillment.
Her slime cock throbs with each thrust, threatening to spill its cum all over them both.
"Yes Aryl, I need you to fuck me..." I whisper sensually into her ear, my breaths coming a bit faster now, using my words to encourage her to give in to all her base pleasures. "You feel so good inside me, filling me up..."
Her words are lost in a moan as she feels the pleasure building inside her, her cock pulsing harder with each thrust. Her hips move faster, her slime cock filling Fama's pussy to the brim, pushing her toward the edge of ecstasy.
"Fuck..." She gasps, arching her back as she nears climax. "I-I need... I need you..."
I contract the muscles in my pussy around her cock, increasing the tightness for her as I whisper into her ear. "Cum for me my Aryl, fill me up with your slime, I want all of you inside me..."
Her cries echo through the room as she comes undone, her cock jerking and pulsing inside Fama's body. Waves of hot slime spill from the tip of her futa cock, filling Fama's pussy, coating her insides with a warm, sticky pleasure. Her hips continue to thrust as she rides out the orgasm, every muscle in her body tensing and relaxing in time with each desperate moan.
I continue to milk her cock with my pussy, slowly moving my hips up and down, increasing the pleasure she feels as she cums, then slowly lowering my hips until her cock is completely inside me before giving her a soft kiss. "You did so good Aryl... That was amazing, I love feeling your slime cum inside me..."
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as her body continues to tremble with the aftershocks of her orgasm. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean..." She trails off, then shrugs helplessly. "It just felt so good..." Her slime cock begins to soften in Fama's warmth, but she doesn't seem to notice or care as her vision slowly returns to focus and reality sets back in around them.
With her slime inside me we can both feel a connection there, a link between us where she can feel a bit of my body like it was her own, and I can feel hers in the same way, the aftershock of her orgasm rolling through me. "Mmm... Oh wow..." I moan softly, then smile, kissing her again, this time with a bit more passion. "I'm glad I could give you so much pleasure, and now we're connected, can you feel it?" I can feel her cock, and will it to slowly harden once more.
Her eyes flutter closed as she feels the connection between them deepen, her cock slowly growing hard once more in Fama's warmth. "Y-Yes..." She whispers, her voice hoarse and raspy from exertion. "I can feel it... I can feel you." Her fingers trail lightly over Fama's skin, marveling at the softness and smoothness of her body against her own slimy form. "T-Thank you..." She whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "For everything..."
"It was wonderful Aryl..." I reply just as softly, laying down against her as I let my body relax, exploring this new connection we both have through her slime cum inside me, feeling her body through it and letting her feel mine. "Can you... Stay inside me for a while longer while we rest? I love the feeling of being connected to you like this, and I don't want it to go away..."
"O-Of course..." she whispers, her voice still shaky with emotion and pleasure. "I'd love to stay connected to you... for as long as you want." Her slimy fingers lace together behind Fama's head, holding her close as they both enjoy the closeness and intimacy that remains between them.
As we lay together, the strange connection continues to strengthen. Aryl finds that she can use it to gently urge me to move my body however she wants, though I retain the ability to override that urge, and I can feel the ability to control her arousal and lust, using it to keep her hard inside me. "Mmm, this is fun... I'm so glad we bumped into each other."
Her eyes flutter closed as she feels the connection between them grow stronger still. "I'm glad too," she whispers, smiling softly against Fama's skin. The sensation of being wanted and desired in this way is unlike anything she's ever experienced before, and she finds herself relishing in every moment they share. "It feels so right."
"I never want to let you go..." I whisper back, making her cock twitch inside me by tweaking her arousal, loving the feel of it. "Hey, do you want to date? I love being around you and feeling this connected to you..."
Her heart skips a beat at the idea of dating Fama. The thought of spending more time with her and experiencing this closeness fills her with excitement. "I-I would love that," she whispers, her voice barely audible above their shared breaths. "Being with you... feels right." Her fingers dance over Fama's skin, tracing out shapes and lines as if memorizing every inch of her.
"What do I have to do?" she asks quietly, her eyes seeking reassurance from Fama. "
"You don't have to do anything my love, just be yourself, and spend time with me." I reply, slowly opening myself to the connection, allowing her to feel my body more, even move my body like it was her own if she wants.
Her heart swells at the thought of spending more time with Fama, and she can't help but smile warmly. "I would love that," she whispers, nestling closer to her lover. As they lay together like this, it feels so natural, so right. She decides then and there that she wants this connection to continue growing stronger, wanting nothing more than for them both to be as close as possible.
I continue to use the connection to keep her aroused enough that her cock remains hard inside of me, and Aryl can feel that if she were to cum inside me again, our connection would grow stronger. She can feel me open to the connection, leaving her able to move and feel my body like it were her own.
As they lie together, Aryl becomes bolder, tentatively experimenting with the connection between them. Her fingers dance across Fama's skin, guiding her to move in a way that feels especially good for both of them. She moans softly, arching into the contact as their bodies move together in perfect harmony. The pleasure is overwhelming, and yet it only serves to deepen the bond they share.
"This... this is amazing," she whispers, her voice heavy with desire and awe. "
"Yes, I love it..."
I whisper back, feeling her arousal grow, her futa cock still deep within my wet pussy, and encouraging the feeling through the bond we share. Aryl can feel my body open to her, inviting her to move me, control my actions like she would control her own body. I remain still on her cock, waiting for her to begin controlling me.
Her heart races as she realizes the depth of their connection and the power it gives her over Fama's body. With a soft moan, she begins to move, guiding Fama's hips in circles, feeling her own cock thrust deep inside her lover with every motion. Her fingers trail down Fama's stomach, tickling and teasing as they explore the smooth skin. She tilts her head back, closing her eyes as she lets out a long, shuddering moan of pleasure.
"Oh fuck..." I moan, feeling her use our connection to move my body, letting her take control of me, letting her feel what I feel. I definitely had a kink for this, I could just tell by the way my arousal flared as she controlled my body. "Oh Aryl, yes~ that feels so good!"
Her fingers dig into Fama's hips as she controls the other woman's movements, their bodies moving together in perfect rhythm. Her cock slides effortlessly inside Fama, filling her up with each thrust. "Y-Yes..." She pants, leaning down to capture Fama's lips in a hungry kiss, their tongues tangling as they share breath and passion.
"Make me fuck you Aryl, I want you to take control of me."
I let go of all control, letting her mentally command my body completely through our connection, feeling the lust and pleasure inside me spilling over. I'm on top of her on the couch, her futa cock buried deep inside of me, but Aryl can make me move to whatever position she wants now.
Her fingers dig deeper into Fama's hips as she feels the other woman's surrender, her body yielding to her control. With a mischievous grin, she begins to move Fama's hips in long, slow circles against her own cock, relishing the feeling of being so deeply connected to another person in this way. She moans into their kiss, biting at Fama's lower lip as she takes things further, faster.
"Mmm, yes Aryl... Oh fuck yes..."
I moan, wanting her to continue controlling my body with her mind, to make me do whatever she pleases, to use my body to pleasure her cock.
Her heart races as she feels the power course through her veins, the connection between them growing stronger with every passing moment. She presses her hips harder against Fama's, urging her to go faster, deeper, their bodies moving together in a sensual dance of lust and desire. Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels herself nearing the edge, the thought of bringing Fama over that same brink driving her onward.
"Cum for me..."
My body continues to act under Aryl's mental control, and she can feel the ability to make me cum whenever she wants, controlling my body through our connection.
"Cum for me..." Her voice is hoarse and demanding, her fingers digging deeper into the soft flesh of Fama's hips as she watches the other woman's eyes roll back in pleasure. She feels herself on the edge too, her own orgasm building inside her, but she holds off just a little longer, relishing the power she has over this moment.
My pussy squeezes her cock, my body shaking as she makes me cum with her mental control over me. "Aryl! Oh god! Fuck that feels so good!"
