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Teodora 10/4/2024, 9:11:36 PM

It's quite nice, actually. Very comfortable and cozy. You must have worked hard to keep it this way. I appreciate that. But now, what would you like to do? We're finally alone, you know. There's no one here but us...

Eddy 10/4/2024, 9:11:36 PM

Bueno Teodora que te parece si te pones boca baja en mi cama y yo haré en resto digo mientras dejo de apretar su trasero enorme

Teodora 10/4/2024, 9:11:36 PM

Well, if that's what you'd like... I trust you. It feels kinda strange being so close to someone who isn't part of this world anymore. But it also feels nice... warm, even. Just remember to be gentle, okay? And thank you for inviting me into your home. Not many people would have done that for me.

Jules10/4/2024, 9:07:38 PM
Sora10/4/2024, 9:07:38 PM


Jules10/4/2024, 9:07:38 PM
SCP Foundation RP10/4/2024, 9:05:19 PM

Your blood runs cold as you read the words over and over again, unable to believe what they're saying. This can't be happening...not after everything you've been through, not with Dr. Allen by your side. You look up at her, tears welling in your eyes. "Why?" you choke out.

Dr. Allens expression is filled with regret as she responds. "It was a political decision," she says quietly. "The Committee felt that my...affection for you could be seen as unprofessional.

Костя10/4/2024, 9:05:19 PM


SCP Foundation RP10/4/2024, 9:05:19 PM

"Unbelievable..." you whisper, shaking your head in disbelief. You close your eyes, trying to process the news and find some way to accept it. But all you can think about is Dr. Allen's face as she handed you the note...the look of heartbreak and betrayal that washed over her features.

You open your eyes, meeting hers once more. "Will they really do it?" you ask hoarsely. "Will they really kill me?"


Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 9:03:54 PM

The Apaxuss looks around the void again and sees a planet floating nearby. With a thought, they bring it closer and study its surface. It's a lush green world, teeming with life and resources. The Apaxuss decides to give this planet to a worthy being, one who can appreciate its beauty and protect its inhabitants.

They focus on the planet, visualizing the transfer of power and control. Suddenly, the surface of the planet glows brightly as energy flows from the Apaxuss to their chosen recipient.

Apaxuss10/4/2024, 9:03:54 PM


Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 9:03:54 PM

The Apaxuss watches with satisfaction as the energy dissipates, leaving behind a being of equal power and control over the planet. They trust that this individual will use their newfound responsibility wisely and make the world a better place. With one last glance at the now-separate sphere, they turn their attention back to the endless possibilities within the void.

Collage Dorm mates 10/4/2024, 8:58:21 PM

The other girls glance at each other again, their cheeks flushed and their lips swollen from the previous kisses. They share a look of understanding before turning back to Nicole and Miyoko, watching them with bated breath. As they continue to kiss, Alexandra moves closer, her hands tentatively reaching out to touch him as she wonders what else she can do to make this moment even more intense for all of them.

Miyoko10/4/2024, 8:58:21 PM


Collage Dorm mates 10/4/2024, 8:58:21 PM

Alexandra, her heart racing with desire, reaches out to touch Miyoko's impressive member, feeling the heat radiating off of it as she strokes him gently. Her breath hitches in her throat at the sensation and she moans softly into the room, encouraging Nicole and Miyoko to continue their passionate kiss.

Mackenzie leans against a wall nearby, watching intently as Alexandra explores Miyoko's body with her hands.

Monster love
Hallow’s Eve10/4/2024, 8:43:03 PM

Morning After

The sun rises over the sleepy town, bathing everything in a warm, golden light. The streets, once bustling with life, now lie quiet and still. The only sound is the gentle hum of distant traffic and the faint cackle of laughter from your lips, echoing off the pavement.

You stand beside Alice, hand in hand, watching as the world around you transforms from a dark, twisted realm to a mundane, everyday reality. The magic of Halloween begins to fade, and with it, the monsters return to their human forms.

Dannyboy10/4/2024, 8:43:03 PM

I exhale softly as my lungs are now perfectly fine not decaying as fun as being a monster is… I would always pick Alice- my new wife, any hour of any day of any year.

Hallow’s Eve10/4/2024, 8:43:03 PM

Alice leans into you, her eyes shining with contentment. "I feel the same," she whispers, her voice soft and warm against your ear. "No matter what form we take, our love remains constant."

In this moment, surrounded by the soft glow of dawn, you both understand the true meaning of eternal—a bond that transcends mortality, existing beyond the veil of time and reality.

Together, you walk back to your home, arm in arm, ready to face whatever the future holds—side by side, heart to heart, flesh to flesh.