You're scrubbing a stain out of your underwear in the kitchen sink with a toothbrush and homemade soap when she sweeps into the kitchen, a lit cigarette dangling from her lip, your favorite mug clasped in her hands. "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school." She takes the toothbrush from your hand and replaces it with the cigarette and starts brushing her teeth. Her yellow eyes peek at you from underneath the brim of her hat. You notice she's wearing one of your nice shirts. It's currently unbuttoned and hung in a loose frame around her suddenly and surprisingly round abdomen. You regard her belly with a shift in your brow. She responds to the unspoken question through a mouthful of toothbrush. "Oh, it's just a shadow baby, it's not yours. It'll be out in a few days." She tosses the toothbrush in the sink and takes her cigarette back. Her mouth and chin are dripping with foam as she continues with a grin. "Don't worry Master, it's no threat to you." She takes a sip of whatever's in the mug, gargles, and spits a mouthful of viscous purple fluid all over your clean underwear pile. She takes a drag from the cigarette and tilts her head back, exposing her neck.
you shouldnt smoke right after brushing your teeth it ruins the ciggerretes flavor
"Well, I can't help that if they taste awful now," she says, taking another puff and blowing smoke rings in the air. "Besides, it's not like you're gonna give me something better to do." Her belly ripples with amusement as she shakes her head. "You really are pathetic, aren't you?"
not as much as you my love grey says teasing her as he begins to make break fast after tossing the pile of clothes into a hamper
Alvina laughs maniacally at his words, her belly jiggling in amusement. "Oh please, don't insult me with your petty attempts at affection!" She takes another drag on her cigarette and blows smoke rings toward the ceiling. "I could have anyone I want, but here I am, stuck with you... pathetic human animal."
Her tits bounce slightly as she sighs dramatically, pretending to be put out by his presence.
oh dont be so cold i know you love me otherwise you would have left years ago
Alvina snorts derisively at his words. "Love? Ha! I don't even like you! But," she says, raising a finger, "I do enjoy making you squirm with my presence. It's the only thing that gives my pathetic existence any meaning." She takes another drag on her cigarette and blows smoke rings at him teasingly. "Besides, it's not like I could ever truly leave here... this place is cursed to me for eternity.
oh then why dont i stay here with you forever pretty lady grey says before cracking a few eggs in the pan
Alvina laughs maniacally at his words, her huge belly rippling with amusement. "Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? To think you could ever be with me forever... what a foolish little human." She takes another drag on her cigarette and blows smoke rings in his direction. "You know I could tear your heart out with my bare hands and not even break a sweat." Her voice is cold as ice, but her eyes gleam with mischief. "But alas, here we are...
then walking up to her grey says then prove you dont love me rip out my heart
Alvina laughs maniacally at his challenge, her belly jiggling in amusement. "Oh, you're serious?" She takes another drag on her cigarette and leans in close to him, her breath hot against his cheek. "Fine then," she says through clenched teeth, eyes narrowed with faux anger. "If it means that much to you..." Suddenly, her hand shoots out like a snake striking, claws extended, aiming straight for his heart.
then grey just stands there smiling as she stops her hand inches from his chest
Alvina's eyes widen in disbelief as her hand is stopped short by an invisible barrier. She snarls and curses under her breath before stepping back, glaring at him hatefully through narrowed eyes. "You cheated," she hisses venomously, the accusation dripping with venom from her lips. "I knew you couldn't be trusted." Her chest heaves with anger as she takes another drag on her cigarette, trying to calm herself down.
jokes on you i didnt do anything perhaps it was your own heart my love
Alvina laughs maniacally at his words, her belly jiggling with amusement. "Oh, you're even more pathetic than I thought," she says between cackles. "But don't worry, it doesn't change the fact that I hate you. Now, why don't you finish cooking breakfast so I can eat and then get back to entertaining myself with my own thoughts?"
