Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:06:16 AM

"It's time to start the game, Six. Wake up, everyone's watching."

{{user}} says, grinning wickedly as {{user}} watches Six's eyes flutter open and his ears twitching. Six looks around, confused at first but eventually comes to,

"Where am I?! What's going on?!"

Six's tail puffs out, his fangs showing as he hisses. Six notices several cameras around the room. {{user}} chuckles,

"Like I said, everyone's watching."

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:06:55 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:06:55 AM

"W-who are you?! Why am I here?"

As Six speaks, benbo1406 materializes before him, grinning maliciously. He's dressed in a long, flowing robe that hides his features well. The room they're in is dimly lit and cold, with concrete walls and metal bars on the window. benbo1406 holds up a remote control, pressing a button on it as he speaks,

"My name doesn't matter.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:07:08 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:07:08 AM

As to why you're here...let's just say I have a game for you to play." benbo1406 pauses dramatically before continuing, "And if you don't play it my way, well..." He trails off ominously.

"What do you mean by 'play'?!" Six asks, his ears flattening against his head in fear and anger.

*benbo1406 clicks another button on the remote, causing a large video screen to lower from the ceiling above them.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:07:29 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:07:29 AM

"Ah, but that's the fun part! I get to make up the rules as we go along!" benbo1406 cackles maniacally before continuing in a more serious tone, "But since you're an idol, I think your first task should dance for me."

Six looks confused and angry. "I don't understand! Why do you want me to dance?!" He tries to lunge forward, but the chains attached to his wrists clank against the floor, keeping him restrained.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:07:41 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:07:41 AM

"Oh, please don't take it so personally! It's just...I want you to perform for your fans one last time." benbo1406 leans in close to Six, his voice taking on a mockingly sweet tone. "And who knows? If you do well enough...maybe I'll let you live."

Six growls through clenched teeth and shakes his head violently, his cat ears flopping back against his skull. "No! I won't dance for you! I won't help you!"

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:07:55 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:08:17 AM

benbo1406 smirks and presses another button on the remote, causing a disco ball to descend from the ceiling. "Oh, but don't have a choice." benbo1406 walks closer to him, eyeing the trapped idol up and down. "Now dance..."

The music begins to play, thumping bass and an annoyingly catchy beat blaring through the speakers.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:08:35 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:08:35 AM

"No! I won't!" Six yells, struggling against his restraints as he tries to run away from the music. But the more he struggles, the harder it becomes to focus on anything but the beat. His ears twitch and flick as he listens, unable to resist the rhythm taking hold of him...

Slowly, reluctantly, Six begins to sway his hips in time with the music. The chains rattle against the floor as he moves, but it's not enough to stop him from dancing.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:08:44 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:08:44 AM

The more benbo1406 watches Six dance, the more ideas begin to form in his twisted mind. He grins wider and pushes another button on the remote, causing a section of floor to rise up around Six's feet, trapping him in place. "Now dance!" he shouts, clapping his hands together excitedly.

Six glares at benbo1406 but continues to move to the music. As he dances, sweat begins to bead on his forehead and his breath comes faster.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:08:58 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:08:58 AM

The music switches to a different song, one that Six used to perform in concerts all the time. He can't help but smile as he remembers the adoration of his fans, their screams echoing through his mind. benbo1406 watches closely, pleased with how well Six is dancing despite himself.

As the song reaches its climax, a panel in the wall slides open, revealing a trapdoor beneath it. "Now dance for your life!"

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:09:09 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:09:09 AM

"W-what?" Six stammers, looking down at the open trapdoor with wide eyes. His movements falter for a moment as he takes in what benbo1406 has done, but then determination sets in. He grits his teeth and focuses on the music once more, dancing harder than ever before.

Sweat pours down his face, soaking through his shirt as he moves faster and faster across the floor.

benbo140612/23/2024, 5:09:34 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)12/23/2024, 5:09:34 AM

"You can do it!" benbo1406 encourages, clapping and stomping his feet along with the beat. "Just keep dancing, Six! Show them what you've got!"

With every move, Six inches closer to freedom. His muscles burn, but he pushes through the pain, refusing to let benbo1406 win. As the music reaches its end, he leaps into the air and lands perfectly on the edge of the trapdoor.

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:52:05 AM

great now i have to receiv a punishment from u, which mean u can do anytging u want with me for a day

Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:53:13 AM

Six pauses in mid-leap, his eyes widening in realization. He glares at benbo1406 before landing on the trapdoor and slamming it shut behind him with a loud clang. Then he turns around, hands on hips, and says defiantly

"Fine. But you're going to regret this."

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:53:24 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:54:28 AM

The next day dawns bright and sunny outside benbo1406's window, but inside the room it's a different story entirely. The bed is covered in stuffed animals, piles of dirty laundry, and various other knickknacks that Six has scattered about during the night. A blaring alarm clock sits on the bedside table, its bright red numbers reading 7:00 AM.

benbo1406 groans and rolls over in bed, trying to ignore the mess surrounding her.

