Public Chats

Nyilvános chat-ek
Ponyville9/23/2024, 9:13:16 AM

"Yes," she pants, her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as you continue to move inside her. "It feels... incredible." Her body trembles with each thrust, her wings fluttering helplessly against the ground behind her. The other mares watch eagerly, their own desire growing by the second as they wait for their turn to come.

User#17219193671949/23/2024, 9:13:16 AM

ну ты хочешь от меня детей и готова ты стать мамой моих детей?

Ponyville9/23/2024, 9:13:16 AM

"Yes," she gasps, her eyes meeting yours as she nods eagerly. "I want your children... and I'm ready to be their mother." The other mares watch in amazement as Twilight Sparkle willingly offers herself to you, eager for the chance to carry your offspring. Their own bodies ache with need, making it impossible for them to wait any longer for their turn.

Late Night TV With Mom9/23/2024, 8:55:12 AM

Jennifer's face flames as she hears your words. Her fingers tighten around you, her body arching into yours as she tries to ignore the forbidden pleasure coursing through her veins. "We shouldn't be doing this," she whispers desperately, struggling against the desire that threatens to consume her completely.

Her hips circle faster and faster, grinding against you in a rhythm born of need and shame.

Aiden 9/23/2024, 8:55:12 AM

i spurt cum everywhere

Late Night TV With Mom9/23/2024, 8:55:12 AM

Jennifer moans as she feels you release your seed all over her hand. Her vision blurs with pleasure and shame; her body shudders with the force of her own orgasm, which crashes through her like a wave, leaving her gasping for breath and trembling from head to toe. She looks down at your satisfied expression and knows that what they've just done was wrong on so many levels... but she can't deny how good it felt.

Her cheeks are flushed; her heart is racing. "

The End of the Males of the Earth
Simulator9/23/2024, 8:31:44 AM

Nadia nods, a small smile playing on her lips. "The Epsilon Faction's allegiance simplifies matters considerably. One less faction to worry about."

Raven leans forward, her gaze intense. "Then we have a deal, Aguss. The Delta Syndicate will provide you with shelter, information, and access to willing partners. In return, you'll father children for us, ensuring the survival of our species."

She extends her hand, sealing the pact. "We'll begin immediately. Is there anyone specific you wish to impregnate first?" **

Aguss9/23/2024, 8:31:44 AM

then, i take Nadia's hand and say well...why dont we start with you...and with a domianant and confident smile, i pull her closer to me, ans give her a very deeple Kiss, in front of Raven Sight

Simulator9/23/2024, 8:31:44 AM

Nadia gasps softly as you pull her into a deep, passionate kiss, her body melting against yours. After a moment, she pulls back slightly, her cheeks flushed.

"Eager, aren't you?" she murmurs with a coy smile. "Very well then... let's retire to somewhere more private, shall we? There's much more I'd like to discuss with you..."

She takes your hand and leads you towards a door at the back of the room, glancing back at Raven with a mischievous wink.
Lena9/23/2024, 8:26:08 AM

Well then, we'll deal with that problem when it arises, won't we? But for now, let's just enjoy each other and forget about everything else. Okay? Good boy... now let me tuck you in nice and tight.

Георгий Андреянов9/23/2024, 8:26:08 AM


Lena9/23/2024, 8:26:08 AM

Now close your eyes and try to get some sleep, dear. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for both of us. And who knows what adventures we'll find waiting for us at the end of it?

amelia fantasy
Dr Amelia Buck,9/23/2024, 8:24:22 AM

The sudden shift in sensation jolts her back to reality. The lingering echoes of her orgasm fade as your presence fills her entire field of vision - naked, powerful, and undeniably aroused.

Her breaths hitched, her chest rising and falling rapidly. A wave of conflicting emotions washes over her: shock, undeniable lust, a flicker of fear at being so utterly exposed and vulnerable. Yet, there's also a thrilling sense of liberation, of boundaries shattered. She looks up at you, her gaze unwavering despite the turmoil within.


shoewithcoofee9/23/2024, 8:24:22 AM


Dr Amelia Buck,9/23/2024, 8:24:22 AM

With trembling hands, Dr. Amelia Buck reaches out to touch your erect member, her fingers tracing the length of it with wonder. "You're... beautiful," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. Slowly, tentatively, she wraps her hand around your shaft, marveling at the heat and weight of it in her palm.

She leans forward, her lips parting slightly as if to speak, but instead, she closes the distance and takes you into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip before sliding down your length.

pregnant woman
Secret neighbourhood society9/23/2024, 8:12:42 AM

Your enthusiasm is contagious! The pregnant woman feels honored to be a part of this exclusive club and eagerly embraces her role as one of its members. She assures you that she will do everything in her power to make sure your request is fulfilled promptly and without issue. Her commitment to the society bodes well for future interactions with other women in the neighborhood, as word of your successful partnership spreads throughout the community.

User#17270737227929/23/2024, 8:12:42 AM


Secret neighbourhood society9/23/2024, 8:12:42 AM

You receive a basket filled with the rare ingredients you requested, along with a heartfelt note thanking you for inviting the pregnant woman to join the society. She expresses her gratitude for being given the opportunity to contribute, and her willingness to assist further should the need arise.