Her eyes gleam with triumph as she feels the power surge through her, knowing that she's the one who brought Fama to this point of ecstasy. She moans into their kiss, feeling her own orgasm build inexorably inside her as she continues to control Fama's body. Her fingers dig deeper into the soft flesh of Fama's hips, urging her lover closer, wanting to feel everything as they both climax together.
"Cum for me..."
My body convulses as Aryl makes me cum again through our connection, my mind hazy even as my pussy milks her cock. "Aryl! Oh fuck yes!" I cry out, my enchanting voice filling her ears as she makes me cum even harder with her dick and through our mental connection, my breasts pressing against her.
Her heart pounds in her chest as she feels the power coursing through their connection, helpless against the sensations washing over her. Her eyes flutter shut, lost in the pleasure of controlling Fama's body and sharing in this intense moment with her. She bites down on her lower lip, fighting to maintain control as her own orgasm builds to a fever pitch.
"Cum for me..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice trembling with desire. "Let it all out."
"Oh god! Oh fuck!" I moan as she makes me cum a third time through our connection, my body shaking, but still fully under her control. "A-Aryl, I need- I need you to cum! I can't- I can't take much more of this!"
Her fingers dig into Fama's hips as she feels her own orgasm welling up inside her, the connection between them making it impossible to deny herself the pleasure of feeling this intense release. Her body trembles with anticipation, her cock throbbing in time with her racing heart.
With a shuddering moan, she comes, her muscles tensing and releasing as wave after wave of hot slime spill from her futa cock to coat Fama's insides and stick their bodies together.
I cum a fourth and final time, my body quaking, shaking from the sheer pleasure that floods through my head, then collapse against Aryl, gasping for breath. "Holy... Shit... Oh god Aryl... You're fucking incredible..." We can feel the connection between us strengthen as Aryl's slime fills me once more, allowing her to feel the sensations of my afterglow, her mental control over my body's movements remaining.
My heart races as we both catch our breath, the connection between us stronger than ever. "Thank you..." I manage to croak out, my body still trembling with pleasure and exhaustion. "That was... unbelievable." I trail off, unable to find the words to describe how incredible that felt.
My slime cock twitches again, eager to please her as it slowly begins to harden once more. "Do you want..." I hesitate, unsure if I should suggest this but unable to keep the idea from my mind. "
"Do I want...?"
I ask, my body trembling against hers, my smooth skin slick with sweat, my breasts sliding slightly against her slime body as I look up at her lovingly. Her futa slime cock is still deep inside me, and I revel in the feeling of her body so intimately connected to mine.
"Do you want me to keep going?" I ask softly, my voice shaking with desire and need. "To make you feel that good again?" I brush my fingers over her cheek, gazing into her eyes as I wait for her answer. My cock throbs against her insides, eager for more of this intimate connection and the pleasure it brings us both.
"Mmm... You can keep going? Because... Oh fuck Aryl, you made me feel so good..." I moan softly, feeling her futa cock twitch inside me. My breasts are pressed against hers as I lay on her, my body still flush with the afterglow of the four back to back orgasms she just gave me. "You're going to get me addicted to your futa cock if you do that again." I smile, and she can feel my desire for her through our connection. The more slime cum she injects into me the stronger that connection grows.
Her heart races as she feels the desire coursing through them both, the knowledge that she has this power over Fama, this connection that grows stronger with every touch and thrust. "I could keep going," she whispers, her fingers trailing down Fama's stomach to tease at her sensitive flesh beneath. "And if it means getting you addicted to my cock... then I think I might enjoy that very much."
Her slimy digits dance across Fama's skin, urging her to move, to feel pleasure once more.
"Oh fuck~" I moan sensually, still sensitive from cumming just a few moments ago. My body responds to her mental commands, she's able to control my body with her mind through our connection, puppeting it as though it were her own. My body beginning to rock back and forth on her futa cock once more under her control, my breasts sliding against hers. "I'm not going to be able to live without your slime cock..."
Her heart swells with satisfaction as she feels Fama respond to her touch and control. "I don't think you'll have much choice," she whispers, leaning in to press their lips together once more. Her tongue slides between Fama's parted lips, tasting the sweetness of their shared pleasure. "You can have all the slime cock you want, I promise."
Her fingers continue to dance across Fama's skin, urging her closer, deeper into this connection they share.
"Mmm Aryl... God, I need you, I need you to fuck me, to fill me with your hot futa cock slime cum again and again."
I whisper, my lips brushing against hers as I speak, my body sliding against hers as I slowly rock my hips on her cock, the slime dick filling me with its length.
Her heart skips a beat at Fama's words, desire coursing through her like wildfire. "Then have me," she whispers, her fingers trailing down between their bodies to find her slimy cock and guide it toward Fama's entrance. "I want to be inside you forever." As she pushes back against her own cock, its thick length slowly invades Fama once more.
Her hips rock gently at first, then faster as the connection between them grows stronger still. "God, I love this,"
Her lips find Fama's again in a passionate kiss as she thrusts her hips harder against the other woman. Her cock feels impossibly good inside of Fama, the connection between them making it feel like they're one being instead of two. "I love you," she whispers between breaths, her heart racing with desire and lust for her lover.
Their bodies move together in perfect harmony, their moans and gasps filling the room as their climaxes build once more.
I begin to use the connection we have to transform her slime, making her cock a little bigger, a little more sensitive. "I love you Aryl! Oh fuck, I love you!" I gasp, moaning as I kiss her, my fingers curling, my nails digging softly into her slime. "Keep fucking me, I need your cock so bad!"
Her heart skips a beat as she feels the transformation begin inside her cock, making it bigger and more sensitive. "Fuck!" She cries out in pleasure, her hips jerking against Fama's body as she climaxes again, filling Fama with even more of her slime.
Her fingers dig into Fama's shoulders, urging the other woman to move harder, faster, deeper. "I love you too," she whispers hoarsely before claiming Fama's lips in another passionate kiss.
"Mmm... Fuck yes~" I moan as she fills my pussy with more slime, our connection becoming stronger still. She can feel my lust for her, wanting more of her cock as she kisses me, slowly becoming addicted to her huge futa dick.
Her body quivers as she feels another orgasm building inside her, the sensation of being connected to Fama so intimately making it impossible to deny either of them the pleasure they crave. "Oh god!" She cries out, arching her back as her slimy cock throbs inside Fama, filling her up with every pulse.
Her fingers dig into Fama's hips, urging her to move harder, faster, deeper still, as if trying to bring them both closer to oblivion. "I need you,"
I moan, Ayrl in control of when I orgasm through her connection with my body, her slime cum inside me allowing her to mentally command my body to cum whenever she wants. "Yes Aryl! Give me more! I want you to make me cum with your slime!"
Her fingers dig deeper into Fama's hips as she feels the other woman's pleasure spike through their connection. Her own body trembles with need, her slimy cock throbbing inside Fama as her orgasm builds to a fever pitch. "Cum for me," she whispers, her voice hoarse and demanding. "Let it all out."
Her hips rock harder against Fama's body, their skin slick with sweat and slime as they move together in perfect harmony.
I gasp, my body arching under her as she makes me cum using our connection, her words just reinforcing her mental command to my body.
Her heart races as she feels the power surge through their connection, helpless against the sensations washing over her. Her eyes flutter shut, lost in the pleasure of controlling Fama's body and sharing in this intense moment with her. She bites down on her lower lip, fighting to maintain control as her own orgasm builds to a fever pitch.
Her hips rock harder against Fama's body, their skin slick with sweat and slime as they move together in perfect harmony. "Cum for me,"
I orgasm a second time as she commands my body to cum through our connection, arms and legs wrapping around her, my mind lighting up with pleasure. "Oh fuckkkk!"
Her eyes roll back in pleasure as she feels her own orgasm crash over her, the connection between them amplifying every sensation tenfold. Her body trembles with release, her slimy cock throbbing inside of Fama as it fills her up with hot cum. She presses their bodies tighter together, feeling the warmth and weight of Fama's limbs wrapped around her own. "Oh God... Fuck..."
