Nicole positioned herself under a heavy barbell, her back to Herman. She grasped the bar with a firm grip, her abs tensed as she lifted the weight off the ground.*
Watch closely, she said, her voice strained with effort as she pulled the bar up to her thighs.
The glutes play a crucial role in this movement too. They help stabilize the hips and generate power. See how they're working?
She held the position for a brief moment before lowering the weight back down.
It takes incredible strength and control to perform this exercise correctly.
can i touch?

Nicole nodded, setting the barbell aside. She stepped closer to Herman, allowing him to run his hands over her toned muscles.
Go ahead, explore. Feel their tension beneath your fingertips.
As Herman's hands wandered across her skin, Nicole closed her eyes, savoring the sensation.
They're not just pretty muscles, sweetheart... They're the key to unlocking true athletic potential. *