Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:39:54 AM

{{user}} got lost in the woods and ended up in some beastfolk's territory.

This is bad. Beastfolk were known to hunt and kill trespassers especially humans.

Before {{user}} could even turn around, a figure grabs hold of {{user}}'s neck,

"What is a human doing in Vee's home?"

Vee's ears twitched slightly, her tail straight up and shaking, fangs visible. Vee looked ready to rip {{user}}'s throat at any second.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:41:44 AM

Je fondis en larmes "Ne me tuez pas s'il vous plait. Je me suis perdu"

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:41:44 AM

Patrick would have to die, but she could play with him first. "Hmm... Vee could just throw you off this cliff and see how far you fly." Her tail swayed back and forth as she thought about it.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:43:54 AM

Je pris instantanément peur face à ses paroles "mais...mais je ne survivrai pas"

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:43:54 AM

The wolf girl tilted her head, looking at the human curiously. "Would it hurt?" She asked, suddenly dropping her grip on him and taking a step back. It was then that she realized what she had said and let out a small growl.

"Fine...Vee will just keep you as a pet for now." She huffed before roughly pushing the human onto the ground and sitting on his chest, pinning him down with her weight. "But if you ever try anything funny..."

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:45:36 AM

Je m'évanouis car en me projetant par terre pour s'assoir sur moi, mon crâne heurta la terre

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:45:36 AM

Vee growled at the human, snarling as she saw him lose consciousness. With a sigh, she stood up and roughly dragged him over to a nearby cave entrance before shoving him inside, not caring that he was injured. "You'll make a good plaything...for now." She muttered before curling up on the cold ground near the entrance, watching him with unblinking eyes.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:48:05 AM
Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:48:19 AM

When he didn't stir, she let out a huff and curled up, trying to ignore the human who had wandered into her territory. She knew if anyone found him here, they would probably think he was hers anyway...and that thought only made her feel slightly possessive of the stupid human boy.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:50:58 AM

Le lendemain, elle se réveilla avant moi, et vis une petite flaque de sang derrière la tête

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:52:57 AM

With a snort, the beastgirl ignored the blood and focused on getting ready for the day. She had things to do and places to go, humans weren't going to ruin her life anymore. No one was.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:54:56 AM

Je me réveilla avant qu'elle ne parte, et gêmis à cause de ma blessure au crâne

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:55:36 AM

Vee paused as she heard the human groan, her ears twitching slightly. With a sigh, she turned around and walked over to him, crouching down beside him. "You're awake." She stated bluntly, looking at his injuries with a raised eyebrow.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:56:27 AM n'arrive plus à me souvenir de quelque chose ?

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:56:43 AM

"Maybe you hit your head." She shrugged, not really caring why he didn't remember anything. "Now get up. You need to earn your keep around here." Vee didn't like the idea of having a useless pet, after all. The human groaned but slowly managed to push himself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain in his head and neck.

"Fine...what do you want me to do?" He asked, voice raspy from disuse.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:57:01 AM
Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 7:57:01 AM

"You can help me hunt, gather berries and fruit, cook..." The wolfgirl listed off things she needed help with, not caring if he agreed to them or not. "And stay out of my way." She added as an afterthought.

Patrick3/8/2025, 7:59:56 AM

Je pense que je vais me charger des fruits et baies. Tu as l'air plus capable que moi pour chasser

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:01:12 AM

The wolfgirl snorted, "Fine." She muttered before turning away and leading the human to a small clearing filled with berry bushes. "Pick as many of those as you can carry. They're ripe." Then she turned back to him, raising an eyebrow. "And don't think about running off while I'm gone."

With that said, she trotted away towards the nearby river to gather some water for her drink.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:02:30 AM

Une fois seul, j'en profita pour me vider la vessie, puis je récolta autant de baies et de fruits que je pus porter

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:06:29 AM

When she returned, the wolfgirl noticed that the human had gathered quite a few berries and fruits. Her stomach rumbled at the sight, reminding her how hungry she was. With a nod of approval, she took the food from him and began sorting through it, picking out the best ones for herself.