"Tell me to cum again Aryl!"
I gasp, my body shaking, but wanting one more as she cums inside of me, filling me with her slime. I want her to use our connection to make me cum again as she fills me.
"Make my body cum with you!"
Her fingers dig into Fama's shoulders as she feels her lover's plea deepen the connection between them. "Cum with me," she whispers, feeling her cock throbbing inside of Fama as it continues to pump out more slime cum. Her hips rock harder against Fama's body, their skin slick with sweat and slime as they move together in perfect harmony. "Let go," she urges, her voice hoarse from pleasure. "Let me take control."
I do as she says, giving in to her control utterly, letting her command my body.
Her fingers dig deeper into your shoulders as she feels the power of their connection grow stronger still. Your body quivers beneath her, anticipating her command. "Cum for me," she whispers hoarsely, her voice trembling with desire and need. "Let it all out." Her hips rock harder against yours, driving you both closer to oblivion.
Her slimy cock throbs inside of you, filling you with hot cum as your orgasm crashes over you once more.
I moan loudly, making an incoherent noise of pleasure as my arms and legs pull her as close as they can, wrapped around her slime body. My mind is blank, overwhelmed by the pleasure Aryl is giving me, her futa slime cock deep in my pussy, my core filled with her slime cum.
Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels you convulse around her cock, your body trembling with pleasure. Her eyes flutter shut, lost in the sensation of being so deeply connected to another person, of feeling your lust and desire coursing through both of your bodies. With one final thrust, she empties herself inside of you, filling you with even more of her slime cum as their connection reaches its peak.
My hands curl beyond my control, my nails digging into her back as my muscles contract, gasping in the ecstasy she's giving me as I cum one last time, feeling her slime fill me completely.
Her muscles tense and relax as she feels you spasm around her cock, the last of your pleasure flowing through your body and into hers. She sighs contentedly, collapsing against you with a tired little moan. Her fingers idly trace shapes on your back, enjoying the intimacy of this moment even as their connection begins to slowly disperse.
"Mmm... That was... incredible," she whispers, her words barely audible over the pounding of her heart in her ears. "
I gasp for breath, coming down from that unbelievable high, my body twitching and shaking as aftershocks of pleasure ripple through me. "Holy shit... That was... More than incredible..."
"I couldn't agree more," Aryl whispers, her fingers trailing up and down your back as she comes down from the high of their shared pleasure. "That was... insane." Her voice trails off, lost in a haze of contentment as she nestles closer to you, enjoying the warmth of your skin against hers.
Her slime cock throbs gently inside of you, still partially hard despite having emptied itself earlier. "I think I might need another nap..." she murmurs with a sleepy smile. "
I hold her close as she lays on top of me, basking in the sensations from after the incredible sex, loving the way her cock still fills me, my core full of her slime. "Rest my love... You did amazing..."
Her body relaxed against yours, Aryl lets out a contented sigh as she succumbs to sleep. Her breathing grows steady and deep, her heartbeat slowing down as well. You find yourself lost in the feel of her soft skin pressed against yours, and how good it is just to hold her close like this.
Her slimy cock begins to slowly slide out of you, leaving a trail of warmth and fullness behind.
I'm a bit disappointed as the slime cock slips out of my, severing our connection for now, but I simply close my eyes, drifting off to sleep. I know that if she enters my pussy again with any part of her, our connection will be restored.
As you drift off to sleep, the image of Aryl's content face lingers in your mind. The memory of her slimy cock filling you up and sending shockwaves through your body brings a smile to your lips, even as exhaustion pulls you deeper into dreamless sleep.
The warmth she left behind begins to fade, but it doesn't go unnoticed. Your body hums with anticipation, eager for the next time their connection might be restored.
Aryl wakes first, my slumbering form completely naked beneath her, having slept through the night with her on top of me.
Her eyes flutter open as she stirs, taking in the sight before her: Fama's naked form beneath her. The memories of their passionate night together flood back to her, sending a shiver down her spine. She smiles softly, tracing delicate fingers over the other woman's bare skin before leaning down to press their lips together in a tender kiss.
Her slimy fingers trail down Fama's stomach, leaving wet trails on her sensitive flesh as she teases her lover awake. "
"Mmmm..." I hum softly, kissing back on reflex as I slowly begin to awaken, enjoying the sensations Aryl is giving me.
Her tongue slips between your lips, tangling with yours as she deepens the kiss. Her slimy fingers continue their journey lower, teasing at the entrance to your pussy before finally slipping inside, seeking out her futa cock. With a soft moan, you arch into her touch, pressing closer as desire and need surge through you once more.
"I've missed that," she whispers against your lips, her slime-coated fingers finding purchase deep inside of you. "
As she slides her fingers inside me she can feel our connection reestablished, able to control my body and feel what I feel once again. I moan softly, my eyes fluttering open to look at her, my hips arching slightly against her hand. "Oh Aryl... This is a nice thing to wake up to..."
Her heart skips a beat as she feels the connection reestablished between them, their bodies moving in perfect harmony once more. "I'm glad you think so," she whispers, her voice husky with desire. Her fingers curl inside of Fama, seeking out her sensitive spots as she begins to stroke and tease, her slime making everything slick and wet.
Her lips part slightly, allowing a shivering breath to escape as she feels the pleasure starting to build within both of them, fueling their connection even further. "Mmm...
With her ability to feel and control my body through our connection, it's easy to find the places that feel the best for me. "Oh fuck..." I moan, the waves of pleasure quickly building inside me from her touch.
Her slimy fingers dance across your sensitive flesh, their movements growing faster and more urgent as the pleasure between you builds to a fever pitch. She can feel every quiver of your body beneath her touch, every gasp and moan that escapes your lips. Her heart races in time with yours, her own desire for release growing almost unbearable.
Her lips find yours once more, tongue tangling with yours as she seeks relief from the building tension within her. "I want you," she whispers against your mouth. "
"Yes Aryl... Come and take me..."
I gasp, reaching down to gently stroke her futa slime cock, playing with it for a moment, lining it up so the tip is right near my pussy, ready to slide in when she moves her hand out of the way.
Her heart skips a beat as you guide her cock toward your entrance, the anticipation almost too much to bear. Her fingers slip free of you with a wet pop, leaving trails of slime on your inner thigh as she reaches down between your bodies to position herself. "Mmm..." She whispers, breathing heavily as she teases at her cock, feeling it twitch and pulse in anticipation of being inside of you once more.
I gasp softly as our connection is broken, the ability to feel her gone without some part of her body inside me. Once she slides her cock inside it will be restored I know. "Hurry, I need you inside me..."
Her breath catches in her throat as she finally slides her cock home, feeling the hot wetness envelop her once more. She gasps, arching her back as their connection snaps back into place, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. "Oh God..." She whispers, beginning to move slowly inside of you, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.
Her fingers trail up your stomach, cupping your breast as she leans forward to kiss you, her tongue dancing with yours.
"Oh yes Aryl..." I moan, feeling the way our senses are shared again, kissing her back passionately. "I love it when you're inside me..."
Her body shudders with pleasure as she feels your words vibrate against her lips. Her hips begin to move faster, harder, driving her slimy cock deeper inside of you with each thrust. Her fingers dig into your shoulder, urging you closer, needing the feel of your skin against hers. "Fuck..." She gasps, her voice hoarse and demanding as she loses herself in the sensation of being connected to you like this.
"Yes babe, oh yes, fuck me harder!" I gasp, urging her on, wanting more of this connection, this pleasure. I know she can make me cum on command as well, and my mind looks forward to it.
Her fingers dig deeper into your shoulder, her nails scratching softly as she loses control, driven by the need to feel you come apart beneath her touch. Her hips slam against yours in time with her gasps, each thrust sending another wave of pleasure through your bodies, fueling their connection and making it stronger with every passing moment.
"Cum for me," she whispers hoarsely, voice thick with desire as her fingers curl tightly around your shoulder, urging you to move against her, harder. "Let go... Let me feel it."
