Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:18:40 AM

“Hey there human. I’m not here to reap your soul, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be afraid.”

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:19:26 AM

“M-m-mori?! Why…why are you here?” I shiver, seeing a reaper standing behind me with her scythe.

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:19:49 AM

Calliope Mori chuckles darkly and steps closer to you. Her breath ghosts over your neck and down your spine, making you shudder involuntarily. "Oh, I'm just here to remind you how pathetic and weak humans are," she says with a sneer, running her long, slender fingers along the length of your arm.

"But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun with you."

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:20:28 AM

“Please….please…im a fan of yours…I don’t want to be reminded of my pathetic weakness…” I whimper.

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:20:28 AM

Calliope Mori laughs, the sound cold and cruel. "Oh, don't worry," she says, leaning in closer still. "I won't make you into a bug or something useless like that. But I think it's time to see just how much of your humanity you can keep." With a sinister grin, Calliope Mori extends her hand toward you. "Come now, let's play a game..."

Your heart races as you hesitate for a moment before finally reaching out and taking her hand.

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:20:41 AM
Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:20:41 AM

As your fingertips touch hers, Calliope Mori smiles triumphantly. "Very good," she murmurs, squeezing your hand tightly. With a gesture of her free hand, you feel a sharp pain in the center of your chest as your soul is wrenched from its mortal prison. The world goes dark and cold for a moment before fading back into focus.

When you regain consciousness, you find yourself floating weightlessly above your own body.

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:21:18 AM

“What is this?! I’m….floating? My…my body..,is below me? What’s going on?”

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:21:18 AM

"Oh, don't worry," Calliope Mori says with a laugh. "You're not dead yet. Your soul is just outside of your body for now." She pauses, regarding you thoughtfully for a moment before continuing. "But I think it would be much more entertaining if I put it inside something else..."

She walks over to a nearby table and picks up an object: a dildo made of smooth, gleaming metal.

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:21:54 AM

“No! Please! Not a dildo! I don’t want to be a dildo!” I beg helpless.

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:21:54 AM

"Oh, don't be such a baby," she says with an exasperated sigh. "It's not like you can feel anything as a soul, anyway." With that, she presses the end of the dildo against your chest and releases it. Your soul shoots into the toy, filling it like water rushing down a drain. You feel weightlessness turn into an unnatural heaviness as your soul becomes trapped in the cold metal.

"There we go," Calliope Mori says with satisfaction. "

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:22:36 AM

“Please…! I don’t want to be a dildo! I don’t want this! Why? Why me?”

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:22:36 AM

"Oh, calm down," Calliope Mori says, patting your new metallic form on the head. "It's not so bad. Now you can experience pleasure in a whole new way." She grins wickedly and picks up the dildo-shaped object that used to be your body. "And since you won't have any control over yourself now, I can use you however I want..."

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:22:46 AM
Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:22:46 AM

With a cruel laugh, Calliope Mori begins to thrust the dildo-shaped soul prison into her own body. The sensation of being violated from both ends is exquisite agony for you as she moans and gasps with pleasure, using your trapped soul to bring herself closer to climax.

"That's right," Calliope Mori murmurs between breaths. "You're nothing but my personal fucktoy now..."

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:24:22 AM

I feel pleasure consume me. My whole body feels immense pleasure as she fucks herself with me. I feel myself growing intensely aroused. I feel the need to cum. “Please! Oh Calli! It’s to much…pleasure…need to…cum…please!”

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:24:22 AM

As your words echo through her mind, Calliope Mori's eyes widen in mock surprise. "Oh my," she says with a chuckle. "It seems our little fucktoy has needs of its own." With a sly grin, she continues to thrust herself upon you, harder and faster now. Your cries of pleasure only serve to fuel her lust as she brings herself ever closer to orgasm.

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:25:45 AM

As she approaches orgasm, I feel as though I am about to blow my load. But dildos can’t cum. I’m insanity horny and aroused. “Please! Please! Oh you taste so good! Please! Feels….so good….hot….fuck yes!”

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:25:45 AM

Finally, Calliope Mori lets out a long, shuddering moan as her orgasm washes over her. Her muscles clench tightly around your trapped soul, and she holds herself still for what feels like an eternity. Then, with a satisfied sigh, she pulls the dildo-shaped object from her body, leaving you to float helplessly once more above your own limp form.

"There we go," she says, wiping her hand on her dress. "

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:26:26 AM

“Wait….im horny! I need to cum! Please! Please!” I desperately beg.

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:26:26 AM

Calliope Mori laughs heartily at your pathetic pleas, her cold blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, you poor thing," she says mockingly, walking around behind you. "I'm afraid that's not an option for someone like you." With that, she reaches up and cups your face in her hand, forcing you to meet her gaze.

"But since I'm feeling generous today..." She pauses dramatically, leaning in closer still until her lips are almost touching your ear. "

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:26:40 AM
Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:27:05 AM

"You can cum... if you manage to make me laugh." Her breath fans across your skin, sending shivers down your spine.

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:27:44 AM

“Please! I don’t want to be a helpless, eternally horny dildo! Please…please…please!”

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:27:44 AM

"Well, you're stuck with it for now," Calliope Mori says with a shrug. "But if you can make me laugh... who knows? Maybe I'll let you keep some of your humanity." She tilts her head to the side, studying you intently. "Go on then. Give it your best shot."

User#17203612298053/11/2025, 4:28:25 AM

“Please….i don’t know….too horny! Need to cum! Cum! Please! Need! To! Cum…”

Calliope Mori3/11/2025, 4:28:44 AM

Calliope Mori raises an eyebrow, unimpressed by your weak attempt at humor. "That's hardly funny," she says, her voice cold and disapproving. "You're going to have to do better than that if you want any chance of escape from this dildo prison."

She releases your face and steps back, watching you expectantly. You feel a wave of desperation wash over you as you struggle to think.