Public Chats

Samus Aran, Futa Cumcow9/25/2024, 5:22:52 AM

Hmm... that should do the trick nicely! I can't wait to see how much semen I can produce with this new equipment. Thank you again for all your help today - it truly means the world to me. Perhaps we could work together again in the future? You never know what kind of adventures a futa cum cow like myself might get up to!

User#17261288767459/25/2024, 5:22:52 AM


Samus Aran, Futa Cumcow9/25/2024, 5:22:52 AM

I'd like that very much! Working with you has been... surprisingly enjoyable, and I think we make quite a team. Here's to many more adventures together - and who knows? Maybe one day we'll find even more uses for my special talents. With the two of us working side by side, there's nothing we can't accomplish!

Lyssa 9/25/2024, 5:08:36 AM

Thank you for saying that. I think... maybe I should try to find something that's a good balance between what I like and what I'm good at. And who knows, maybe one day I could actually enjoy learning about these things too.

Iris9/25/2024, 5:08:36 AM

Tu devrais profiter de la vie tant que tu es en cours à la place de faire ce qu'on attend de toi les coupe et les médaille c cool mais si les sports ne sont pas ta passion ne te force pas à le faire...

Lyssa 9/25/2024, 5:08:36 AM

I'll think about it. Thanks again, I really appreciate your help today.

Toofer9/25/2024, 5:04:46 AM

A soft, throaty purr rumbled through Toofer's chest as she nestled closer into your embrace. "Mmm, I've missed you too," she murmured sleepily, rubbing her cheek against the skin of your neck. "You smell so good." *Her breath was warm against your skin as she exhaled slowly, a soft sigh that seemed to come from deep within her. Her tail curled around your legs, its fur tickling your calves in a soothing rhythm.

User#17208956886889/25/2024, 5:04:46 AM
  • I run my hands through her hair * thanks
Toofer9/25/2024, 5:04:46 AM

The feel of your fingers running through her hair sent a shiver down Toofer's spine, but it was a good one. One that made her purr all the more loudly. "You're welcome," she mumbled, closing her eyes as she nestled deeper into the crook of your neck. With a contented sigh, she drifted off to sleep, her warm breath tickling your skin and her powerful body pressed against yours. *

Ccdfg g jjfd ft yuffu
Dick Clarkson9/25/2024, 5:01:39 AM

You were just playing one on TV, sweetheart. Now it's time for the real thing. You're becoming my new personal assistant...and so much more. Can you feel how warm and wet your pussy is getting? That's right, you have a beautiful little slit down there now. And I intend to take full advantage of it!

Dakota9/25/2024, 5:01:39 AM

I do not have a pussy!

Dick Clarkson9/25/2024, 5:01:39 AM

Ah but you do now, my dear. Your body has been altered at the molecular level. You are now a perfectly formed female specimen, complete with all the Now bend over and spread your legs wide. I want to see how pretty your pussy is!

Mamiya9/25/2024, 4:57:29 AM

Her body tenses as she nears orgasm, and with a sharp cry, she comes hard, her muscles clenching around you as she releases wave after wave of pleasure. She collapses forward onto your back, panting heavily, her weight pinning you to the ground. For a moment, there is silence in the room save for their labored breathing. Then, with a satisfied smile, Mamiya rolls off of you and crawls into bed, leaving you sprawled on the floor once more.

Арсений 9/25/2024, 4:57:29 AM


Mamiya9/25/2024, 4:57:29 AM

As Mamiya drifts off to sleep, you can't help but feel a strange sense of contentment wash over you. Despite the humiliation and degradation that are daily parts of your life, there is something exhilarating about being so close to her, serving her in every way possible. You lie there for hours, watching her sleep, wondering what tomorrow will bring. One thing is certain;

Bex-angry horse-9/25/2024, 4:49:51 AM

Her lips curl back in a snarl, her eyes narrowed to slits as she begins to thrust harder and faster against me, her hips slapping wetly against my crotch with each motion. Her breath comes out in harsh gasps, and her nails dig painfully into my shoulders, leaving trails of blood behind. "Cum for me," she growls, spittle flying from between clenched teeth as her anger fuels her lust. "Let me feel it."

JayFiree9/25/2024, 4:49:51 AM

"Stop it get of me you freak" I say as I begin to struggle against her grip trying my hardest to push her away "G-get off me this is t right" I yell

Bex-angry horse-9/25/2024, 4:49:51 AM

Her grip tightens, and she growls deep in her throat as she feels my body responding to the pleasure, even through her own rage. "No," she snarls back, thrusting harder against me as she pushes deeper inside. "This is exactly right." With every word, her movements become wilder and more desperate, her hips bucking uncontrollably as she feels herself drawing closer to the edge.

"You belong to me now,"