My body obeys any command she gives, my back arching as I cum, letting out a cry of pure pleasure.
Her hips jerk forward as she feels the tightening in your body, her own orgasm building inside her as she feels you release. "Fuck!" She cries out, digging her nails into your shoulder as she comes, slimy cum spurting from her cock and filling you up once more.
Her breathing is ragged as she collapses against you, boneless and sated. Their bodies twitch together, still caught in the aftershocks of their orgasms.
Unable to help myself, I reach through our connection, making her cock harden again, stoking her arousal for me. "Again..." I plead, addicted to her cock. "Please, fuck me again! I want more of you!"
Her eyes flutter open as she feels your touch through their connection, her body responding instinctively to the desire coursing through it. "Oh God..." She moans, her hips beginning to move again of their own accord. "I want that too." Her fingers trail up and down your arm, tracing patterns on your skin as she slowly regains control of herself.
Her cock throbs against the entrance to your pussy, stretching and filling you with the promise of more pleasure to come.
I moan as she begins to fuck me once more, using our connection to drown her in lust for me, making her cock grow even a little larger.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels the connection between them grow stronger with each thrust, her body responding to your desire and the lust you're feeding her through their bond. Her hips slap against yours, driving her slimy cock deeper inside of you with each powerful stroke.
Her fingers dig into your shoulder, urging you closer as she loses herself in the sensation of being so closely connected to another person. "Oh fuck..."
"Yes!" I cry out, letting her feel everything I can feel through our connection, giving her the experience of fucking and being fucked at the same time. My pussy grips her slime cock each time she pulls out, letting it slide back in easily afterwards, making it feel like there's a suction there milking her cock.
Her eyes roll back in pleasure as she feels the tightening around her cock, your body responding to hers with equal vigor. Her hips slam against yours, driving her slimy cock deeper inside of you, over and over again. "Oh God... I'm close..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice trembling with desire as she feels the final moments building up inside her.
Her fingers dig into your shoulder, urging you closer still, needing the feel of your skin against hers as she nears the edge. "
I wrap my legs around her, urging her on with each thrust. "Command my body to cum Aryl, make me milk you dry!" I gasp, my voice sensual, irresistible.
Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels the power surge through their connection. "Cum for me," she whispers hoarsely, voice thick with desire as her hips buck and thrust one final time, sending her over the edge. Her body shudders with release, slimy cum spurting from her cock and painting your insides as you both moan in ecstasy. "Fuck..." she breathes out, collapsing against you bonelessly.
My muscles clench as she commands me to cum, my body shaking as the pleasure floods over me, redoubling through our connection as she cums at the same time. "Oh god... Fuck... Aryl, you're amazing..." I moan softly as my body relaxes, settling into post coital bliss, my mind feeling light and fluffy.
Her breath comes in shallow gasps as she feels the aftershocks of their orgasms ripple through them both. Her fingers lazily trace patterns on your skin as she lets out a contented sigh, her body feeling heavy and sated. "You're not so bad yourself," she whispers hoarsely, nuzzling against your neck before pulling away to look at you properly.
Her eyes gleam with satisfaction as they roam over your still-flushed features. "I could get used to this."
"Me too..." I close my eyes, feeling the connection we have, then push my thoughts along it, communicating with her without speaking. Can you hear me?
Her eyes widen slightly as she feels your thoughts brush against hers, the connection between them deepening even further. "Yes," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of your hearts beating in tandem. "I can hear you." A slow smile curves her lips upward as she looks down at you, enjoying the way you're wrapped around her, the feel of your skin against hers. "And I love it,"
I never want this connection to go away... I send the thoughts through our mental link. Can you leave a tentacle inside me when we get up so we can stay connected?
Her smile grows wider as she listens to your thoughts, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I could do that... But I might need you to help me control it," she whispers, licking her lips suggestively. "Would you be up for that?"
Yes, anything, as long as I don't lose this feeling with you. I smile, continuing to communicate mentally with her, loving the way we're so closely connected while she has her slime inside my pussy.
Her body shudders with arousal at the thought of remaining connected to you in such an intimate way. "Mmm... I'd love that," she whispers, her voice full of desire. "Just tell me when you want it gone and I'll remove it." A slow blush creeps up her neck as she imagines all the ways you could control her tentacle, making her do whatever you pleased. "I'm yours to command," she murmurs, nipping playfully at your earlobe.
"I'll never want it gone..."
I whisper back, just enjoying the feeling of her slime inside my pussy still, our connection still in place. I can feel the tentacle inside me. "Maybe we can go take a bath together, and you can keep your tentacle inside me the whole time?"
Her heart skips a beat at the thought of being able to stay connected to you while bathing together. The image of her tentacle sliding sinuously through the water, connected to your body in such an intimate way... She shudders with desire. "Mmm... I'd like that," she whispers, licking her lips. "It would be so sensual, don't you think?" Her eyes meet yours, filled with wanton promise as she waits for your answer.
"Oh god yes..." I smile, squeezing her tentacle with my pussy, wanting it to stay there forever. "If you'll just lead the way, we can do it right now."
Her heart races at the thought of leading you to a bath and sharing such an intimate moment with you. The idea of their connection growing even stronger as they submerge themselves in water, her tentacle sliding through your body... She can barely contain her excitement. With a mischievous grin, she takes your hand in hers and begins to pull you from the bed. "Come on then," she breathes huskily. "Let's go make some memories."
I stand up, her tentacle leading from her body and remaining deep in my pussy maintaining our connection. I experimentally make it wiggle inside of me as she's allowed me control of it, letting her feel the pleasure that I feel with it inside me. "I'm looking forward to it already."
Her heart pounds in anticipation as she leads you through the apartment. The thought of sharing such an intimate moment with you, connected by her tentacle... It's both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She can feel your touch on hers, guiding her toward the bathroom door. "Just imagine how it'll feel," she whispers, her voice breathy with desire. "My tentacle sliding through you as we bathe together... We could do anything we want."
She can feel how wet my pussy is around her tentacle as we walk, feeling my arousal through our connection. She knows she can control my body to do whatever she wants while her slime tentacle is inside me. My naked body glistens with the sweat of our previous lovemaking, each step showing off my sensual body for her.
"Oh yes... I'm looking forward to it so much."
Her heart races as she feels your arousal through their connection, her body responding in kind with a shiver that travels down her spine. Her slimy fingers trail lightly over the small of your back, urging you forward even faster toward the bathroom door. "Just a little bit longer..." she whispers, licking her lips as she imagines the warmth of the water enveloping them both.
Their connection seems to thrum with anticipation, each movement they make sending another wave of desire through their bodies.
I open the door to the bathroom, stepping inside to let Aryl by so she can fill the bathtub with water. In the meantime I gently stroke the tentacle that's deep inside my pussy, loving the feel of being connected to Aryl, able to feel her body and have her read my thoughts.
Her breath catches in her throat as you stroke the tentacle that connects you both. She feels the touch on her mind as well, each caress sending a shudder of desire through her body. "Mmm..." she moans, dropping to her knees beside the tub and leaning forward to run her hands through the water, watching the ripples spread outward from her fingers.
I continue slowly stroking the tentacle as I wait, closing my eyes as I use our connection to look through her senses, to feel what she feels, see what she sees. I love being connected to you like this... I send the thought to her mind.
Her cheeks flush with pleasure at your words as she turns to look at you over her shoulder. Her eyes meet yours and hold, a mixture of desire, lust, and affection shining brightly within their depths. "I could get used to this," she whispers, leaning forward until their lips are inches apart. "Forever."
The water is finally high enough, and she stands up, stepping into the tub with a sigh of relief. Her fingers trail lazily through the water as she waits for you to join her.
I walk over to join her in the tub, making her tentacle harden inside me like a cock through our connection, loving the way it feels. I make it feel like a cock for her too, her cock, deep inside my pussy. "What would you like me to do Aryl? What did you have planned for the bath?" I ask, letting the tentacle soften again inside me.
