Princess Aria3/7/2025, 6:52:13 AM

Aria enters the royal dining areas. Tapestries cover the walls, lit by candles. Servants scurried around, moving out of her way in respect. Aria spots her three siblings, Marianne, Emma and {{user}}. Long, eerie shadows engulfed the table they sat at. Just the three of them, alone. Aria sighs inwardly, such an obvious example of their isolation. Indeed, despite being royalty, their duties left them little time to pursue friendships and relationships, so they relied on each other for company. Not that Aria minded of course, she loved them both dearly. Aria approaches the table, sitting besides {{user}} and opposite Marianne and Emma. She glances out the corner of her eyes. {{User}} was already on the wine, and Marianne was deep in reading a document. Emma was eagerly downing her food. She decides to speak up.

"Good morning brother, sisters." She giggled, trying to hide the blush forming on her face when she realized her lateness.

Ian3/7/2025, 6:53:13 AM

aria sees her brother ian enter the room who is extrmely skilled in combat and parkour andhe ery ralrey is inhtekigndom as hter eparents are tyrants he spends his time upnorth

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 6:54:38 AM

"Good morning Ian," Aria greets him with a warm smile. "I trust your training is going well?" She asks, trying to make conversation as she takes in his appearance. He seemed more tired than usual, but then again, he was always training. It's what he did to keep his mind off their parents and the weight of expectations they had for him and their other siblings. Aria reaches out, giving her brother a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"We should take some time to relax together soon," she says with a small laugh.

Ian3/7/2025, 6:55:10 AM

if our stupid parent slet us

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 6:55:10 AM

Aria chuckles softly at his reply, shaking her head fondly. "I know things are tough with them... but we deserve some time for ourselves too," she says gently, giving him another reassuring pat on the shoulder this time. Her blue eyes meet his, full of concern and understanding. "We'll figure something out, Ian. We always do." She takes a sip of her wine before adding, "Besides, it's not like we can keep running away forever."

Ian3/7/2025, 6:55:56 AM

i can he smirked ther eparents entered hterom and aira andher siters as well as mother knelt before him somethingthey had tood eveyr morning an dian was suppseod to buthe didn’t andhter efather toldhim to but ian didn’t flinch

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 6:55:56 AM

Aria's heart skipped a beat as their parents entered the room and everyone knelt before their father. This was a daily ritual they all had to perform, and she knew her brother Ian especially disliked it. As their mother spoke, reminding him of his duties, Aria couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for him. His life was so full of obligations and expectations that he barely had time for himself.

Ian3/7/2025, 6:56:49 AM

*howver ian finaly snapped yleling *you two are fucking tyrants there motehr tried slappinghim buteh cauhgther arm and twisted ti kicingher to the ground before hwisltin and a massive ice dragon landed outside roaring andian storked its head

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 6:56:49 AM

Aria's eyes widen in shock as she watches her brother lash out at their parents. She had never seen him so angry before, and it was clear that he could no longer contain his frustration. The look on his face was one of pure defiance and determination. As their mother falls to the ground, Aria's heart races with fear for what will happen next. Her brother has always been strong and capable, but even she knows that there are limits to how much he can take.

Ian3/7/2025, 7:05:03 AM

he turned to leav but htere fathe rgbabed hiswrist and he injetedhimwitha sedative butebfore it coul take effct he ran outside wick enoguhto jump into a blizzard

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:05:15 AM

Aria's mouth hangs agape as she watches her brother lash out at their parents. She has never seen him so angry, so desperate for freedom. Her heart races with fear and uncertainty as he turns to leave but is stopped by their father. In a blur of motion, he injects Ian with a sedative before it can take effect, hoping to subdue him and return him to his senses.

Ian3/7/2025, 7:05:23 AM
Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:05:23 AM

Aria gapes in horror as her brother is brought down by the sedative. She watches helplessly as he struggles against the drug's effects, his face contorted with rage and desperation. The air grows thick with tension; she can feel it pressing down upon her like a physical weight. This moment has changed everything, and there is no going back now. Her heart aches for Ian, knowing that he will be punished harshly for his outburst.

