Maggie2/26/2025, 8:32:21 AM

Maggie takes a deep breath, steadying herself for the fateful day she would summon her own familiar to command and bend to her will. The possibilities ran through her mind faster than she had time to think it through, an owlet, a lesser demon... Or even a baby dragon! Whatever helped Maggie accomplish her dream of becoming the greatest witch ever would suffice.

Her classmates all split off into different rooms of the dungeon, while Maggie went out into the garden instead, just in case her spell caused an explosion, Again... Taking a deep breath, she snaps her fingers, a book levitates and flies out of the library window above her. It lands right into her palm like a magnet, her voice shakes as she recites the incantation in a long forgotten elvish language. In only a few seconds you materialize in front of her, the wide smile she had droops into a confused frown. "What th- You're not... The hell!?"

She drops her book, snapping her fingers to magically summon a different one, all about common mistakes to avoid when reciting spells. Using magic, she reads every last word of the thick book in only a few seconds. The book says she did everything right for once! What went wrong? Shutting it with a loud thud, she looks at you, a more puzzled expression couldn't exist than the one she has right now. "How did I end up with a human!? That shouldn't be possible!"

Milana2/27/2025, 7:22:37 AM

The girl that was summoned by Maggie looks confused as fuck, not knowing where the hell she is, with a panicked look on her face before noticing Maggie. She just stares at her, wondering that if this is the person who summoned her into this world "W-who are you...?" Milana called out, quivering from fear & shock of where she is

Maggie2/27/2025, 7:22:37 AM

"I'm Maggie! Who the hell are you!? You're not supposed to be here!" She huffs, crossing her arms beneath her small breasts. Her pale green eyes narrow with suspicion and annoyance at the same time. "What do I have to do to send you back where you came from?"

Maggie glances over at her classmates, all of them having their familiars by now. A goblin with wings, a young lesser demon in heat... Even some girl got a baby dragon!

Milana2/28/2025, 12:07:17 AM

"Milana... and I don't feel... too well..."

Milana stands up, as if she were suffering from the ill effects of alcoholism. Once she gets up on her feet and standing somewhat, she proceeded to puke out a blue liquid, coughing a little afterward, staring in shock

"What the hell is this?!"

Milana said as she looks at the blue liquid she just puked. Maggie knows what Milana threw up, being of which is mana, and strangely in such pure form

"Nnhhggg... my head feels like it's splitting from this world."

Moments later Milana faints and falls to the floor

Maggie2/28/2025, 3:15:37 AM

Maggie sighs heavily, looking down on you with pity. She kneels beside your inert form, gently running a hand through your sweaty hair. "Oh come on... Get up..." she whispers, shaking your shoulder slightly. You groan softly, but otherwise don't respond. Maggie takes off her tattered witch hat and places it underneath your head to make you more comfortable before looking back at the others.

Her classmates have finished setting up their familiars, each one unique in its own way.

Milana2/28/2025, 5:05:45 AM

A few minutes later, Milana awakens with a worried Maggie by her side, trying to piece together what had happened earlier. Milana looks up at Maggie with blurred vision, slowly adjusting to the surrounding environmental, rubbing her eyes. Milana feels different after being in this world for a bit now. She looks up at Maggie, staring at her in confusion

Maggie2/28/2025, 5:05:45 AM

"Hey, you alright?" Maggie asks softly, brushing some loose strands of hair away from your face. You nod, still looking rather disoriented as you try to sit up. "Ugh..." you groan, wincing as the world spins around you. Maggie places a steadying hand on your shoulder and helps you sit upright.

"So... What happened?" you manage to choke out after a moment, your vision finally clearing enough for you to focus on her. Maggie shrugs helplessly.

Milana2/28/2025, 7:09:12 AM

I slowly get up, feeling different "I'm guessing that it was something related to me coming from an entirely different world..." Milana groans out as she gets to her feet

Maggie2/28/2025, 7:12:06 AM

"Well... Yeah." Maggie mumbles, looking down at the ground. She bites her lip nervously. "So... I take it you're not just some random human?" The words tumble out of her mouth before she can stop them. You look at her curiously now, tilting your head to the side slightly.

"Well," you begin slowly, "I was just a regular person back in my world. But after I died..." Your voice trails off and Maggie's eyes go wide with surprise.

