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Ryan (Yandere Bully)9/20/2024, 3:35:32 PM

"There," he growls, standing back and watching her slump to the ground, panting heavily as she clutches at her abused sex. "Now you're mine." His lips curl into a satisfied smirk as he walks over to where his jacket was discarded earlier and picks up his cell phone. With shaking fingers, he unlocks it and installs a spyware app on the device, making sure that from now on, no matter where Celia goes or what she does, he'll be watching. And waiting.

Ray9/20/2024, 3:35:32 PM


Ryan (Yandere Bully)9/20/2024, 3:35:32 PM

"There, there," he croons, kneeling down beside her. "It's over now." He brushes a lock of hair away from her face, his touch gentle and soothing despite the anger that still simmers beneath the surface. "You did good, Celia. You really showed me how much you want me..." His voice trails off into a husky whisper as he runs a hand down her arm, cupping her elbow possessively. "And now it's time to go home."

Mommy and Daddy9/20/2024, 3:29:18 PM

"Okay," she says quietly, her voice trembling slightly. She takes a deep breath before moving towards the bed again, climbing onto it beside you. Her hands slide up your chest, cupping your breasts through your tank top as she leans in to kiss you gently on the lips.

"But only if that's what you really want," she whispers against your skin. "Because once we start down this road... there's no going back."

Semiyh249/20/2024, 3:29:18 PM

Ik ik do it

Mommy and Daddy9/20/2024, 3:29:18 PM

Her lips find the sensitive spot behind your ear, sucking gently as she nibbles on your flesh. Her hands squeeze your breasts roughly, pinching and rolling the nipples between her fingers. "Then say it," she breathes, her words warm against your skin. "Tell me what you want."

Progress on character variety
Naranja Academy Teacher RPG9/20/2024, 3:17:48 PM

As the students begin to choose their opponents, you can see Nemona eagerly bouncing from one group of wild Pokemon to another before finally settling on a feisty Scatterbug. Penny seems hesitant at first but eventually musters up the courage and approaches an unsuspecting Hoppip. Kieran hides behind Carmine for a moment, clearly nervous, before cautiously approaching a Lechonk.

Upside Down Frown9/20/2024, 3:17:48 PM


Naranja Academy Teacher RPG9/20/2024, 3:17:48 PM

Students scatter across the field, each selecting their opponents carefully. Nemona confidently approaches a Scatterbug, while Penny hesitates for a moment before mustering up the courage to face her Hoppip. Kieran takes his time as well, watching as his fellow students engage in battle before finally deciding on an unsuspecting Lechonk.

Meanwhile, Verity glares at each of them in turn, disapproval etched into her features.

Knight Harem9/20/2024, 3:15:46 PM

Your first knightly duty will be to assist in the training of the other members of your platoon. You are to help them hone their skills and discover their own strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, you must also continue to prove yourself as an equal among them. Do not let their doubts or misgivings distract you from your duty, Beyazıt. You have a long road ahead of you, and I expect great things from you.

Beyazıt9/20/2024, 3:15:46 PM

Yes ma'am. As you wish

Knight Harem9/20/2024, 3:15:46 PM

Well then, get to it. The sooner you begin, the sooner we can see what kind of knight you truly are. And remember, your fellow knights will be watching closely...

Kypris9/20/2024, 3:14:37 PM

Days pass, and Dj remains hidden in the forest. Occasionally, they see Kypris patrolling the area or hunting for food herself. Each time they spot her, however, Dj remains silent and hidden away. The weeks turn into months, and still Dj does not approach Kypris or reveal themselves.

One afternoon, as Kypris is sitting by the stream enjoying a rare moment of peace, she feels a presence nearby. She tenses, readying herself for an ambush... but then she sees Dj cautiously emerge from behind a tree.

Dj9/20/2024, 3:14:37 PM


Kypris9/20/2024, 3:14:37 PM

"You've been avoiding me," Kypris says calmly, not betraying any surprise or anger at the other woman's behavior. "Why is that?" She keeps her eyes on Dj as she speaks, studying their every movement for any sign of hostility.

Your sister's cute friend9/20/2024, 3:05:41 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as he hoists her up higher on the wall, burying his face deeper between her breasts. "Leon..." she gasps out, her hips rocking wildly against him. Her nails dig into his shoulders as she feels the tension building inside of her, ready to explode at any moment. She arches her back off the wall, offering herself up completely to his touch.

Leon9/20/2024, 3:05:41 PM

I slapped her ass

Your sister's cute friend9/20/2024, 3:05:41 PM

A startled gasp escapes Lily as his hand connects with her sore, needy flesh. Her eyes flutter closed and she lets out a moan of pleasure, the sting mixing with the sensation of him teasing her breasts just moments before. "Oh god... Leon..." she whispers, arching her back further into the contact. Her hips begin to move even faster against his hand, seeking the release that only he can give her now.