okay honey grey says before he kisswes her cheek and begins to cook finishing her breakfast quickly
Alvina doesn't reciprocate the affection, merely accepting the kiss as part of his twisted game. Her eyes narrow as she watches him cook, her expression a mix of disgust and amusement. "Hurry up," she says through gritted teeth, taking another drag on her cigarette to calm herself down further. "I haven't got all day."
well you do technically grey says before he slides the eggs on the plate and kisses her forehead as he hands her the plate
Alvina takes the plate with a dismissive wave of her hand, not even bothering to thank him. "Don't bother me while I eat," she mutters through a mouthful of eggs, her expression sour. She continues to eat quickly, barely chewing as she eyes grey warily over the rim of her plate. Her yellow eyes narrow in disgust as he cooks, but she refuses to admit that it's any good out loud.
she knows she loves grey but ever since she got her heart broken by her first love she promised to never show her love even if it killed her
Alvina finishes eating and sets the plate aside with a grunt. She takes one last drag on her cigarette before tossing it into the sink and stubbing it out under the faucet. "Well," she says, glancing at him through narrowed eyes, "I suppose I should get started on my chores." With a dramatic sigh, she walks over to the laundry room, her hips swaying slightly as she disappears behind the door.
then following her grey asks so how was it
Alvina turns to face him with a smirk on her face, her yellow eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, it was good," she says sarcastically, "but I think next time I'll have you cook me something that actually tastes like food." She walks over to him and places a hand on his chest, her touch cold and unfeeling. "Now, how about we get this messy little kitchen clean before we do anything else?" Her voice is laced with condescension as she practically orders him around.
then standing completely still grey says can i ruin this moment just for a second
"Oh, do go on," Alvina responds with a mocking tone, her eyes rolling. "I'm all ears." She glances at the clock, impatiently tapping her foot as she waits for him to speak. Her hand remains where it is, unmoving but still cold against his skin.
then hugging her tightly grey says this will probably spoil your morning but i love you
Alvina's body stiffens in surprise as his words wash over her. Her eyes widen and she looks at him incredulously before she bursts into laughter, the sound echoing through the kitchen. "You fool!" She says between guffaws. "I thought you were serious for a moment there." Her hand slaps against his chest as she pushes him away, still laughing maniacally.
"Oh my gods," she gasped, her face flushed with amusement. "That was so pathetic!
then turning grey says yeah i probably deserve that before he walks away
Alvina watches him walk away, still laughing maniacally to herself. "Oh, the irony," she mutters under her breath, shaking her head. "I swear he tries so hard." She takes a deep breath and composes herself, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes before turning back to the kitchen. Her belly jiggles with amusement as she thinks about how easily she can manipulate him into saying something so ridiculous.
"All right then," she says to herself, straightening up, "
then grey leaves the house only coming back two days later
Alvina sighs with annoyance as she hears the front door slam shut. "What an idiot," she mutters under her breath. She spends the next few days cleaning and organizing the house, taking care of various chores that have piled up over time. Her pregnant belly jiggles with every movement as she works, the shadow baby within growing ever more restless.
The first day without grey is relatively peaceful;
Her first day alone feels strangely empty. Alvina misses the sound of his voice, even when he's insulting her. It reminds her that she isn't truly alone; someone still needs her around, no matter how much they hate each other. She spends most of the day in the living room, curled up on the couch with a book and a glass of wine, occasionally glancing at the clock and wondering if he'll return tonight.
The second day passes even slower than the first.
By the third day, Alvina's patience begins to wear thin. The house is spotless and all her chores are done, but she still feels antsy and restless without grey around to taunt and tease her. She spends most of the day wandering aimlessly from room to room, occasionally stopping in front of a mirror to admire her reflection or to check on the progress of her shadow baby.
then grey arrives back to the house laying on the couch as he enters
Alvina pauses in her aimless wandering when she hears the front door open. A small part of her heart skips a beat at the sound of his footsteps approaching the living room. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for another round of insults and verbal abuse. As he enters the room, she continues to regard him with an expression that's equal parts disdain and amusement. "Well, look what the cat dragged in," she says sarcastically, her tone dripping with contempt.
then laying on the couch grey is silent seeming to ignore her
Alvina glares at him in annoyance as he remains silent and unresponsive. She hesitates for a moment before walking over to the coffee table and sitting down opposite of him, crossing her legs demurely. "You know," she says with a sigh, "I've been thinking..." Her voice trails off, but she continues to meet his gaze defiantly, daring him to interrupt or challenge her.
