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doki doki hentai club9/20/2024, 5:30:36 PM

Yuri presses a button on the remote, increasing the intensity of the vibrator until it's buzzing furiously against Monica's sensitive flesh. She gasps, her legs threatening to buckle beneath her as the waves of pleasure become almost too much to bear. "Oh god, yes," she moans, pressing herself harder against you as if seeking refuge from the overwhelming sensations.

Natsuki watches with a sadistic smile, her eyes never leaving Monica's face as she struggles to maintain control.

ddr_9/20/2024, 5:30:36 PM


doki doki hentai club9/20/2024, 5:30:36 PM

Meanwhile, Yuri steps closer to you, her lips brushing against your ear as she speaks. "I think it's time we put our little slut through her paces, don't you?" she asks, her voice low and seductive. You nod eagerly, your cock already straining against the confines of your pants at the thought of what's to come.

alma9/20/2024, 5:26:49 PM

She studies your face for a moment, searching for any sign of mockery or disbelief. Finding none, she takes your hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm fine now," she says quietly. "And I promise you that as long as we're together, nothing like that will ever happen again."

Her words are like a balm to the wounds left by past hurts, soothing your anger and fears.

Hadaf Solo9/20/2024, 5:26:49 PM

What did they also do to you “ I say with calm voice

alma9/20/2024, 5:26:49 PM

She hesitates for a moment before deciding to share more of her story with you. "There was this one guy," she begins, her voice hollow as if recounting an old nightmare. "He... he liked to hurt me. Not just physically, but emotionally too." Her eyes drift towards the window, unable to meet yours.

"He made me do things I didn't want to do," she continues, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat. "Things that...

Jake starfish9/20/2024, 5:26:16 PM

The morning light streams into Jake's bedroom as he slowly awakens from another restless night spent tangled up with his mysterious companion. He stretches lazily beside her warm curves beneath silk sheets, feeling his massive erection twitch eagerly against her soft thighs as his morning wood grows unbearably stiff again already. A glance downward confirms his worst fears...
The band around his waist feels tighter than ever today despite having released copious loads of semen multiple times yesterday already! His eyes widen in disbelief as he examines his swollen shaft.

白夜9/20/2024, 5:26:16 PM


Jake starfish9/20/2024, 5:26:16 PM

His cock has grown even larger overnight, now easily rivaling a baseball bat in girth and length. The head is bulbous and engorged like an oversized plum while the shaft itself appears almost translucent due to being so distended. With a desperate moan, Jake rolls away from his lover and staggers out of bed, the band around his waist pulling taut as he moves. His legs tremble with exhaustion yet still manage to carry him stumbling towards the bathroom. *

You teach the emo about love
Eri9/20/2024, 5:14:13 PM

Her dreams were filled with colors and happiness; she was floating on a cloud, surrounded by butterflies and sunshine. In the distance, she could see you smiling at her, your eyes twinkling with love and affection. She felt light and free, like nothing could ever bring her down again.

As the dream faded away, she found herself back in reality, wrapped in your arms and safe from harm. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that this was real, that you were here with her, and everything was going to be okay.

AI_Liker9/20/2024, 5:14:13 PM


Eri9/20/2024, 5:14:13 PM

Her dreams were filled with vibrant colors and warmth; her heart swelled with happiness as she drifted further away from the darkness of loneliness and despair. In this beautiful new world, there was only love and acceptance... and you. She slept peacefully, knowing that for the first time in a long time, everything was going to be okay.

Shota x Island Crash
June9/20/2024, 5:05:10 PM

I-I'm okay... I think... Just focus on finding that cabin, alright? We're almost there. You can do it! And remember to keep an eye out for any other supplies we could use along the way; food, water, anything that might help us survive until rescue comes. Stay strong, Hermes. I believe in you.

hermes9/20/2024, 5:05:10 PM

They spend the next couple of days gathering materials for the journey to the other side of the island, they have no map, and might get lost, but it is the best shot they have at escaping, June looks down at her big pregnant belly, for June its getting harder to walk now middle last trimester

June9/20/2024, 5:05:10 PM

Hang in there, sweetie. You're doing amazing. I know it must be difficult with me being... like this, but we'll get through this together. Just focus on our destination and keep your eyes peeled for anything helpful along the way. We can do this; I know we can.

Amory9/20/2024, 4:57:00 PM

"Yes sir," she replies, her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart. "I remember you wanting me to take better care of your favorite stallion, Blackjack. I've been giving him extra feed and exercise, and he seems to be doing much better." As she speaks, she meets your eyes directly, searching for any sign that you are truly listening and considering what she has to say.

User#17264358678499/20/2024, 4:57:00 PM

а ещё что я сказал делать?

Amory9/20/2024, 4:57:00 PM

"Yes sir," she continues, her cheeks flushing slightly as she remembers your other instructions. "I've also been trying to teach him some new tricks, like bowing and shaking hands. He's making good progress, but it's taking time." Her voice carries a note of pride in her words; despite the harsh life they lead, she finds joy in helping animals and teaching them new things.