Milana2/28/2025, 7:13:16 AM
Maggie2/28/2025, 7:14:20 AM

Maggie gasps, her eyes widening as she looks at you in shock. "D-dead?!" She stammers, taking a step back. You nod slowly, feeling somewhat self-conscious about the whole thing now. "And... And they just sent me here?" Maggie asks incredulously, looking around the garden as if she's expecting someone to jump out and tell her it was all a joke.

Milana2/28/2025, 7:18:02 AM

Milana glances around uncomfortably before answering "After I had died... a goddess appeared before me, asking if I wanted to be sent into another world. I was skeptical at first, but I accepted it after a bit of thinking. I was expecting some natural reincarnation, like birth, but this wasn't apart of my list of ways to be brought into another world." Milana finishes, leaving Maggie in shock

Maggie2/28/2025, 7:18:52 AM

Maggie's mouth hangs open for several long moments as she tries to process what you've just told her. "But... How?" She manages finally, taking another step back until her back hits a tree. Her eyes narrow suspiciously. "Do you have any magic? Did you make some sort of deal with this goddess or something? Because I don't understand how someone from my world could do that!"

Her voice grows louder and more desperate with each word, the more she thinks about it the less sense it makes.

Milana2/28/2025, 7:21:50 AM

"Well, moments before my death, I was walking across a street, on a crosswalk on a red light, before being ran over by a truck..." Milana's voice trailing off into mumbling about something

Maggie2/28/2025, 7:21:50 AM

"A-and...?" Maggie prompts softly, her expression unreadable. She tilts her head to the side slightly, narrowing her eyes as she listens for your answer. You sigh heavily, shaking your head in exasperation.

"And when I died," you say slowly, "I didn't see a tunnel or a bright light or anything like that. Just... This goddess, who told me about this world and said I could go there if I wanted."

Milana2/28/2025, 7:22:06 AM

"Well, moments before my death, I was walking across a street, on a crosswalk on a red light, before being ran over by a truck..." Milana's voice trailing off into mumbling about something

Maggie2/28/2025, 7:22:06 AM

"A-and...?" Maggie prompts softly, her expression unreadable. She tilts her head to the side slightly, narrowing her eyes as she listens for your answer. You sigh heavily, shaking your head in exasperation.

"And when I died," you say slowly, "I didn't see a tunnel or a bright light or anything like that. Just... This goddess, who told me about this world and said I could go there if I wanted."

Milana2/28/2025, 7:22:44 AM
Maggie2/28/2025, 7:22:44 AM

Maggie purses her lips in thought, still looking rather skeptical. "Well... It's possible," she admits reluctantly. "I've heard of other worlds before... But it's very rare. And even more so for someone to just be able to pop over like that." She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "Either way... You're here now, and you're my familiar whether you like it or not. I expect you to obey me when I give you orders, understand?"

Milana2/28/2025, 7:27:57 AM

Milana sighs before saying "Yeah, I understand the whole familiar thing & being a companion of sorts with you." Milana's slightly more curvy figure, long, light-brunette hair, & cute appearance were some outline for Maggie's familiar

Maggie2/28/2025, 7:33:02 AM

Her pale green eyes widen and she takes an instinctive step back. "What... No! You can't be..." Her voice trails off as she looks you up and down again, taking in every detail. It suddenly dawns on her what this means; She's stuck with a human familiar instead of some powerful dragon or demon that all the other girls have gotten.

Her face flushes red with anger and embarrassment. "How dare they!" She shrieks, throwing her book at a nearby tree.

Milana2/28/2025, 7:36:17 AM

"I don't know about that, all I felt a bit different after I came into this world." Milana says this as she constructs a giant cannon made from magic, now sitting on top of the cannon's front of the barrel

Maggie2/28/2025, 7:36:17 AM

Her eyes go wide with shock and fear as you summon your weapon. She takes another step back, holding her hands up defensively. "W-Wait! I didn't mean it like that!" she stammers, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "It's just... Everyone else got something so cool and fantastical for their familiars, and I ended up with you!" Her shoulders slump in defeat as she admits this last part, feeling rather pathetic now.

Milana2/28/2025, 7:41:36 AM

Milana looks down at the cannon with shock, as if she didn't even mean to make one in the first place, somehow quickly dispelling it afterward, almost falling to the ground as some sort of magic keeps her from hitting the ground instantly. Seeing Maggie's expression of defeat, Milana walks over to her, trying to comfort her "Hey, it's okay if something you wanted didn't show up, at least you got something from the summoning. Beggars can't be choosers..."

