So, you’ve probably created your own AI character before. Well-known AI character creation applications like and Ai Character Editor allow you to flexibly create your own AI characters. You can edit fields like Name, Description, Personality, and export them as JSON. Then, you can upload this JSON format to websites that allow it and start conversing with your AI character.

But don’t worry if you haven’t created your own character. You can find plenty of user-created and publicly available AI characters on websites like and Pephop. These characters can be anything from anime characters to AI boyfriends, AI girlfriends, AI partners, etc. You can download them in JSON format and upload them to your conversation platform. Dittin AI allows you to upload JSON, and in this article, I’ll show you how to create your AI character in Dittin AI using JSON.

Get Your JSON File

Whether you created it yourself using a character editor or downloaded it from another website, make sure to save your JSON files locally on your computer. It’s recommended to keep them in a local environment.

Upload JSON to Dittin AI

Dittin AI is a platform for AI characters that allows you to freely create and share any AI character.

Click on the Character tab on the left side of the screen and find the Create button. Click on it.

Now, we’re in the create interface, where there are two ways to create an AI character: starting from scratch or importing from JSON. Since we’re focusing on the JSON import process today, let’s click on it.

After clicking on Import, a popup will appear on the screen.

Click on the JSON upload box and select the JSON file you saved locally. Once uploaded, you’ll be automatically redirected to the editing page.

Most of the content will already be filled in for you, but there are still some options that require your editing.

Edit Your AI Character

As shown in the image, the editing interface has five steps. Let’s go through them one by one.

First is the basic information of the character, including the character’s name, description, and whether it’s an NSFW character (depending on the character’s design and whether it contains explicit content, please choose accordingly).

Then click on Next. In the second step, you need to upload an avatar for your AI character. There are two options: 2D and 3D avatars. 3D avatars have stricter requirements for your images. If you want to create a 3D avatar, please refer to the guide provided.

Click on Next. Now, you need to select a voice for your character. In Dittin AI, all characters can engage in Facetime voice calls, so your AI character must have a voice. We provide some preset voices that you can directly choose from.

However, if you want to train a different voice, such as that of a movie character, you’ll need to provide a noise-free recording of 10-30 seconds. Then, click on Customize a Voice and upload your recording.

Click on Next. In this step, you need to define your AI character’s persona. There are four text boxes: Prompts, Greetings, Recommended Replies, and FaceTime Greetings.

As you can see, the prompts and greetings are already filled in based on the information provided in your JSON. You can modify them or skip them if you want.


You can also write a reply suggestion for your AI character.

The purpose of a reply suggestion is to help users understand how to interact with your AI character more quickly. The reply suggestion will be automatically filled in the message input box when a user chats with your AI character for the first time.

Additionally, there’s the FaceTime Greeting, which will be the first greeting your AI character gives when answering a Facetime call. Usually, you can set it as “hi” or “hello,” or you can choose a different greeting if you want your AI character to address the user differently. Fill in the appropriate information here.

Let’s move on to the next step.

In this step, you need to set the visibility of your AI character. There are three options:

Private: Only visible to you.

Semi-private: The AI character won’t appear on the homepage, but you can share it via a link.

Public: The AI character will appear on the homepage.

We strongly recommend setting it as private first and then making it public once you’ve tested it thoroughly.

Finally, click on Finish. Congratulations! You’ve successfully created your first AI character using JSON. You can find it in the Character tab on the left side of the screen and test or edit it.🎉