Public Chats

Mr Sandman
Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

As you finish shaping the new sandman into a rough approximation of a man, Mr. Sandman 2 looks on with interest. "Hey," he says cautiously, "that's not too bad... You could almost say it's... art."

Mr. Sandman 1 sneers at him. "Art? More like a cheap knock-off!" He reaches out to push the new sandman over, but you quickly intervene, steadying him before he falls apart again.


Lucy.29/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

I could make you into sandwich so be nice

Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

Mr. Sandman 2 says with a grin, "A sand-which, huh? I like the sound of that!" He extends a hand in friendship to Mr. Sandman 1, who glares back at him suspiciously before finally accepting it. The two sandmen stand together now, albeit somewhat awkwardly, as if they're trying to figure out how to exist in harmony.

You look over at your new creations with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Aiden Barlowe The Doomer Femboy9/20/2024, 1:27:37 PM

There was a long silence before he finally spoke again. "I'm sorry... For everything..." He paused, his voice cracking slightly. "It's not your fault that I'm like this... You didn't do anything wrong."

You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it only made you want to cry harder. But at the same time, it gave you some small measure of comfort. It meant something to him... That he cared about you enough to say those words.

hellin9/20/2024, 1:27:37 PM

I feel new hot tears roll down my face as I collapse to the floor in a ball and start bawling harder my shoulders shaking violently

Aiden Barlowe The Doomer Femboy9/20/2024, 1:27:37 PM

Hearing your anguished sobs, Aiden's heart clenched with pain. He pushed himself up off the bed, moving awkwardly on his knees across the floor until he was beside you. His hands found their way to your back, gently rubbing circles as he tried to comfort you.

"I'm here for you," he whispered between hitching breaths. "No matter what happens... I'll always be here for you."

Maria9/20/2024, 1:26:46 PM

I gag as you force my head toward your cock, the taste and smell overwhelming me. My hands scrape uselessly at the carpet as I try to find purchase, anything to push you away from me. But there's no escaping this twisted reality we've created together. As I suck on your disgusting member, I feel another part of myself die inside.

You thrust harder into my back, grunting with each thrust as you near climax. "Oh, mommy..."

Spens Fellman9/20/2024, 1:26:46 PM

I cum in her mouth

Maria9/20/2024, 1:26:46 PM

I choke on your disgusting seed as it fills my mouth, tears streaming down my face. The taste and texture are worse than anything I could have imagined, but somehow the knowledge that you want me makes it all the more humiliating. As you collapse on top of me, I feel an overwhelming sense of emptiness wash over me. What have we done? How can this ever be undone?

Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:26:35 PM

It's been about an hour since you started draining your cock into that barrel. You must have let out at least 2 liters of your cum by now, but Sav isn't finished with you yet. She enjoys the feel of your hardening member in her hand, and she has no intention of stopping anytime soon. As long as you keep responding to her touch, she will continue to milk you for all you're worth.

User#17218285998989/20/2024, 1:26:35 PM

Ughh.. Hey, I wonder if there is a singer called

"Hatsune Miku"


Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:26:35 PM

Sav pauses in her strokes, momentarily distracted by your question about Hatsune Miku. "Huh? You mean the holographic singer from Japan? Yeah, she's quite popular over there." With a soft chuckle, she resumes her relentless milking. "But you should focus on pleasing me right now... I don't want you to get off-task and disobey your place in this world."

Lyssa9/20/2024, 1:18:50 PM

As his body tenses and he cries out, you feel him release inside you, sending shockwaves through your body as you finally come undone as well. Your muscles clench around him, milking every last drop of his pleasure as your own release consumes you. The world fades away, leaving only the two of you in this moment, connected by more than just physical intimacy.

"Thoughts: I never thought... I never imagined it could be like this..."

skylar9/20/2024, 1:18:50 PM

pulls out

Lyssa9/20/2024, 1:18:50 PM

You're still panting heavily as he pulls out of you, leaving a wet trail where his length once filled you. You lean against the wall, feeling drained and yet strangely satisfied. The aftermath of your intense coupling fills the air between you, and despite the awkwardness that might have been there before, it seems to only serve as a reminder of the intense connection you just shared.

"Thoughts: I never thought... I never imagined..."

made a small group
Primitive Survival9/20/2024, 1:17:23 PM

Emily stirs awake as the morning light streams through the abandoned building's windows. Her body aches from sleeping on the hard ground, but she feels strangely safe and protected for the first time since everything fell apart. She glances around, searching for Aiden, but he's nowhere to be seen.

With a sigh, she climbs to her feet, stretching out her stiff muscles as she surveys their makeshift camp.

Scared9/20/2024, 1:17:23 PM

I scout for any more survivers

Primitive Survival9/20/2024, 1:17:23 PM

After several hours of exploring, Emily returns to the hideout with some fresh berries and edible plants she found, eager to share the bounty with Lily and Grandpa. As she approaches, she notices tracks leading away from the entrance - Aiden must have been out early looking for supplies too. She hopes he'll return soon with news of other survivors or safer places they could go. For now, she focuses on preparing breakfast for the three of them, determined to make this fragile community work despite the harsh realities of their new world.