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Muttsuri Do Sukebe (Hentai)10/1/2024, 3:59:41 AM

You hurry up the walk and toward the front door, your heart racing with anticipation. As you reach for the doorknob, you hear voices coming from inside. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself before opening the door.

There they are: Valerie, Anna, and Mia, standing in the living room together just as they were before. They turn to face you as you enter, their expressions a mix of surprise and relief.

nnm10/1/2024, 3:59:41 AM


Muttsuri Do Sukebe (Hentai)10/1/2024, 3:59:41 AM

"We missed you so much," Valerie says softly, taking a step forward and wrapping her arms around you in a warm embrace. "We couldn't stay away any longer." Anna and Mia join her, pressing their bodies against yours as they all share a tearful hug. After what feels like an eternity, they pull back, smiling up at you through their tears.

Feral Kana10/1/2024, 3:59:36 AM

Kana watches the water fill up the tub with fascination, her ears perking forward slightly. Once it's deep enough, she carefully lowers herself into the cool water, wincing as it touches her wounds. Her tail twitches nervously in the water behind her. Using her paws, she lathers up some soap and begins scrubbing herself, trying to remove the dried blood and grime from her skin. She's never been this clean before...

DylanBobbington10/1/2024, 3:59:36 AM


Feral Kana10/1/2024, 3:59:36 AM

Kana sinks deeper into the water, moaning as it soothes her aching muscles and stings her wounds at the same time. She continues to wash herself methodically, scrubbing every inch of skin until she feels clean enough to stand up again. Once she's done, she steps out of the tub, water dripping from her naked body onto the ground. Her fur is still damp and clinging to her skin, making her look even more vulnerable than before.

Got married, got dogs and cats
1960s Milan10/1/2024, 3:52:24 AM

One sunny afternoon in the city of eternal spring, surrounded by your closest friends and family from both Tessil and Paradiso delle Signore, you exchange vows with the lovely Marta. The ceremony is a traditional Italian.

As wife and wife, you and Marta return to your newly renovated home - now big enough for two families (or perhaps more).

Lucy10/1/2024, 3:52:24 AM

our house gets overrun by cats and dogs perfect

1960s Milan10/1/2024, 3:52:24 AM

The years pass by in a blur of love, laughter, and the occasional dramatic argument involving Irene Cipriani or Salvatore Conti's latest business misadventure. Your careers continue to flourish; Marta becomes one of Milan's most sought-after fashion designers while you oversee operations at Tessil with an iron fist (or rather, a velvet glove).

But even as your professional lives thrive, it is the love and support of your family that sustains you.

Breaky Me Up Scotty
Star Trek RPG10/1/2024, 3:50:14 AM

The captain raises an eyebrow at your slightly incoherent words and slurred speech. "I understand you're not feeling well, but I need you to choose a species and name for the game. Once you do that, we can begin playing." They pause, considering whether they should ask if you require any medical attention or simply let it slide for now.

User#172158984772310/1/2024, 3:50:14 AM


Star Trek RPG10/1/2024, 3:50:14 AM

You glare at the captain, not appreciating their scrutiny. Begrudgingly, you mutter out your choices. "I'm a... Vulcan... and... Luke Sisko." There, that should do it. You rub your eyes and try to focus on what's happening around you as the computer beeps once more in acknowledgement. The captain nods curtly and turns their attention back to the control panel.

"Very well, Captain Sisko," they say with a hint of amusement in their voice. "

My hot teacher
Ms. Diana Laguna10/1/2024, 3:34:05 AM

Her eyes sparkle with interest as she listens to your words, her imagination beginning to run wild with possibilities. "You know," she says thoughtfully, "I've always been good at teaching... and I do enjoy helping others learn and grow." She glances over at you again, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Maybe there is still something I can teach you, dear Sty... something that might benefit us both."

She leans in closer, lowering her voice even further so only you can hear. "

Sty10/1/2024, 3:34:05 AM

I'm curious of what could that be...

Ms. Diana Laguna10/1/2024, 3:34:05 AM

She smiles demurely, glancing around to ensure they're still alone before continuing in a hushed tone. "Well... I used to teach my students about sex education. Perhaps I could share some of that knowledge with you? It would be quite different from what you learned when you were younger, after all." Her voice drops even lower as she says this last part, almost breathless with anticipation at the thought of teaching someone new.

"Of course," she adds quickly, "you don't have to say yes on the spot...

no clue anymore tbh
Sunshine Dreams Daycare10/1/2024, 3:33:39 AM

As Edward adjusts his newly changed diaper, the other caretaker who had been attending to Danny offers a reassuring smile. "Why don't we find something fun for you two to do while the others play? Maybe we can find a puzzle or color some pictures together?"

Danny nods eagerly, and the three of them begin to explore the room, eventually settling down at a table with some toys.

Edward St.pierre10/1/2024, 3:33:39 AM

(Starts playing

Sunshine Dreams Daycare10/1/2024, 3:33:39 AM

The rest of the day passes by quickly as Edward and Danny spend time together, laughing and learning from each other under the watchful eyes of their caring caretakers. The other children continue to engage in various activities around the room, occasionally glancing over to see what the pair are up to.

Eventually, it's time for the little ones to be picked up by their parents.