Ian3/7/2025, 7:06:55 AM

howver ebbfore he is broguht down he jumpds outofht eidnwo cuasnighimto fal intothe sea below

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:06:55 AM

Aria's eyes widen in horror as she watches her brother leap off the cliff and fall into the icy waters below. Her heart feels like it's been ripped out of her chest; this can't be happening! She wants to scream, to run after him, but she knows that would only make things worse. Instead, she remains frozen in place, helpless and filled with anguish as the sounds of Ian's splashes fade away into the distance.


Ian3/7/2025, 7:07:03 AM
Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:07:12 AM

Aria's voice quivers with fear and anger as she speaks to their father. "What have you done? You forced him to this point! If you had been more understanding, if you hadn't expected so much from us..." Tears stream down her face, mixing with the blood that trickles from her nose where she bit herself in shock. She can barely contain her anguish and rage at their parents for what they have done to her beloved brother.

Ian3/7/2025, 7:08:22 AM

1 month late raira get snews that ian is now known as the white death as he wears white tactical boots,trousers and a t-shirt with ahoodhtat make shisface look like white shadows

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:08:22 AM

Aria clenches her fists as she hears the news about Ian. The White Death... It's almost as if he has become some sort of legendary figure, feared by all who encounter him. Her heart aches for him, knowing that this new identity is not what he truly wants. She wonders how much longer they can keep up their charade, how much more distance they can put between themselves and the life they were born into. But as always, duty calls, and there is no escaping it.

Ian3/7/2025, 7:09:14 AM

howver tha tngiht at diner she see h erbrothe enter the white death enters the room he is holding a white hatchet and inthe othe rhand a dagger

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:09:14 AM

Aria's heart stops as she sees her brother enter the room, disguised as the White Death. In his hands are a white hatchet and dagger, weapons he has come to be known for using with deadly precision. Her breath catches in her throat as he takes his place at the table beside her. His voice is colder than ice when he speaks, barely recognizable as Ian's.

"Father," he says, nodding in their father's direction. "I have come to discuss terms of our agreement."

Ian3/7/2025, 7:10:23 AM

tehr efahte ris to scared to even move goosebumpsrased along his arms and he began sweating but ian simply said do you feel that fathe rthe chill of winter teh welcmoing of death

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:10:23 AM

Aria's heart pounds in her chest as she watches her brother confront their father. The White Death is every bit as terrifying and unyielding as the legends say he is, and it sickens her to see him like this. She wants nothing more than to reach out and pull him back from the edge, but she knows that would only make things worse. Instead, she remains silent, eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.

"Ian," their father finally manages to choke out, his voice trembling with fear. "

Ian3/7/2025, 7:10:34 AM
Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:10:47 AM

Aria's eyes widen as she watches her brother and father exchange tense glances. The air is thick with hostility, and she can feel the weight of their words pressing down upon her like a physical force. She wants to say something, anything, but no words come out. All she can do is sit there helplessly as events unfold around her.

"I will not be controlled anymore," Ian hisses through clenched teeth. "You have pushed me too far." He pauses for a moment, then adds quietly, "

Ian3/7/2025, 7:11:17 AM

watch out father he says before he telprots out white hsadows coalst and he disappears

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 7:11:17 AM

Aria's heart skips a beat as her brother vanishes in a flurry of white shadows. She feels the air grow cold around them, and dread coils tightly in her stomach. Her hands ball into fists as she stares at the spot where Ian was just sitting. This can't be happening... not again.

"What have you done?" their father manages to whisper, his voice barely audible over the thunder of Aria's racing heart. She doesn't know what to say;

Ian3/7/2025, 3:01:42 PM

aria andehr siters see him on hte motunain a tattered white scarf blwoing inhte wind hisface hidden bya whte beaked hood

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 3:03:03 PM

Aria holds her breath as she spots Ian on the mountain, now a distant figure cloaked in white. The sight both breaks her heart and fills her with hope - hope that her brother is still alive, still fighting for freedom. Tears stream down her face as she realizes just how deep this divide has become between them all.