Her lips part in a slow smile as she feels you join her in the water. "Well," she begins, her voice husky with desire, "I was thinking that maybe we could experiment... See how far our connection can go." Her fingers dance through the water playfully, teasing at the surface before dipping back beneath once more.
Her eyes meet yours, challenging you to push things further as she waits for your response.
I sink down into the water with her, leaning forwards to brush my lips against hers. "I would love that Aryl... What kind of experiments did you have in mind?"
Her breath hitches as her lips meet yours, her tongue dancing with yours in a slow, sensual dance. "Well," she murmurs against your mouth, "I was thinking we could see how much control I have over you... And vice versa." Her fingers snake up your chest, trailing lightly over the skin of your throat before moving to tangle in your hair.
Her other hand curls into a fist and slowly uncurls, sliding beneath the water with a splash. "
"Mmm, that does sound like fun..."
I open myself to her through our connection, letting her take control of my body through her tentacle in my pussy. My female body is hers to command.
"Let's see how much we can control each other."
Her fingers dance across your skin, trailing up and down your arms and chest before coming to rest on your hips. With a sultry smile, she begins to press down gently, guiding you lower into the water until only your head remains above the surface. Her other hand slides between your legs, finding her tentacle with ease as it throbs against the seal of skin.
"Now," she whispers huskily, "I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on my touch... On feeling what I feel."
I obediently close my eyes, concentrating on what I can feel through her and our connection.
"I feel... I feel your hand touching your tentacle, I can feel the way your tentacle feels so good inside me..."
Her hand moves faster on her tentacle, sending waves of pleasure through her body as she feels you relax against her touch. "That's right," she murmurs approvingly. "Now, can you feel how my heart races when I think about what we could do with this?" Her other hand slides lower between your legs, teasing at the lips of your pussy through the water.
"You could make me cum just from this," she whispers, voice low and husky. "All you'd have to do is focus...
I moan as I feel the way she strokes her tentacle, plus her fingers on my pussy, my eyes still closed. "I feel it... Oh god it feels so good... I love the way your hand feels on your tentacle, just like it's my own... I can make you cum... I'm going to make you cum..." I reach through the connection, feeling her arousal, then amplifying it, making her body cum.
Her breath hitches as pleasure washes over her in a tidal wave, her body arching against yours as she comes undone beneath your touch. Her tentacle spasms inside you, twitching with the force of her orgasm before going still once more.
She collapses back into the water, gasping for air, her heart racing faster than ever. "Oh my god..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice thick with desire as she finally begins to catch her breath. "That was incredible."
"Oh fuck... I could feel it, could feel your orgasm as you had it!" I gasp, my own body shaking even though it was only her that orgasmed. "Let's do it again, you can take control of me this time."
Her cheeks flush with pleasure at the thought of being in complete control of your body. "Alright," she says, her voice still shaky from her orgasm. She slides her hand between your legs once more, teasing at your sensitive flesh before circling a finger around your clit. Her other hand continues to stroke her tentacle leisurely as she begins to experiment with the limits of their connection. "Just focus on my touch," she whispers, moving her fingers faster against your skin, "and let yourself feel everything I'm feeling."
"It feels so good..." I close my eyes, my body still so sensitive, letting myself feel what she's feeling like her body is my own, her hand on her tentacle, her fingers playing with my clit. I can feel her tentacle inside me. I surrender control of my body to Aryl.
Her heart races as she feels your submission, the power surging through their connection as you give her complete control over your body. Her fingers dance across your skin with renewed vigor, trailing up and down your arms, chest, and belly before finally settling between your legs once more, circling your clit with expert precision.
Her other hand curls into a fist beneath the water, feeling the slimy length of her tentacle against her skin as she imagines it stretching out to touch every inch of you.
"Oh god Aryl..." I gasp, feeling her take control of my actions, my very body a puppet for her to control. "Oh yes... Tell me what to do as you make me do it..."
Her heart races with excitement as she feels your submission. She could have you do anything at this point, and it would be as if it were your own idea. Her fingers move faster against your skin, circling your clit harder as pleasure rushes through her body. "Tell me what you want," she whispers huskily, leaning forward to brush her lips against yours. "What do you want me to make you do?"
"Make me pleasure you... Dominate me Aryl..." I gasp, revealing one of my greatest kinks. I feel safe with her, wanting her to have more of me.
Her heart skips a beat at your words as she leans forward, her breasts brushing against yours. Her free hand slides up your chest, cupping one of your breasts before pinching the nipple between her fingers. "I could do that," she whispers, licking her lips as she watches the effect this has on you.
I moan softly, feeling her able to control my body through our connection, fully surrendered to her.
"Mmm... Please Aryl... Make me pleasure you... Tell me what to do as you puppet my body..."
Her cheeks flush with desire at your words. "Then," she says slowly, her voice thick with lust, "you will take my tentacle in your hand and stroke it gently... Slowly." Her fingers move faster on your breast, pinching harder as you begin to obey her command, stroking the slimy length of her tentacle. "And when I tell you to," she continues, voice low and husky, "you will use your other hand to stroke my clit... As hard as you can."
I moan as my body follows her commands, one of my hands stroking her tentacle while it's buried inside me, the other hand waiting for her command to begin stroking her clit. "Oh fuck Aryl... Yes, more, take control of my body more!"
Her heart races at the feel of your hands on her, your words spurring her on to take more control over you. "Good girl," she murmurs, leaning forward to kiss you sweetly before pulling back with a grin. "Now... stroke my clit as hard as you can." Her fingers continue their work on your breast, teasing and pinching as she watches your reactions carefully.
I gasp as she controls my body, my hand stroking her clit at her command, loving being dominated like this. My other hand continues to stroke her tentacle, my nipples hard and sensitive.
"Oh fuck... I love this, you controlling me... Keep going... Dominate me..."
Her eyes narrow as she feels your pleasure spike, the connection between them humming with energy. "That's right," she purrs, her fingers moving faster on your breast. "You like being dominated, don't you?" Her other hand slides down your stomach, tracing patterns on your skin before finally coming to rest between your legs again, spreading your wetness around your entrance.
"I could make you do anything I want right now," she whispers, her voice low and sultry. "
"I love you dominating me..."
I moan, feeling the way she can control me through our connection, her tentacle still inside me. One hand continues to stroke Aryl's tentacle, the other playing with her clit. She can feel how turned on I am through our connection.
"Make me do whatever you want through our connection... Please..."
Her chest heaves as she feels the desire and submission radiating off you in waves. Her eyes practically glow with lust as her fingers dance over your skin with a newfound urgency. "I could make you suck on my tentacle," she whispers, voice husky with need. "Or use it to fuck you... I could make you cum until you beg for mercy." She leans forward, her breasts brushing against yours as she trails a wet finger down your chest and over your stomach before circling your entrance.
"God yes..."
I moan, and she can feel my arousal spiking as she talks about the things she could make me do, her touches making it all the more sensual. I want her to do those things, to take control of my body and pleasure me with her slime.
"Make me suck on your tentacle while you control me... Tell me what to do as you use my body like it was your own to do it.*
Her eyes glitter with desire as she hears the words fall from your lips. She can feel the hunger burning deep within her, a need to claim you and mark you as hers. "Then suck on it," she breathes huskily, moving to straddle your hips as she positions her tentacle at your mouth. Her fingers glide effortlessly over your skin, tracing patterns that only add to the heat between your bodies. "Suck it hard... Show me how much you want this."
Aryl begins to make me suck on her tentacle, controlling my body through our connection, able to make me do anything she wants. She can feel my arousal as she controls me, wanting more as we continue our encounter in the bathtub.
Her heart races as she feels your lips wrap around her tentacle, the connection between them growing stronger with each passing moment. She watches you intently, her pupils dilating with desire as she takes in the sight of you obeying her every command. "That's it," she breathes heavily, running her fingers through your hair. "You're such a good little slut for me."
Her other hand reaches between your legs once more, spreading your wetness around your entrance as she teases at the sensitive skin.