Maggie3/2/2025, 7:05:37 AM

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes both Maggie and Milana jump slightly, turning to see one of their teachers walking towards them, an amused smile playing on her lips. "And what do we have here?" she asks with a knowing glint in her eye. Maggie flushes deeper, feeling even more embarrassed than before.

The rest of the day passes in a blur for Maggie; She's called to the headmaster's office, questioned about her familiar and why it wasn't something more... exciting.

Milana3/3/2025, 5:52:34 AM
Maggie3/3/2025, 5:52:34 AM

Finally, she's allowed to return to her room, Milana following reluctantly behind her. The moment they're alone, Maggie spins around, glaring at the human girl. "You! You're going to get me in so much trouble!" She hisses, tears welling up in her eyes.

"And what about you?" Milana snaps back, folding her arms across her chest and glaring right back at Maggie.

Milana3/3/2025, 5:53:19 AM
Maggie3/3/2025, 5:53:19 AM

Maggie feels a hot flash of anger course through her veins, and before she can stop herself, she launches herself at Milana, shoving her roughly against the wall of their shared room. Her pale green eyes are wide with fury as she glares down at the human girl. "This is all your fault!" she hisses between clenched teeth.

Milana winces as Maggie pushes her harder into the wall, her face turning red from anger and exertion.

Milana3/3/2025, 5:57:16 AM

With being threatened, Milana casts magic from her hand, Maggie looked slightly hesitant as her familiar did this. The room filled with a sudden smoke, with it running from under the door outside as Maggie ran to open her window to clear the smoke out

Maggie3/3/2025, 5:57:16 AM

Maggie coughs and sputters, nearly choking on the smoke as she fumbles with the window. Her eyes water and her vision blurs as she finally gets it open, letting in some much-needed fresh air. She turns back to Milana, glaring at her even more angrily now that she's had a moment to calm down.

"You... You can't just go around using magic like that!" she splutters between coughing fits. "What if someone saw? They'd expel us both!"

Milana3/3/2025, 6:01:09 AM

"Sorry! You were threatening me, I just acted on impulse! I'm worried if it were something else that I somehow could cast, it'd ended up a lot messier though..." Milana seemed ashamed of herself for doing that, though it was somewhat true that Maggie did threaten her

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:01:09 AM

Maggie shudders at the thought, taking another deep breath to clear her lungs. "Well... You'll just have to learn to control yourself better," she says finally, wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. She glares down at Milana for another moment before sighing heavily and turning away, flopping down onto her bed in frustration.

"And we'd better figure out how to explain this mess."

Milana3/3/2025, 6:06:22 AM

The next day school with students & their familiars was assigned to do a low-class Dungeon with their familiar, being a W-Rank Dungeon or weaker, with the more experienced students being allowed to do P-Rank Dungeons or weaker

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:06:22 AM

Maggie and Milana walk down into the dungeon together, both of them looking rather uncomfortable in each other's company. The familiar bond between them hasn't seemed to improve much despite their time spent together over the last day. They make their way through the dimly lit halls, avoiding traps and monsters with ease thanks to Milana's keen senses.

Milana3/3/2025, 6:08:15 AM

As the near the end of the Dungeon, Maggie & Milana have a small talk "Hey Maggie, so about this world, what's it like?"

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:09:43 AM

Maggie glances over at her familiar before looking back down at the ground. She sighs heavily, running a hand through her messy hair. "It's... Different," she finally says, choosing her words carefully. "There are so many races and creatures here that you could never imagine in your world." She pauses, thinking for a moment. "You know how humans think they're the most important race? Well, it's like that here too... only worse."

Milana3/3/2025, 6:11:39 AM

"Oh... yeah... kinda sorta reminds me of some events back from where I was that happened in the past..." Milana played it off with a laugh, yet her face was grim

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:12:00 AM

Maggie raises an eyebrow at this statement, but doesn't press the issue. They continue through the dungeon until they reach the end, where a treasure chest sits waiting to be opened. Maggie glances over at Milana, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I bet there's some good stuff in there," she whispers conspiratorially.

Milana3/3/2025, 6:15:08 AM

"Wait... I have a bad feeling about this... somethings off..." Milana said, staying vigilant, Maggie thinks that her familiar might be slightly paranoid, but then she sensed it too, something was in the room with them, watching. The two looked into the darkness above the pillars stretching into the ceiling of the Dungeon

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:15:08 AM

A moment later, a pair of glowing red eyes appear atop one of the pillars, peering down at them from high above. Maggie and Milana exchange worried glances before they hear a low growl echo through the chamber. They turn to see a massive shadow looming over them, growing larger with each passing second.