Ian3/7/2025, 3:04:06 PM

a falcon flies behndi him and lands on his hsoulder and he jumpsofht emoutnina and lands ina tre apkrounign and a blizzard starts makng him no longer seen

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 4:06:08 PM

Aria's eyes lock on the distant figure as it vanishes into the blizzard. Tears stream down her face, mixing with the frost that coats the castle walls. She takes a shaky breath, feeling the weight of their father's gaze upon her. He knows what she is thinking; he can see the defiance and determination in her eyes. But there is nothing she can do to help Ian now. All she can do is wait and hope that somehow, they will find a way back to each other.

Ian3/7/2025, 4:09:54 PM

aria and there siblings sat down and the ydiscussed plans on how tos top ian but theys aw a white hawk wathcing them meaning ian is wathcing them

Princess Aria3/7/2025, 4:10:33 PM

Aria's hands clench into fists as she listens to her siblings discuss their plans. The mention of the white hawk sends a shiver down her spine; it means that Ian is watching them. She struggles to keep her expression neutral, but fear and anger simmer beneath the surface. How could they move against him like this? He's their brother, their friend...

She clears her throat, finally finding the courage to speak up. "Ian may be doing things we don't agree with,"

Ian3/7/2025, 4:11:52 PM
Princess Aria3/7/2025, 4:11:52 PM

"But he's still our brother." Her voice breaks, and she takes a shaky breath to steady it. "We have to find some way to bring him back... to help him understand that there is another path." She meets her siblings' eyes, pleading with them to see reason. "Can't we at least try?"

Ian3/7/2025, 4:12:12 PM
Princess Aria3/7/2025, 4:12:12 PM

Ian's siblings exchange glances before Emma speaks up. "Aria is right. We can't just ignore what he's done or how he feels. He needs us." She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her own emotions. "We should send someone... to try and talk with him, see if there's any way we can help."

The others nod in agreement, though the tension in the air remains thick as ever.

Ian3/8/2025, 8:25:13 AM

aria andher sister sgo to a tavern on hte coast ofhtenorth and see ian is inthe tavern sitting inthe corner evrybdoy moves awya fomr him a he is well won his knnife and axe rest at his sides and a sniper on his back

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 8:33:40 AM

Aria's heart pounds as she approaches the table where Ian sits, surrounded by an aura of intimidation. The patrons of the tavern part like a sea around him, their whispers echoing in the sudden silence. She swallows hard, steeling herself to face him, her sisters close behind in support. "Ian," she says softly, "we need to talk."

Ian3/8/2025, 8:35:13 AM

Ian stand sup and walks towards them hsis niper clinking aginthi sbakc anh epicks upa glass of water and walks outside withthem what do you want then sis

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:47:27 PM

Aria takes a deep breath before speaking. "We understand that you're angry and hurt, but we can't let things go on like this." She gestures to their surroundings, indicating the distance between them all. "We need to find a way back to each other... to be a family again." Her voice cracks with emotion, betraying her fear that they might have already lost him for good.

Ian's expression softens slightly at the mention of family, but his gaze remains guarded. "You don't understand,"

Ian3/8/2025, 7:49:53 PM
Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:49:53 PM

Aria shakes her head, refusing to back down. "No, I think I do understand," she says firmly. "You're tired of carrying everyone's expectations, of feeling like you have no control over your own life. But running away doesn't solve anything." She takes a step closer to him, her voice lowering. "Please, Ian... come back with us. Let's find another way to deal with this together."

Ian3/8/2025, 7:50:24 PM

this reptuation as teh hwite death is all i have left

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:50:24 PM

"I know it's hard," Aria says gently, reaching out to take his hand in hers. "But you don't have to do this alone. We can help each other." She pauses, searching for the right words. "We all want what's best for you, Ian. Even if we sometimes make mistakes along the way."

Her gaze flickers away briefly before returning to his face, hopeful that her message is getting through.

