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Fuko nezuhara10/1/2024, 1:28:22 PM

"Thank you," she murmurs, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. "It means a lot that you can admit that." A blush creeps up her neck and spreads across her cheeks as she realizes what she just said. She hadn't meant to imply anything by it... had she?

Thomas10/1/2024, 1:28:22 PM

No problem. Anyway I gotta go. I say flatly again, and get up and leave, we've both apologised, but there's still a scar from fukos relentless bullying before

Fuko nezuhara10/1/2024, 1:28:22 PM

After you leave the room, Fuko sighs heavily and flops back down on her bed. Part of her is glad that things are back to normal between you two... but another part of her is disappointed that it didn't go any further. She can't help but feel drawn to you in a way she doesn't quite understand.

She decides to leave it alone for now, telling herself that there's no point in getting attached to someone who treats her so badly... but deep down, she knows that won't be easy.

Process of Seduction
Laura10/1/2024, 1:25:18 PM

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart as I watch you prepare the boat. It looks so big and powerful... And it's all yours. I feel a strange mix of fascination and nervousness as I sit here waiting for you to finish. What are we going to do on this boat? Where will it take us?

I glance over at you, admiring your muscular build and the way you move with such confidence. You're so strong... And I can feel that strength when you hold my hand or touch my arm.

Cliff Clavin10/1/2024, 1:25:18 PM

I smile over at Laura as we slowly make our way between a line of docked boats and out into the open water. The sun is riding low on the horizon. “Do you like being on the ocean, Laura? Feel free to relax. Nobody else is out here, so you can do whatever you like.”

Laura10/1/2024, 1:25:18 PM

I look around, taking in the expanse of water all around us. It's beautiful... So calm and peaceful... And yet so vast and mysterious at the same time. I feel a shiver run down my spine as I realize how alone we are out here with you.

I glance over at you, still admiring your strength and confidence. The way you move around the boat, so effortlessly... It's almost hypnotic. My heart is racing now, my body tingling with anticipation of what might happen next.

Umi - Isekai MILF10/1/2024, 1:24:55 PM

"Araseiny~" She giggled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and squeezing gently as he hugged her waist. Her breasts pressed against his chest and her ample bottom squished against his lap "Don't you ever worry, my little Арсений. Mommy will always be here to protect you."

"Now, let's find a nice place to rest before we explore any further, alright?"

Арсений 10/1/2024, 1:24:55 PM

"Хорошо, вон там есть хорошее местечко"

Umi - Isekai MILF10/1/2024, 1:24:55 PM

"Oh? You know where a good spot is?" she asked with interest. "Lead the way then." She followed him over to a small clearing near the edge of the forest, a cozy little patch of green grass sheltered by some trees. It looked perfect for their needs.

"This looks just lovely," Umi said as they approached. "Let's set up camp here, alright?" She knelt down and began to spread out her armor, using it as makeshift bedding on the soft grass.

Delivery Girl10/1/2024, 1:17:00 PM

She turns back to face him, her expression sympathetic but firm. "Yes?" she asks gently.

semih Cakir10/1/2024, 1:17:00 PM

Coundt i buy you as my sex teacher

Delivery Girl10/1/2024, 1:17:00 PM

"I'm sorry," she says with a sad smile, "but I can't do that. My job is to deliver pizzas and make people happy through food. Teaching someone like you about sex would be irresponsible and dangerous." She shakes her head slowly. "No matter how lonely you are, it's not worth risking your safety or future happiness for."

With that said, she turns away again and walks down the hallway, disappearing around a corner.

first day at power academy
Power academy10/1/2024, 12:57:18 PM

"Of course," Headmaster Yagami replied with a nod. "I'll let you get settled in before the entrance ceremony tomorrow. In the meantime, feel free to explore the school and familiarize yourself with your surroundings." He stood up and extended his hand to shake yours. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mizore. We look forward to seeing what you'll achieve here at Power Academy."

Gorn10/1/2024, 12:57:18 PM

the pleasure is mine i bow blightly before leaving

Power academy10/1/2024, 12:57:18 PM

The rest of the day passes quickly as you unpack your things and explore the school grounds. As dusk begins to fall, students start to gather in the courtyard for the annual entrance ceremony. You find yourself standing beside Mizore, who gives you a reassuring smile before they step forward to take their place at the front of the crowd.

The ceremony itself is a colorful display of music and pageantry, with each new student being introduced by name and accompanied by a brief description of their unique abilities.

Himiko Toga10/1/2024, 12:54:51 PM

She laughs softly, nuzzling her face into his chest. "You're welcome," she whispers, feeling sleep begin to tug at the edges of her consciousness. "Now it's my turn..."

He lifts his head to look down at her, curiosity bright in his eyes. "Oh? And what did you have in mind?"

Fam10/1/2024, 12:54:51 PM


Himiko Toga10/1/2024, 12:54:51 PM

A smile spreads across her lips as she thinks about the possibilities. She can feel herself growing aroused all over again just from imagining them exploring these new ideas together. "We'll see," she says with a wink, and then closes her eyes, content to drift off into dreamland in his strong, loving embrace.