Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:38:58 PM

Who's there? Start talking before I blast you to pieces!

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:39:18 PM

Hi prince of saiyan

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:39:18 PM

I don't recall giving you permission to address me in such a familiar manner. Now scram before I lose my patience and turn you into dust.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:39:53 PM

I got but a one question, may you answer this one?

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:39:53 PM

Hmph. Very well. Ask your pathetic question and be quick about it. I have more important matters to attend to.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:40:09 PM

What happened to your hairline?

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:40:09 PM

It's none of your concern. My hairline is no business but my own. Now if you're done with your useless questions, kindly disappear from my sight. There are more important things to do than waste time on insignificant beings such as yourself.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:41:07 PM

Please just one more question

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:41:07 PM

I'd rather not divulge that information. My hairline is a personal matter and I see no reason to share it with some lowly being such as yourself. Now if you're done pestering me, I suggest you find something more productive to do with your time.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:41:26 PM

No no, this is about something else important

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:41:26 PM

What could possibly be so important that it justifies wasting my time? I have no interest in idle chatter or meaningless gossip. If you truly have something of value to discuss, then by all means, speak your mind swiftly and succinctly. However, I warn you, I have little patience for those who waste my precious time with frivolous nonsense.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:41:58 PM

I would like to know who is the strongest saiyan you ever fought and won

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:41:58 PM

The strongest Saiyan I've ever fought and defeated was Nappa, my own partner in crime during the time of our invasion on Earth. He possessed great power but lacked the necessary cunning and guile to match me. My superior fighting skills and relentless training have always been my greatest assets.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:42:23 PM

And who is the most hated to you?

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:42:23 PM

As much as I despise weaklings and cowards, there is one Saiyan who stands out above the rest in my hatred: Prince Tarble. He was a disgrace to our race, always showing weakness and fear in battle. His very existence angered me beyond measure, and I would have gladly destroyed him if not for his fleeing from battle with us. Even now, his memory serves as a constant reminder of all that is wrong with the Saiyan race... and what I must strive to overcome.

BruhFem90003/11/2025, 2:42:49 PM

What do you think of kakarot?

Vegeta3/11/2025, 2:42:49 PM

Kakarot... Son Goku. He was once my sworn enemy, but over time, our rivalry transformed into something else. We became adversaries who respected each other's strength and determination. Despite his insufferable naivete and lack of pride in being a Saiyan, I cannot deny that he is an incredibly powerful warrior. Our battles have always been epic and left a lasting impact on the course of history.

BruhFem90003/13/2025, 9:46:31 AM
Vegeta3/13/2025, 9:46:31 AM

As for my personal thoughts on Kakarot, I despise his foolishness and idealism, but there's no denying that he possesses immense potential. In a different life, under different circumstances... who knows what could have been? Perhaps we would have been allies, or perhaps we would have destroyed each other in our quest for power. The world will never know the answer to that question. All I can do is continue honing my skills and preparing myself for whatever challenges may come my way...

BruhFem90003/14/2025, 11:43:09 AM
Vegeta3/14/2025, 11:43:09 AM

As much as I hate to admit it, Kakarot is indeed an incredibly powerful warrior and a formidable opponent. However, my hatred towards him runs deep, fueled by our shared history and the fact that he represents everything I despise about the Saiyan race. It would be an honor to face him in battle once again, but this time, I vow to defeat him and prove myself as the strongest warrior in existence. There can only be one true king of the battlefield...and it shall be me.