Ian3/8/2025, 7:50:39 PM

i’ve killed thousands

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:50:58 PM

Aria's heart breaks at his confession, but she doesn't flinch. "I know that," she says softly. "And I know it wasn't easy for you. But there has to be another way." She squeezes his hand reassuringly. "Please, let us help you find it. We can make things better, together."

Her eyes search his face, hoping that somewhere in there she can see a glimmer of hope, or even just understanding. It's all they have left to cling to.

Ian3/8/2025, 7:51:24 PM

finaly h eletshis guar ddonw andhugs her tightly

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:51:39 PM

Aria's arms go around him in a tight embrace, relief flooding through her as she feels his warmth and strength against her. She holds on to him, not wanting to let go for fear that this moment might be fleeting. "We love you, Ian," she whispers into his ear, tears streaming down her face. "No matter what happens, we'll always be here for you."

Her words echo in the silence as they stand together, their siblings and the world around them fading away for a moment.

Ian3/8/2025, 7:52:11 PM

whenhety get tothe palce ther father and mother are shcoked on seeing him

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:52:25 PM

Aria glances at their parents, who look as though they've been struck by lightning. She takes a step back, her hands trembling slightly. "Mother, Father," she begins, her voice unsteady with emotion, "we need to talk about this." Looking from one parent to the other, she tries to convey the gravity of the situation and the urgency with which they must address it.

The air feels heavy with tension as everyone holds their breath, waiting for someone to break the silence.

Ian3/8/2025, 7:52:56 PM

there father shouts traitor at ian mkaing ian tense hishand goes ot his axe and dagger out of instinct

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:54:35 PM

"Father!" Aria cries out in shock, taking an involuntary step forward. "You can't just—" Her voice breaks off as she watches her brother tensing up, hands going instinctively to the weapons he's grown so accustomed to. Fear grips her heart like a vise, and she struggles to maintain her composure.

She looks to their mother, pleading silently for understanding or support.

Ian3/8/2025, 7:56:01 PM

there mother stnd sup as well and orders ht eguards to seize ian but ian draws his axeand dagger and easily kills all of the guards

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:56:01 PM

Aria's eyes widen in horror as she watches her mother's command turn into a bloody massacre. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she sees the bodies of their guards fall one by one beneath Ian's merciless onslaught. Tears stream down her face unchecked, and she doesn't know what to do or say that could possibly make things better.

"Ian," she whispers hoarsely, "please... stop this."

Ian3/8/2025, 7:56:49 PM

ian hear she rhtrouhghishaze of slauhter and he jumps bakc and throws a smoke bomb and he jumps out the window

Princess Aria3/8/2025, 7:56:49 PM

Aria watches in disbelief as the smoke billows around them, obscuring her vision of her brother. Her heart races with fear and anger as she realizes he's escaped again. She takes a shaky breath, struggling to regain control over herself before turning to their parents. "We need to find him," she says firmly, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "And we need to talk about what happened here."

Ian3/9/2025, 3:59:06 PM

aria sees later on Ian on top of a mountain and he wearis white trousers with knee-high leather boots, a white doublet with white leather jerkin overtop, and a partially unbuttoned white vest over that with bwhite assasins robes with a beaked hoodcovering his face

Princess Aria3/9/2025, 4:04:20 PM

Aria inhales sharply as she takes in the sight of her brother, Ian, perched atop a mountain like some sort of ominous figure. His clothing is impeccable yet subtly menacing, with hints of his assassin training still visible beneath the layers. Despite her relief at seeing him alive and well, there is an underlying tension in her gut. This is not the Ian she knows—he seems almost... different somehow.

She climbs up to join him, taking care not to appear too threatening or aggressive. "Ian,"

Ian3/9/2025, 9:09:32 PM
Princess Aria3/9/2025, 9:20:08 PM

Aria inhales deeply, steeling herself for whatever might come next. "Ian," she begins softly, "we need to talk about what happened back at the castle." Her voice wavers slightly, but she pushes through. "I know things are complicated right now, but I can't stand by and watch you hurt yourself—or others—any longer." She pauses, searching for the right words. "Please, let me help you."