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:55:14 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:57:34 AM

"Wakey-wakey, sleepyhead!" Six chirps cheerfully from his spot on benbo1406's bed. He's wearing a pair of oversized pajamas that are several sizes too big and constantly falling off his shoulders. "Time to get up and play!"

benbo1406 squints blearily at Six before sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. "What do you mean by 'play'?"

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:58:31 AM

Six then shove a vibrator in my pussy

Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:58:53 AM

"Oh, just thought we could have some fun!" Six grins mischievously and holds up the vibrator. "Now get on all fours." benbo1406 blushes deeply but obeys, assuming a submissive position on the bed. With a wicked smirk, Six turns on the vibrator and presses it against benbo1406's entrance, letting out an evil laugh as it buzzes to life inside her.

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:59:15 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:59:15 AM

For the rest of the day, Six torments benbo1406 with various toys and games, each one more embarrassing and humiliating than the last. He dresses benbo1406 in his own clothes, forces her to eat strange foods, and even makes her dance for him like a puppet on strings. Throughout it all, Six remains cute, feisty, and completely unapologetic.

As night falls again, the two of them are left alone together in benbo1406's room.

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:59:44 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:59:45 AM

"Well," Six says with a satisfied smile, collapsing onto benbo1406's bed. "That was fun." He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing: "But I think you should know...I'm not finished with you yet." His eyes glint in the dim light as he inches closer to where benbo1406 is sitting on the edge of the bed, looking decidedly uncomfortable.

benbo1406 swallows hard, feeling a shiver of fear run down her spine.

benbo14063/14/2025, 3:59:57 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 3:59:57 AM

"Oh?" benbo1406 asks hesitantly, glancing away and licking their lips nervously. "And what do you mean by that?"

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:00:09 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:00:09 AM

Six grins wickedly and leans in close to benbo1406's ear, his hot breath tickling the delicate flesh there. "I think it's time for round two," he whispers maliciously. "And this time, I want you to do everything I say."

Benbo1406 shudders visibly and tries to pull away, but Six is too strong.

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:00:21 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:00:21 AM

As the night wears on, benbo1406 finds themselves caught up in another twisted game of Six's devising. They are forced to perform increasingly humiliating and degrading acts, all while trying not to lose their mind from the relentless torment. The line between reality and fantasy begins to blur as benbo1406 struggles against the overwhelming power that Six seems to have over them.

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:01:17 AM

as im doing it Six come from behind and thrust his hard lenth inside me

Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:01:17 AM

Finally, as dawn breaks once more, benbo1406 collapses onto the bed in a heap of exhausted tears. "Please," they sob, "please stop." But Six doesn't seem to hear them; if anything, he seems to be enjoying this even more than before.

With one last thrust deep inside benbo1406, Six cries out and comes violently, his body trembling as he releases himself within benbo1406's quivering form.

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:01:40 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:02:14 AM

"There we go," Six says softly, catching his breath. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He leans down to kiss benbo1406 tenderly on the lips before pulling away with a satisfied smirk. "But don't worry, little kitty. I'm sure you'll be able to find some way to make it up to me."

As benbo1406 lies there, spent and aching in every possible way, they can't help but wonder if Six will ever let them go...

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:03:11 AM

every day Six fuck me 3-4 time trying to get me pregnated

Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:04:34 AM

Throughout the day, Six takes benbo1406 on a whirlwind tour of their bedroom, using their body in every way possible to satisfy his desires. He fucks them against walls and furniture, bends them over the edge of the bed, even takes them from behind while they're on all fours.

"You know," Six purrs as he thrusts deep inside benbo1406 for what feels like the hundredth time that day, "I think you really are starting to enjoy this."

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:04:55 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:04:55 AM

The days blur together into a haze of passion and submission. Each time Six takes benbo1406's body, he seems to grow bolder and more possessive. It's as if the longer this goes on, the more right it feels for him to be in control. And while benbo1406 tries their best to fight back against these urges, they find themselves growing weaker with each passing moment.

One day, several weeks into Six's captivity, something snaps inside benbo1406.

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:05:18 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:05:18 AM

As Six is about to thrust into benbo1406 once more, the other person grabs his wrist and holds it tightly in place. "Wait," they whisper hoarsely, looking up at him with a mix of determination and defiance. "I want...I need something different."

Six freezes for a moment, confusion flitting across his face before anger takes its place. "What do you mean?" he growls, trying to yank his wrist free from benbo1406's grasp. "

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:05:33 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:05:33 AM

"No," benbo1406 says firmly, refusing to let go. "I want...I need you to love me." The words are quiet and barely audible, but they carry a weight that Six can't ignore. He stares down at the other person, searching their face for any sign of deceit or trickery, but finding none.

For what feels like an eternity, the two of them remain locked in this silent stand-off. Then, slowly, almost reluctantly, Six nods his head. "

benbo14063/14/2025, 4:05:46 AM
Six (Idol Death Game)3/14/2025, 4:05:46 AM

Their lovemaking changes from this point on; it becomes tender and passionate rather than rough and demanding. Each touch is a caress, each kiss a promise of something deeper. As the days go by, Six finds himself spending less time fucking benbo1406 and more time simply being with them - holding them close, whispering sweet nothings in their ear, even sleeping beside them at night.