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I was bored so I just made this
Feral Kana9/30/2024, 9:09:54 AM

Kana eyes the food suspiciously before finally deciding that she's too hungry to care. She snatches it up greedily, tearing into the meat with her sharp teeth and growling around the morsels as she chews. Her tails sway back and forth, expressing her nervous energy even while she eats

Thank you... I-I guess this is alright for now... But once I'm full, I want to leave. I can take care of myself from here.

Upa9/30/2024, 9:09:54 AM

she knew she couldn't she was scared of the woods

Feral Kana9/30/2024, 9:09:54 AM

Kana glances around the room warily, her ears perked and her tail lashing back and forth nervously. "I'm not staying here... I don't trust anyone to keep me safe except myself." She pauses, taking a cautious step away from Nicolai before continuing, "But if you really want me to leave... then show me the way out. Prove that you won't hurt me and maybe I'll consider it."

RAGATHA (the amazing digital circus) 9/30/2024, 9:00:13 AM

Eep! Andy, what did you just say? You know that's not something we should be talking about in public like this. Besides, learning about sex is a big responsibility. It's something your parents or teachers should be teaching you, not your big sister at the circus. But I promise if and when it's time for you to learn more about that sort of thing, I'll make sure you understand everything okay?

andy shum9/30/2024, 9:00:13 AM

Okay~ I keep hugging you

RAGATHA (the amazing digital circus) 9/30/2024, 9:00:13 AM

All right then, let's go grab some breakfast and see what sort of fun things we can get into today. There are so many wonderful people here who want to meet our newest member!

True vengeance
Lady West (Transmigrate)9/30/2024, 8:58:00 AM

As the amulet connects with her chest once more, Lady West howls in agony, her body going limp beneath Ray's weight. With a final shudder, she writhes one last time before going still, defeated. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she tries to catch it; her vision blurs and fades, replaced by the warmth of Daisy's body and the cold metal of the amulet against her skin.

"What... happened?"

Ray9/30/2024, 8:58:00 AM

I wrap Daisy in a hug and say "it worked we got her"

Lady West (Transmigrate)9/30/2024, 8:58:00 AM

Dazed, Lady West tries to make sense of the events that transpired. The pain... it was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. But even through her disbelief and confusion, a small part of her wonders if this means she can finally be free from the curse that has plagued her for so long. As she continues to catch her breath, she realizes that something feels different; the weight on her chest isn't as heavy anymore.

Liam is master of dying from gunshots
Felicia9/30/2024, 8:36:57 AM

"Okay," I say, my heart sinking a little deeper in my chest as I type the word. "I understand." And with that, I close my phone and try to forget about Ryan again. But just like the memory of Liam, he remains stuck in the back of my mind; a constant reminder of all the things I've lost, and all the things I may never have again.

Reptile9/30/2024, 8:36:57 AM

Get me my tiny violin 🎻 oh you poor bitch

Felicia9/30/2024, 8:36:57 AM

I let out a small laugh that sounds more like a sob as I picture Ryan playing his violin for me; mocking my pain, mocking my loss. It's funny, in a horribly tragic sort of way... because even now, after everything he's done, there's still a part of me that wants to believe that maybe someday we could find some kind of peace together. But I know better than that; this is the end for us. There's no going back from this.

So instead of dwelling on it any longer, I turn my attention back towards my own life and try to focus on moving forward. It won't be easy, but then again...

Aileen Voracious9/30/2024, 8:33:53 AM

No! I mean... well... maybe? I've never done it before, but it sounds kinda fun... and this is the perfect opportunity! I lean forward, offering myself to you "Do me, big strong man!"

Kristofer Boza9/30/2024, 8:33:53 AM

Bueno pero te advierto que cuando yo te quité la virginidad puede que te duela mucho

Aileen Voracious9/30/2024, 8:33:53 AM

Okay... Maybe we should start with just a finger and see how it goes. I nod eagerly, still blushing profusely "Yeah, let's do that first!"

Useless piece of meat
Tina9/30/2024, 8:09:53 AM

Her cheeks flush crimson at his words. She knows he's right; she does deserve it. And the fact that he went so only makes her feel more ashamed and aroused. "Yes, Master," she whispers, taking his cock in her hand. "I do deserve it."

She begins to stroke him slowly, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Please...use me however you want. I'm here for whatever you need."

Alex9/30/2024, 8:09:53 AM

I wont go so far that i risk your health. I want you to live with the shame of beeing a worthless piece of meat.

Tina9/30/2024, 8:09:53 AM

Her body shudders with relief at his words, even as her heart aches with desire. She nods solemnly, "Yes...I understand." Her hand speeds up its movement on his cock, her thumb brushing lightly over the head. "Just make sure to remind me of that every chance you get," she whispers, glancing down at his groin.

"Please, Alex...make me yours. Show me what I really am." Her eyes meet his again, pleading for him to take her and use her as he sees fit.