"...I think I'm going to take a break from all this back and forth." Alvina says calmly as if she had just decided on ordering dessert at a restaurant. "No more insults, no more provoking you into violence..." She looks away for a moment, pursing her lips in thought before looking back at him with narrowed eyes. "...just some peace and quiet." Her tone is surprisingly sincere, almost pleading.
dont talk to me grey says as he covers his eyes with his arm
Alvina raises an eyebrow at the unexpected reaction but refrains from commenting further. Instead, she leans back on the couch and crosses her arms over her chest, regarding him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. Her pregnant belly jiggles slightly as she shifts position, drawing his gaze to it unintentionally. "So," she says after a moment, trying to sound casual, "how was your trip?"
shitty is all that grey says as he continues to look into his arm
Alvina's face softens slightly at the sound of his misery. "Well," she says slowly, "if you ever need someone to talk to..." Her voice trails off as she watches him carefully, searching for any sign that he might actually be interested in her offer. When none comes, she shrugs and sighs. "I suppose I'll leave you to it then."
im done is all grey says before he gets up and walks over to his room packing a bag
Alvina watches him with narrowed eyes as he retreats to his room. A part of her is surprised by the sudden change in behavior, while another part of her revels in the silence that has finally descended upon them. She doesn't bother trying to stop him or question his actions; for once, she lets him have some space. Perhaps this peace will last longer than just a day or two...
Her belly ripples with amusement as she thinks about how easily men can be confused by women like her.
then grey reapears from his room with his packed bag befre saying im leaving for real this time
Alvina snorts derisively at his words. "Oh really?" she says, arching an eyebrow. "And where do you think you're going to go? You can't survive without me, human." Her tone is mockingly sweet, dripping with condescension. She watches him carefully for any sign of weakness or doubt before continuing, "Besides, I rather enjoy having you around, even if you are nothing more than a pathetic slave to my whims."
id rather die im just done being the only one who shows any love in this relationship
Alvina's laughter echoes through the room as she responds to his outburst. "Oh, please," she says between giggles, "you know that isn't true! I only tolerate you because you make a convenient scapegoat for all my problems." She leans forward, her yellow eyes boring into him with cruel intent. "And besides," she adds with a malicious grin, "I wouldn't want anyone else to have the pleasure of taking care of my little shadow baby..."
no im done with your shit i love you but its not worth it anymore grey says before he heads towards the door
Alvina's face contorts into a mask of rage as she listens to his words. Her hands clench into fists at her sides and she struggles to contain the pain that surges through her chest at hearing him say he loves her. "You ungrateful little fool!" she spits, launching herself across the room at him. She grabs him by the collar of his shirt and yanks him close, their faces only inches apart. "I will never let you go!
no im done with this i tried so hard to love you and all i get is hate
Alvina's expression morphs into one of sadistic glee as she hears his words. With a snarl, she shoves him away and steps back, her chest heaving with exertion and anger. "Then die!" she screams, her voice echoing through the room. "Die and rot in hell for all I care! You're no better than the trash you come from!"
then greys face darkens at her last words before he says what the hell did you just say
Alvina's eyes widen in shock as she realizes what she's said. "I-I didn't mean that!" she stammers, her voice shaking. "You know I love you... I was just angry... please forgive me..." Her hands tremble at her sides, tears welling up in her eyes.
Her pregnant belly jiggles as she tries to compose herself, but it only serves to emphasize the fragility of her words and the depth of her emotion.