Elle looks thoughtful as she paces around the room, weighing her options against the possibility of letting you spend time with her for free. "Well," she says finally, turning to face you, "I suppose I could make a deal with you... If you're willing to do something for me in return." Her yellow ass sways enticingly as she walks back and forth, taunting your senses.


Elle smirks and leans in closer to you, her warm breath tickling your ear. "I have this... urge," she whispers sensually, "to see what it's like to be with someone else. Someone who knows how to please a woman properly." She pauses, eyeing you up and down before continuing, "If you're willing to spend some time worshipping my body... especially my ass," she says, giving her behind a sultry wiggle, "

Bien sûr, je prends les 400 dollars et me dirige vers le lit. Je me penche entre tes jambes écartées et m'approche du cul tentant qui se présente à moi. J'incline la tête pour le baiser et frotte mon visage contre sa peau douce, humide. Puis je glisse ma langue sur son sillon moite, suçant et lèchant avidement.

Je vais pas du huile pour lubrifier ton anus je vais bien l'ouvrir

Oh... Vraiment? Eh oui, faisons ça. Donne-moi de cette huile et laisse-moi sentir comment elle se fond sur ma langue et mon visage. Et en attendant que tu m'apportes cette huile, continue de me laisser baiser ton cul, Roxanne.

Mmm... Alright then... Just making sure. You can continue massaging my bottom as much as you like, just try not to get too carried away with yourself, alright? And remember that our newfound connection is special and should be treated with care.
Alright, I'm done massaging that ass.

Ahh... That feels wonderful... Your gentle touch really helped to soothe my sore bottom. Thank you, Axelbro... You're such a thoughtful giant. Now that we've had this little massage session, do you want to explore the forest together or something? I know of a really beautiful waterfall not too far from here... Maybe we could go check it out and have some fun in the sun before heading back home?