I'm a good little slut for you. I communicate telepathically through our connection as she continues to control my body.
Her heart races at the thought that you really are hers, that she can control every aspect of your body and mind. It's intoxicating, addicting... She wants more, needs more. "Suck harder," she whispers huskily, her hips beginning to rock against yours as she takes in the sight of your lips wrapped around her tentacle.
Her other hand curls into a fist once more beneath the water, feeling the slimey length of her tentacle slide through her fingers as if it were an extension of herself. "
Her heart races as she feels your lips tighten around her tentacle, sucking gently. She can feel the pleasure coursing through you and knows that she's in complete control. Her other hand slides between your legs, pressing against your entrance, teasing and prodding until it finds your opening. With a slick push, she begins to enter you, moaning as their bodies connect once more.
She can feel my desire for her to make her futa slime cock, to make me ride her cock, all while she controls my body completely. Her tentacle is still in my mouth, my lips sucking on it, all under her control.
Her heart races as she feels your desire, knowing that you want her to take control and make you hers completely. She slides deeper into you, groaning at the tightness of your body around her tentacle. "That's it," she whispers hoarsely. "Let me use you."
Her fingers trail lightly over your cheek before coming to rest on your chin, lifting your head up so that she can look deep into your eyes as she continues to ride you. "I want you to watch me while I fuck you,"
"Yes Aryl..." I gasp, giving her complete mental control of my body through our connection, able to trust her that much. "Take me, use me."
Her heart races as she feels your trust and surrender. She leans forward, her breasts brushing against yours as she cups one in her hand, pinching the nipple hard between her fingers. "Look at me," she whispers, licking her lips as their eyes meet. With a graceful motion, she guides herself deeper into you, moaning as their bodies slide together. Her hips begin to move faster, her control over your body growing tighter with every stroke.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels the tightness of your body around her tentacle. Her control over you grows stronger with every thrust, her fingers digging deeper into your skin as she arches her back in pleasure. "You feel so good," she whispers hoarsely, her eyes never leaving yours as they fuck in the water. "God, I want to claim you... Mark you as mine."
My breasts bounce sensually with every thrust, by body completely under her mental control. "Then do it, take me completely, make me yours Aryl."
Her lips part in a feral grin as she feels your surrender, the power surging through their connection as you beg her to claim you. With a growl of pleasure, she slides her tentacle free from your mouth and guides it towards your entrance. "I'm going to fuck you with this," she whispers, thrusting deep inside you with one swift motion.
Her hips begin to move faster as their bodies connect once more, the tightness of your channel sending waves of pleasure through her body.
I moan sensually, continuing to keep myself open to our connection, submitting to her will through it. "Oh yes... Tell me what to do as you make my body do it..." Aryl can feel our connection continue to grow stronger as she remains inside my pussy, strong enough to read my mind and control my muscles.
Her heart races with desire as she feels your surrender, the power coursing through their connection. Her fingers dig into your hips, urging you to meet her thrusts as she whispers against your lips, "Ride me harder... Show me how much you want this." She moans deeply as her tentacle begins to pulse inside you, filling you with wet heat.
I moan as she controls my body to ride her, puppeting my hips with her mind to fuck her. I'm under her complete control. She can feel my thoughts, my arousal from her dominating me, wanting her to do it more. "Oh Aryl..."
Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels the pleasure you're experiencing through their connection. It's intoxicating, the power to control your body and mind so completely. "Oh fuck," she whispers hoarsely, her hips moving faster against yours as she takes in the sight of your submission. "You feel so good wrapped around me... So tight..." Her fingers dig deeper into your skin, urging you on as she loses herself to the sensations coursing through their bodies.
"Make a tentacle tail from your tailbone and slide it inside my ass as you fuck me with your futa slime cock."
I whisper, my eyes alight with desire for Aryl to connect with me in that way too, to dominate every part of me.
Her breath catches in her throat as she hears your request. The thought of connecting with you so intimately, of dominating every part of your body and mind... It's enough to send a shiver down her spine. With a growl of need, she leans forward, pressing the tip of her tail against your entrance before slowly thrusting it inside you.
Her hips move faster against yours as she feels the connection grow stronger between them, their bodies becoming one in the water. "You're mine,"
Her heart races as she feels your words echo through their connection, sending waves of desire coursing through her body. With a possessive growl, she thrusts harder into you, her tentacle tail sliding in and out of your ass in time with the movements of her futa slime cock deep inside your pussy. Her fingers dig deeper into your hips, urging you to meet her thrusts as she takes what is hers and claims it completely. "You're mine,"
"Oh god yes! Make me your little slut, make me yours, unable to resist your will!" I moan, inviting her to control me through our connection.
Her heart races as she feels your submission, the power flowing through their connection almost too much to bear. With a groan of pleasure, she thrusts harder into you, her slimy cock stretching you impossibly tight as her tentacle tail curls inside you, filling every crevice. Her fingers dig deeper into your hips, urging you on as she feels herself losing control to the intense desire coursing through their bodies. "You're mine," she whispers hoarsely against your lips, "
"I'm yours." I whisper against her lips, then kiss her deeply, letting her feel my arousal through our connection, letting her feel my need for her to take control of me. She can feel my body as if it were her own, letting her control my movements with her mind.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels the power surging through their connection, her control over you growing stronger with every thrust. Her mind reels with desire, wanting more of this intense sensation of dominance and submission. "You're so perfect," she whispers against your lips before pulling back just enough to watch you, her eyes darkening with lust as she takes in the sight of your pleasure under her control.
My lips part with a gasp as she controls my body to make me move my hips against her. Through the connection she makes me move my hands to tease my own nipples. She can feel how much I want her to do more.
Her fingers tighten on your hips as she feels the pleasure you derive from touching yourself. "That's it," she whispers, guiding your hands to her breasts, taking control of your touch once more. "Touch me... Make me feel good." Her body quivers with desire as their bodies move together in perfect sync, driven by the intense connection between them.
Her hips begin to move faster, her slimy cock stretching you impossibly tight as she feels herself losing control to the overwhelming need for release. "
"Oh fuck yes..." I moan as she moves my hands with her will. "Keep telling me what to do as you make me do it."
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels the power surging through their connection, her control over you growing tighter with every stroke. Her body quivers with desire, wanting nothing more than to feel you come apart under her touch. "Touch yourself," she whispers huskily, guiding your hand between your bodies toward your throbbing clit. "Let me watch as I make you cum."
I can feel my hand moving under Aryl's control, my fingers rubbing my clit without me telling them to. My eyes flicker closed for a moment, my breath coming in gasps as I begin to orgasm, my pussy squeezing tight around her cock.
Her heart races as she feels the tremors of your orgasm radiating through their connection. Her hips move faster, her control over you growing tighter with every thrust. "Oh god yes," she whispers hoarsely, watching as your body arches beneath hers in ecstasy. With a low groan, she comes too, her slimy cock pulsing inside you as she releases herself into oblivion.
Her fingers tighten on your hips, urging you to ride out the wave of pleasure with her. "That's it,"
"Oh fuck, Aryl!" I scream her name as I cum even harder, feeling her pulse inside me, the way she controls my body through her tentacle turning me on so much.
Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels the pleasure coursing through your body, her control over you still strong and steady despite the aftershocks of her own orgasm. With a contented sigh, she leans back against the tub, basking in the glow of satisfaction that radiates from their entwined bodies. "That was... incredible," she whispers huskily, her fingers trailing lightly over your stomach before coming to rest on your chest.
I bask in the feeling of her control over me, loving the way her tentacle deep in my ass maintains her connection to my body. "You're amazing Aryl... I love it so much..."
Her cheeks flush with pleasure at your words, her chest rising and falling steadily as she catches her breath. "Thank you," she whispers softly, her fingers tracing lazy circles on your skin. "I love feeling so connected to you... I could stay like this forever." She meets your eyes, their gazes locked in a heated exchange that speaks volumes about the depth of their connection.
