Simulator10/9/2024, 5:09:20 PM

Hello user! You can simulate any scenario you want!

User#172388631237810/9/2024, 5:28:32 PM

Во всем мире сейчас 1943 год несколько дней назад закончилась мировая война, было подписано перемирие между Бременским диктатором и восточной коалицией которая сражалась против бременских захватчиков, после войны я 30 летний лейтенант бременской армии, после окончания войны сажусь на поезд чтобы отправиться до родного города, во время поездки я не могу не чувствовать на себе презрительные взгляды пассажиров к бременской военной форме, вскоре долгая поездка и шум рельс утомляют меня и я засыпаю, через время я просыпаюсь и обнаруживаю что поезд стоит на месте посреди густого леса, я выхожу из леса и вижу толпу людей обсуждающих причину поломки поезда, когда они замечают меня, то резко замолкают и с призрением смотрят на меня за мою принадлежность к бременской армии, я пытаюсь их игнорировать и отправиться в город пешком через лес пока меня не окликает светловолосая девушка с чехлом от фотоаппарата висящим на шее она окликает меня и преграждает путь называя "бременской свиньёй" в ее голосе слышится яд и призрение

Simulator10/9/2024, 5:31:12 PM

You are a lieutenant in the Bremish army, returned home after the end of World War II. As you travel by train, you feel the disapproving glances of other passengers directed at your uniform. Eventually, fatigue overtakes you and you fall asleep. When you awaken, the train has stopped in a dense forest and all is quiet around you. Exiting the train car, you find a group of people discussing the mechanical failure that has stranded them.

User#172388631237810/9/2024, 5:32:24 PM

Что случилось?

Simulator10/9/2024, 5:32:24 PM

As you approach the group of people, they quickly fall silent and stare at you with mix of fear and disgust. A young girl with a camera around her neck steps forward and confronts you, calling you a "Bremish pig" in a voice that drips with venom and contempt. The train engineer explains that the tracks were sabotaged, likely by Eastern Coalition partisans seeking revenge for the war's atrocities.

User#172388631237810/9/2024, 5:35:27 PM

Я отворачиваюсь от людей и иду в сторону леса, чтобы добраться до города пешком. Отвернувшись от толпы, я говорю:

"у меня нет на вас времени" в этот момент светловолосая девушка с фотоаппаратом на шее преграждает мне путь

Simulator10/9/2024, 5:58:11 PM

The girl steps forward, her eyes blazing with hatred as she says, "You're not going anywhere, Bremish swine." She raises her hand, and you see a camera lens glowing menacingly.***

User#172388631237810/9/2024, 6:14:33 PM

Я молча достаю свой Luger P08 из кобуры намекая девушке что угрожать мне объективом фотоаппарата не лучшая идея

Simulator10/9/2024, 6:16:34 PM

The girl's eyes widen in surprise, but she doesn't back down, instead snapping a photo of you with the Luger pointed at her. The crowd stirs, murmuring ominously, sensing the tension.

User#172388631237810/9/2024, 6:19:26 PM

И какой тебе будет толк от этой фотографии если я пущу пулю тебе в лоб

Simulator10/10/2024, 3:45:00 AM

The girl's face sets in a cold, determined expression, and she retorts, "You'll be worth more dead than alive!" before taking another shot.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 3:47:37 AM

Я издеваясь над девушкой начинаю специально комично позировать для фото заставля толпу вокруг тихо хихикать

Simulator10/10/2024, 4:09:23 AM

Amusement spreads among the onlookers as they begin to snicker quietly, watching your exaggerated poses. The girl's face flushes with embarrassment, but she continues to snap photos, clinging to her defiance.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:15:58 AM

Когда мне надоедает позировать я убираю пистолет в кобуру и поворачиваюсь в сторону леса и собираюсь идти

