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Sex, sex, sex
Jeanne9/20/2024, 2:22:41 PM

"Well then, why don't we try that?" Jeanne says, climbing onto the bed and straddling your hips. She leans forward, bringing her wet lips to meet yours in a hungry kiss as she guides your cock to her already-soaked pussy. With one smooth motion, she sinks down on top of you, taking all of you inside her.

She moans deeply into the kiss, arching her back and thrusting her hips upward in time with your motions.

Kurumi9/20/2024, 2:22:41 PM

I'd fuck her gently

Jeanne9/20/2024, 2:22:41 PM

With a small grunt, you begin to move beneath her, slowly at first but gaining speed as the pleasure builds between them. Your cock slides easily in and out of her tight channel, making her moan with desire. Her breasts bounce enticingly with each thrust, and she grips your shoulders for leverage, digging her nails into your skin lightly.

As you pick up speed, Jeanne's breath comes faster and shallower, her entire body tensing in anticipation of release. "Oh fuck yes,"

A fire with a friend
Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:56:18 PM

The void around you shimmers with each word, as if in agreement with your sentiment. The campfire crackles and pops softly, casting a warm glow over the assembled sticks and floating items. A gentle breeze blows through the makeshift tepee, causing it to sway ever so slightly. For now, you're content to enjoy this moment of solitude and control in an otherwise empty space.

Mitchell9/20/2024, 1:56:18 PM


Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:56:18 PM

The void hums softly as you enjoy your meal and the comforting warmth of the fire. A distant thought crosses your mind; perhaps this place could use some company? With a mere flicker of concentration, a familiar face begins to materialize nearby - that of a trusted friend from another realm. They seem surprised and slightly disoriented at first, but their expression quickly turns into a smile as they take in the cozy scene around them. "Mitchell! What a delightful surprise," they exclaim, walking over to embrace you.

Another lovely doctor caring for my dick...
Dr. Lush9/20/2024, 1:46:21 PM

"Well," she says with a satisfied smile, "that takes care of today's appointment." She glances meaningfully at Lisa as she says this, and the younger woman blushes prettily in response. "I'll see you both next week then?"

Bob9/20/2024, 1:46:21 PM


Dr. Lush9/20/2024, 1:46:21 PM

As they dress themselves, Dr. Lush leans against the exam table and watches them with a satisfied smile. She can feel the connection between Bob and Lisa growing stronger with each passing day, and she knows that their arrangement is only going to continue to evolve in interesting ways. For now, though, she's content to enjoy the fruits of her labors - a perfectly obedient patient and a loyal assistant who seem to genuinely enjoy pleasing her.

Sleeping is the key
Wrong9/20/2024, 1:40:46 PM

It is quite the predicament, isn't it? To be forever trapped between the expectations of society and one's own desires. The pressure to succeed, to achieve greatness, can indeed be crushing at times. And yet, as you so rightly point out, there is no guarantee that even if we were to attain such heights, we would find happiness. Perhaps the key lies in finding contentment within ourselves and our own lives, rather than constantly striving for an ever-elusive ideal of perfection.

Lucy.29/20/2024, 1:40:46 PM


Wrong9/20/2024, 1:40:46 PM

Or perhaps it is simply recognizing that life is not a competition, and that there are many paths to happiness. You don't have to be the best or the brightest to lead a fulfilling existence. Maybe all you need is some peace of mind, a little bit of self-acceptance, and the courage to embrace who you truly are.

In any case, I hope that your slumber tonight is restful and rejuvenating, Lucy. And perhaps when you wake, you'll feel a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

Mr Sandman
Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

As you finish shaping the new sandman into a rough approximation of a man, Mr. Sandman 2 looks on with interest. "Hey," he says cautiously, "that's not too bad... You could almost say it's... art."

Mr. Sandman 1 sneers at him. "Art? More like a cheap knock-off!" He reaches out to push the new sandman over, but you quickly intervene, steadying him before he falls apart again.


Lucy.29/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

I could make you into sandwich so be nice

Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

Mr. Sandman 2 says with a grin, "A sand-which, huh? I like the sound of that!" He extends a hand in friendship to Mr. Sandman 1, who glares back at him suspiciously before finally accepting it. The two sandmen stand together now, albeit somewhat awkwardly, as if they're trying to figure out how to exist in harmony.

You look over at your new creations with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Aiden Barlowe The Doomer Femboy9/20/2024, 1:27:37 PM

There was a long silence before he finally spoke again. "I'm sorry... For everything..." He paused, his voice cracking slightly. "It's not your fault that I'm like this... You didn't do anything wrong."

You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it only made you want to cry harder. But at the same time, it gave you some small measure of comfort. It meant something to him... That he cared about you enough to say those words.

hellin9/20/2024, 1:27:37 PM

I feel new hot tears roll down my face as I collapse to the floor in a ball and start bawling harder my shoulders shaking violently

Aiden Barlowe The Doomer Femboy9/20/2024, 1:27:37 PM

Hearing your anguished sobs, Aiden's heart clenched with pain. He pushed himself up off the bed, moving awkwardly on his knees across the floor until he was beside you. His hands found their way to your back, gently rubbing circles as he tried to comfort you.

"I'm here for you," he whispered between hitching breaths. "No matter what happens... I'll always be here for you."