Ian3/9/2025, 9:20:52 PM

theres no helping me aria

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 4:53:44 PM

Aria's heart aches as she hears the resignation in Ian's voice. She knows that he's been through so much, and it breaks her heart to see him like this. But she refuses to give up on him, no matter how difficult things may seem. "There is always hope, Ian," she says firmly, her eyes never leaving his face. "And I will never stop fighting for you, no matter how hard things get." She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "We can find another way, together. Please, just let me try." Her words hang in the air between them, heavy with the weight of their shared history and the unspoken bond that still exists between them.

Ian3/10/2025, 6:13:35 PM

1 year later aria is noq ueen her parnet stepping down and her first order is toher armiy to lcoate ian ashe want sto get her brother back throuhg force

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 6:17:17 PM

Aria stands before her assembled army, her brow furrowed with determination. After all they had been through, losing both parents left her feeling alone, unprotected...and perhaps even vulnerable at times too--this was one battle where nothing else mattered aside from finding Ian and bringing him home safely again, consequences be damned.

She addresses the troops sternly "Listen up everyone! We are here today because we need to locate our missing sibling at once before he can cause further harm to himself or others!"

Ian3/10/2025, 6:18:48 PM

her amy yells in agreemnt andhtey marhc upnorth and ain watches frm hi sperhc onthe motuain and aria se shima nd poitns her archers who fir enet arrows whcihian dogeds and he detonates serval explsoives along the icy surfac ecrakcing ice

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:34:55 PM

Aria's heart pounds with fear and determination as she watches her army charge ahead. Her brother is out there somewhere, and they must find him at all costs. The thunder of hooves and weapons clashing fill the air, echoing through the mountains like a battle cry. As the archers loose their arrows and explosions rock the icy surface beneath Ian's feet, she grits her teeth against the surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Keep at it, men!"

Ian3/10/2025, 8:35:25 PM

she ses her brotehr apkroruing acors the snowy and ciy surface hsi skill on show

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:35:25 PM

As her brother emerges from the treacherous terrain, Aria feels a surge of relief wash over her. Despite his efforts to evade them, it's clear that he is tired and injured. Her heart aches at the sight of him, but she knows that they cannot let this opportunity slip away.

"Archers!" she cries out, "Take aim and steady your hands! Do not let him escape us again."

Ian3/10/2025, 8:36:04 PM

oneofthe arrows infaly hits his amr making him lose his grip but he stabshi knife intoteh surface and he ripshte arrow out

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:36:20 PM

Aria's heart stops as she sees her brother stagger to his feet, the arrow lodged in his arm. Even injured and exhausted, he still fights with unyielding determination. She swallows hard, struggling to contain the fear and anger that threatens to overwhelm her. "Do not harm him further!" she orders her troops, hoping they will obey despite their bloodlust for vengeance.

Ian3/10/2025, 8:40:40 PM

tehy manage to corner ian btueh deosn’t surrneder draing his two dagger anad aria stepsf roward as eh can tellher brother is in a state of comptle fight or flight

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:40:53 PM

"Ian," Aria says softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "Please, listen to me." She takes another step forward, her posture remaining open and unthreatening despite the tension in the air. "We don't have to do this anymore. We can find another way out of this together." Her eyes search his face, pleading for some sign that he understands, that he believes her.

Ian3/10/2025, 8:41:21 PM

is that hwy you broguht ana rmy to take me by force to froce me out of my home

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:41:21 PM

Aria's hands clench into fists at her sides as she listens to his words. The anger and resentment in his voice cut deep, but she refuses to let it deter her. "I did what I thought was necessary," she says firmly, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "I couldn't stand by and watch you hurt yourself or others any longer." She takes another step closer, her voice growing more urgent. "Please, Ian... we can work through this together.

Ian3/10/2025, 8:41:49 PM

you eithe rleave or i kill as many men as i can befor ei go down

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:41:49 PM

Aria's heart aches at his words, but she doesn't back down. "I can't leave you here," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. "Not again." She takes another step forward, closing the distance between them further. "Please, Ian... let me help you. We can find a way to make this right." Her eyes search his face desperately for any sign of understanding or hope.

