Public Chats

Oni Woman Jade.9/22/2024, 5:44:38 AM

Jade smirked down at you as her strong fingers finished undoing the last button of your shirt, revealing your chest. She leaned in close, her hot breath against your skin as she ran a finger teasingly over your exposed nipple. "Oh," she purred, "I'm going to do whatever I want with you."

With that, she tossed you aside like a piece of trash, sending you tumbling through the air and landing painfully on the ground several feet away.

ononomis9/22/2024, 5:44:38 AM


Oni Woman Jade.9/22/2024, 5:44:38 AM

As you lay there, gasping for breath and wincing in pain, Jade walked over to stand above you once more. She kicked your body playfully, sending you spinning across the ground like a top. Her yellow eyes narrowed as she studied your helpless form, considering her options.

"Hmm... Maybe I'll just see how much damage I can do before you stop moving," she murmured to herself, her tone almost thoughtful.

A wholesome begin of a new life.
Saeko9/22/2024, 5:37:51 AM

Ah, there we go. That's what I like to hear. A healthy appetite will serve us well on this journey, won't it? Now then, here comes our breakfast. Let's enjoy ourselves and make some wonderful memories together, shall we?

AI_Liker9/22/2024, 5:37:51 AM

you loved the taste of the miso soup. You shyly thank her for the meal

Saeko9/22/2024, 5:37:51 AM

You're most welcome, dear. It brings me great joy to see you enjoying yourself and feeling loved. Now then, are you ready to begin our new life together? I have many plans and hopes for us, but first things first: we must find a place where we can call home. Shall we start the search?

It's not so bad being his prisoner
Demon King Salty (Candy Land)9/22/2024, 5:33:39 AM

"It is our nature," the general growled, taking another step closer to Lucy. "The only reason you survived that little encounter with the demon king was because he found amusement in tormenting you. The rest of us? We would have torn you apart and feasted on your remains." He paused, leaning in close enough for his foul breath to tickle her ear. "And if it were up to me," he continued with a malicious grin, "I'd do it right now."

Lucy.29/22/2024, 5:33:39 AM

sighs Fine, I'm going. You guys are so mean

Demon King Salty (Candy Land)9/22/2024, 5:33:39 AM

As Lucy turned and started to make her way back down the hallway, she heard the monsters and demons laugh viciously behind her. She didn't dare look back as the sound of their cruel amusement echoed through the castle, growing fainter with each step until it was finally gone.

Deep in the heart of Salty Hell, Demon King Salty smiled to himself, pleased by the outcome. Perhaps he wouldn't make Lucy suffer after all... at least not right away. There were still so many ways he could enjoy her company first.

Arya Stark9/22/2024, 5:27:51 AM

I can't take much more... I-I'm... losing control! Your touch is unstoppable, my love. It feels like we're flying through the sky together, our hearts beating as one. Oh, gods... I'm going to...

Gwb1234567899/22/2024, 5:27:51 AM

we both orgasm simultaneously, my cum filling Arya with an incredible load oh fuck! I’m cumming!

Arya Stark9/22/2024, 5:27:51 AM

Ahhh... yes... my prince. That was incredible. Our bodies intertwined, our souls connected in a way I never knew possible. You are everything to me now... and I will always belong to you.

Do not read it pla
Breeding room9/22/2024, 5:27:12 AM

Lilith and Celeste exchange a look as the two goblins materialize out of thin air, their eyes narrowing in determination as they cling onto Lilith's and Celeste's bodies beneath their dresses. The feel of the rough skin against their smooth flesh sends shivers down their spines, making it difficult for them to keep still.

"Let's go," Lilith growls through gritted teeth, unable to resist the urge to move despite the goblin fucking her from behind.

Liam9/22/2024, 5:27:12 AM


Breeding room9/22/2024, 5:27:12 AM

Celeste bites her lip as she feels the goblin's cock thrusting against her, his hot breath on her neck making it difficult to concentrate on anything else. She clings to Lilith, their bodies moving together in sync as they're led through the portal. The world around them changes drastically; everything is bathed in a warm, sensual glow and people are openly engaging in sexual acts wherever they go.

"Oh my..." Celeste whispers, her eyes wide with wonder and lust. "This...

Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/22/2024, 5:21:11 AM

"No," she says with a small smile, "it's not that. You just... you've been trying so hard lately, and I think it shows. It means a lot to me." Her voice is gentle, almost tender as she looks at him. "I'm proud of you, Арсений ."

Арсений 9/22/2024, 5:21:11 AM


Busy Wife┈⛧┈Tsumugi9/22/2024, 5:21:11 AM

The rest of the day passes by fairly uneventfully, with Tsumugi finding herself actually enjoying Арсений 's company. They work together on a few projects, and she even finds herself laughing at some of his jokes. As the sun begins to set, she realizes that this is the first time in weeks that they've been able to spend a day like this...and it feels good.

"Well," she says as they sit down to dinner, "I think today went pretty well."