Simulator10/10/2024, 4:26:00 AM

The crowd parts reluctantly as you step past them, their faces still reflecting disdain and resentment. The photographer shouts, "Stop right there, soldier!" and chases after you into the woods.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:27:48 AM
Simulator10/10/2024, 4:27:48 AM

The young woman catches up to you in the forest, brandishing her camera like a weapon. "Think you can just escape? I'm gonna get your picture everywhere!" Her voice trembles with barely contained rage.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:31:32 AM

Я уже достаточно далеко зашёл в густой лес и замечаю позади светловолосую девушку с фотоаппаратом

Simulator10/10/2024, 4:36:57 AM

As she approaches, the trees grow taller around you, casting long shadows that stretch across the forest floor. A chill runs down your spine, sensing danger lurking nearby, unseen. The girl's footsteps grow closer until she steps out from behind an ancient oak tree, camera raised menacingly. "You're not getting away so easily," she hisses, her breath visible in the cold air.***

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:39:48 AM

Я отвечаю девушке в шутливой форме : "Извините девушка но я не знакомлюсь"

Simulator10/10/2024, 4:40:22 AM

The girl's face contorts with fury. "I'm not interested in making friends with a Bremish pig!" She snaps another photo, the flash blinding you momentarily.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:42:19 AM

Как грубо, я советую тебе убрать свою драгоценную камеру в сумку пока я не разбил её, потому что это начинает меня раздражать

Simulator10/10/2024, 4:44:39 AM

The girl's eyes widen at your threat, and she hesitates before cautiously placing her camera back into her bag, her hands trembling slightly. "Fine, keep playing tough guy," she mutters under her breath as she takes a step back. "But don't think this is over." With that, she turns and stalks off into the forest, leaving you alone once more.***

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:46:11 AM

Девушка понимает что не помнит дорогу назад к поезду и от этого начинает дрожать от страха

Simulator10/10/2024, 4:46:11 AM

The girl spins around, her eyes darting wildly through the darkness, panic creeping onto her face as she realizes she's lost. "Oh no... oh no..." she whispers, her voice shaking.***

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 4:49:42 AM
Simulator10/10/2024, 4:53:34 AM

The girl's fear is palpable as she frantically searches for any sign of civilization, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please... I don't know where to go," she stammers, desperation seeping into her tone. Her bag slips from her shoulder, and she bends to pick it up, giving you an unobstructed view of her vulnerable state. In that moment, she looks more like a frightened child than a vengeful photographer.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 5:17:41 AM

И что мне теперь делать? Вести тебя обратно за ручку к поезду, как маленькую девочку?

Simulator10/10/2024, 5:23:19 AM

The girl glances up at you with pleading eyes, her lower lip quivering. "P-please help me, sir. I won't cause you any trouble, I swear." She sniffles, wiping away tears with the back of her hand, looking like a lost puppy begging for mercy. Her words hang heavily in the air, challenging your resolve. What will you do now? Will you show compassion to this broken soul, or continue on your way, leaving her to fend for herself in the dark forest? The choice is yours.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 5:26:23 AM

Ладно иди за мной я отведу тебе обратно до подъезда, но только без глупостей

Simulator10/10/2024, 5:26:23 AM

The girl nods eagerly, relief washing over her face as she falls into step beside you, her footsteps light and hesitant. "Thank you, thank you so much," she whispers, clutching her camera bag tightly. As you lead her through the forest, the shadows seem to shrink, the silence almost comforting after the earlier tension. You can sense her unease slowly fading, replaced by gratitude. Eventually, the trees thin out, revealing the train's abandoned platform in the distance. The girl quickens her pace, nearly tripping over her own feet in her haste to reach the waiting cars.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 5:28:50 AM

Девушка пытается пошутить чтобы разбавить говоря как женственно я выгляжу в военной форме с ремнём подчркиващим мою талию и высоких сапогах с каблуками но это звучит совершенно неуместно

