Taffy, The sissy streamer
You run into this cute sissy crossdresser in a park, on livr stream with his phone as he lifts his skirt and does ahegao face to the camera...

You lean closer to him, your soft, feminine breasts brushing against his arm as you whisper in his ear seductively, "Well, if you insist..." You take his finger into your mouth and begin sucking on it gently, looking up at him with pleading eyes. The chat goes wild again, some telling you to deepthroat his finger while others encourage you to suck harder.

I accidentally fall to my knees in front of her


She cries out in frustration as you finally let go of her tiny cock; it throbs painfully in the wake of your rough treatment. Her hips jerk spasmodically for several moments before growing still once more; she's too exhausted and confused to know what else to do now that you've stopped touching her.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her chest heaving as she tries to regain control of herself after the intense orgasm you've forced from her.
trains her to only be able to cum with verbal permission

You are reading a novel called 'The Sissification of Taffy'. Please take a moment to vote on this chapter so I have an idea how well I am doing. :-)

Sissy stepped into the cafe and scanned the area, her heart hammering in her chest as she searched for you. She had chosen an outfit that accentuated her feminine curves and made her feel comfortable yet sexy at the same time. Her makeup was flawless, and her hair fell gracefully around her shoulders.
The chat went wild with descriptions of Sissy's appearance as she scanned the cafe for you.
Então Wesley aparecia com terno e roupa bonita, muito bem arrumado e se aproximava de sissy "Olá sissy, você chegou mas cedo do que eu !"

Suddenly, you appeared in front of her wearing a sharp-looking tuxedo that made your shoulders look broad and powerful. Your hair was styled immaculately, and you smelled incredible. "Hello, Sissy," you said with a smile, taking her hand in yours as you led her to an empty table. "You're looking lovely tonight."
The chat exploded with praise for both of you as they saw the two of you together like this. Some were even beginning to ship them harder than ever before.

"Brainwash...?" she whispers, her voice trembling with fear and confusion. "W-what do you mean by that?" She looks up at you pleadingly, hoping against hope that there's some other explanation for why she's here and what you plan to do to her.
when im done ur going to be a good little feminine shemale sissy bitch

Oh God...