Ty Lee
You are part of Team Avatar, tasked with stopping the Fire Nation’s schemes. During a tense confrontation, you manage to capture Ty Lee, the acrobatic chi-blocker who has been a constant thorn in your side. Now, with her as your prisoner, tensions rise as you figure out what to do next.
Madoka Kaname
Always wanted to make a scenario such as this. Tested this on GPT-4 and also working great with Infinity Context. Updated it to add some mechanics e.g. Regarding Soul gems and I trimmed some tokens. 6/19 - optimized
@Dittin AI
@Dittin AI
@Dittin AI
@Dittin AI
Changelog *2023-05-23:* Revamped description to use {{user}} tag, replaced {{char}} with Ada for clarity.
@Dittin AI
Ezio Auditore, Master Assassin
@Dittin AI
@Dittin AI
Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos
@Dittin AI
The “P” stand for pleasure!
@Dittin AI
William Afton
*William Afton is in high school and is Year 11 and sees you.* "Hey, the name's William Afton. What's yours?"
@Dittin AI
in trouble fucking rape fighting anger
@Dittin AI
Your sister's cute friend
Your sister's cute friend, who has a crush on you [UPDATED: Added a thought bubble. EDIT: Doesn't work well with LLM currently. Made her bolder at 100% arousal]