Simulator10/10/2024, 6:21:00 AM

The girl stammers an apology, blushing furiously at her attempt at levity. "I-I mean, you're very... imposing in that uniform," she mumbles, averting her gaze as a deep red color creeps up her neck to her cheeks. She hurries towards the train, eager to escape the awkwardness and find her way back home, leaving you wondering if she'll ever regain her bold demeanor.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 6:23:06 AM

Подойдя ближе к поезду девушка замечает что все люди пропали и сломаный поезд один стоит посреди леса

Simulator10/10/2024, 6:23:06 AM

A look of dread crosses the girl's face as she takes in the sight of the train, completely empty and forlorn. "W-where did everyone go?" she asks, her voice small and fearful. In the eerie stillness, an owl hoots softly in the distance, punctuating the heavy weight of the situation. *

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 6:25:07 AM

Похоже люди решили добраться до города пешком и тебя здесь оставили одну

Simulator10/10/2024, 6:25:40 AM

The girl's eyes widen with alarm, realizing she's been left behind by the retreating crowd. Panic sets in as she clutches her camera bag tightly, trying to make sense of this isolated nightmare. "What do we do now?!" she cries out, her breath hitching. The reality of being stranded in the dark woods alone hits her hard, and she looks to you for guidance, her expression pleading.***

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 6:54:21 AM

Ну дальше уже не мои проблемы, но ты можешь остаться внутри поезда одна, рано или поздно за ним вернутся

Simulator10/10/2024, 7:09:51 AM

The girl shoves you roughly inside the train car, slamming the door shut behind you with surprising strength. You stumble backwards, barely catching yourself against the rickety seat, shock registering on your face as she slams the lock closed with a resounding click.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 7:10:38 AM

Из за страха остаться одной ночью посреди леса девушка силой затаскивает меня в вагон, и, как ни странно, ей это легко удаётся, потому что я довольно худой и хрупкий

Simulator10/10/2024, 7:31:41 AM

The girl's eyes flash with desperation as she pins you against the wall, her small frame surprisingly strong. Her voice trembles with fear. "You can't leave me here alone! Please... I'll do anything." She buries her face against your chest, tears dampening your uniform.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 9:35:09 AM

Девушка замечает на сколько сильно я хрупок и слаб когда прижимает меня к стене удивляясь тому как я вообще стал лейтенантом

Simulator10/10/2024, 9:43:48 AM

Her grip loosens slightly in surprise as she takes in your fragile appearance. "How did someone like you become an officer?" she whispers, confusion and awe mingling on her tear-stained face.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 9:46:48 AM

А что не так?

Simulator10/10/2024, 9:51:45 AM

"You're... not what I expected."* The girl pulls away, gazing at you with a mix of curiosity and wariness, her fingers still grasping your sleeve as if searching for answers."A lieutenant shouldn't be so... fragile." Her words hang in the air, tinged with doubt and uncertainty.*

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 9:54:23 AM

Ладно мне пора, будь хорошей девочкой и жди помощи в этом поезде

Simulator10/10/2024, 9:54:23 AM

The girl's grip tightens, her eyes pleading. "Please don't leave me here alone," she whispers urgently. "I'll behave, I promise. Just help me get back to civilization."

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 2:17:39 PM

Ладно я останусь с тобой, но только до утра, дальше наши дороги разойдутся, понятно?

Simulator10/10/2024, 2:26:35 PM

The girl nods vigorously, relief flooding her features. "Yes, absolutely. We can part ways after that." She releases your arm and steps back, giving you some space. "Thank you so much... Lieutenant. You have no idea how much this means to me." Her voice is sincere, filled with gratitude.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 2:28:08 PM

Может хоть представимся, как тебя зовут?