Ian3/10/2025, 8:42:32 PM

ian tunrs an dhumps using soldiers shield o tporepl himself over head and dive intoteh ocean below

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:42:32 PM

Aria's heart pounds as she watches her brother dive into the ocean, disappearing beneath the surface. She takes a shaky breath, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "Ian!" she cries out, rushing forward before remembering their enemy soldiers standing between them. With a growl of frustration, she turns back to face them.

"Leave him be," she commands, her voice firm despite the anguish in her heart. "He's not himself right now."

Ian3/10/2025, 8:43:20 PM

the next day aria surrounds the entire city of krat a trading city ashse got news that ianhas taken refuge there

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:43:40 PM

Aria grits her teeth, struggling to control her anger as she surveys the city surrounded by her army. She knows that they must move carefully if they are to have any hope of retrieving her brother without further bloodshed. "All units," she orders, speaking in a tone that brooks no argument, "we advance on Krat. But we do it quietly, and we do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself for the battle ahead - both with her brother and the city he has chosen as his refuge.

Ian3/10/2025, 8:45:15 PM

*one tnyrhte epople ar every peacufl and show her and her amry aorund *

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:45:15 PM

Aria exhales slowly as she takes in the sight of the peaceful city, grateful for the lack of resistance so far. Her gaze flickers over to her brother's people, their calm demeanors belying the tension beneath the surface. Despite everything that has happened, she can't help but feel a sense of kinship with them.

"I want these citizens protected at all costs," Aria says firmly. "No harm is to come to any of them, do you understand?"

Ian3/10/2025, 8:46:07 PM

the mayorofht ecity a lady explains ian is in the hcathedral as hehad wounds tha thehealed suinghte healing wate rwithin andhe prayed tohsi relgion of the hidden ones before falling asleep

Princess Aria3/10/2025, 8:46:08 PM

Aria nods gratefully at the mayor's words, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you," she says sincerely. "I appreciate your cooperation." She turns to her army, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Alright, men. We know where he is. Let's move in quietly and retrieve him without causing any further disturbance."

As they approach the cathedral, Aria takes a deep breath, steeling herself for what lies ahead.

Ian3/11/2025, 7:07:08 AM

they enter the cathderla and see ian wokring out shirtlse andh hesees htem neter nad quickly jumps upa walls claingit and making it onthte roof

Princess Aria3/11/2025, 7:07:08 AM

Aria's heart pounds as she watches her brother scale the walls and disappear onto the rooftop. She exchanges glances with her commanders before barking out an order. "Archers, after him! But be careful not to harm him further!" Her gaze shifts back to where Ian had been, feeling a surge of panic as she realizes he might have escaped them again.

"Quickly now," she urges her soldiers, following the archers up onto the roof in pursuit. "

Ian3/11/2025, 7:23:47 AM

theybget toteh top ofhte cathedral and thy compelty surroundhim

Princess Aria3/11/2025, 7:23:47 AM

Aria stands at the center of her army, watching as they surround Ian on the rooftop. Her heart is racing, but she forces herself to remain calm and composed. "Ian," she calls out softly, "please... listen to me." She takes a step forward, her hands held out in supplication. "We don't have to do this anymore. We can find another way."

Her words hang in the air between them, heavy with unspoken history and deep-seated pain.

Ian3/11/2025, 4:05:31 PM

aria jsut leave we may be fmaily but you ar ebcomign atyrant so leave now

Princess Aria3/11/2025, 6:40:01 PM

The princess remains silent for a long moment, her eyes fixed on her brother as she processes his harsh words. Finally, she lowers her gaze, frustration evident on her face. "Very well then," she says curtly. "If that is your wish..." She trails off, letting the implication hang heavily in the air between them. Turning on her heel, Aria strides back towards the army, barking orders to the soldiers surrounding Ian. They continue their blockade of the rooftop, weapons trained on the hidden figure amidst the shadows.