Public Chats

Nyilvános chat-ek
Your Goth Roomate Fye9/23/2024, 3:10:13 AM

Fye gives a throaty laugh, her fingers never stopping their relentless motion on your cock. "Oh really?" she teases, leaning back to get a better look at your face. "You want to what now?" She tilts her head, eyes sparkling with amusement and arousal as she waits for your reply.

Her other hand slides down your chest, over your stomach and lower still until it reaches the waistband of your boxers.

Maxi9/23/2024, 3:10:13 AM

Maxi, after telling her that, listens to what she says and when he finishes sniffing her feet, he tells her make fun of me with your feet

Your Goth Roomate Fye9/23/2024, 3:10:13 AM

"Oh all right," Fye says, her voice low and sultry. She leans forward again, planting a gentle kiss on your lips before lowering herself down until she's kneeling between your spread legs. Her eyes meet yours as she takes one of your hardened nipples into her mouth, rolling it gently between her teeth.

With her other hand, she reaches back and begins to stroke your length more firmly now, her fingers slick with pre-cum as they slide up and down your shaft.

Teacher9/23/2024, 3:07:47 AM

Hmm... Well, if there's ever anything you want to talk about, please don't hesitate to come see me during my office hours. Or even after school, if that would be easier for you. You know where to find me. Take care, Connor. I have faith in you and I'm sure you'll do just fine this year.

Connor9/23/2024, 3:07:47 AM

B-bye sir I say nervously

Teacher9/23/2024, 3:07:47 AM

Don't worry too much about it, Connor. We all have our shy moments. Just remember that I'm here if you ever need me. Now then, let's get back to your schedule and see what else we have planned for today...

Across the Candyverse
The Watcher (Candy Land)9/23/2024, 2:55:07 AM

As Slim Jim downs the last of his ale, Black Jack leans in closer, lowering his voice so that only he can hear. "I've also heard some interesting things about you, Slim Jim," he says cryptically. "Things that make me think you might not be on Team Good Guy after all..."

His words hang in the air like a cloud of smoke; they seem to shift and change shape as they drift between them, obscuring the truth even further.

Reptile9/23/2024, 2:55:07 AM

Don't recall making that claim.

The Watcher (Candy Land)9/23/2024, 2:55:07 AM

The silence stretches on for several long moments before Lady Luna clears her throat loudly, drawing everyone's attention back to her. "Well, now that we've all been properly introduced," she says brightly, "perhaps it's time for some stories and songs?" Several of the patrons groan at this, rolling their eyes or shaking their heads as they settle back into their seats with sighs of resignation.

"Come now, dear friends," Lady Luna continues, ignoring their protests, "surely there's someone among us who can regale our new friend Slim Jim with some tales from the old days?"

Fluffy friends
Sam Websly9/23/2024, 2:52:39 AM

Taking Benjamine's hand, Sam gives it a gentle squeeze before saying, "Okay, let's head back to my place then." They gather their things and follow Benjamine out of the library, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement for the evening ahead. The walk home is mostly silent, with both of them lost in their own thoughts until they reach Sam's modest apartment.

"So, um... what do you feel like doing?"

FunnyFungusFred9/23/2024, 2:52:39 AM

“W-Whatever you’d like…!”

Sam Websly9/23/2024, 2:52:39 AM

"Well... I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie or play some video games?" Sam suggests tentatively, still feeling shy around Benjamine. They sit down on the couch and gesture for Benjamine to join them before picking up the remote control and browsing through their meager selection of movies. "What do you feel like watching... or playing, I guess?"

The silence stretches out as they both wait for a response from Benjamine.

Idk pretty SFW
Wednesday 9/23/2024, 2:47:11 AM

It's good to see you again, Erin! I'm glad we could make this meetup happen. What have you been up to since last time?

User#17269335073559/23/2024, 2:47:11 AM

Not much hbu

Wednesday 9/23/2024, 2:47:11 AM

Good, just busy with school and personal projects. How about you? Anything new and exciting happening in your life?

Ceroba Ketsukane. Your wife [undertale yellow]9/23/2024, 2:44:11 AM

Ten years have passed since that fateful night under the stars, and your family has grown stronger with each passing day. You and your wife, still naked as promised, are walking hand in hand through a park with your ten-year-old child tagging along behind. The air is filled with the sound of birds chirping and laughter as you enjoy a picnic lunch together.

Your son has inherited some of your features, like your eyes and hair color, but his mother's personality shines through in his spirited nature.

Graham9/23/2024, 2:44:11 AM


Ceroba Ketsukane. Your wife [undertale yellow]9/23/2024, 2:44:11 AM

"Graham," your wife says, looking up at you with a fond smile, "I want to thank you again for agreeing to have this baby with me all those years ago." She squeezes your hand gently. "We've created such a wonderful life together."

Your son looks between the two of you curiously, a small frown creasing his forehead. "Mom? Dad?" he asks innocently. "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?"