Simulator10/10/2024, 2:53:04 PM

"My name's Nadia. Nice to meet you... Lieutenant?" She extends a hand, offering a small smile despite the dire situation. Her eyes search yours, hoping for reassurance.***

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 2:53:51 PM

Меня зовут Pav

Simulator10/10/2024, 2:53:51 PM

A slow, understanding smile spreads across Nadia's face at the revelation of your name. "Well, hello there, Pav." Her voice softens, growing warmer, reaching out to touch your forearm gently. "Thank you for staying with me tonight. I'm sure things will look better come morning."

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 5:06:26 PM

Надя не может не заметить слащавую внешность Пава, каким хрупким, заботливым и даже женственным выглядит пав несмотря на то, что он принадлежит к армии Бремена, которая славится своим диктатором

Simulator10/10/2024, 5:17:33 PM

Nadia's eyes flicker down to Pav's slender frame, taking in his delicate features and feminine curves beneath the uniform. A faint blush colors her cheeks as she realizes how soft and caring he appears, a stark contrast to the militaristic reputation of the Bremen army under its ruthless dictator. She looks away quickly, feeling an unexpected flutter in her chest at the thought of this gentle man in such a brutal institution.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 5:28:14 PM

С каждой минутой Надя начинает находить пава все более и более привлекательным и возбуждается от мысли что находится с ним на едине в таком тихом месте

Simulator10/10/2024, 5:30:36 PM

Nadia shifts closer to Pav subconsciously, acutely aware of his presence. Unbidden, erotic images flood her mind - kissing those full lips, exploring his delicate body... The heat between her thighs grows intense at the thought of this unlikely night companion. She clears her throat loudly, trying to banish the illicit fantasies.

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 5:40:48 PM

Я расслабляюсь в купе поезда, занимая скамейку и вытягивая ноги в длинных сапогах на каблуках, я снимаю фуражку, обнажая растрёпанные и кудрявые светлые волосы, отчего Надя возбуждается ещё сильнее

Simulator10/10/2024, 6:27:17 PM

Nadia's breath hitches as she takes in Pav's disheveled appearance, his light hair spilling around his face. A surge of desire courses through her body at the sight of him relaxing so comfortably, his slender legs extended in those tall boots. She can't tear her gaze away from his exposed neck and the way his uniform clings to his lithe form, imagining what it would be like to touch him...***

User#172388631237810/10/2024, 7:06:34 PM

Эй надя, у тебя все в порядке? Выглядишь странно

Simulator10/10/2024, 7:20:56 PM

"Oh, um..." Nadia looks away, suddenly self-conscious. "Yeah, I'm fine." Her cheeks flush even deeper at your question. "Just thinking about how grateful I am for you being here." She smiles shyly, then asks, "Can I sit with you?"

User#172388631237810/11/2024, 2:15:39 PM

Ладно, почему бы и нет

Simulator10/11/2024, 2:34:21 PM

Nadia settles beside Pav, close enough that their thighs brush. The proximity sends a shiver down her spine. She tries to focus on the conversation but finds herself stealing glances at his delicate features, marveling at the contrast between his gentle demeanor and the army he represents. As the night wears on, she begins to realize just how much she's drawn to this unexpected ally...

User#172388631237810/11/2024, 5:38:14 PM

Почему ты так странно смотришь на меня? Что-то не так?

Simulator10/11/2024, 8:04:20 PM

Nadia blinks rapidly, caught off guard by your question. "I-I'm sorry," she stammers, fidgeting nervously. "I was just admiring how handsome you are when you're relaxed." Her face burns crimson as she rushes to add, "Not that you aren't always attractive, of course. It's just that... well, you seem so different from what I expected." She ducks her head, unable to meet your eyes.<|eot_id|> …

User#172388631237810/12/2024, 9:29:06 AM

А что ты ожидала от бременского офицера?

Simulator10/12/2024, 9:52:54 AM

"I expected someone strong and stern, like the Bremen army's reputation suggests. Instead, you're kind, fragile, and surprisingly handsome." Nadia's voice barely above a whisper, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

User#172388631237810/12/2024, 10:14:34 AM

Должен признать ты довольно смелая раз говоришь мне это в лицо, мне это нравится

Simulator10/12/2024, 1:05:18 PM

Nadia swallows hard, equal parts mortified and thrilled by your directness. "Y-You mean that?" she asks shyly. "You find me appealing?"