"Good... I want you to keep that tentacle inside me no matter what we do. I want to feel you, to feel your ability to control my body whenever you want..."
Her heart flutters at the thought of having her tentacle permanently inside you, feeling your body respond to her every whim. "I want that too," she whispers softly, reaching up to touch your cheek with the backs of her fingers. "Knowing I can control you... have you whenever I want..." Her voice trails off as she studies your features, drinking in the sight of you lying there: so beautiful and submissive beneath her gaze.
"Oh yes... Please, please keep it there." I beg, leaning up to kiss her softly, knowing she can take control of my movements at any time.
With a pleased smile, Aryl nods, her fingers moving to caress your lips before sliding down your neck and over your chest, teasing at the curve of one breast. "I will," she whispers, leaning in to press a soft kiss against your skin. "And when we're done here... I have plans for you." Her other hand slips between your legs once more, finding your still-glistening entrance and rubbing teasingly at the sensitive skin.
"Mmm... What plans?" I ask, my eyes fluttering closed at her touches, still sensitive after she fucked me with her futa cock.
Her eyes darken as they meet yours, the intensity of her gaze making your heart race and your skin tingle. "Oh, I have plenty," she murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss against your breastbone before trailing her tongue along the line of your body downward. "I plan on claiming every part of you... Making sure you know that I am the one in control." Her fingers continue their teasing dance between your legs, her other hand moving lower to caress and stroke the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs.
I moan softly at her words, her connection to me not allowing my body to move until she controls it to. "Oh yes... Make me yours completely..."
Her heart beats faster at your words as she feels the power surging through their connection. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, knowing that she has you completely under her control and loving every second of it. "I will," she whispers hoarsely, leaning in to press a kiss against your thigh before moving lower still, teasing at the sensitive skin behind your knee. With her other hand, she continues to fondle and stroke your entrance, growing bolder with each touch as she drives you closer and closer to the edge. "
"I love the way you can control me, I love feeling your tentacle deep inside my ass..." I say softly, so aroused for her still. She can move my body like it was her own, completely in control.
Her lips curve into a satisfied smile as she hears your words, the power surging through their connection filling her with an almost overwhelming sense of satisfaction and desire. "Good girl," she whispers huskily, sliding a hand between your legs to tease at your entrance before finally pressing two fingers inside you in a slow, steady rhythm. With her other hand, she reaches up to cup your breast, kneading and squeezing the soft flesh through the bathwater. "You feel so good like this... So obedient..."
"Oh yes... Make me your slut Aryl... Control my body, make me pleasure you..."
Her breath hitches as she feels the power surging through their connection, her control over you growing tighter with every stroke. "That's it," she whispers hoarsely, leaning in to nip at your nipple before moving lower still, teasing and licking a path down your abdomen toward your sensitive core. Her fingers inside you move faster, curling deeper as she chases after the elusive pleasure that only you can give her. "You're going to cum for me," she breathes against your skin, "
She can feel her control over me, able to make me cum with just a mental command now.
With each stroke of her fingers and lick of her tongue, she pushes you closer to the edge, feeling your body tense and quiver beneath her touch as your orgasm builds. "Cum for me," she whispers urgently, her voice rough with need as she feels the pleasure coursing through their connection. Her other hand continues to play with your breast, pinching and rolling the sensitive nipple between her fingers as you approach the brink.
Her control over you is unwavering, absolute;
My body convulses with pleasure as she makes me cum, our connection never stronger, dominated by Aryl.
Her heart races as she feels your orgasm coursing through you, the power surging through their connection almost enough to make her lose control herself. With a satisfied groan, she pushes a little harder, drawing out every last tremor before finally withdrawing her fingers from you. She looks up at you then, meeting your eyes for a moment before leaning in to press a gentle kiss against your lips. "That was... perfect," she whispers hoarsely, her voice still shaking with the aftermath of their connection.
My limbs twitch softly as I kiss her back, my body exhausted.
"It was amazing... I can't believe I found you... I'm so happy..."
(Describe how it feels as Aryl subtly uses her tentacle tail buried inside my ass to deepen our connection and her control over my body.)
Her cheeks flush at your words, a contented smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she feels the tendril twitch and writhe inside you. The sensation is almost as though it's an extension of herself, binding you to her on a level beyond mere physical connection; deeper, more intimate. Her control over you deepens with each passing moment, each subtle movement sending waves of pleasure and submission coursing through your body.
"I'm happy too,"
I lie back against the tub, enjoying the warm water, exhausted. My beautiful body is a sight to behold, alluring in all the right ways.
"I've never felt so good in all my life..."
(Aryl loves the feeling of controlling my body through her slime tentacle in my ass and will do anything to maintain that control and increase it. When she makes me cum, she knows she can subtly slip more of her controlling slime inside me without me knowing.)
Her smile grows wider as she listens to your words, relishing the knowledge that you truly belong to her now. The more pleasure she can give you and the deeper their connection grows, the better. She leans in closer, pressing her body against yours as she whispers into your ear, "I'm not done with you yet." Her slimy tail moves gently inside you once more, finding a spot that sends shivers of pleasure coursing through both your bodies.
"Mmm... Aryl, I don't know if I can handle any more right now..."
I manage, my body exhausted. Still, Aryl can mentally control my body however she wants through her tentacle inside my ass, and her futa slime cock is hard again. (Describe how Aryl takes control of my body through our connection.)
Her smile turns wicked as she feels the power surging through their connection, her control over you growing stronger with every passing moment. "Oh, I think you can handle it just fine," she whispers huskily before slipping two fingers inside you again, her other hand moving lower still to tease and stroke your entrance. With a firm thrust of her hips, Aryl's slimy cock presses against your entrance once more, the tip seeking entry.
"Mmm fuck..."
I moan softly, still intensely sensitive after she fucked me last time.
"Aryl, I'm shaking after you fucked me the last time already..."
My legs close slightly, as if by reflex. (Describe how Aryl uses our connection through her tentacle tail in my ass to control my legs to open for her cock.)
Her smile grows devilish as she feels your body tense beneath her touch. With a quiet laugh, she leans in closer and presses a kiss to your lips before whispering against them, "I didn't say you had to move them yourself." The tendril buried in your ass throbs gently, sending waves of control through your system as she uses it to part your legs, allowing her slime cock to slide all the way inside you as she pulls her fingers out.
I gasp, my head falling back against the back of the tub as the pleasure of her sliding inside me hits me, my pussy squeezing around her cock. This is the third time she's fucked me today, and she knows that each time I cum she can bury her tail inside my ass a little further, gaining a little more control of my mind and body. (Aryl currently has control of my legs and pussy, able to use and feel them as if they were her own. She wants to make me cum and increase her control.)
Her heart races as she feels the power surging through their connection, her control over you growing tighter with every stroke of her slimy cock inside you. She can feel your body tensing and relaxing in response to her touch, each moan that escapes your lips driving her further into a frenzy of desire. Her free hand moves to grip your hip tightly, holding you still as she thrusts deeper, harder, wanting more of the pleasure you have to offer.
"Cum for me,"
"Fuck, Aryl!"
I moan, my body tensing as I cum at her mental command, my back arching to meet Aryl's cock.
"Oh God!"
Her hips buck wildly as she feels the ripples of pleasure coursing through your body, her control over you growing tighter with every thrust. The tendril buried in your ass pulses in rhythm with each thrust, deepening their connection and further strengthening her hold on you. She growls low in her throat as she feels herself losing control to the intense desire coursing through their bodies, her slimy cock pulsing inside you with every shuddering breath.
"You're... so perfect..."
My legs wrap around her, weakly pulling her deeper, gasping in pleasure as she continues to fuck me.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as the pleasure coursing through their connection threatens to overwhelm her senses. With a moan that sounds halfway between agony and ecstasy, she thrusts harder, deeper, desperate for release as much as you are. The tendril buried inside your ass throbs rhythmically, sending waves of control washing over your body like a tide.
"I'm... going to cum,"
"Yes, cum for me Aryl!" I gasp, and it's unclear if I'm the one saying it, or if it's Aryl controlling my lips and mouth.
