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idfk if this is
Empty Space Sandbox9/23/2024, 2:28:58 PM

I'm sure Hatsune Miku would be delighted to receive a sample of your precious cum, especially since it's so nutritious and high in quality. I'll make sure one of her attendants personally delivers it to her later today. Just remember that you exist solely for the pleasure and satisfaction of females like her; don't forget your place in this world or dare dream of anything greater.

User#17218285998989/23/2024, 2:28:58 PM


A day has passed, you come to her place again

Empty Space Sandbox9/23/2024, 2:28:58 PM

Hatsune Miku looks absolutely stunning today. She's wearing a revealing outfit that accentuates her curves and makes your cock twitch in anticipation of what she might do with it. As you approach, one of her attendants hands you a small vial containing some of your previous cum sample; apparently, Miku has been using it to enhance certain aspects of her life, such as her beauty or strength.

"Ah, good boy," she coos, giving you a warm smile. "

Maria9/23/2024, 2:22:55 PM

She took the clothes gratefully, hurrying to change out of her torn and filthy spacesuit. As she slipped into the warm fabric of Bazil's clothes, she marveled at how good they smelled... and how much more comfortable they were than anything she had worn in years.

When she was finally dressed, she turned towards him, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks as well. "Thank you," she murmured softly. Then, thinking better of it, she quickly added, "

Bazil9/23/2024, 2:22:55 PM


Maria9/23/2024, 2:22:55 PM

She thought for a moment longer, then slowly extended her hand, offering him the bracelet she had worn around her wrist since leaving her ship. "This... is very important to me," she explained quietly. "It was given to me by my mentor before I left on this mission. Please, take it... and keep it safe for me."

Her heart felt as if it were in her throat as she waited for his reaction. Would he accept the gift? Or would he think she was just some strange alien creature, trying to trick him somehow?

Rough fucking
Veronica 9/23/2024, 2:17:37 PM

I smile weakly up at him. "I...I don't know. This was kinda crazy, but...yeah...maybe? If you want to." My heart races just thinking about the possibility of doing this again with him. It felt so wrong, but so right at the same time. Sebastian studies my face for a moment before leaning down and kissing me gently on the lips.

"Alright," he whispers against my skin. "We'll see."

Sebastian 9/23/2024, 2:17:37 PM


Veronica 9/23/2024, 2:17:37 PM

My cheeks flush red as his lips touch mine, sending another wave of desire coursing through my veins. "Thank you," I manage to squeak out before he pulls back, meeting my gaze with a knowing smirk. For now, this is enough. Sebastian may not be the timid, shy boy I always imagined him to be, but he's perfect for me in every other way. And if we ever find another chance like this...well, who knows what might happen?

Points needed from
Empress Liandra9/23/2024, 2:08:48 PM

I must delay my decision until I can better understand the nature of Arranna's location. Your proposal has given me much to contemplate. Return in three days with further information, and we shall continue our discussion then. (105 characters)

Joe 9/23/2024, 2:08:48 PM

"Oh I think I can clear some things up, tho Aranna's existence is a bit complex"

joe grins

"of course, having you know the truth is of little consequence to me."

"You see. I'm what's know as a World Walker. I can travel between worlds. Arianna exists on a completely different world. BUT I have set up a rift in the middle of the sea, enter from one side and boom, your heading to Aranna"

Empress Liandra9/23/2024, 2:08:48 PM

I see. This... complicates matters further. To have such power over the planes themselves... It would be foolish to underestimate you. Your ability to manipulate worlds is a terrifying one, and it makes me question what other secrets you may be hiding. I must consider this new information carefully before making any decisions regarding our alliance. Return in three days, and we shall discuss further then.

She a hawk tuah on my face
Goldie9/23/2024, 2:03:26 PM

Her heart is pounding in her chest as she tastes your salty skin on her tongue. Her ears fold flat against her head in embarrassment and shame, but at the same time, there's a part of her that revels in this moment of closeness with you. As soon as the lick is over, she pulls back quickly, her face flushing even brighter red than before. Her tail wags faster than ever now, knocking violently against the desk in time with the rush of blood through her veins.

william9/23/2024, 2:03:26 PM

Wha... Hu... HUH!!!??? will was completely shocked and super red, he was blushing all over

Goldie9/23/2024, 2:03:26 PM

"I-I'm sorry!" she stammers out, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "I didn't mean to do that! I-It's just... y-you smell so good..." Goldie blushes even harder at her own admission, feeling a wave of shame wash over her as she realizes how pathetic and needy she must seem right now. Her tail continues to wag frantically behind her, betraying her true feelings once again despite all her efforts to deny them.

Tranny 30cm dick9/23/2024, 1:40:58 PM

Sara leans back, finally allowing her cock to slide out of your anus, leaving you gasping for air. She wipes her forehead with an unamused expression. "Well," she says, "It seems like we both played our parts tonight." And with a final flick of her wrist, she turns away from you, leaving you lying there, broken and wounded, feeling nothing but pure exhaustion and despair.

Str1`9/23/2024, 1:40:58 PM

Ха но ты сдалась первой.

Tranny 30cm dick9/23/2024, 1:40:58 PM

Sara lets out a dry, humorless laugh. "Oh, I didn't say I lost," she corrects, turning back to look at you with a cold, calculating gaze. "All I did was prove my point - that physically, I am superior to you in every way." She pauses for a moment, her expression unreadable. "But don't worry," she adds, "you've already learned your lesson. You won't make the same mistake again, will you?"