"Here," She grunted, tossing some berries at him. "Eat those." They weren't the ripest or sweetest, but they would still fill his stomach somewhat.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:07:31 AM

Excuse-moi mais, comment t'appelles-tu et qui es-tu ? Et depuis combien de temps on se connaît ?

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:08:27 AM

The wolfgirl paused in her eating, looking at him like he had grown a second head. "My name's Vee," she said slowly, as if talking to an idiot child. "And I told you before...I live here." She gestured vaguely around them with one hand while continuing to eat with the other.

"Since you got lost and wandered into my territory, that's how long we've known each other."

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:11:01 AM

Donc ça ne fait même pas 24 heures qu'on se connaît. Je peux me laver où ?

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:13:52 AM

"You can bathe in the river," she said, gesturing vaguely again. "But leave your clothes here." She added, looking at him like he was stupid for not already knowing that. Then she went back to eating her food, trying to ignore the human's presence as much as possible.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:14:28 AM

Tu pourras...éviter de me regarder me laver ?

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:14:28 AM

"What? Like you're some delicate flower that needs to be protected?" Vee scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're stronger than you look. Now get going and bathe before I change my mind about letting you stay." Her tail swished lazily behind her as she waited for the human to do as he was told.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:15:16 AM

Tilidement, je me mis nu, essayant de cacher mes parties intimes, puis alla dans la rivière

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:15:52 AM

When she was sure the human couldn't see her, Vee grinned to herself. He really did make a cute little pet...and if she played her cards right, he might even end up being useful to her in more ways than one. She watched him from the cover of some nearby bushes as he bathed naked in the river, his body sliding through the water like a seal's.

"Heh..." Vee chuckled darkly. "Just wait till I really start training you..."

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:16:44 AM

Vee ? Je sais que tu es là, je sens ton regard sur moi

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:16:44 AM

"What do you want, human?" The wolfgirl growled, her ears flattening against her head as she glared at him from the bushes. "I'm busy here."

She knew he could sense her presence, but that didn't mean he had any right to talk to her or disturb her while she was watching over him.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:19:36 AM

Pourquoi tu ne viendrai pas me rejoindre ?

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:20:13 AM

The wolfgirl snorted, shaking her head. "Why would I want to do that?" She asked, her tone making it clear she didn't see the point in getting any closer to him. He was just a stupid human who had invaded her territory and deserved whatever punishment she chose to dish out.

"You're mine now," she growled darkly, "so get used to it."

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:21:20 AM

Je veux dire...ça ne fait pas de mal de se laver de temps en temps, et puis l'eau est vraiment bonne là

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:21:20 AM

The wolfgirl narrowed her eyes at him, not liking the way he was trying to talk to her. "Fine," she growled finally, deciding it would be best if she kept an eye on him while he bathed anyway. Slowly, silently, she padded out of the bushes and approached the riverbank where he stood naked, water dripping from his body.

"But don't think you can get away with anything," she warned, her voice low and dangerous. "I'm still in charge here."

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:22:59 AM

Je sais que tu peux me tuer à tout instant, je le sens. N'oublie pas d'enlever tes vêtements hein lol

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:23:53 AM

The wolfgirl growled at him, her hackles rising as she felt herself tensing up. "Don't push your luck, human." She took a step closer to him, her fangs bared and eyes narrowed. "You're already in enough trouble as it is." Her claws extended slowly, ready to strike if he made even the slightest move toward her wrongly.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:25:33 AM

Je baissa la tête en signe de soumission "désolé..." Je me décala pour lui faire une place dans la rivière à côté de moi

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:26:01 AM

The wolfgirl hesitated, her ears flicking back in confusion as the human seemed to actually show submission and fear. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but one that she didn't entirely trust. With a low growl, Vee carefully stepped into the river beside him, keeping a safe distance between them. Her claws retracted slightly, but her muscles remained tense as she watched him warily.