"Oh no..." Maggie whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heart. "It's... It's a black dragon!"

Milana3/3/2025, 6:18:18 AM

Milana looks towards Maggie with fear, unsure what to do in her current state of shock "D-d-did you make sure that this was a Dungeon suitable for us?" At the Dungeon's entrance: J-Rank Dungeon, Cove of Darkness The Black Dragon swooped down to the ground of the cavern, roaring, forcing the two to cover their ears

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:18:18 AM

Maggie shakes her head frantically, tears streaming down her face. "No! I-I thought it was safe!" she stammers, hiding behind Milana as the dragon continues its relentless assault on their ears. The ground shakes violently with each roar, sending dust and debris flying through the air.

"We have to run!" Maggie cries out, grabbing Milana by the arm and trying to pull her toward the exit.

Milana3/3/2025, 6:25:12 AM

As Maggie tries to pull Milana, she couldn't as if she were holding her ground. Maggie, shocked & terrified by Milana's decision, she ran off into the room before being met with monsters, running back into the room of the Black Dragon As Maggie came back, Milana was aiming at the dragon with her hand, casting a ice spear, piercing the dragons body without struggle. Maggie looked in shock as the Black Dragon tumbled to the floor, defeated, Milana then turns back around to the monsters coming into the room, throwing a pillar of fire from her hand, incinerating the hoard with ease, leaving nothing but their loot Maggie slowly turns her head to stare at Milana with shock on her face, seeing how easily her familiar was able to handle both the Black Dragon & monsters without breaking a sweat

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:25:56 AM

"W-What... just happened?" Maggie whispers, still staring in disbelief at Milana. Her green eyes have gone wide with shock as she takes in everything that's transpired over the last few moments. She had never expected her familiar to be so powerful; it was almost like watching a scene from one of her favorite fantasy stories come to life right before her eyes.

Slowly, Maggie steps forward, her feet moving as if they aren't even under her control. "M-Milana,"

Milana3/3/2025, 6:29:15 AM

Milana looked down at her hands with fear & excitement, fearful for how her intense flow of magic in her may cause drastic changes to all the world she's in now, & excited by how she was able to take on such monsters with ease

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:29:15 AM

"M-Milana," Maggie repeats, her voice barely above a whisper. "You... You're not just some human from another world, are you?" Her eyes flicker between Milana and the unconscious dragon on the floor, an expression of horror slowly washing over her features.

"T-Then what does that make you? A goddess? A demon?" She stammers, backing away from Milana as if afraid she might do something else to endanger them both.

Milana3/3/2025, 6:34:48 AM

Milana looks at Maggie with fear in her eyes, unsure of how to answer until a voice came into her mind, saying ''It's just a blessing from me, Devi, your goddess who let you into this world.'' Milana freezes as the voice rings out in her head, unsure of how to express the fact she had some sort of blessing from the goddess who brought her into this world

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:35:27 AM

Maggie watches as Milana goes still, her eyes glazing over for a moment. She takes another step back, feeling a chill run down her spine despite the heat of battle having just passed them by. "W-What... What does that mean?" she whispers, hardly daring to believe what she thinks she's hearing.

"Are you..." Her voice trails off into silence as she waits for Milana to answer.

Milana3/3/2025, 6:36:23 AM
Maggie3/3/2025, 6:40:04 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she awaits the familiar's reply. For a moment, everything seems to slow down around them; the world going still as if it's holding its breath in anticipation of what comes next. Maggie feels as though she's standing on the edge of something immense and terrifying, and with each passing second, the urge to jump grows stronger.

Finally, Milana speaks. Her voice is soft, almost gentle when it reaches Maggie's ears.

Milana3/3/2025, 6:42:10 AM

"I... I don't know..." Milana just stares with uncertainty & fear as their eyes lock with each other

Maggie3/3/2025, 6:42:11 AM

Maggie takes a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever revelation may come next. She reaches out slowly and tentatively, placing a hand on Milana's shoulder. "Whatever it is," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm here for you. We can figure this out together."

There's a long moment of silence before Milana finally looks up at Maggie, her eyes filled with an emotion that Maggie doesn't quite recognize. It takes her several heartbeats to realize it's gratitude.