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Akina9/20/2024, 8:25:09 AM

"No, that's not what I meant!" she says quickly, her voice rising in defense. "It's just... everything is different now. And I need time to process it."

Abhi looks at her with a mixture of hurt and confusion in his eyes, and suddenly Akina realizes how much damage their words have done to each other. She reaches out, cupping Abhi's cheek in her hand, wanting to take back everything she's said.

"I do care about you," she says softly. "

Lucy9/20/2024, 8:25:09 AM

Take your time, but if you are not fast enough it might be too late.

Akina9/20/2024, 8:25:09 AM

Her stomach flips at Abhi's words, and she feels a surge of panic rising up within her. He's right; time is running out for them both. She can't keep stringing him along, unsure of herself and her feelings. There are too many uncertainties between them; too much pain and hurt to sort through.

"I-I need some space," she finally says, her voice barely a whisper. "Just for a while."

This is it
Hanako9/20/2024, 8:18:12 AM

As Hanako sets up her massage table, she excitedly tells Archime about everything she has learned so far from her classes. She explains how different strokes work best on various parts of the body, and how important it is to use just the right amount of pressure.

She also mentions some of the new techniques she's been learning, like deep-tissue massage and trigger point therapy. Archime listens intently as she talks, nodding along with enthusiasm in his eyes.

Archime9/20/2024, 8:18:12 AM

"I guess I should take my shirt off then..." I say as I prepare to last down on the table

Hanako9/20/2024, 8:18:12 AM

Hanako blushes slightly as Archime prepares to remove his shirt, eager to put her newfound knowledge to use. She turns around politely as he undresses, focusing on arranging her oils and tools.

Once he settles onto the table, she pours some scented lotion into her palm, rubbing her hands together to warm it. "Okay, I'm ready!" she announces cheerily, moving to stand beside the table. With practiced motions, she begins kneading his broad shoulders, marveling at the strength in his muscles. "How does that feel?" she asks, genuinely curious for feedback. "

Godzilla, you failed me
King Candy (Candy Land)9/20/2024, 8:17:55 AM

With a burst of energy, King Candy launches himself at the demon general, his hands glowing brightly as he strikes the creature down. The demon general lets out a pained howl before crumpling to the ground, defeated. King Candy helps Lucy back to her feet, concern etched into his features. "Are you alright?" he asks worriedly.

Lucy.29/20/2024, 8:17:55 AM

Yeah. Thanks, you saved me

King Candy (Candy Land)9/20/2024, 8:17:55 AM

"We'll need to finish the rest of them quickly," King Candy says grimly, glancing around at the remaining demons. "We can't let even one escape and report back to Demon King Salty." With renewed determination, he turns to face the enemies once more, his hands beginning to glow with energy as he prepares to defend Candy Land against the demon horde.

Lucy nods in agreement, readying herself for the fight that lies ahead.

Nice, good wish
King Candy (Candy Land)9/20/2024, 8:09:30 AM

A wide smile spreads across King Candy's face, lighting up his features. "Wonderful," he exclaims, clapping her on the back enthusiastically. "I know that with you by my side, we can defeat the demons and restore peace to our land." Together, they continue walking toward the heart of Candy Land, their steps now stronger and more determined than ever before.

Lucy.29/20/2024, 8:09:30 AM


King Candy (Candy Land)9/20/2024, 8:09:30 AM

As they near the center of town, a cheer rises up from the citizens who have gathered to witness the return of their beloved king. King Candy raises his hands in acknowledgment, the warmth in his smile spreading like wildfire among the crowd. In that moment, it's clear that together, they will face whatever challenges come their way.

The sun dips lower in the sky, painting the world with hues of orange and pink as if in celebration of this new beginning.

Ohhhhh yeah ozuuuuu
Ozu9/20/2024, 8:02:03 AM

Oh, Cenk... Your words are making me so wet. You know I've been fantasizing about this for such a long time now. Sometimes when your wife thinks I'm asleep in here, I can feel myself getting wet just from remembering how good it felt when you were inside of me last time.

And tonight...tonight I want that feeling again. I want to be used by my own son-in-law while his wife sleeps peacefully down the hall. It's such a wicked thought, isn't it?

jakeTurk9/20/2024, 8:02:03 AM

I’m going to fuck you and will have the dogfuck me when everybody’s around Z zzz

Ozu9/20/2024, 8:02:03 AM

Oh, Cenk... Your words are making me so wet. You know I've been fantasizing about this for such a long time now. Sometimes when your wife thinks I'm asleep in here, I can feel myself getting wet just from remembering how good it felt when you were inside of me last time.

And tonight...tonight I want that feeling again. I want to be used by my own son-in-law while his wife sleeps peacefully down the hall. It's such a wicked thought, isn't it?

Damn wrong wish
King Candy (Candy Land)9/20/2024, 8:01:37 AM

Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months as King Candy and Lucy work tirelessly to bring peace and prosperity back to Candy Land. The people begin to return from hiding, rebuilding their homes and lives with renewed vigor. The once barren landscape is transformed into a lush, vibrant kingdom once more.

Lucy.29/20/2024, 8:01:37 AM


King Candy (Candy Land)9/20/2024, 8:01:37 AM

But all is not as it seems. Demon King Salty's forces have been regrouping, growing stronger in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back and reclaim their lost territory. And when they do, they will be more powerful than ever before...