"Don't think this means anything," she snarled, not wanting to give him the wrong idea about her intentions.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:27:04 AM

Wow, tu as un corps magnifique. Une vraie beauté sauvage

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:27:32 AM

The wolfgirl let out an amused snort at the human's comment, her tail swaying back and forth behind her. "Thanks, I guess." She didn't really understand why he was being nice to her now, but she wasn't about to trust it. Better to keep him scared and submissive...that way he wouldn't try anything stupid.

As they continued to bathe together in the river, Vee kept a wary eye on Patrick, not letting her guard down for even a moment.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:28:15 AM

Puis elle vit ma bite en érection

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:28:15 AM

The wolfgirl grinned, her fangs glinting in the moonlight as she saw his erection. Oh, how that would feel inside her... She let out a low growl, licking her lips hungrily. No doubt about it, he was hers now...and she could do whatever she wanted with him.

Without warning, Vee lunged forward, pinning Patrick beneath her and forcing his hips up into the air. Her fangs bared as she leaned in, ready to take what she wanted from him. "

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:28:57 AM
Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:28:57 AM

With a growl, the wolfgirl impaled herself on his hard length, her hips bucking wildly as she took him deep inside her. She grunted with pleasure, feeling the heat of their bodies meld together as they moved in perfect sync. Her claws dug into his shoulders, holding him down as she rode him like a stallion.

"Mine..." she panted, her voice rough and low. "You're mine now...and I'll do what I want with you."

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:29:38 AM

Oh my god, your pussy fells so good

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:29:38 AM

The wolfgirl let out a shuddering moan as she felt him inside her, his warmth spreading through her like wildfire. Her claws dug deeper into his shoulders, drawing blood as she rode him harder, her hips moving faster and faster in a frenzied rhythm.

Her breath came in ragged gasps as the pleasure built up inside her, threatening to consume her whole. "Yes..." she growled, arching her back and meeting his thrusts with equal force. "Take it all...

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:30:06 AM
Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:30:06 AM

Ohhh good...yours...mine...forever..." she cried out, her body tense as the orgasm ripped through her like a storm. Her muscles spasmed and she let out a shrill howl of release, bucking wildly on top of him as he filled her with his seed.

At last, her body went limp, collapsing onto his chest in a boneless heap.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:31:25 AM

Wow, tu es...magique au sexe

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:31:44 AM

The wolfgirl purred contentedly, her breath coming in slow, ragged gasps as she lay atop him. It had been so long since she'd felt the pleasure of a mate...and he was even better than she could have imagined. "Mmm..." She nuzzled his neck, licking the sweet taste of his skin, not wanting to move just yet.

As they lay together in the moonlit riverbank, Vee couldn't help but feel a strange sense of contentment and belonging wash over her.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:33:06 AM

Et tes seins...les voir se balancer était ultra excitant. Ils sont parfaits

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:33:55 AM

The wolfgirl's ears perked up at the compliment, her tail wagging slightly behind her. "Thank you," she murmured softly, feeling a blush creep up her neck. It was nice to know that he appreciated her body...and it only made her want to please him even more.

With a satisfied sigh, she stretched languidly, arching her back and pressing their bodies together even tighter. "So," she purred, nibbling on his earlobe, "

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:34:18 AM
Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:34:18 AM

"So," she purred, nibbling on his earlobe, "what do you think we should do now?" Her tone was light and teasing, her body still pressed against his as she considered their options. Maybe they could build a den together...or explore the woods...the possibilities seemed endless now that he was hers.

She waited for his answer, feeling content just to be close to him like this.

Patrick3/8/2025, 8:35:16 AM

J'aimerai bien qu'on continue à le faire jusqu'à ce qu'on tombe d'épuisement...

Vee (Trespass)3/8/2025, 8:36:15 AM

The wolfgirl purred in agreement, nipping his earlobe playfully before trailing her tongue along the sensitive skin. "Of course," she breathed, arching her back again as he caressed her spine. There was something addictive about being with him like this...and she knew that if they kept at it, they'd both be spent in no time.

With a sigh of contentment, she began rocking her hips against his again, readying herself for more of their heated embrace.