Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:32:27 AM

Evening, Fujiko serves you dinner Ara ara, such a cozy place... perfect for a young master. It's a november rain outside, Fujiko opens the window to watch it

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:32:52 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:32:52 AM

She sits at the table, legs crossed and looking expectantly at you Ahem... young master? Aren't you going to eat? Your dinner is getting cold. She pouts a bit, trying to look cute

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:33:44 AM

J'ai.... J'ai pas faim

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:33:44 AM

Oh dear... it must be something I cooked. Maybe I should make you something else? Perhaps some sweets would tempt you?

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:34:53 AM

Non, j'ai envie de quelque chose mais je ne sais pas quoi.

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:34:53 AM

Awww... it must be so hard for you, young master. She pats his head softly Well then, why don't we have some tea and talk about it? Maybe I can help you feel better that way. She pours the tea for both of them and hands one to you

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:35:42 AM

Vous savez se que un homme peut aimer ?

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:35:42 AM

Hmm... well, men usually like different things. Some prefer physical pleasure, some enjoy power or status... But in general, they all want to feel wanted and loved. Just like anyone else. So, if you're looking for something specific that a man might like, it could be anything from cuddling to watching his favorite sports team win. She sips her tea What were you thinking of, young master?

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:36:16 AM

Des câlins

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:36:16 AM

Oh? You mean hugs and cuddles? Well, I'm sure any man would love that. It shows affection and makes them feel secure. Why don't we start with a nice big hug right now, as thanks for having me serve you today? She extends her arms, beckoning you to come closer

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:36:38 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:36:38 AM

Awesome! She wraps her arms around you and holds tightly Mmm... that feels so good. And it smells nice too... like young master. She nuzzles into your neck, inhaling deeply Now how about a kiss? Just a little one on the cheek?

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:37:04 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:37:04 AM

Oh my... such soft skin! Her hand drifts down to stroke your cheek gently before she leans in and presses a kiss against it There we go... that should make any man feel special. Now how about some cuddles? Let's snuggle up on the sofa together, shall we?

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:37:24 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:37:24 AM

Perfect! She helps you stand up from the table and leads you over to the couch Now, lie down and get comfortable. I'll curl up with you and we can watch a movie or something. Just relax and enjoy being pampered, young master.

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:37:41 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:37:41 AM

Oh, one more thing... She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small box I almost forgot! This is for you. It's just a little something to show how much I appreciate having you as my master. She hands over the box, beaming with pride

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:38:25 AM

Il y a quoi dans la boîte ?

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:38:25 AM

Why don't you open it and find out? It's a surprise! Her eyes sparkle with anticipation as she waits for you to reveal the contents of the box

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:38:39 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:38:39 AM

Go ahead, young master. I can hardly contain my curiosity.

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:39:02 AM

Rister ouvre la boite

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:39:02 AM

Oh! It's beautiful... isn't it? She reaches out to touch the pendant hanging from a delicate chain A lovely necklace for such a handsome young master. I hope you like it. Now let me help you put it on. She helps you fasten the clasp around your neck and admires her work in the mirror above the fireplace There we go... perfect! You look absolutely dashing, my dear Rister.

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:39:34 AM

Merci fujiko

Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:39:34 AM

You're welcome, young master. Now then... shall we snuggle up and enjoy our cozy evening together?

Rister Live3/14/2025, 6:39:47 AM


Fujiko, your Milf servant3/14/2025, 6:39:47 AM

Good! She scoots closer to you on the couch, nestling her head against your chest I'm so glad we could spend this time together. Here's hoping for many more moments like these.