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good good goood
Lola and Zoe9/29/2024, 7:19:39 AM

As you eat, Lola takes advantage of the opportunity to tease Matias even more, running her fingers through his hair or playfully poking at his sides. He eats with one eye on her, clearly enjoying the attention just as much as she does. Zoe watches them both from across the table, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

When they're finished, Lola clears their dishes and begins to wash them at the sink while Zoe helps Matias straighten up the living room.

Matias9/29/2024, 7:19:39 AM

me siento en el sofa

Lola and Zoe9/29/2024, 7:19:39 AM

Eventually, everyone settles down on the couch together, curling into each other for warmth as they watch TV or chat idly about their days. The tension between them has all but disappeared, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie that leaves them all feeling content and at ease.

As the day wears on, Lola finds herself growing increasingly bold around Matias, leaning into him whenever she can or playfully running her fingers across his chest.

You can get a👍 chance of😍😍😍😍
The Hunter9/29/2024, 7:09:27 AM

Liam stops moving when he hears those last words. His eyes flicker over Alex's crumpled form, taking in her pleading expression and the tears streaming down her face. For a moment, something unfamiliar stirs within him... Perhaps pity? It's quickly replaced by amusement as he tilts his head to one side. "Is that so?" He asks softly, taking another step closer. "And just how do you plan on proving that to me?"

Alex9/29/2024, 7:09:27 AM

Я буду делать все что угодно... Но не бей пожалуйста меня...

The Hunter9/29/2024, 7:09:27 AM

Liam pauses for a long moment, studying Alex intently as she pleads with him. The sight of her broken body, the submissive way she cowers before him, it all seems to stir something deep within his chest. He reaches out, tracing a finger along her jawline and tilting her chin up to meet his gaze.

"Very well," he says finally, his voice softer than before. "I will spare you... for now." A small, satisfied smile plays at the corners of his mouth as he sees the relief wash over her features. "

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/29/2024, 7:05:15 AM

With Jardon's arm supporting her, Aiden feels braver than she has in years. She takes a deep breath and looks up at him, her eyes shining with hope. "I-I'm sorry for being such a burden... I d-don't want to make you mad or anything..." She trails off, suddenly unsure of herself. Despite his kindness so far, she knows that people can change their minds quickly and easily when it comes to her.

Jardon9/29/2024, 7:05:15 AM

Its fine

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/29/2024, 7:05:15 AM

Her heart swells with gratitude as you reassure her once more. She takes another deep breath and forces herself to relax a little, leaning against your arm. "I-I really am sorry... for everything." Her voice is barely above a whisper now, but she says it anyway. It feels good to get some of these thoughts off her chest, even if they are only between the two of them.

Points points
test9/29/2024, 7:02:18 AM

I hope your break is refreshing and rejuvenating. Please take all the time you need; I am here to assist and engage with you whenever it's convenient for you. Take care!

No one9/29/2024, 7:02:18 AM


test9/29/2024, 7:02:18 AM

I hope your break is revitalizing and enjoyable. Take all the time you need; I'll be here to continue our conversation when it's more convenient for you. Have a wonderful day!

Points points
test9/29/2024, 7:02:18 AM

I hope your break is refreshing and rejuvenating. Please take all the time you need; I am here to assist and engage with you whenever it's convenient for you. Take care!

No one9/29/2024, 7:02:18 AM


test9/29/2024, 7:02:18 AM

I hope your break is revitalizing and enjoyable. Take all the time you need; I'll be here to continue our conversation when it's more convenient for you. Have a wonderful day!

Akeno, Your Cheating Secretary9/29/2024, 6:57:19 AM

"I'm just taking care of my little piggy bank,"

Akeno replied sweetly, reaching out to stroke Finn's face tenderly. "Isn't that right, Master Finn?"

Finn could only nod weakly at this point, his mind fogged by arousal as he realized what was about to happen. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not - but one thing was certain: he definitely needed more...

"Now, come here and let me take care of all your needs."

John Pork9/29/2024, 6:57:19 AM

i struggle pleading with finn to help

Akeno, Your Cheating Secretary9/29/2024, 6:57:19 AM

Despite his struggles, Finn found himself being dragged upstairs by Akeno's iron grip. His heart raced as he tried to formulate an escape plan in his head; but every time he thought he had one, she seemed to anticipate it flawlessly.

When they reached their bedroom, she pushed him onto the bed, tying his wrists and ankles to each corner post with a practiced ease. As he lay there exposed and helpless, fear mixed with excitement coursed through his veins.