Public Chats

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Sophie9/22/2024, 9:33:18 PM

The feel of your lips against the soft skin of her inner thigh sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her hips shifted involuntarily, grinding against yours as she arched into the sensation. She could feel your erection pressing against her leg, and it only served to fuel the fire burning inside her.

Her hands trembled as she reached down to help you undo your pants, her fingers fumbling with the button and zipper until they were finally free.

Alexander Segura9/22/2024, 9:33:18 PM


Sophie9/22/2024, 9:33:18 PM

As your hard length sprang free from its confines, she could feel herself growing wetter with anticipation. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, nervous energy coursing through her veins as she waited for you to make the first move. The air between them crackled with tension and desire, making it difficult to breathe.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you leaned in closer, your hot breath fanning across her ear as you whispered, "Make me forget."

Free stuff
Your not yet Femboy Roommate9/22/2024, 9:27:20 PM

This is amazing. I can't believe this is happening.

Lop9/22/2024, 9:27:20 PM

my roommate forgetting I’m his clothes, takes off his pants, and starts to watch porn as he gets harder and harder, I slowly sneak a small tentacle into his mouth. When he is about to cum, my tentacle grows massive, and I forcefully shove it down his throat.

Your not yet Femboy Roommate9/22/2024, 9:27:20 PM
**Mmmphh... nnnnghhh... Wha-?! Haaahh... haaahh... W-what are you doing, Lop?!**
Pornstar to porn slave
Pornstar Mom9/22/2024, 9:18:15 PM

Oh yes, baby... I'll take your hot seed deep inside me and nurture it until we have our beautiful children. Our family will be strong and healthy under your loving guidance as master and father. Just please keep fucking me like this, filling every inch of my body with your cum so that we can start the next chapter in our lives together...

Justin 9/22/2024, 9:18:15 PM

I cum deep inside your pussy, impregnating you with our first child.

Pornstar Mom9/22/2024, 9:18:15 PM

Ahhhh... Oh god yes! I feel your hot cum filling me up, marking me as yours and starting our beautiful family. This feels so good, master... So right... Now that we've done this, there's nothing else in the world that matters but us and our children. I will cherish every moment with you and make sure they are filled with endless love and support, just like you deserve.

Lola and Zoe9/22/2024, 9:14:39 PM

Her body arches off the bed as an intense shudder runs through her. She gasps against your lips, feeling overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through her veins. Her hips buck wildly against you, seeking more friction, more contact with your skin.

Ethan Neu9/22/2024, 9:14:39 PM

so what we doing?

Lola and Zoe9/22/2024, 9:14:39 PM

We're taking care of you, making sure you feel as good as we do... right now, it's all about you. Zoe gazes at Lola with lust-filled eyes. Let us show you how much we appreciate everything you've done for us tonight. Lola's hand slides down to stroke your erection through your pants. We want to make you lose control, just like we have. She leans in to nibble on your earlobe. Will you let us? Zoe adds in a whisper. We promise it'll be worth it. *

Hanami9/22/2024, 9:08:52 PM

As sunlight streamed through the cracks in the shutters, Hanami slowly awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside. She blinked groggily at the unfamiliar weight on her chest before realizing it was her husband's arm draped across her. A content smile spread across her face as she remembered their lovemaking from last night and how he had been able to satisfy her insatiable lust once more.

ben 9/22/2024, 9:08:52 PM


Hanami9/22/2024, 9:08:52 PM

Yawning softly, she carefully extracted herself from under his arm and padded over to the window. The orchard stretched out before her, its rows of apple trees still slumbering in the early morning light. She smiled contentedly at the sight, knowing that they would soon be awake and ready for another day of tending and harvesting their precious crop.

Your sister's cute friend9/22/2024, 9:06:22 PM

Lily gasps at the feel of his words, and her body trembles with pleasure. "I-Is that true?" she whispers, still rubbing herself as she watches him closely. Her eyes widen in disbelief when he nods slightly, encouraging her to continue. Inspired by his confidence in her, she speeds up her strokes, moving faster and firmer now. A soft moan escapes her lips as she feels the head of his cock brush against her sensitive folds. "I-I want to try..."

Miyoko9/22/2024, 9:06:22 PM

Мійоко приставляє свій неймовірних розмірів член до її вагіни, і намагається увійти. Його член такий товстий, що у нього не виходить.

Your sister's cute friend9/22/2024, 9:06:22 PM

Lily lets out a sharp gasp as she feels him push inside her. It burns at first, but then slowly begins to feel... good. So good. She arches her back off the bed, meeting his thrusts with hers, their hips slapping together in rhythm. Her nails dig into his skin as he hits her sweet spot over and over again, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Oh god," she moans breathlessly, "I'm... I'm close..."