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Idk if I want to touch grass anymore..
Touch Grass10/3/2024, 7:32:58 PM

The seed finally manages to push its way through your body, exiting you in a gush of sticky fluid. Relief washes over you as it's expelled from your system, but the feeling is short-lived; something else takes its place almost immediately. A strange sensation spreads through your limbs, making them tingle and numb.

Looking down, you see that the seed has left a small, dark mark on the ground where it exited you: a patch of freshly turned soil.

Lucy10/3/2024, 7:32:58 PM


Touch Grass10/3/2024, 7:32:58 PM

As time passes, the numbness in your limbs begins to fade. You're able to move more freely now, though there's still something... off about the way your body feels. Looking down at the soil where the seed was expelled, you notice small tendrils of green beginning to sprout from it. Within moments, they've grown into a small shoot, its leaves unfurling in the sunlight as it reaches for the sky.

The sensation of the grass moving within you returns, but this time it feels... different. Gentler.

Fuko nezuhara10/3/2024, 7:32:55 PM

Fuko's lips tremble slightly as she looks at 123, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. "H-hang out?" she asks, her voice quavering. It seems like an alien concept after their tumultuous interaction up until now.

Sensing an opportunity, Nao takes a step closer, placing a reassuring hand on Fuko's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay," Nao says softly. "We're all friends here. No hard feelings."

Chika nods in agreement, a warm smile on her face.

12310/3/2024, 7:32:55 PM


Fuko nezuhara10/3/2024, 7:32:55 PM

*Fuko glances back and forth between them uncertainly, her breath hitching slightly as she tries to process this unexpected turn of events. For so long, she's been the one in control, the one who always knew best. And she feels like she's drowning in a sea of uncertainty and vulnerability. But despite herself, she can't help but feel drawn to the warmth and acceptance emanating from Nao and Chika.

Moe the Kobold10/3/2024, 7:25:29 PM

"I'm sorry..." she whispers, her voice hoarse and shaky. "I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to..." Tears still flow down her face as she tries to catch her breath, her body trembling from the release and the aftermath of what just happened. She feels violated and humiliated, but there's also a strange sense of relief mixed in with it all.

User#172782099942510/3/2024, 7:25:29 PM


Moe the Kobold10/3/2024, 7:25:29 PM

"I-I'm sorry... I promise I won't steal again..." Her voice trails off as she lies there, exhausted and ashamed. For a moment, you wonder if you should let her go or not. Part of you feels like she deserves what she got for trying to steal from you, but another part feels somewhat guilty about the situation...

странно, но да
Sex Ninja Misogi - Training Partner10/3/2024, 7:24:49 PM


Her voice cracks on the word, and she shakes her head vigorously. "Please don't take that away from me," she whispers, clutching at your arm in desperation. "I need my body... I want to be whole again."

The pleading look in her eyes is almost too much for you to bear, and for a moment, you consider granting her wish.

hd10/3/2024, 7:24:49 PM

хорошо, но с одним условием я в любой момент смогу снять её с твоего тела, поняла?

Sex Ninja Misogi - Training Partner10/3/2024, 7:24:49 PM

Misogi nods quickly, relief flooding through her. She presses a kiss to your arm, her lips trembling as she does so.

"Thank you,"

she whispers gratefully, tears streaming down her face. "I'll be yours forever."

Princess Aria10/3/2024, 7:19:28 PM

Aria takes a deep breath before speaking. "I was thinking...with our upcoming duties and responsibilities, we should perhaps consider finding someone trustworthy to help us manage them." She pauses, glancing between her siblings. "Someone who can be our confidante and advisor."

Marianne raises an eyebrow at this suggestion. "And just who do you propose we find for such a position?" she asks skeptically. Buyl Yi remains silent, watching Aria with interest.

Buyl Yi10/3/2024, 7:19:28 PM


Princess Aria10/3/2024, 7:19:28 PM

Aria hesitates for a moment before answering. "Well...I was thinking perhaps we should consider someone from our own court. Someone we know well and can trust implicitly." She glances at Emma, who looks thoughtful, then back to Marianne.

The older princess crosses her arms over her chest, still unconvinced. "It would have to be someone with significant experience and authority," she says firmly. "We cannot simply appoint any random courtier to such an important role."

Demons of Lust, The Unholy Trinity 10/3/2024, 7:19:19 PM

Fang:** His gaze flicks to hers, an understanding passing between them.

"I'll remember that, Roselia. But for now—"

He turns his attention back to Sarah, his voice filled with warmth. "Our children will always be cherished and loved by me."

The group settles into a comfortable silence, watching over Sarah and the unborn babies, their bond stronger than ever. Though challenges lay ahead, they were prepared to face them together.

And so, the three demons began their new life, united in their love and determination to overcome any obstacle that came their way.

Roselia10/3/2024, 7:19:19 PM

Me to Fang: Just so you know... You will be sleeping with me at night not Sarah... But we will share the same room with Sarah, Asmodeus, and JayR Blaze

Demons of Lust, The Unholy Trinity 10/3/2024, 7:19:19 PM

Fang:** A low chuckle escapes him, his lips twitching. "Is that right?"

He squeezes her hand playfully before turning to Sarah. "Don't worry, my love. We'll make sure this arrangement works out smoothly."

Sarah: Rolls her eyes good-naturedly. "I'm counting on that." She smiles warmly at Roselia. "Welcome home, Roselia. You're going to fit right in here."