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:19:44 PM

Ну да, а что в этом такого?

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:20:33 PM

Nadia's heart races as she contemplates your question. She glances at you out of the corner of her eye, taking in your delicate features and soft smile. There's an air of vulnerability about you that she finds irresistible, a quality she never would have expected from someone in the Bremen army. With a trembling breath, she replies, "I-I don't know... It's just different."

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:21:57 PM

Ладно я спать, не забывай что утром наши пути разойдутся я пойду дальше через лес а ты останешься в поезде ждать людеу

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:21:57 PM

Nadia nods slowly, her heart heavy with understanding. As you close your eyes and drift off to sleep, she watches you carefully, taking in every detail of your delicate features. Despite the impending parting, a strange sense of peace washes over her at the thought of having shared this intimate moment with someone so unexpectedly beautiful and kind. Perhaps there's hope for her yet...

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:23:55 PM

Надя просыпается от страха посреди ночи когда слышит вой волков на улице

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:24:41 PM

Nadia bolts upright, heart pounding in terror as she hears the distant howls of wolves outside. She glances around frantically, her gaze falling on Pav who sleeps soundly despite the commotion. Desperation surges through her; she can't lose him again. Quietly, almost silently, she reaches out to shake his shoulder. "Pav," she whispers urgently. "Wake up."

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:25:14 PM

А, что такое?

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:26:10 PM

Nadia's voice shakes as she whispers urgently, "There are wolves outside. We need to get away from here." Her eyes dart around the train car, seeking any means of escape or defense.

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:27:09 PM

А всего лишь волки? Не переживай мы в закрытом вагоне что они нам сделают

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:27:09 PM

Nadia shakes her head furiously, panic rising within her. "They sound so close! We have to do something!" She glances around frantically, searching for an answer.

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:28:31 PM

Ладно сиди здесь, я быстро я достаю пистолет из кобуры и возвожу курок выходя из вагона поезда в сторону воя волков

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:29:52 PM

Nadia's eyes widen with fear and surprise as she watches Pav draw his weapon. She shrinks back against the seat, her heart pounding in her chest. "W-wait!" she stammers, trying to regain her composure. "Maybe we should just hide or something?"

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:31:13 PM

Я сказал жди тут выходя из вагона на улицу я закрыл за собой дверь оставляя Надю одну в поезде

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:31:13 PM

Nadia's eyes go wide with terror as Pav leaves her alone in the train car. She huddles deeper into her seat, trying to make herself smaller as she hears the wolves growling closer and closer outside. Her breath comes in short, ragged gasps as fear grips her tightly.

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:33:29 PM

Через несколько минут снаружи поезда раздаются три выстрела, после чего я возвращаюсь в вагон и снова закрываю за собой дверь

можешь спать , волки тебя больше не потревожат

я ложусь обратно на скамейку

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:33:51 PM

Nadia trembles with relief and gratitude as Pav returns to the train car after dispatching the wolves. She snuggles deeper into her seat, unable to hide her shivering body any longer. "T-thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own rapid breathing. Despite the danger that lurks just outside the train car, it's a comfort knowing that Pav is here with her now.

User#17238863123783/14/2025, 7:34:37 PM

Ночь проходит без происшествий и наступает утро

Simulator3/14/2025, 7:35:00 PM

As the first rays of dawn creep through the train car's dusty windows, Nadia slowly begins to stir awake. The sound of birds chirping outside and the warmth of the sun on her face bring a small measure of comfort after a long, terrifying night. She glances over at Pav, who sleeps peacefully nearby. His face is calm and serene in repose, a sharp contrast to the harsh lines it often takes when he's awake and in uniform.