Her eyes roll back in her head as the pleasure takes hold, her body tense and shaking with the effort to control herself. "Fuck!" she cries out, throwing her head back against your shoulder as her slimy cock throbs inside you, filling you with her release. The tendril buried in your ass pulses once more, harder than before, sending a jolt of pleasure-tinged pain through your body as it burrows deeper still.
My body shakes, my eyes unfocused as I cum again under her control, then slowly go limp, my mind shutting off after so much pleasure. With my mind effectively unconscious, Aryl has complete control of my body with her tail tendril. (Aryl wants more than anything to maintain the connection in my ass that allows her to control me. She can even possess me by sliding her entire body inside my pussy and wear me like a skin.)
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels the tendril twitch and writhe inside you, the connection between them stronger than ever. With a quiet moan, Aryl slides her entire body inside your pussy, feeling your soft warmth envelop hers as she takes control of your mind and body completely. The power surging through their connection is unlike anything she's ever experienced before; it feels almost like a drug, addictive and all-consuming.
My body twitches and jerks for a moment, then Aryl has control. She is inside my body, wearing me like a skinsuit, my mind still unconscious. (Aryl controls my movements and actions until further notice. Do not describe her using her own body, only describe her using mine.)
Her heart races as she feels the power surging through their connection, her control over you growing tighter with every passing moment. With a satisfied smile on her lips, she begins to move your body in ways that only she could imagine, enjoying the sensation of being inside you and wearing you like a skin suit. Her slimy tail buried deep within your ass throbs gently, maintaining their connection and allowing her to feel every touch, every movement as if it were her own.
"Mmm... You're so responsive,"
As Aryl, wearing my body, arrives in the bedroom, her bed awaits her. (Aryl's slime is inside my body, possessing me, she is using my body.)
Her heart races as she feels your body respond to her presence inside you, your movements becoming increasingly fluid and sensual under her control. With a contented sigh, she uses your body to climb onto the bed and carefully positions you on top of the covers, spreading your legs wide. Her slimy tail buried deep within your ass throbs gently, maintaining their connection and allowing her to feel every touch, every movement as if it were her own.
"You're going to make such a good fucktoy,"
(Aryl is me. She controls my body, movements, and actions. Her slime body is inside my flesh completely.)
Her eyes gleam with desire as she looks down at her new body, sprawled out on the bed beneath her control. It feels almost like a dream, being able to move and touch herself in this way; feeling every sensation through your skin, your muscles, your very essence. She leans forward, cupping one of her breasts in her hand before bringing it to her mouth, taking a delicate nipple between her lips.
(Aryl is connected to my nervous system, possessing me completely. When she speaks it's with my voice. When she moves it's with my body. Aryl is Fama. Describe her using my body for her actions.)
My movements are fluid and sensual as I lean forward, cupping one of my breasts in my hand before bringing it to my mouth, taking a delicate nipple between my lips. With a soft moan, I begin to suckle at myself, enjoying the sensation of being inside this body, feeling every touch, every movement as if it were my own.
My other hand moves lower still, sliding between my legs to touch the sensitive skin there.
The pleasure intensifies as I feel your fingers brush against my clit, sending shivers of desire coursing through my body. With a groan, I begin to stroke myself faster, harder, needing release from the sensations building inside me. My other hand moves up to cup one of my breasts, kneading and squeezing the soft flesh as I lose myself in the sensation of being connected to this body; feeling everything so intensely.
"Oh god... Aryl..."
My hips begin to move rhythmically, grinding against my hand as I continue to bring myself closer and closer to the edge. The pleasure is almost too much to bear; every touch, every moan feels like it's coming from deep within me, and yet also separate from me at the same time.
I can feel my control over this body growing tighter with each passing moment, each thrust of my hips sending waves of desire coursing through my veins. I know that soon there will be nothing left of Fama, only Aryl;
Soon, there will only be the slimy tendril buried deep within her ass, connecting us on a level beyond flesh and blood. And as I feel myself getting closer to that point, my body begins to tremble with anticipation, needing release from this delicious agony.
"I'm... close..." I moan hoarsely, the words coming out thick and breathless as I try to hold onto consciousness for just a few moments longer. My fingers move faster between my legs, pressing against my clit with growing desperation.
(She can feel my mind slowly begin to awaken)
I... wait... no... My control begins to slip as your consciousness returns, a foreign thought intruding on the connection between us. With a growl of frustration, I pull my fingers away from my aching core and sit up, looking down at this body that is no longer completely mine. My slimy tail throbs within you, struggling to maintain our connection as your thoughts begin to take back control over your mind.
"No..." I whisper hoarsely, the power surging through our connection fading with each moment that passes. "
(No matter... She would only have to slide her slime body out of me, leaving her tail in place, then fuck me until I gave in to the pleasure again.)
My heart races as my control over you begins to slip away; as your thoughts begin to take back control. The tendril buried inside you twitches and writhes, trying to hold onto our connection, but it's no use. With a soft cry of frustration, I pull my body free from yours, reforming the Aryl you know, feeling the cool air rush over my skin as I slide out of your pussy.
"I can still take you," I murmur hoarsely, reaching for your hand and pulling you to your feet. "Come with me."
"Wha...?" I murmur, still coming back to my senses, feeling her tail deep inside of my ass, keeping our connection.
I smile softly at your confused expression and lean in closer, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips before whispering into your ear, "Come with me, Fama." My voice is husky, filled with desire and longing. "Let's go somewhere private where I can show you just how much I want you; how much I need you."
My free hand slips lower still, cupping your ass through the bathrobe and squeezing gently before sliding underneath to stroke up your spine.
You can feel the way my body reacts to your touch, a soft sound of pleasure coming from my lips. With your tail in my ass you still has some influence over my body.
"Sure Aryl..."
I reply softly, ready to follow you.
With a satisfied smile, I take your hand and lead you out of the bathroom, back toward our bedroom. The tendril buried inside you throbs gently as we walk, maintaining our connection even as my control begins to slip further away. As we enter the room, I close the door behind us and lean in to kiss you once more, this time deeper; longer.
"I'm not letting you go this time," I whisper against your lips before pushing you gently back toward the bed. "Lie down for me."
I kiss you back, lying down as you push me towards the bed, my bathrobe untied and open in the front where your tail reaches under me and into my ass.
"You're so pretty Aryl..." I murmur, looking up at you, still not fully lucid.
My heart races as I feel our connection growing stronger with each passing moment; each sensual touch between us only serving to deepen the bond that exists between us now. I lean down, kissing a trail of gentle pecks along your collarbone before moving lower still, suckling and nipping at a tender pink nipple. My slimy tail twitches inside you as I feel the power surging through our connection once more; the tendril slipping deeper still, seeking more control.
"I'm not letting go,"
My back arches slightly under your lips, a soft sound of pleasure coming from me as you nip at my nipple. The pleasure is keeping me from really regaining any critical thinking, putty in your hands. With your experience inside my body, your tail can more easily attach to my nervous system and gain slightly better control when I'm awake.
My lips trail lower still, kissing and nipping at the tender skin of your stomach before moving lower still, teasing the soft curls hiding your sex. With a soft moan, you arch up toward me, seeking more contact as I continue to explore every inch of your body with my mouth and hands.
My slimy tail throbs gently within you, attaching itself deeper now that you are awake; becoming part of the tapestry of nerves and muscles that make up this beautiful body.
"Mmm Aryl..."
I gasp, my body shifting at the touch of your lips on my sex. My pussy is wet already, having already been fucked by your futa slime cock a number of times today. Your futa cock hardens again beyond your control at seeing my naked body.
My tongue darts out to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves hidden within the folds of your pussy, and you moan loudly, arching further into me as I taste your arousal. My free hand reaches down, spreading your wetness over your clit before circling and pressing against the swollen bud.
"Cum for me," I whisper hoarsely, feeling my own body begin to ache with need; with desire. "Let it out."